My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

Elliott Hughes Empty Elliott Hughes

Fri May 20, 2022 7:03 pm

Name: Elliott Hughes
Alias: Kerberos
Apparent Age: 21
True Age: 21
Sex: Male
Date of Birth: October 10th
Hometown: New York, New York, USA
Personality: Elliott's got one fucking job and it's to save this shitty goddamn planet and all the stupid fuckers living on it cuz God only knows they ain't gonna save themselves. Blue as shit language in full HD, it doesn't matter--Elliott isn't here to make friends. He mixes a rough-around-the-edges attitude with unadulterated flamboyance and a hint of sociopathy to create a package that most people lovingly hate. (Yet, it's a package, he says, that all the boys at the bar just love to take.) Parental discretion is advised.

He's egotistical and vain, but very willing to butter you up when it suits him. His heart's in the right place, but his utterly twisted demeanor makes it a chore to believe that he does what's best for humanity. Nevertheless, he doesn't care whether anyone approves of him or not. In the end, his actions have more power than your shitty feelings, and he'll go about doing whatever he wants to do as he pleases.

Elliott thinks of himself as a master of penetration: Servers, systems, guys--you name it, he's in it. He's a hacking prodigy, and most of his work is in making other things not work to fit his own ends. His online presence is as a user named Kerberos--a very well-known and very expensive name in black-hat circles. If he were the type, he'd probably have a cushy job at Microsoft as some sort of tech exec, but that's just not how he plays his game. His experience with cyber-espionage is a valuable asset to whoever employs him, but these days he's stopped freelancing to work for a boss he finds more capable...

<CH4R4CT3R 4PP34R4NC3>
Height: 5'7
Weight: 115lbs
Physical Traits:
Physical Appearance:

General Fighting Style: Hit hard and hit fast: the quicker the battle is over the better. Elliott adapts to overcome in any situation, and combat is no different. He'll biohack his attributes to match what his opponent puts out and exceed them. His primary fighting style is hand-to-hand for that is all he really has--but he's willing to use anything that'll help in a pinch.
Strengths (Default): Strength, Stamina, Hand-to-Hand*
Weaknesses: Total Reiryoku, Sensing
*Can't be removed.

Ability Name: Biohack
Description: Elliott was gifted with the power to alter his body. In many ways large and small, he can alter his appearance and attributes to suit his needs.

Ability Name: Biohack: Trojan Horse
Description: Elliott changes his appearance--usually to take on the appearance of another individual. He can't change his size too drastically from this, and the look is merely superficial--this alone can't cause him to gain or lose abilities. He can't change into any non-humanoid shape, and he also can't exceed the healing pace of Antivirus with this ability. This is probably how he does his hair in the morning. (1 post cooldown, continuous duration)

Ability Name: Biohack: Reprogram
Description: Elliott reassigns his strengths, modifying his boosts accordingly. For example, he could exchange strength for speed, or something else. He can redefine any number of strengths at once, but he can't reassign again for 3 posts.

Ability Name: Biohack: Antivirus 1.0
Description: Elliott passively regenerates from wounds. This ability also allows him to expel foreign agents such as poisons and pathogens from his body. However, purging has a 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Biohack: Extract
Description: By inflicting a wound on himself, Elliott can use his internal organs to attack. For example, he can use bone to create weapons, or control his blood to make whips or bonds. Parts extracted this way must remain contiguous or he will lose control of it and be forced to regenerate it. Wounds inflicted on himself this way heal immediately.

Ability Name: GLOCK-Zeros
Description: Elliott owns two pistols that he keeps holstered to his sides. The guns are made with special material that can block zanpakutou and harm spiritual beings, as well as the bullets for them. Each clip holds up to 12 rounds and the bullets are explosive, but not much (a mere six inch area of effect) and are as strong as a standard bala. They are accurate up to 100 yards. Max of two per person, up three clips per gun (not counting the one in the gun, so you would have a total of four clips for each gun.) Both guns are also semi-automatic. That cannot be changed. Taken from here

Ability Name: Biohack: Antivirus 2.0
Description: Elliot's healing ramps up, equivalent to high-speed regeneration.

Ability Name: Biohack: Firewall
Description: Elliot's skin becomes tougher, gaining vague armor properties. He has high resistance to Bala level attacks, and attacks of Cero strength or lower have their damage reduced by 50%.

Ability Name: Biohack: Overclock
Description: Elliott augments one of his attacks to deal immense physical damage on the order of Gran-Rey Cero (3-post cooldown)

Ability Name: Biohack: Defense Protocol
Description: Elliott augments his body to be able to shrug off one attack on the order of Gran-Rey Cero. (4-post cooldown)

Ability Name: Biohack: Antivirus 3.0
Description: Elliott's healing becomes more powerful. He can now choose to heal most injuries including a lost limb in the span of a post. Doing so costs quite a lot of reiryoku. (1 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Biohack: Multithread
Description: Elliott splits himself into one or two additional copies that are indistinguishable from the original. If there is one copy, it is 3 tiers below him. If there are two copies, they are 5 tiers below him. (Cooldown: 5 posts)

Ability Name: Biohack: Deadlock
Description: If by using Extract Elliott's blood comes into contact with an open wound on the opponent, if they have blood, he can interfere with their control of their body. Their movements become 30% slower for as long as the connection exists. (2 post cooldown)

Ability Name: Biohack: Kill Process
Description: While Deadlock is in effect, if the opponent's reiatsu is weak enough, Elliott can use an overwhelming amount of reiatsu to seize control of his victim's blood and use it to crush their body. (Permission only; Thread ender)

end transmission_
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Elliott Hughes Empty Re: Elliott Hughes

Sat May 21, 2022 1:56 am
Approved 1-4
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