My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-05

Aoi [Phantom] Empty Aoi [Phantom]

Sat Dec 18, 2021 3:27 am


Name: Aoi
Alias: Phantom
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Personality: Aoi is a quiet and reserved young woman, though polite enough once someone gets to know her. Often more engrossed in research, be it out in the field to continue with whatever lead she is currently chasing to back in the labratory of the agency she works for. This tends to have her spend most of her time in seclusion and often this is what she would prefer. The limelight is never something Aoi would want and she goes out of her way to avoid public scrutiny whenever possible.

Despite this, when she does make a friend she tends to keep them close and generally confides in only a few people at any one time. It is just as likely for her to simply stay alone rather than bring others into her shenanigans.

In her spare time, Aoi participates in all forms of art. From painting, scuplting to dancing and music, as well asother creative persuits. Her home tends to be full of these works, and some that might not be of her own doing. While she does enjoy the arts, science is just as great a passion, being quite a clever young woman she does her best to assist in any research going on.

Alignment: Neutral Good
Blood Type: A-
Birthplace: Musutafu
Current Place of Residence: Musutafu


Character Appearance:

Height: 5'3''
Weight: 105lbs


Quirk Name: Intangiability
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: While not a flashy quirk by any means, Aoi has the ability to make her body and anything she is touching intangiable. Meaning, anything under the effect of her quirk will be uneffected by external forces until she deactivates the quirk. Allowing for her and anything she touches to move effortlessly through physical objects.

This can be used offensively, by tricking opponents into getting stuck in objects. While they aren't going to be harmed directly by this, as any objects that cease to be intangiable while overlapping will simply be stuck in place until either they break through the material or are released. While not something she does often, Aoi can use it directly to cause damage, bypassing defensive abilities to attack from within instead.

Quirk Drawbacks: The quirk itself is mentally exhausting to use, requiring Aoi the be consious of exactly what parts of her body are tangiable at any given time. Should she overuse it, there is all the possibility the effects can fail early. If this should happen while she is within another object she would no longer be able to breathe.


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: N/A

History: Originally, Aoi grew up in one of the various orphanages within Japan, after her parents left her due to being unable to care for a child at the time. Growing up in poverty, a young Aoi would turn to crime to help herself and her friends, her ability to effortlessly move through walls giving her quite the advantage as a thief. This went on for years, starting with small time heists to eventually move on to more elaborate plans.

This went on for years, until eventually she was outsmarted by a pro-hero who caught her in the act. Rather than take her to in to the authorities though, she was offered a job. Taking this over prison, Aoi became a 'hero' within the man's agency. Finding the steady work and new resources to be a far better option.

Side Notes:
RP Sample:
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Aoi [Phantom] Empty Re: Aoi [Phantom]

Sun Dec 19, 2021 12:08 am
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