My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-12-04

Graven the Redeemed Empty Graven the Redeemed

Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:42 pm


Name: Graven Fel
Real Age: ??? (Appears in early twenties)
Gender: Male
Personality: Graven, after his purification and return to the World of the Living, has gone through a massive change in personality. In reality, however, this is a return to his original outlook on life, the one he had when he was alive. This was, of course, thousands of years ago, but he doesn't necessarily mind going back to that.

Graven is a rather happy-go-lucky person, one who would seem perfectly at home sleeping under a tree somewhere. His insight into the hearts of those around him is nearly impeccable, and he almost always has a smile on his face. This doesn't mean he can't be serious, but he'd much rather joke around with the people around him than be a stick in the mud.

When it comes to battle, the former Arrancar is still seen smiling, although this time it has taken on an edge, along with a prayer being uttered beneath his breath. He isn't one to prolong a fight, but he'd be damned if he didn't enjoy it. He always has, and he always will.

While he doesn't necessarily remember too much about his time as a Hollow, he remembers faces and names of those who he was close to, along with a few moments attached to each. Whenever he has a flashback, or when one is close, he'll begin to have a killer headache, and it gets pretty annoying.

All in all, Graven is a rather flirtatious and infectiously-cheerful person with a twisted sense of humor, a far cry from the lazy old wolf he used to be.


Height: 6'1.6"
Weight: 172lbs
Physical Traits:


Strengths: Speed, Strength, Swordsmanship
Weaknesses: Stamina, Spiritual Sensing

Ability Name: Transcendent Inheritance
Ability Description: Due to his past as the original Arrancar, Graven has retained much of his original strength after his death. This allows him to have a passive bonus to both Reiatsu and Reiryoku, depending on his his release state. x4 in Base, x5 in Letz Stil, and x6 in Vollstandig. Unfortunately, this also forces him to be incapable of sensing anyone spiritually.

Ability Name: Eyes of Odin
Ability Description: A gift from the All-Father in life, a man known to many as the Soul King, Graven has awakened his "vision" once more. When active, his blue eyes begin glowing and Graven gains the ability to see fate. In combat, he is capable of using this ability to manipulate occurrences in one of two ways. This ability has a four post cooldown, shared by all options possible.

1) Graven is able to maneuver his way through the weft and flow of fate to regenerate 5% of his reiryoku.
2) Graven is able to avoid a single attack completely by manipulating his own location.


Quincy Sword: Graven the Redeemed A7-BE355

Quincy Powers: Heilig Pfeil, Hirenkyaku, Licht Regen, Ransotengai, Blut Arterie

Quincy Items: Improved Sanrei Glove

Boosts: x2 to all stats.


New Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku Augmentation, Charged Spirit Arrow

Ability Name: Blood Manipulation
Ability Description: When released, Graven is able to manipulate his own blood, along with the blood created by this effect. Solidifying, moulding, and shaping this blood is child’s play, along with enhancing attack or defensive power as he sees fit. Using this technique, Graven can reshape and control both his own reiatsu and any blood upon the battlefield to use against his opponent. Being hit by the blood itself causes damage similar to an average Cero, allowing him to use this technique as both an effective weapon and a powerful defense. Upon release, he generates around 30 gallons of blood, and gains 5 gallons per post afterwards.

Ability Name: Enhanced High-Speed Regeneration
Ability Description: Graven has discovered how to hasten his natural regeneration recreating the regeneration he previously had as an Arrancar with his blood manipulation, shaving a significant period of time off of the healing process. This works one post faster than normal, meaning most injuries will be healed in less than a post, medium injuries will be healed in a post, and the most severe of injuries, such as limb loss, take two posts.

Boosts: x3 to all stats.


New Quincy Powers: Flight

Ability Name: Wolf Hunt
Ability Description: Charging his energy into his sword, Graven can fire it off in a focused wave following the arc of his swing for up to 20 meters dealing Cero-level damage to everything it hits. He can further charge this ability to instead deal Gran Rey Cero damage, but it gains a 3 post cooldown when used this way, otherwise it can be used once per post.

Ability Name: Odens Jakt (Hunt of Odin)
Ability Description: Graven calls upon the power of the Allfather to summon a number of wolves to his side, each one white and giving off a ghostly-blue reiatsu. On his command, they each charge and latch on to anyone within 200 meters other than himself, exploding for two Forbidden Kidou's worth of damage. If one of their targets begins to run, they will chase the enemy for half a kilometer at speeds equal to Graven's own before exploding. When used this way, Graven is immediately placed into a Fatigued state and rendered unable to fight.

Alternatively, he can summon one wolf, who will chase a designated target as stated above before exploding for damage equal to Hado #99. This method has a cooldown of 7 posts

Boosts: x4 to all stats.


History: We all know the story of Graven Fel, the Lost King of Hueco Mundo. The strongest Hollow to have ever lived. A once great warrior who began to lose his mind after millennia of fighting against the madness inherent in all Hollows.

What many don't know is what he was meant to be, and who he used to be.

Graven was born in ancient Scandinavia, with eyes as blue as the sky. He was hailed as a child of Odin, the All-Father, and was taught to fight as soon as he could walk. Otherwise, he was taught how to read and write. He was taught the ways of his people, their customs and religions. He was told of his destiny.

One night, while he slept, a vision came to him. A vision of Odin gifting a newborn with his own sight, a vision of a white wolf stalking him, hungry and yearning for something he could never have. An omen of doom, one of near endless suffering caused by a blizzard.

Naturally, the boy forgot all about it the next morning.

Fast forward several years. There was a massive battle, one in which Graven fought tooth and nail. He had been given the title Hildolfr, Battle-Wolf, for a reason, and he would be damned if he lost that right. He was a whirlwind of steel and blue eyes, eyes that always searched the future. Eyes that saw a massive wall of snow coming within the hour.

When the faction he fought for stood victorious, the young man walked off to find a river to clean himself. On his way, he saw the tracks of a deer, and his own hunger rang out in defiance of his original purpose. Tracking the deer through the woods was easy enough, as was shooting it with the bow he kept slung across his back. Skinning it quickly, as the cold wind heralded a blizzard soon, the indomitable warrior was unable to tell that he had attracted company until it was too late.

A massive wolf tackled him, sinking it's teeth into his shoulder before he was capable of tossing it off. Drawing his longseax, Graven rushed the beast and killed it before it could do much more than another swift bite to the neck. Feeling his neck injury, he was relieved to find that it wasn't too deep. That is, of course, until it began spraying from a nicked artery.

Compressing the wound as he stumbled off into the oncoming blizzard, Graven remembered one of his first predictions, one that was all but forgotten in the wake of his induction as a warrior-shaman. An omen that foretold his end in a blizzard, a death that spawned from loneliness. A warning to never cast aside those around him.

As his eyes closed and his vision faded, Graven swore he heard the All-Father himself weeping at what should have been.

Side Notes: gonna be fun.
Roleplay Sample: This be Graven.

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