My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

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Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:30 pm
Natasha had made extra sure that the students had all received an orientation letter with a time and date attached. It seemed that the majority of the students had shown up precisely when they were supposed to with a few stragglers showing up as time came closer to her introductory statement. Of course, she had garnered a wide variety of looks and gasps from the bodies below her off the stage. Honestly, they seemed to be more in awe of her than she had previously been worried about. Was she really so interesting to them that their whispers were growing louder than before?

A sigh would be released from her mouth as she took steps closer to the microphone atop the podium. Her eyes would scan the room as she would tap the microphone once to get their attention on her. ”Good Morning. Welcome to U.A. High’s orientation! I am U.A.’s new headmistress, Natasha “Visionary” Lockhart. I look forward to working with every, single one of you and know that my office will always be open to you all. Now that that’s over with, I would like to introduce someone very special to start this year off right. Please give a warm welcome to Japan’s Number One Hero and my mentor, Ika “Hellfire” Mazi!”

Natasha was certainly able to put on a show and host her own orientation meeting like the wheel of fortune. However, she wasn’t nearly happy about it and she was definitely quite nervous. Children were not in her list of skills and she was a I’ll rather enraged by the trick Ika had pulled against her. Although, there was something certainly pulling at her chest and she could have swore that her adrenaline was pumping. Perhaps, she would have time to get used to it.
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Join date : 2019-10-28

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Tue Feb 14, 2023 8:23 pm
Being the number one hero carried a lot of responsibilities that Ika wasn't a particularly big fan of, and this just happened to be one of them. He took a deep breath, stepping forward as the trumpets blared and the excited murmurs of the gathered crowd came to life beneath him. His appearance had been tipped off to the press in advance seemingly, and as he glanced down from the podium the glint of camera flash filled his eyes with such violent enthusiasm that he almost stepped back, but he knew he couldn't. He had to stand firm and pretend he didn't notice, any glimpse of humanity he gave the media would be ran into the ground with glee. When Ika became the number one hero, he had sacrificed his right to a happy life and indeed to his own humanity. He was a figure now, not a man, and he had no choice but to keep it that way.

Ika would smile cheerfully towards the crowd, waving while forming the words "Welcome to UA" in big bold letters over his head. The flames would stay lit long enough for the photographers to do their work, and then he would let it fade into the backdrop. "Thank you Natasha, as I'm sure many of you are aware the previous headmaster here has, regretably, retired and moved on from her tenure here at UA. Thankfully, they called my office and I worked out a perfect replacement. Natasha Lockhart could easily be forming her own Hero branch right now as the number 3 hero in the world, but she is instead offering her services to you wonderful students so that you may one day take our place. Please, give her the same respect you would offer me and then more if you can manage it, she is truly something special."

Ika would allow the crowd to absorb the moment, letting his words linger in the air..


Accelerator didn't really give a shit about the theatrics of it all. He was there out of compulsion, leering with a cold and bored expression on his face as the pageantry began to take hold. "God just get on with it.."
Edgar Ferrous
Edgar Ferrous
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Join date : 2023-02-09

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Wed Feb 15, 2023 2:01 pm
Edgar would watch Natasha give her orientation then Ika followed with his own as he had a smile on his face, not only was he happy to be at UA but he felt like he's representing his home at this point as he came to UA in Japan from the United States. He quietly listened as there was a moment of theatrics with Ika creating the "Welcome to UA" sign from flames, Edgar flinched slightly when he saw the flames though not out of fear but more of surprise since he was not expecting that.
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Thu Feb 16, 2023 9:54 am
Kamiko sat closer to the front, in fact she was sitting beside a representative in the place of parents. So she was mostly sulking at once again being left to her own devices, or more likely under the careful eye of some poor intern who had been stuck on daughter patrol instead of going out to actually do hero work. It was frustruating to be sure, but Kamiko was determined to get through today and finally move on toward her own path. Though for now, she just had to wait and listen. She had met the two on stage before, with how closely some of the top heroes would collaborate it was inevitable really.

She didn't know either of them well enough to really make a judgement though, there was something off about that Kamiko just couldn't put her finger on. The fire display was probably a little overboard, but it was something exciting at least. The younger audience members seemed to be enjoying it, so there wasn't a point in getting annoyed. At least until another hero decided to make an appearance. In dramatic fashion, a localized rainstorm formed to rain not only on Ika's parade and his little fireworks display, but the man himself as well. The sharply dressed Tempest floated gracedfully down, parting the clouds to clear up the day.

Kamiko was mortified of course, but Tempest didn't really seem to care. "Sorry I'm late! Cute light show." She chuckled, walking aside from the stage to quickly take her place in the front row, where she was supposed to have been the whole time. While her antics drew the curious gaze of the crowd, Tempest quickly scouted out her little sister to catch her gaze before smirking and turning back to the podium. The clouds had vanished almost as quickly as they had arrived, in fact the day just seemed to grow to a nice sunny afternoon.
4th Division
4th Division
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Age : 37

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 1:17 pm
Midori was quietly sitting in one of the chairs in the Gymnasium. She was slightly nervous because this orientation differed from her private school. U.A. High School had a different quality of teachers and staff compared to her parent's private school. She slightly blinked, looked up, and was entirely shocked to see the #1 Hero, Ika "Hellfire" Mazi, and her overall favorite hero Natasha "Visionary" Lockhart, standing on the stage. The orientation was ultimately a great success compared to her private school. 'Oh my god! Ms. Lockheart is at this school. Are you kidding me? I didn't know it would be possible to meet my role model at U.A. High School!' Midori thought, super excited and stunned.

Midori was impressed when Ika Mazi would use his signature hellfire to create a sign of Welcome to U.A. She was even more shocked that Ms. Lockheart chose to be the Headmistress of U.A. High School, which caused her to be stunned. She always wondered why her mother even mentioned Natasha in the first place unless her parents knew of Natasha "Visionary" Lockheart choosing the headmistress life over creating her hero agency. "Mom, did you know this would be the case?" Midori quietly spoke, only loud enough for Mio to hear her. She didn't quite understand how Kagome Nishida would know Natasha would be here, but the Wind Hero Society is an essential part of Hero Society. It caused her to give more credence to her parent's work as Heroes and that they worked their asses off to have a private hero school even if they had no time to raise her. "I should probably pay more attention to my mother, Kagome's instructions than I do. Hehe." Midori said, placing her hand on the back of her head and feeling a bit like a dunce. She gets super excited, and this was a super exciting time at U.A. High School and meeting her idol.

Midori hoped all the other students in her class would be as lovely as Mio. She enjoyed all the things that the both of them shared at the Cafeteria before coming here. Midori has a different attitude than most overly wealthy hero families, which is odd. Still, she learned how to act appropriately, be friendly and show no disrespect to no one from her maid, Koge Nakahara, who raised her. Midori was being what it is to be a Wind Priestess, a proper hero of the winds.
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Join date : 2019-12-04

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Thu Feb 16, 2023 10:26 pm
The show put on by the Number One Hero and his protégé, the Number Three who is now apparently the new Principal of UA - or Headmistress, whichever they preferred - was admittedly entertaining, but that didn't stop one black-haired student from yawning, his head dipping before he righted it. Okami Minamoto was wearing the standard UA uniform clean, pressed, and in a manner that was considered to be generally acceptable by the cousin that had taken him in probably six years ago or so, but that didn't change the subtle bags under his eyes from the restless night the evening before.

Nightmares were a bitch.

Closing his eyes briefly, he took in a deep breath and smiled at the amount of energy in the air. It wasn't that given off by the crowd, nervous and excited in equal measure, nor was it the utterly focused and massive amount given off by Hellfire's little display. It was the raw, unbridled energy that flowed through the world, tending to gravitate towards places like this. It was wonderful, and even without taking it in like he usually would, it woke him up like the best cup of coffee just to feel what UA was like. Looking around, his grey-silver eyes furrowed slightly as he watched one of the other top heroes, Tempest, cause a very brief rainstorm and interrupt the proceedings before settling down. It was impolite, and if he'd ever done something like that then his dear cousin would have murdered him for the slight. Family honor, blah blah blah, heir to his father, weight of everything. It isn't like family honor stopped him from bouncing around foster homes for years, or stopped his gold digger of a mother from killing dear old Dad.

Sighing, his previous evening's horrible dreams invading his head like the memories they were, he shook himself off and decided to at least TRY and pay more attention.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

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Fri Feb 17, 2023 5:38 pm
Natasha would watch the many faces of the next generation of heroes before her. They all seemed to have a relatively positive reaction in one way or another to Ika’s antics. Of course, she had also noticed that their smiles were the brightest thing in the room at the time. Clouds had rolled in covering the light from the sun as the rays ceased to shine into the windows. Natasha would frown slightly before she would begin to make an umbrella hat upon her head. Just when she expected an unwelcome entrance, Tempest would find her way into the room to literally rain on the orientation. She had caused quite a ruckus leaving Natasha glaring on her direction as she sat down. How rude.

Mio had been half awake in her seat next to Midori, but her friend had managed to stir her awake. The headphones on Mio’s head sliding prompting a jerking motion to catch them before they could release themselves from her head. A deep breath of relief would have her looking up to see the orientation begin. The number 3 hero was standing right before them as Mio would stare with sparkling eyes. She couldn’t help but be excused, especially as the girl behind her would grab her by the shoulders. “Do you know who that is?! That’s THE Visonary! She’s amazing!” Mio could only let out a small squeak as the number 1 hero took to the stage after her. “AMAZING! It’s HELLFIRE! I CANT BELIEVE THIS!” At this point, Mio was beginning to turn to mush from the violent stirring of her body from this girl behind her. “Ok. Ok. But who are you?” Her Words We’re far too soft to be acknowledged as the girl finally let go. Mio would turn to look at her in her dazed state only to see blue or green or some kind of hair behind swirling eyes.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

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Sat Feb 18, 2023 10:50 am
Ika glared at Tempest, the number two hero as she did her best to rain on Ika's parade but it would be to no avail. A small trickle of sweat would cross his brow, gently descending down his face as he added more heat to his flames, evaporating the water before it could come into contact with his little fire display. Before she got any new, hip ideas he would opt to end the display and return to speaking to the now fully assembled crowd. "Always nice to see Tempest come out and add some comedy to the show, I just hope next time she shows up with her clown nose so the message can be relayed a bit clearer."

Ika would smile slightly at the children in the crowd before continuing on. "I am sure many of you are excited to start your journies and fulfill your hopes of one day joining a hero agency such as my own, but these coming years will be invaluable towards you finding your identity as a hero. Use them wisely, do not think of them as a bridge, a path to herodom. Believe that you are already a hero in training, and this is the first step of many towards growth."

Ika would smile again, giving the crowd a moment before continuing on. "If you are here, you were selected as a top-notch future hero. UA doesn't take slackers, and they don't take anyone who doesn't possess the utmost potential. If you look in the crowd you will see representatives from every hero agency in Japan, and they're all here to get their first looks at you students. From here on out, every moment you spend in the public eye will be rigorously evaluated, momentary lapses in judgement should be kept to a minimum in light of the full knowledge that they are being judged. You represent not only yourselves with how you act, but the university as well. Act like it, and you can have a wonderful and prosperous stay here at the academy."

Ika would continue looking out over the crowd, his eyes dancing through the new collection of heroes who would seek to replace him. "The world always needs heroes, but now as villains become increasingly more bold in their attacks.. We need you students more than ever. I want to thank you for choosing this life in spite of it's hardships, and I, Ika Mazi, the number one hero, would like to personally welcome you to the academy I used to call home. I can't wait to see you guys on the school grounds."

Ika would throw his fist into the air, allowing the assembled media to take their pictures as music from the assembled orchestra blared in the background. He would smile, not giving any indication that it was awkward or uncomfortable to do so, not letting anyone here in on even a moment of vulnerability. Over his head the word "Welcome" was spelled in flames that were burning far more brightly than before, an obvious deterrent from any shenaigans the clown-nosed Tempest might opt to pursue. She could go practice her comedy routine on her own time, or as some would call it, her hero career.
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