My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

Saza Horobi Empty Saza Horobi

Mon Jan 18, 2021 8:27 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Name: Saza Horobi (滅日細, Horobi Saza)
Clan: Horobi Clan
Alias/Bingo book name: Nezumi Sennin, Kumo no Neppuu (雲の熱風, Cloud’s Hot Wind)
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Saza is tough as nails, growing up to resist the beating constantly given by the desert. Born to the nomadic Horobi clan, he’s familiar with what it takes to survive in a brutal environment. The Horobi clan values resilience over everything, and Saza is very emotionally stable. Personable and amicable, he’s not afraid to have a good time and socialize.

Saza’s got a bit of a Napoleon complex--despite the fact that even his name suggests his size. (Saza, 細 = little; small) His height being made fun of is his ultimate pet peeve. He hopes that his achievements, now and later, make him bigger than what his appearance would suggest. Those who treat him like a kid are not in for a good time.

Saza loves to indulge in vice, taking advantage of the fact that as a jonin, he is “teeeechnically” an adult. He keeps a pipe and a supply of tobacco of uncertain size sealed away in a scroll that he keeps on his person whenever. He drinks despite both being a minor and a complete lightweight. When shitfaced, any emotional stability goes out of the window, and he will go jonin on anyone in the bar who calls him a midget.
Loyalty: Kumogakure
Rank: Jounin
Occupation: N/A
Village: Kumogakure

Physical Profile

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 100 lbs
Physical Traits: Maybe he was destined to be the mouse summoner because of his height...

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Mobility is the name of the game. Described as Kumo’s slipperiest shinobi, Saza makes a point to minimize damage in any circumstance. Saza has a plethora of different jutsu types under his command, ranging from Scorch release, puppetry, mouse summons, sage jutsu, weapons, and sealing. He is fast and agile in combat, utilizing his Dynamic Air Skate jutsu to enhance his mobility, especially on desert sand.

He prefers to leverage his mobility for hit and run attacks. Staying in range of the enemy is asking for trouble, so he will skirt their range and pepper them with whatever technique works from where he’s at. His Scorch release is excellent at midrange, so he frequently uses that to harass his opponents. He is excellent at large scale combat as well, as his mobility grants him unparalleled access to strategic locations in the battlefield.

Saza uses a hook for his primary weapon. The hook is made of chakra-conductive material and he uses it to conduct Scorch chakra (Fire + Wind) to create a superheated cutting effect. He also uses Fuuinjutsu for a variety of utility applications. From storing weapons and puppets to sealing off a foe’s chakra, the fuuinjutsu he knows is widely applicable.

Elemental Affinity: Fire (primary), Wind (primary), Scorch
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Hook, senbon, poison, puppets

Past Profile

History: Saza is the son of the head of the Horobi clan, Akatsugu Horobi. As nomads from the desert, the Horobi clan is among the foremost in Kumo’s Fuuinjutsu users, and they also are one of several clans that possess the Scorch release bloodline. Inheriting all of this strongly, he quickly distinguished himself in the Shinobi force, rising to Jounin rank in a few years after graduating.

He acquired the mouse contract as inheritance from his jounin sensei. He wishes to introduce one of his students to the mouse contract at some point.
Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Saza Horobi Empty Re: Saza Horobi

Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:12 am
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