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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Kaguya Clan Empty Kaguya Clan

Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:11 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Kaguya
Clan Symbol:
Age of Clan: since the first shinobi walked
Village of Origin:Kiri
Kekkai Genkai:Shikotsumyaku

Kekki Genkai

Kekkai Genkai Description:manipulation of their entire bone structure
Kekkai Genkai Speciality Jutus and Techniques:
Jutsu Name: Yanagi no Mai (Dance of the Willow)
Jutsu Type: Tai
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description:  The first of the Kaguya's five dances. To perform this dance, the Kaguya grows several long bone blades from their body for use as weapons. There isn't any set form for the Dance of the Willow. Just like a willow that is shaken by the wind, the opponents attacks are simply parried and countered. Uncharacteristic of a willow, the hardened bones puncture and damage the opponents body.

Though they primarily use two blades grown from the palms of their hands, he also uses several secondary bones grown from their elbows, knees, and shoulders. This dance form is incredibly acrobatic, using spins, charges, and long sweeping slashes to make the strikes more effective and to evade opponents' counter strikes. Users can also extend his bones to attack his opponents without having to adjust their own movement.

Jutsu Name: Teshi Sendan (Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets)
Jutsu Type: Tai
Jutsu Element: Bones
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: Hardened bones from the fingertips are shot at the enemy, with a spinning motion added to the skeletal bullets. A direct hit will excavate skin, flesh, and bone. Since the bones of the user can be regenerated, the rate of fire from the user's arsenal is limitless.

Jutsu Name: Tsubaki no Mai (Dance of the Camelia)
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu/Taijutsu/Kekkei Genkai
Jutsu Element: Bones
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The second of the Kaguya's five dances, which they perform by modifying one of their upper arm bones to create a short, bone-hilted bone sword. They then stabs chaotically and continuously which causes the opponents eyes to lag behind. The speed resembles afterimages, the hand with the sword is again and again visibly projected. And yet the movement is irregular which makes it difficult to predict. With each thrust the sword's track is very capable of changing. The attack comes from unexpected angles, causing a person's delicate defense reaction to come off guard. Though one can have great reflexes and moving ability, it is next to impossible to keep dodging the fierce attack until it stops. Thus if one showed an opening, a finishing blow will be dealt by one stab in an instant.

Jutsu Name: Karamatsu no Mai (Dance of the Larch)
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The third of Kaguya's five dances. From the body, several bones pop out all at once. The stronger the opponent's physical attack, the more powerful the counter attack is, dealing severe damage. The sudden defence, combined with the needle-like bones high killing ability, makes way for a technique which has great potential for battle. The bones can be used to block or trap an opponent's taijutsu strikes. In addition to being an unwelcome surprise for opponents, it makes him basically untouchable at close range. If an opponent would start to get close to him, he would begin to spin rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas.

Jutsu Name: Tessenka no Mai: Tsuru (Dance of the Clematis: Vine)
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu/Taijutsu/Kekkei Genkai
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description:  The first half of the Kaguya's fourth dance. With the Shikotsumyaku, the user can modify and pull out their own spinal column, and regrow a new spine to replace it. Between the bones in the gaps there is cartilage that allows flexibility, which makes it possible to bend it as if it were a whip. With average estimation skills along with the impossible range it stretches, dodging is difficult. The protrusions on the vertebrae are modified to make them stronger and sharper. Users tend to follow up with Dance of the Clematis: Flower to pierce the immobilized opponent.

Jutsu Name: Tessenka no Mai: Hana (Dance of the Clematis: Flower)
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu/Taijutsu/Kekkei Genkai
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Description: This technique is the second half of the Kaguya's fourth dance. To obtain the strongest-absolute hardest weapon, a considerable amount of chakra is needed. Enhanced to the highest degree-maximum solidity due to the dense compression, the bone weapon is exceedingly large flowering bone spear that engulfs one of the users arms (normally right). Since its destructive power has no meaning if the blow does not connect with the opponent, The user first tends to bind the opponent with a "vine".

Jutsu Name: Sawarabi no Mai
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Kekkei Genkai
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Description: The last of the Kaguya's five dances where countless bones rise from underground — which can be as many as thousands, up to the tens of thousands. The blades of bone indiscriminately slaughter whoever stands on the ground's surface within a 50M Diameter. Furthermore, if this fails to bring down his foe, the user can become one with the bones, which in turn can allow him to attack an enemy unnoticed.

Clan History


The Kaguya clan were descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, and selective few, namely Kimimaro, possessed the kekkei genkai Shikotsumyaku from Kaguya's original bone-manipulating ability.This ability was so powerful that even the war-loving Kaguya clan feared it.

The clan was noted for being very savage and battle-hungry, having no tactics when entering battle that they initiated simply to show off their ferocity. It was due to this failed attempt to prove themselves that the entire clan was killed off when attacking Kirigakure, a select few that did surrender or fight along kiri has managed to survive but tend to keep to themselves
Current Head of clan: unknown
Members: Keiko Kaguya - of the main bloodline
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Kaguya Clan Empty Re: Kaguya Clan

Sun Feb 21, 2021 5:11 pm
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