My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Nakita Aracne = The Evolving Spider Empty Nakita Aracne = The Evolving Spider

Mon Jan 18, 2021 11:53 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Nakita Aracne
Alias/Bingo book name:
Personality: Nakita is a sweet girl at first glance, Seems to not have a care in the world. She wants a peaceful world and tends to somehow make people think and act on whims to taking care and protecting her. This is all part of her plans. She is a manipulator and acts in the way she needs to get in the minds of her prey, teammates etc. In truth, She holds herself in very high regard as if she is on a throne and everyone else is below her in every way shape and form. She enjoys pain and enjoy sharing it with others. she enjoys the rush and feeling of torture and torturing others. She enjoys messing with pawn and tossing them away if she finds a new toy. She gets bored easily and if you become a pawn you want to keep her interested to not have her get you killed by either her hand or someone elses
Loyalty: Her beloved Ori-Senpai, The leaf, Herself
Rank: Genin
Village: Leaf

Physical Profile

Height: 5,1
Weight: 110
Physical Traits:

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style:Nakita enjoys being in the backline but also in the front to savor the love of pain for both her and her opponent.
Elemental Affinity: She can access all the elements in a later stage but her primary right now is earth.
Weapons/Ninja Tools:poisons, kunai etc.

Past Profile

History:Not much is known about Nakita because she tends to keep her origins to herself. Nakita is known as a only child of a odd elderly woman but in truth she has several hundred siblings and a hidden dark origin that shall remain hidden for the time being. Even spiders take time to spin their webs
Side Note: I better get a better tier then freaking 4-3#8049b6
Roleplay Sample:[ helps us get a taste for your style and your character]

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Nakita Aracne = The Evolving Spider Empty Re: Nakita Aracne = The Evolving Spider

Wed Jan 20, 2021 9:16 am
Approved 3-2
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