My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty The Snake and the Crystal ball

Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:57 am
Magenta walked into the arena in her rather bright attire for the cloud ninja going with a ray of hot pink hues that complement the unusual brightness of her hair as her light pink eyes scanned the arena in front of her before she looked up the walls waving at the crowd that was cheering for her. She hadn't done anything to warrant cheering but it was reassuring that she had people looking for her to win this, that she had supporters even though those of her team kinda shadow over her. She needed to prove she wasn't the tag along of their squad. This was her chance to prove that.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Tue Feb 02, 2021 7:07 am
Takashi stepped out to no great applause, in fact other than his performance so far the young shinobi had been relatively unknown to all but his Sensei and teammates. Though he was slowly rising into the general populace's knowledge due to his astounding mastery of ninjutsu as well as his summoning contract. It was hard to ignore someone so young to not simply enter the chuunin exams but excel at it at the same time. The boy adjusted his glasses as he stood opposite his opponent, offering a polite bow to the girl while forming the traditional seal of confrontation. Though this wasn't a sparring match, he mostly wanted to show that he held no ill will against his opponent no matter the outcome. Regardless, the young shinobi stood ready for the proctor to begin the match.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:27 am
"hmm? a bit young but It isn't the worst I have seen."She spoke to herself raising an eyebrow watching him before she decided to give him a bit of respect as well bowing back to him "thank you for this match. It is rare to see someone actually give respect in such battles..hopefully, this can help you in future endeavors."She spoke walking backward a few steps taking up a fighting stance watching him in waiting. She had no clue about this kid other than he had respect so maybe he was of high intelligence, which would say he is very tactical, which only meant, Magenta needed to keep on her feet. Now the question she needs to ask herself is whether to attack or defend first? then the question of long-range or up close, so much to decide. She thought for a few seconds before deciding to take the defensive for now
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:35 am
Takashi nodded his head as they waited for the round to begin, following the girl with his gaze to keep an eye on the girl. However, when it came time to start their bout, the boy didn't seem to hesitate. Bringing a hand up to his mouth to bite his finger, drawing a fleck of blood before slamming it against the ground. The summoning contract formed around him, with a large snake appearing from the smoke, flicking it's tongue at the girl before it dived under the earth, tunneling into the floor to begin a light rumbling in the arena. And if that wasn't enough to worry about, he would follow by dashing forwards, leaping up as he rapidly formed handseals followed with a great bout of fire as he exhaled toward his target. The growing inferno tearing through the air in a giant fireball. From the gate, it seemed that this kid had a few tricks, and with initiative stolen and an enemy underground she was possibly already on the back foot.

- Jutsu Used -
- Summoning: B Rank (Yato)
- Great Fireball Jutsu
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Thu Feb 04, 2021 9:45 am
"Fuck" She said softly watching him decide to take the offensive with two attacks, one being to summon a snake. the literal thought of snakes sent chills up her spine, which was creepy and very odd to even want to exist with so that was already a disadvantage. She shook her head not having time to think about her creep factor to see a fireball get sent towards her from above as she dashed forwards, avoiding the fireball while forming handsigns of her own before thrusting her left hand forward as a volley of crystal needles were sent flying at Takashi at extremely high speeds with the near pinpoint accuracy of flying towards her selected target.. While she went the crystals at him she brushes her free hand against the ground before continuing her movement after him.

Jutsu Name: Crystal Needles
Jutsu Type: NInjutsu
Jutsu Element: Kekkei Genkai
Jutsu Rank:D
Jutsu Description: The User creates long, sharp crystals that shoot at the target at extremely high speeds with pinpoint accuracy. They can also create a smaller version of crystals to trap her target.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:41 pm
By the time the smoke had cleared, Takashi had landed to deftly avoid the crystal shards as he continued to move forward, revealing a pair of strangely crystalline looking kunai formed from a cloudy white material. With a flourish he held both in a reverse grip and moved in to close the distance, aiming to strike the girl with a flurry of rapid strikes to continue to push his offense. However, this was little more than a ruse to keep her attention drawn away as the snake from earlier broke through the surface in a pincer attack from behind, it's jaws wide open as it moved to snap at her as she retreated.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:02 am
Magenta saw him dodge her crystals with ease as he landed back on the ground but continued his assault without a break. She took up the defense again clapping her hands together before two pink crystal blades form from out of her forearms. She managed to keep up with his strikes, with a second or two of delay backing up with each of his strikes. She kept her guard up, keeping all her senses on the environment around her, awaiting the snake to do something, and with Takashi's attack, this was what she expected. She sidestepped one of his attacks, only to take a strike to her shoulder. She winced but let out a sigh of relief moving out of the way of the snake's attack.

Stumbling to the side she quickly regained her composure and did a flurry of hand signs before smirking "Crystal Release: Crimson Fruit"She spoke slamming her hands against the ground as the ground rumbled before a pink crystal Dome formed around Takashi and his snake, trapping them inside.

Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Sat Feb 06, 2021 9:33 pm
The bite of the young shinobi's blade would be felt long after the initial strike, no matter how shallow. The metal infused with a potent venom that began to sap away at the girl's strength as the dome formed around the summoner and his snake. Of course, the beast simply burrowed through the ground, taking Takashi with it to burst free meters away as Takashi himself leapt into the air, throwing his kunai in a quick flurry of motion as he tumbled to the ground.

Yato would circle around once more, cutting off a method of escape as the boy went on to push the offensive. Breaking into a quick combination of spinning kicks, aimed at the girl's legs, midsection and head to be finished with a heel-drop strike. Despite his appearance, it seemed he was rather tenacious and not about to give Magenta a moment to recover from the onslaught.

Techniques Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Sun Feb 07, 2021 9:02 am
Magenta wasn't too surprised with them escaping as she attempted to begin a combination of hand signs before feeling her energy and stamina began to get sap. She should have guessed that the blade was coated with some sort of poison and it was potent and quick. "This isn't good."She said deciding to keep up her defense, finding it was the best option for her situation. Takashi was sure to not let up on his strikes, refusing to get her time to counter as she backpedaled managing to block each and every strike, mostly to her torso and up, knowing she could handle her legs getting attacked but her torso and above will be a lot harder to recover from faster. Every second she could feel her energy leaving her as she fought the feeling to the best of her ability trying to keep up with him as well as keeping track of his damn snake that was just a distraction at this point.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:01 pm
Takashi pushed his offensive further, the flurry of strikes not being quite enough to take the girl down just yet, but he could tell that the poison was doing its job. Without giving her a moment to recover he would cycle into a similar combination, however before he did so he would rapidly form a number of seals. The first attack in the series aimed at her midsection, following up from the opposite side. The difference was immediately noticable, as there was a rather loud snap as a burst of air would help the strike burst forward at an even greater speed.

Hopefully, with the girl distracted, the snake would make it's move once more, closing the distance rapidly to attempt to coil around her. Constricting the moment she was in range to trap her within' its grasp. A successful attempt here would likely end the match, as there was little to do once trapped in such a powerful creature's grip.

Techniques Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:31 am
Magenta struggled to keep up and maintain her defense with the fury of strikes. She was struggling just trying to keep herself up and moving in time. However, she wasn't prepared for the massive surge of power emitted with a snap against him from the chakra enhancement strikes that threw her off guard causing her to stumble backward. as much as she wanted to recover and move, she was feeling exhausted and could barely catch her breath from the last strike as saw the massive snake move and turn, twisting around her, restrcting and holding her in place.. Magenta wasn't one for losing a match but this one, she didn't stand a chance for allowing herself to get hit by the damn blade. If she wasn't so careless then maybe she could have stood a chance.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:01 am
"Alright! STOP" The proctor would step in and stand between the two. Takashi had been on his way over to finish it either way, spinning his kunai into a reverse grip while approaching the ensnared girl before him. It was clear at this point that he was the victor, but he was about ready to ensure that was the case if the girl tried to fight her way free. With a simple motion of his hand, Yato uncoiled itself and slithered across to it's summoner. The medics were right out to tend to the girl of course, getting her onto a stretcher as the round was called.

Takashi made sure to step over before she passed out. "Your technique is interesting, perhaps you'll have some new techniques for the next set of exams... thank you for this fight" He bowed once more, offering her his half of the Seal of Reconciliation, unsure if she would be able to reciprocate in her condition he was sure not to hold them up and longer. His snake was then sent back as the boy walked from the arena, victorious.

--- Round Over: Snek snek snek snek snek ---
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Snake and the Crystal ball Empty Re: The Snake and the Crystal ball

Tue Feb 09, 2021 7:34 am
magenta was barely conscious from exhaustion wrapped up in the snake, listening to the proctor jumping in to ensure nothing more was going to come from it. She felt the snake release her from its grip before she dropped to the ground right as the medical team was sent over to tend to her. she relaxed on the stretched feeling it lifted before hearing Takashi's words. she thought about it before just raising a thumbs up in understanding and agreement of acknowledgment before the Medics took her off to the medical wing
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