My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] The Crystal meets the 1st Division Captain [Hana Ishikawa & Ika Mazi] Empty [Private] The Crystal meets the 1st Division Captain [Hana Ishikawa & Ika Mazi]

Thu Aug 05, 2021 12:00 am
Hana was doing her usual strolling around the barracks because of her curiosity for one and the other thing. She wanted to meet the most critical person in the Gotei from a rank perspective, the legendary Ika Mazi of the 1st Division. He would probably be busy or not, and which was always an issue with meeting someone that holds so much sway in the Gotei 7. "Hehe, I enjoy my strolls. I wonder if I could meet Ika since he's our leader after all." Hana said aloud with her usual demeanor of friendliness.

Hana did do her required assignments in the Archivist Division, organizing files and all the other things for the division. She always does those assignments to help Shiori's workload out immensely. It does help her being so friendly, helpful, and a bit naive does help keep the archivist's spirits up. She wanted to join a Division that would be useful for her talents with being the overly friendly person who can get serious with explosives. Archivists have to deal with the harshest of pictures and everything that they would need a morale boost.

Hana did get a bit lost from her usual track because she was deep in thought about her routine work. She stopped and looked around and knew this wasn't the first Division barracks but more of the Recreational side in the Gotei. It caused her to sigh for not keeping track of her surroundings since she did get lost. Her Shimmering Atasi, the spirit within her Zanpakuto, usually tells her not to get lost on her way to an important destination. "Great, I got lost because I was lost in thought again. I think this is the first time I did that. How did I end up in the Recreational side of the Gotei? I usually only go to the library to get a book to read before I go to bed." Hana said aloud with a confused look on her face. She felt like there could be a reason for her coming here besides getting a bit lost.

Hana hoped no one knows how badly she is at any recreational game, which involves gambling or not. She had one of those body languages that were easy to discern, which was she was entirely out of her element. 'Uhh, crap, hopefully, no one tries to come up to me and asks me to play a game with them. I would be so disadvantaged big time. They are fun games but, I suck enormously.' Hana thought to herself with a sweatdrop. She gave out a sigh while looking at her surroundings. There were a lot of game parlors, Shogi, Chess, etc. Weirdly enough, even if she sucked at them, but she enjoyed them enough.
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