My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal Empty [Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal

Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:20 pm
Hana was humming a singular tune on her mind from her childhood when her mother used to sing it to her, which in turn was a particular lullaby of Yokai. Still, she has a look of happiness on her face while humming the song. It positively influenced her life, minus the negative of how bad influence her mother was on her life when she was alive. She was walking around the Gotei in the afternoon since she enjoys her strolling around the Gotei. It is better to walk slowly instead of rushing everywhere because there isn't any need to rush this peaceful beauty.

"I wonder how the interns are doing? I do hope I meet one, hehe." Hana said with slightly giggling. She enjoys chatting to the interns when she's not on duty and basically off duty. It will be a wonder if another intern needs a chat to help them cheer up; their day since working as an intern is a pain. She started in the intern position a long time ago but got to the rank she is now because of hard work and determination. There is always good to support the interns as much as possible to grow into strong shinigami rather than any alternative.

Hana stopped for a second to think about a multitude of other things she needs to do or get. Like, to read another book but forgot if she wants to read a novel based on her favorite subjects or get something new. All those novels are super cutesy since she is still naive enough not to understand many things. "Damn it. I love those cutesy novels that are about a journey and have cute characters in them." Hana said aloud with frustration in her tone.

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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal Empty Re: [Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal

Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:56 am
Hana had one of those realizations, which was there must be some interns at the archive. Also, she wanted to get something from the archive, but her mind was, on the one hand, can't remember what it was. Hana continued on her way, humming her lullaby as Hana usually does in the afternoon since it keeps her in a good mood compared to the other such things on her mind. It usually takes her a while to reach the archive when she is strolling and enjoying the scenery. There isn't much to look at in the Soul Society when in the barracks district of it. She entered the archive with an amazed look on her face since it was an exciting place. It was all the memories of sorting things, as an intern is still in her mind, though she was one of the weirdest interns. She never complained and did her work diligently to the best of her abilities at the time. It is one of the reasons why she wants to check up on any of the interns working.

Hana didn't take too long to find an intern in the archive sorting files, as all the interns usually are told to do. She did notice a bit of nausea surging through the boy but did overhear him. It made her realize he looked at one of the files of probably, a hollow that did gruesome things. "Intern, are you alright? You know, it would be wise to keep to your advice. Those files are gruesome most of the time." Hana said with a worried tone in her voice. It didn't take her too long to remember, and it would be better to introduce herself since she somewhat gasped at being a bit rude.

"Oh right, I should properly introduce myself. I'm Hana Ishikawa, or you can call me Crystal if you want. So, what's your name?" Hana asked curiously. She was one of the oddest Shinigami, and there is a record about her in the archive. Her abilities, though, are strange and radiate beauty for how aesthetically pleasing they are. The hair color of the intern reminded her of her Zanpakuto spirit's hair color, which is a redhead with green eyes, which heavily contrasts with her features. She can communicate with Atasi, the Zanpakuto spirit of her sword, and is a beautiful youngish woman that always looks like she is taking a stroll down memory lane or something. "I do like your hair color. It reminds me of my Zanpakuto spirit's hair color. Atasi is so beautiful but oddly uniquely different to me." Hana said with a beautiful smile on her face.

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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal Empty Re: [Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal

Sun Jul 11, 2021 5:31 pm
Hana notices that she made the intern jump slightly, but she didn't mean to. She smiles happily to see he did turn around and does like his eye color too, since they are uniquely colored. As he spoke, Hana giggled at the intern's trial of looking at those files and him asking her not to tell on his superiors. "You were only curious. It happens to even the best of us to get swept up into it. Listening to superiors is usually a good idea. No, I won't tell anyone because you know the consequences of looking now." Hana said. Her tone sounded as if she had looked at those files when she interned here a long ago, but now she has the right to look at them since she's part of the 4th Division. First impressions in the case of Hana didn't mean much since she's too have many names tied to her that she doesn't mind anything anymore. She smiles at the intern with a bit of a morale-boosting type way of feeling.

Hana had a look of confusion on her face when Himura Inari said Ishigawa instead of Ishikawa. She giggles slightly and smiles at Inari. "The pleasure is all mine, Himura Inari. Guess you were in quite a shock from those pictures that you mispronounced Ishikawa as Ishigawa. I think you were the first person to do that, but that's alright. I am not mad." Hana said with wanting to correct him in the polite way possible. She was happy to compliment Inari and that he received it well with him giving a joke. "Hehehe, that's funny. Also, very interesting to know about the Himura family having warm hair colors. Hehe, I remember only one of my parents, fondly, which was my father." Hana said, with a smile on her face. She did notice him glance down at the files after shrugging his shoulders. There was a feeling that he probably had questions about where to place said files, but for some odd reason holding them back probably doesn't want to give more context to why he decided to look at those files in the first place. She does something like her, picks up the files on the ground and hands them to Inari with a gentle smile on her face.

Hana would want to add that she is from the 4th division but felt as if Inari guessed something about her correctly. "I'm the 3rd Seat of the 4th Division. If you wanted to know, Inari." Hana said with a smile on her face. Afterward, Inari started talking about his zanpakuto and could not hear it, but she's a beautiful golden-furred fox that's snarky like one. She smiles at his question; if anything, she remembered when she could hear her zanpakuto easily, but that's only because of Atasi's frequent standing by her. "Got to say, your description of what your Zanpakuto spirit looks like is so beautiful. It only took me four years in the Academy to hear Shimmering Atasi's voice. Atasi is a beautiful redhead with green eyes that wears casual clothes and travels through a crystallized forest to a destination that never gets closer." Hana said. Her tone enjoyed describing what her Zanpakuto spirit looks like, and enjoying her curiosity is being sated since she's curious. She had a smile on her face that shows Shimmering Atasi, and she is close with her spirit. Also, her spirit acts more of a mother figure to her when giving Hana advice.

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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

[Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal Empty Re: [Private] An Encounter of the Third Kind, the Intern meets Crystal

Tue Jul 13, 2021 9:28 pm
Hana giggled at Inari's sigh of relief because she wanted to help others over hurting their chances in the Soul Society. Her thoughts were flowing around in her head, and she's grateful she is a part of the archivist division because it's fun. Though, Hana noticed Inari's body language slightly as he figured out some things about what Division he's not fit for possibly. There were some pain points in that for her since not many Divisions fit her unique personality or lack of awareness sometimes. Until she found herself in the 4th Division and enjoyed every minute of it, one of the most pleasing things. Obviously, Hana is desensitized to all the violence and gore in those files but the first time looking at them did shock her a bit.

Therefore, Hana listened to how Inari got into the Soul Society, and it did shock her. It was clear as day on her facial features because how she got into the Soul Society differed from Inari. All that he said made so much sense, especially the against policy portion of seeing your family members still alive. "Inari, that sucks you were killed by a Hollow at the age you arrived in the Soul Society. It is depressing, it makes me remember how I died, but I keep in my heart who caused my death rather than who had to suffer for it. On my seventh birthday, I died in a car crash with the one responsible, and I don't know where my mother is. I've been searching for her ever since to ask her questions about why she was reckless that day and why she never loved my father. Ugh, I shouldn't bring up the woman who killed me, but I get a bit different when it involves stories of how one died. I've been here for 205 years in the Soul Society if you are wondering." Hana said with tears going down her face. She tries to wipe her tears since bringing up her mother is a pain point for her, even more so than leaving behind her father, that is probably long dead by now. It had shaken her a bit much, but she tries to look on the bright side most of the time over the negative feelings of how she died.

Hana did notice how Inari tried to wipe his own eyes too and slightly sighed in relief since he wanted to move on to brighter prospects. She smiled at him with slight tears going down her cheek since she missed one while wiping her eyes. "It's always better to look to the brighter side in most things. I will congratulate you when you do hear your spirit's voice, Inari. Hehe." Hana said, slightly giggling. There was something in the back of Hana's mind, which if she were in her Zanpakuto's world, Shimmering Itasi would be putting her hand on her shoulder trying to help her get out of her tearing up ways. Shimmering Itasi would rather have Hana be encouraging to others with her encouraging smile instead of being in tears crying about not able to find her mother. As such, Hana put the best of her by smiling and the energy to back it up. "Inari, I am sorry for making the mood worse than it could have been. Also, can we drop the subject of my mother completely? I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place." Hana said with a slight smile. She was deeply hurt with bringing up something she doesn't ever bring up, but Inari did tell her how he came to be in the Soul Society, so it was only fair.
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