My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Ayame, Healy Gril Empty Ayame, Healy Gril

Thu Nov 14, 2019 7:34 pm

Name: Ayame Yuuichi
Alias: Water Witch
Real Age: 325
Phys. Age: 22
Gender: Female
Personality: Ayame has quite the personality being someone that’s strong yet soft, bold yet reserved, and dull yet interesting. She is quite the contradiction, but she is very subtle in her ways.

Ayame can be quite strong in her ways for she always fights for what she believes in. She always fights for the people she is close to. She won't back down from something that she believes in. She strives for the best when everyone around her is against her. Ayame is the very embodiment of strength not showing anyone her weaknesses, although she definitely knows what they are. Even when things get tough, she will always find a way to keep moving forward, even if that means she needs to accept the help of another. Ayame doesn't necessarily reach out, until she reaches a fork in the road and realizes it's necessary. She also strives for the strength of those around her. She is easy to shove people in the direction she believes they should go, even if they don't want her to. She is easy to challenge those around her, even if it means they resent her.

On the opposite hand, Ayame can also be very soft in her own ways, however she rarely shows this side of herself. She can be a saving grace to those who just need someone to listen or give advice. She can be a protector to a small, scared child. She can be a friendly face to anyone who needs her to be. This is where her healing passion comes from. Ayame cares for people in her own way and she is constantly wanting to save lives. Nobody deserves death, even those that are against the Soul Society (although she won't feel discouraged if she cannot save them). She tends to get quite the sickly feeling when she can't save someone. However, she does understand she cannot save everyone leaving her more determined to save as many as she can rather than every single person ever, which can influence her decisions of one against many. This side especially comes out around children, as Ayame finds her strength fade into a more caring piece of herself. No matter what race, what gender, what their aligned with, or what they think of her, Ayame will always be more gentle with the children/animals and will definitely do everything in her power to keep them safe, which could in turn lead to her downfall if played against her.

Ayame is also quite bold in her ways not caring what the people around her may think of her, as long as she believes what she is doing/saying is right. She will always speak her mind if she sees it necessary and she will always act on her own if she believes it's the right thing to do. She doesn't care about the people around her judging her. She doesn't care about the people around her coming after her. She doesn't care about what her actions or words make her out to be. However, she doesn't make it a habit to fight with other people. She doesn't make it a habit to insult other people. She doesn't make it a habit to speak meaningless words for everything she does (as long as it is a serious moment) she plans out in great detail before doing it.

Ayame is also very reserved not speaking her own feelings too much and not letting those feelings get the best of her. She doesn’t allow her feelings to drag her down or through the mud. No, Ayame takes care of her own feelings and knows when to act upon them meaning they normally stay bottled inside to an extent. Of course, there are still very rare moments where her emotions can he seen lashing out (depending on the severity). However much of the time, the doctor keeps to herself and worried about the wellbeing of others over herself. She feels the emotions and thoughts of others weigh more than the ones inside herself. She believes they are much more important coming from others.

Considering that she is so reserved and strong in mentality, Ayame can be seen as quite a dull woman on the surface. She can come off as royal, stuck up, or even entitled, however she is quite the opposite. She seems to have no flavour, no personality, and no thoughts other than factual. She seems cold, drab, and ruthless when it comes to conversing with others and interacting with people. However, closer attention to her words would suggest her intentions are nothing of the sort.

Her outlook on others is quite something interesting, even her interests are interesting. First off, she doesn't really have a care in the world what race anyone is, what kind of person they are, or what they've done, she won't bother with anyone that won't bother with her, unless it just so happens in the current state that they are at war with her people. Then of course, she can't simply look in the other direction. She always wants to be out exploring the worlds, meeting new people, and working on different beings just to gain the medical knowledge to save the lives of many. She doesn't exactly like to be told what to do or how to do things, which explains why she is so headstrong in her ways and does what she believes is right. However, she's amazingly skilled at what she does and she can be quite a marvellous leader.

During combat, Ayame tries to stay out of the mix only being involved in the healing process to continue sending troops out into the field since she doesn't particularly wish to harm or even kill anyone. However if she needs to be involved, she does have a few tricks up her sleeve for protection purposes and she won't go down without a fight, especially if the ones precious to her are at stake. Although she may be headstrong, her muscles are nothing to ignore either. Yikes.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 120lbs
Physical Traits:


Ayame doesn't necessarily look like a normal young woman for there are many features that stick out about her appearance. However this doesn't take away from her beauty, it only seems to add to it. To many, she seems flawless in appearance; most girls would want to be her, boys wouldn't want to look away from her, and children always want to be around her. Some say Ayame could be a goddess, some say she could be a princess, and some say she could be an angel. Fantasy stories seem to revolve around her purely due to her appearance and composure. She looks sophisticated, soft, and like she could rule with an iron fist.

Hair: Ayame’s hair almost seems too perfect to truly be hers but it simply is. The color is blue, which has been compared to the bright sky on more than a few occasions. Its length is directly at her belly button, while others only wonder why the young shinigami would want it at such a length due to the many probabilities of danger. Considering her hair is so long, it's quite the surprise when one finds the texture is rather soft and quite smooth. Of course, it takes quite the effort to make such a thick head of hair feel and look in such a manner. Nonetheless, the girl takes very high pride in her looks and always strives to make the best impression. Though sometimes, the way it looks may normally depends on how Ayame feels that day. If she's feeling quite lazy or just wants to be simple, it will either stay down or go straight up in some easy fashion: bun, ponytail, braid, etc. However in its normal state, Ayame’s locks can be seen simply laid flat upon her head, sprawled down either side of her shoulders. Something must always be done to the young shinigami's hair because under absolutely no circumstances will Ayame ever leave her hair a mess.

Eyes: This girl's eyes are a piercing blue, which many times leaves them to be compared with ice due to how they look so breathtaking and shimmer beautifully. With every passing moment, the small shinigami tries to keep her eyes sparkling with a sense of confidence that could calm anyone staring into them. She wants her passion to outshow anything else she may be feeling or thinking. Nonetheless, she always seems to be able to become serious at a moments notice for any reason necessary. Also, it is very difficult to pierce through her facade and tell what Ayame is feeling by looking into these beautiful blue colored orbs: when she is sad, they become quite dull compared to their usual selves, when she is angry, they seem to pierce straight through you, when she is scared, her eyes appear to be distant, etc. However one thing that will almost never be seen coming from those very eyes, is tears for Ayame had been taught, since she could first remember, that tears show weakness and are also a burden to others, especially in the field she is in. Showing tears is asking for attention in her eyes and shows that she cannot handle herself, which the young shinigami finds very disappointing. However that doesn't mean she NEVER cries, that'd just be crazy.. it just doesn't happen often. Right below her left eye are three diamond shaped tattoos.

Face: When others see Ayame’s face, they might possibly think perfection or innocence. Her lips are smaller but they are a beautiful light pink color. Her nose is also quite small and short with a bit of a rounded point nose tip. Her cheekbones are said to be crafted by the most masterful of hands just as her jawline which doesn't show much, yet blends in perfectly to sculpt her face. Overall, her features are quite cute. Upon her face, a smile cannot exactly be seen, honestly her face always looks quite expressionless with a twinge of emotion. It has been said that her smile could light the darkest corners and spread happiness to even the saddest of people, which is something to look forward to considering it doesn't happen too too often. Her smile is also said to be brighter than the sun itself, however no matter how hard she may try to hide them, it's a bit more obvious what other emotions she may be feeling. Her whole being can be read simply by looking at her face, but you just have to know exactly what you're looking for.

Body: This little blue haired shinigami is quite petite with her height only being about 5'5" and her weight only being about 120 lbs. Her breasts are about a D cup size placing them at a little larger than average size, yet easy to manage, especially when it comes to bra shopping. Her skin is a lighter more pale color that seems to tie all of her wonderful colored features together leaving her in a doll-like state of appearance. However out of all of her many appealing features, there is something that sticks out the most in all eyes about this very girl. Down her left arm, Ayame seems to have a sleeve of tattoos that coat her skin in different patterns.

Ayame does have one scar right across her back from top right shoulder to her bottom left hip.

General Fighting Style: During combat, Ayame tries to stay out of the mix only being involved in the healing process to continue sending troops out into the field since she doesn't particularly wish to harm or even kill anyone. However if she needs to be involved, she does have a few tricks up her sleeve for protection purposes and she won't go down without a fight. Although she may be headstrong, her muscles are nothing to ignore either.
Strengths: Reiatsu/Reiryoku, Strength, and Hand-to-Hand
Weaknesses: Zanjutsu, Speed, Agility, and Kidou

Ability Name: Healing Waters
Ability Description:
If and when Ayame touches any amount of water, it is purified unless governed by another player controlled contaminant. Any pure water under Ayame's control has healing properties, having been touched by her reiatsu, and is the basis for her other healing abilities.

Ability Name: Water Manipulation
Ability Description: Ayame has frigging water manipulation. Bow down to her. Her level of control is intensely precise, as it is required to properly treat wounds. With that precision is a firm control of form, heat, intensity, and even state of the water she has under her command.

Sealed Appearance:

Ayame’s Zanpakuto is nothing short of fascinating from the hilt to the tip of the blade. At the very top of the hilt sits a metal dragon head silver in color with a face as though it is roaring. Ayame believes this symbolizes her strong spirit and determination considering she is always pushing forward. The hilt is clothed in a beautiful violet wrapping matching the very color of her eyes and a color that she absolutely adores laid over another favourite of hers. Under all that wrapping is a black metallic handle, which she believes matches her jet black hair, however it is also clad in dragon-like scales. Now, the guard is also something very special on the sword for it is clad in carvings of dragons and fire. Along the blade, there are also patterns of dragon-like scales all the way to the very tip.

Zanpakutou Name: Fūjin
Call Out Command: Chikara


In this form, Ayame’s Zanpakuto changes color to that of light blue cloth with a clear, glass looking blade, however the metal consistency does not change.

Ability Name: Water Orb Extraction
Ability Description:
Ayame creates a large orb of water which heals any wounds that may be present over time. In addition, it can extract impurities, poisons, infections, and anything that may be harming the afflicted person.

Ability Name: Hydrocutter
Ability Description:
Ayame has such precise control of her water manipulation, that she can create the equivalent of a scalpel out of just a bit of water. This is used primarily for operations where she would need to cut into someone to properly treat them, but can easily be used in combat as well.

Ability Name: Hot Cubes?
Ability Description:
Ayame has such a well maintained control of her water manipulation that she can use it to create water in the form of ice cubes with scorching temperatures without them melting forming up to at most a dozen. This can be used to cauterize large wounds that she simply can't heal herself, however they could very well be used to cause burning upon her opponent. However, the cubes are also able to be broken into shards, which can then be launched into an opponent burning the target's insides.

Ability Name: Scalding Steam
Ability Description:
As every other ability before states, Ayame can utilize her water manipulation to form a cloud of steam that stretches 5m in diameter. This could be used in a small, enclosed room to create a sort of sauna for patients to improve mental stability or relaxation. However, it could also be used to encase her target scalding anyone within the mist giving them 2nd degree burns.

Ability Name: Freezing Mist
Ability Description:
Ayame can separate the particles of her water to form a mist, and through controlling its temperature carefully can cause the mist to freeze anything it comes in contact with. This only works on water she's controlling. Ayame can use this ability for an entire post, but it has a 3 post cooldown.

New Name: Muichi Fūjin

In Bankai, Ayame’s Zanpakuto still doesn't change the blade remains glass looking, except the purple turns to a navy blue in color.

Ability Name: Ebb and Flow
Ability Description:
Ayame can release a wave of energy from her body or sword, following the arc of her swing. This either inflicts cero level damage to everything and is black water, or grants everything hit by it High Speed Regen for 2 posts and is white water. Regardless, it travels for 20m and has a 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Climate Change
Ability Description:
Ayame can create a mist of water similar to Freezing Mist, though much more sparse and taking up more room. The true power of this technique however lies within the fact that at a moment's notice it can invert its temperature, rising to upwards of 100* Celsius, inflicting second degree burns on everything within. This has a 6 post cooldown.

Not gonna use:

Ayame had lived a normal life as a normal young lady. From a small, pigtail wearing toddler to a slightly taller, long-haired teenage girl, she had been the textbook definition of a well-behaved daughter. She studied every chance she got, played with friends, played doctor on her toys, and took care of others in need. Her teachers adored her, her coaches congratulated her on her athleticism, and colleges around the world offered for her to come study with a full scholarship. She was kind, sweet, bold, daring, strong, and independent. Her parents adored her and supported her along her journey. She would find herself flying through college sporting the highest of honors at graduation making a most motivating speech. She had acquired a degree in the medical field and been accepted to work at the most prestigious hospital. She was perfect. Her life was perfect. She worked hard. She studied hard. Her heart broke hard. It wasn't always sunshine anymore. It was harm, destruction, hurt, pain, and sadness.

Ayame had been working a dreadfully slow day with heartache around every corner and crying families filling many rooms. Why? Why was death so adamant today? It was soon that an alarm would sound. Explosions could be heard from miles away, however they only seemed to be growing closer. Ayame would duck into the closest room only to be met with the scared eyes of a child, alone. She would smile at her as she asked her name, what her favorite color was, how she was feeling, and why she was afraid. She would calm the child as best she could as they could hear the bombs growing closer. Ayame swore to protect her. Then, the portion of the hospital Ayame occupied collapsed. Thankfully, the room had stayed in tact, however when the ceiling caved in a large piece of metal threatened the child's life. Ayame would cover her as the metal sliced open her back lodging itself into her hip. Blood would begin seeping through her wound dripping down her back and onto the floor. She would smile again through the pain assuring the girl that it didn't hurt as long as the patient was okay. They would talk for what seemed like hours as the pain had begun to numb itself and her body grew pale. She couldn't go yet. She had to make sure this child would survive. Hours had passed, almost a full day before the two were found. Ayame was barely conscious as she had found a way to slow her bleeding to just stay alive a while longer. A group of men would file into the collapsed room removing rubble and sliding the child out from under Ayame's body. Ayame would smile at the child one more time as she would fade away.

Her journey would take her to the Rukongai, where the people were sick, hurting, and some were even starving. They were poor. They needed help. Ayame would start her business right there again protecting those who were in need. Then to the gotei, where healers were needed for their people.

Side Notes: No
Roleplay Sample: Mei says no
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Ayame, Healy Gril Empty Re: Ayame, Healy Gril

Fri Nov 15, 2019 11:26 am
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