My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya) Empty Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya)

Sat Feb 06, 2021 6:58 am
"So far, I am not too surprised with the competition and results of these exams."Spoke a Mist Jounin towards the massive lion next to her that just nodded in agreement. the Jounin stood at 5,4' in her high open heel and toe boots. Her snow-white hair was in a loose braided reaching to the back of her knees with a sky blue bow holding it tight. A sky blue hooded scarf was resting loosely over her head as she lifted her open finger black-gloved hands to her face, pushing the hood back allowing her eye length bangs to flow in the sudden light breeze revealing a light blue headband with the metal mist symbol to rest on the top of her head. A black tanktop rested under a form-fitting off the shoulder shirt. the sleeves were loose and tied shut at the crook of her elbows. From the exposed shoulder revealing the Mist Anbu symbol resting etched into her skin. she had skin-tight black pants all the way down into her knee-high boots as her kunai holster rested on her left side.

"Aslan, Go find my squad and tell them to meet me where we decided when we got here. I wish to speak with them all individually."She spoke as her Ice blue eyes watched the Arena and the spectators going about their business. A small smile played on her equally blue painted lips."I will be there shortly after I go get some food, maybe see if Lady Mizu wishes to meet with any of them or get her opinion."She said softly in a whisper for the only Aslan to hear before the two moved in different directions. Both got odd looks for different reasons. Aslan for the fact of a massive white-haired talking lion and the Jounin for her lips and the light colors that complimented her complexion.

Amaya moved through the crowd to a local food stall debating on what possible food she would eat while here. She knew her team would drag their heels so she was in no rush along with the fact, they would have a hard time finding her and or follow Aslan to the meeting spot. This was the perfect time to relax and try preparing for what they are going to be feeling.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya) Empty Re: Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya)

Tue Feb 09, 2021 12:56 am
Yashirou watched the Mist jounin from a safe distance, his Byakugan tracking the pair of them as they split apart. Keeping his eye on the summoned lion, he approached the jounin, slipping into existence beside her. If she were worth her salt, she'd hardly be surprised by his approach at all, but especially since she bore the insignia of the Mist village's ANBU faction on her shoulder, as he bore the symbol for Konoha's ANBU on his.

"It's generally considered poor form to let your summons roam freely on another village." He commented, eyeing her with a look that said he wasn't that upset about it. "Taking a break from the fights?" The mohawked Hyuuga gave her a curious smile, wondering what she'd say.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya) Empty Re: Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya)

Tue Feb 09, 2021 6:05 am
Amaya looked ahead but in truth, she knew she was being watched cause, after all, she was a considered enemy from a different village in a sense, even if right now she was here in a peaceful context. She had her own plan and course of action as she allowed her eyes to look at him from the corner before looking ahead "He isn't a summon, he is very much a teacher and a dear friend to the mist village and assistant to my squad."She spoke as she stopped while turning towards him as she watched his expression while taking a good look to put to memory. "A little yes, I already have a feeling of how these matches are going to play out for the Genin of the mist. So for now, I am preparing for what my squad will be needing while enjoying the view and the food this village holds for its guests."She added allowing a small smile to play on her red lips as she watched him wondering if he had a different motive than just chit-chatting with her out of the blue. She needed to be careful of her choice of words and actions
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya) Empty Re: Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya)

Sun Feb 14, 2021 2:30 am
Amaya told him pointedly that the lion was not a summon and was in fact a friend of the Mist Village and even a teacher. To that, Yashirou shrugged. "That's fair, I suppose. It's not something I intended to do anything about anyway. While you are valued guests here at the Leaf, the best I can do is humbly remind." He made to order a snack of his own, quickly handling that. He didn't bother ordering anything extravagant, it was more about the atmosphere than nourishment anyway; it was a little too early to crack open the booze.

"That match between the two Mist genin was interesting." He hummed, if only to start an actual conversation. "I'm not sure how much you were actually able to see when they brought all that mist in, but tactics used by both were rather clever. For genin, that is. Are either of those two your students?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya) Empty Re: Watching the Competition ( Yashiro/ Amaya)

Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:07 am
"Yes, we will be respectful and mind ourselves no doubt."She said with a smile getting herself some ramen to go while listening to him "I know of all our village genin and even though I may not see what was going on in the mist, I do have a feeling I would know from their skill sets what they did."She said before nodding to the question if one of the kids were her student... The boy is my official student, Ryuu. The Girl is the student of Anna Rinha of the mist. They are similar in a lot of ways just their origins and fighting styles are vastly different which is why that match was so thrilling. "Miyuki isn't as trained in combat experience due to her sheltered past but she has a lot of hidden potentials that just need nudging in the right way which Anna has been working on. Ryuu is a prodigy in nearly everything. I haven't really needed to teach him much of anything that he just doesn't need some polishing on. I am proud he held back as much as he did as it could have ended worse."She spoke thinking of the differences. She knew there was one massive similarity between the two but that similarity was only known for a small select few. She could only help those two crossings could bring that out to light someday. She just hoped it wasn't during this exam or there was going to be hell to pay more than whoever was going to be taking on Ryuu once he finds out the news.
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