My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 38
Join date : 2021-02-11

Yato Kyozetsu [FIN] Empty Yato Kyozetsu [FIN]

Fri Feb 12, 2021 7:44 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Yato Kyozetsu
Clan: Kyozetsu Clan
Alias/Bingo book name: N/A
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Personality: Kind, friendly, charming, calm, these are all words one may use to describe Yato. Nothing in life seems to phase him, he is always looking at things optimistically. He has never really fit in to anywhere, having more desire to be a shinobi than anyone in his family, but less aptitude for it than anyone in his class, so he feels no real attachment to anyone. Thus, he has a goal of forming bonds with all that he can, positive bonds if he can help it, and bonds of rivalry if he can find them. He doesn't consider himself to be as powerful as those around him, so often underestimates himself or comes off as being humble, when in reality he merely doesn't grasp his full strength yet. If in a group, he typically doesn't take the lead, instead he falls back and follows what the majority decides. One of his biggest fears is the fear of dying without a legacy. He wants to make a lasting impact on the world, and he doesn't want to die before he gets to do so. He has quite a few things that he enjoys, some of which include training and reading, he also enjoys meeting new people and hanging out with his friends. He does not like those who lord their power over others or use their power to take advantage of those weaker than themselves.
Loyalty: Konohagakure no Sato
Rank: Genin [3-3?]
Occupation: Ninja
Village: Konoha

Physical Profile


Height: 5'0"
Weight: 145 Lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Yato uses a close and personal fighting style, relying heavily on his own prowess in Taijutsu and swordsmanship. Since he does not have much chakra to speak of, he focuses instead on empowering himself through physical training and his physical abilities. He trains day and night so that he can grow his power and be able to make himself useful for his future team as opposed to a liability.
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Weapons/Ninja Tools: 1x Wakizashi
2x Tanto
100x Kunai
100x Shuriken
10x Explosive Tags
10x Smoke Bombs
100m Ninja Wire

Past Profile

History: Yato was born to Kuroh and Mitsune Kyozetsu. As the oldest child, he was destined to take over the clan when his father passed, this would have him taking over their blacksmithing trade. As members of his clan have almost no chakra, they tend to devote themselves to more supportive roles outside of the Shinobi forces of the village. His father was the head of a blacksmithing business that forged weapons and the like, while his mother and younger sister worked sewing clothes and creating armors for the shinobi populace and civilians alike. While he was raised by both of his parents to believe that none in their clan could ever have a shot at being a ninja, where the use of chakra was practically a prerequisite, he decided that he would prove them all wrong. From the age of seven, he devoted himself to training his body and preparing himself to become a ninja. It took him two years to get to a decent place, but he finally was able to go to the entrance exam for the academy. It took him several tries and a few more years but he finally was accepted. Once in, he excelled at everything other than their coverage of chakra and ninjutsu. He was proficient in Taijutsu, Weaponry, as well as history and geography. Finally, he managed to pass the final exam and received his headband through a show of skill and dedication.
Side Note: Would like Tier 3-3
Roleplay Sample:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Yato Kyozetsu [FIN] Empty Re: Yato Kyozetsu [FIN]

Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:56 pm
Approved 4-1
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