My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Yato Kurokawa [FIN] Empty Yato Kurokawa [FIN]

Sat May 01, 2021 4:18 pm

Name: Yato Kurosawa
Alias: “The Warrior Sage”
Real Age: 1200
Phys. Age: ~21
Gender: Male
Personality: Yato has a rather calm personality normally, often appearing as a quiet, reserved person. But he can get quite... heated.. in battle. He often rushes into a fight before coming up with any particular plan, relying on his natural ability to plan things on the fly than having any set strategy going into a fight. He likes to keep momentum going, so once he starts something, he usually keeps with it to completion or until it is no longer beneficial to keep it up.

He is highly respectful towards his superiors and anyone whom he feels has proven themselves in combat to be strong. More often than not, if he finds an opponent that he deems worthy, he will also show them a great deal of respect, even if they are truly enemies. On average though, he is a good person who wants nothing more than to grow stronger and learn all he can about fighting.

Height: 5’10”
Weight: 165 Lbs
Physical Traits: Ashen Blonde hair and Red-brown eyes are what most people immediately notice about Yato. That and the fire that burns behind his red orbs. His body is not very bulky but rather a slim build. He doesn’t have much obvious muscle, though he has very little fat from his countless hours spent fighting. On most occasions he is seen wearing the traditional Shinigami clothes, with his Zanpakutō strapped diagonally across his back with the hilt above his right shoulder. More often than not, he wears a neutral facial expression, hiding any of his true thoughts.

On his days off or days when he can relax and train on his own, he usually wears a white tank top or no shirt and loose black combat pants with tape wrapped around his feet to his mid calf and around his hands to his elbows. During a fight or when speaking of fighting are the most common times you will see true emotion on his face, ranging from pure bliss and happiness to raw, unadulterated hatred, depending on who you are.

History: It was around three hundred years ago, Kagome and Ryuuko met. Ryuuko was a Shinigami, he held no seat, but he was a member of the 1st division. He and his family lived in the 75th district of the Rukongai in the soul society. They often had to fight off people who thought they were better off since Ryuuko was a Shinigami, but they were able to hold off most intruders. While both Ryuuko and Kagome were skilled in martial arts and had a rather powerful spiritual energy, their son Yato had much more than they were expecting. Ryuuko decided that he wanted to train Yato the moment he was able, to both be able to defend his family and to one day become a Shinigami as well. Kagome hated the idea, as she viewed the occupation as dangerous and fool hardy. It wasn’t long after Yato was born that Ryuuko was sent on a mission from which he never returned. During their time of mourning, the two of them rarely left their home. Yato grew up kind of isolated due to his mother’s fear of him wanting to become a Shinigami.  

                   After around 10 years, Yato had been attacked by some thugs that were common in the area they lived in. After this attack, Kagome decided to tell Yato the truth about his father and began to teach him some basic martial arts and Kenjutsu. She trained him for five years, on the fifth year, her greatest fear came true, he wanted to become a Shinigami. So, he went to the Shinigami Academy in order to take the entrance exams. The exams were difficult, but he managed to pass and was placed in the 5th class. Upon entering the academy, Kosuke is given an Asauchi to use throughout his time in his classes. He spent every waking moment studying the various katas, Kido, Zanjutsu stances, and history that was put in front of him. He wanted to be able to protect those precious to him to the best of his ability.

                 Six years after he started the Academy, he graduated at near the top of his class. He was given his Asauchi, which was now a Zanpakuto, and was then assigned to the 20th seat position in the 1st division. He worked closely with his new friends and teammates to grow stronger in order to protect his family. For the next twenty years, he went on missions and trained with his new squad, they felt like they could take on the world. Yato’s mother even went back to the academy and was placed on his division. She was placed at the 25th seat however, due to her age and skill level.

                  One day, Yato, his mother and one other team member were sent to hunt down and purify  two hollows that had been hunting in the human world. It was moving like clockwork. He would dash in, distract them. Kidomaru would follow up with a powerful attack and finally his mother would throw some Kido at them. But one of the hollows attacked their resident long-range fighter. This caught them all off guard, and Yato couldn’t do anything to stop the attack that ended his mother’s life. Sent into a blind fury, Yato attacked the hollow with all of his worth. Effectively killing it, but not before it was able to pierce his chest with one of its claws. This served to fill Yato with its spirit, cursing him with horrible nightmares and a permanent reminder of his failure.

After that mission, Yato would despise and hate hollows with a burning passion. While most Shinigami will kill a hollow if they come across one, he would go out of his way to eradicate them if they are nearby. He will never forgive them for ripping his mother away from him. So, he trained, and trained, and trained. Yato lived, spoke, and breathed training. He wanted nothing more than to gain the power to destroy every last hollow, to keep them from taking any more of the people he cared for. He trained like that for over a thousand years, learning new styles of martial arts and training with his blade. It was after this he was able to meditate and find a moment of peace.
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style:  Yato’s fighting style revolves around his ability to grow stronger the longer a fight lasts. Meaning that it is his goal usually to make a fight last as long as he can. He relies on his rapidly increasing Reiatsu power and reserves to aid him in his abilities and his fighting style. With his masterful control, he is able to use powerful Kido for long amounts of time, and has a natural affinity for controlling his pure Reiatsu.
Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiatsu Control, Reiryoku, Reiryoku Control, Agility, Kidō, Hakuda
Weaknesses: Durability, Sensing, Endurance, Physical Strength, Hoho, Zanjutsu

Ability Name: Spiritual Ocean
Ability Description: Where as most people have a pool of their Reiatsu and Reiryoku, Yato has an ocean. His naturally massive reserves are also super dense due to the time he spent training his body in spirituality and mastering the use of his own spiritual power as an extension of his own body.

Ability Name: Zanpakuto Mastery
Ability Description: Due to his extensive training with his Zanpakuto, he is able to enter and maintain any of its forms indefinitely once he unlocks them due to his symbiosis with his Zanpakuto spirit.

Ability Name: Combat Spirituality
Ability Description: Thanks to his natural love for fighting and enjoyment of battling tough opponents, Yato’s Reishi grows stronger and denser the longer a fight goes on, increasing his speed and strength, with its power increasing by x.5 per post capping at x4 total in his base and Shikai forms, x5 in Bankai and finally x6 in Toukai.. This increases his physical capabilities as well as all of his abilities dealing with his Reiatsu.

Sealed Appearance:
Sealed Form:
In its sealed form, the blade appears normal, with black coloring and a red hilt. The blade is roughly two feet long and has a ring as its pommel.
Zanpakutou Name: Tengetsu [Heavenly Moonlight]
Call Out Command: “Shine, Tengetsu!”

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Yato Kurokawa [FIN] Empty Re: Yato Kurokawa [FIN]

Mon May 03, 2021 12:12 pm
Approved 2-2
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Yato Kurokawa [FIN] Empty Re: Yato Kurokawa [FIN]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:32 am
Approved 2-1
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