My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:53 pm
Nakita was silently fuming at the mouth with a deep-seated rage. She wasn't always in a rage, she was in one from the last fight seeing another girl, touch HER Ori. NON ONE was ever allowed to beat up her Ori let alone touch him. Especially if you are another female, that was territory she was not going to allow to stand without someone getting their ass handed to them "How Dare she hurt him."She growled to herself walking into the stadium pulling back her bangs, already prepared to go all out. She was going to destroy Sayuri and teach that girl a lesson in the fact Ori was her Senpai and she wasn't about to let anyone have him, regardless if they want him or not. She harmed him so she was on Nakita's Shit list and she was ready to cross that name off more than glad to.

"Sayuri Uzumaki...Your ass is mine" She said to herself. She wasn't taking any of this exam seriously as her last matches were a breeze but this one has her full attention and potential. it was time to assert her dominates and her stake on her territory.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Mon Feb 15, 2021 6:28 am
Sayuri had been recovering since her last fight, utilizing the gates was something that she hadn't properly prepared for and her muscles were still paying the price. Deemed fighting fit though, she was set out into the arena against a girl she didn't know too much about. Though the look in her eyes seemed to be a little manic.. hateful. The Uzumaki didn't know why of course, perhaps she was riled up for the tournament? Regardless, she took one of her prescribed pills to dull the aches and ready herself. With the proctor standing off to the side to explain the rules once more before moving aside to start them off.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Mon Feb 15, 2021 5:09 pm
Nakita remained calm and was going to be polite enough to wait for the match to start as once they were told to go Nakita bite her thumb making some quick seals before slamming her hand on the ground as a huge cloud of smoke before a massive two story spider formed as she made a few more handsigns "I will teach you a lesson for attacking my Senpai..."She growled to herself as the spider took off quickly with a nakita on top. She rode on its head as an unknown chakra signature tunneled through the earth, what this one was, that was unseen before a few kunai shot up from the ground behind and to the sides of sayuri, holding explousive tags to keep her in place.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:26 pm
Sayuri didn't wait for the kunai to appear beneath her, in fact the second the match began she had shot out from the gate, her speed being her greatest asset in this case. Though every step burned as she overcame the muscle fatigue from the previous fight. As she moved, four chains emerged from her back while she darted right beneath in a blur of motion. As she passed underneath the chains lashed out to attack the creatures legs only for the girl to leap into the air forming handseals, launching a kunai with extreme speed directly at the other kunoichi's summon. Even if the weapon didn't hit it's target directly, it would explode in arcing lightning to hopefully catch both Nikita and the spider she was on in it's wake.

Techniques used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Sat Feb 20, 2021 12:30 pm
Nakita watched Sayuri avoid her attacks before noticing the underhanded move. Nakita and Chibi both formed a web shot of sorts to a tree behind the girl as both were pulled out of the way of her attacks. Nakita slid across the ground before dashing after Sayuri. She has seen the previous battle Sayuri had with Ori. She knew using any of the eight gates wore so hard on a body that wasn't prepared or trained to handle them, hell she knew she wouldn't be moving if she ever learned them herself. Nakita formed a few more hand signs charging towards Sayuri as Chibi moved to a backward assault if only to distract the girl shooting gobs of web towards her. Nakita's plan was already in place, she just needed to steer Sayuri to her defeat.
Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Sun Feb 21, 2021 8:29 am
The girl didn't pause, despite the burning in her legs, landing to continue onwards as Nakita rushed her. With the summon moving off to the side to spit balls of webbing towards her. Easy enough to dodge, she decided to face her opponent head on, swiftly flourishing a pair of kunai to take a reverse grip. Darting forward, she avoided the web to close the distance between them and move into melee. The final few meters being crossed in an instant with the body flicker technique as she lashed out toward the other girl's torso, with a pair of the c chains following the swing to attempt to batter her down. Getting into close combat seemed like a bad idea for Nakita, but it didn't look like Sayuri had considered too far forward, distracted by her injuries.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Tue Feb 23, 2021 1:52 am
Nakita took careful steps hoping backward keeping a good distance from Sayuri as the ground rumbled slightly, causing Nakita to stop with a smirk forming some hand signs before taking in a breath letting out a massive webbing that expanded into the note. she embued chakra into the webbing allowing it to be strong and elastic, uncuttable at this point. from around them a few explosive tags activated with Sayuri's every step on the ground around as she waited and was eager to feel the steel blade against her if Sayuri somehow dodged the webbing net and or the tags.

Posts : 52
Join date : 2019-11-05

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:42 am
Hopping backwards was hardly enough due to the speed difference between them, even as the tags began exploding around her, crimson beginning to stream from new wounds being cased by the flying debris to add to her injuries. Though a new threat soon emerged in the form of a mass of webbing flying towards her. Something like that would mean the end of the fight almost certainly, and she wasn't about to fall for it. With a tumble forwards, she narrowly avoided getting tangled to continue her attack. The chains at her back flickered out of existence as her chakra reserves began to run thin, the strain too much to keep them formed for now. If she were to have a chance it needed to end quickly. With the distance now closed, she lashed forwards with both kunai in a cross strike at center mass.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:38 am
"Got you, "Said Nakita opening her arms for the straight open attack holding three explosive tags as when she got in point-blank range of striking the tags went off as a pure distraction as a hand came up grasping Sayuri's leg before pulling her neck-deep into the ground as Nakita came out from a hole next to her "You're done, your through, Proctor! This match is over! She needs a medic stat or your ground will be absorbing all her blood" Called Nakita allowing the proctor and the medical team to tend to Sayuri as Nakita walked away, completely Satisfied for the time being of taking down her opponent, that will teach Sayuri about touching her property.

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How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri)) Empty Re: How dare you touch my Senpai! (Nakita Vs. Sayuri))

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