My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:07 am
Nakita sighed walking into the leaf colosseum stretching her arms above her head. She was bored and public displays were not her style. She only cared for one person to be watching her and not if anyone else really was. She shook the thoughts out of her head. She needed to do what she came here to do, She had the battle to handle and had only a few options and possibilities to do it for. If there was one thing for sure, she wasn't going to let that snake and Toad leave her behind, nor was she going to let anyone take her Senpai's attention from her
Joshua Tamashii
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-01-29

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Sat Jan 30, 2021 12:13 am
As Nakita entered the arena, her opponent did so at the same time from the opposite side. Another Kunoichi, around the same age, with short blond hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was wearing the attire of the mist village but on her hips was a rather unusual sight: A sand village headband, a rare oddity to be found in this world. As she approached, the girl took something off her waist and with a twist of her wrist, a three-sectioned Guan-Dou took it's full form. The girl planted the weapon on the ground before smiling over at Nakita.
"Hey there. I'm Satoko. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said in a friendly tone before readying her weapon. "I hope we have a good match. Maybe we'll do good enough to get to chuunin regardless."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:49 am
"Hm?"Asked Nakita letting her thoughts come back to reality to see the female in front of her and the display on her weapon. Nakita nodded "My name is Nakita Aracne, it is nice to meet you"She spoke in reply "I don't see a reason in this exam to choose only one participant to become a Chunnin, that should be up to whichever village you are from."Said Nakita taking note of the headband Sakoto had at her waist. She raised her hands, removing her headband from her forehead before making it a headband while wrapping her hair up into a high messy bun "I am sure this match will be a good one but unfortunately I am going to have to win this one.'She spoke backpedaling to a safe distance away before she removed her arms from their sleeve revealing an interesting secret. The simple fact of having a grand total of 6 arms. they all were formed independently and could move independently. her bangs were moved with the headband revealing three extra crimson red eyes, a smaller eye above her main two and a large one in the middle of her forehead.
Joshua Tamashii
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-01-29

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Sat Jan 30, 2021 11:07 pm
"I thank you for your kind words. Hopefully they don't haunt you if I come out on top of this match." Satoko said in a confident tone. When the match official began, she watched Nakita backpedal before revealing her additional limbs and eyes. Satoko would be lying if she said they didn't freak her out but she kept her expression as blank as possible to avoid giving that fact away. Still, those extra features would definitely prove to be a problem. The extra arms weren't the parts that concerned her. Arms were arms, unless they had some hidden feature, there was nothing special about them compared to her arms. No, the problem was going to be those eyes. They probably gave Naita a wider range of view, allowing her to see in a wider range. So, sneak attacks were going to be harder, at least after a bit.

I'm going to need to keep her on her toes. Satoko thought to herself before reaching into a pouch on the back of her waist. In one fliud motion, she withdrew and threw a pair of kunai at Nakita to see how the spider girl would react.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Thu Feb 04, 2021 7:36 am
"Sorry you couldn't understand what haunting is till you lived the life I have," She said simply allowing one of her six arms to reach behind her, pulling a kunai out herself usi9ng quick and precious movements knocking them both aside with ease. She spun the kunai once before sending it flying straight at her in return before she herself followed up the pursuit of the Kunai forming a few hand signs on the way, stopping her signs with a single clap as chakra pulsed into her hands before she pulled them apart allowing the threads to weave and form themselves into a bow staff. it glowed a light silver pulsing from the chakra formed webbing before becoming a solid weapon. once she was a few feet from sakoto she decided to take to the air, spinning the newly formed staff before bringing it down towards Sakoto.

Joshua Tamashii
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-01-29

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:05 pm
Satoko's eyes narrowed when she saw her opponent's response to the thrown kunai being to throw some kunai of her own and knock Satoko's aside. It was obviously a move she had practiced often and Nakita's precise movements showed that. Still, Satoko didn't have much time to admire her opponent as Nakita charged her and formed a staff out of what was easy to see was webbing. Of course someone who resembled an insect, or more precisely a spider in this case, was going to use webbing. Still, her opponent seemed to be a bit of a show off, jumping into the air and spinning the web-staff she had made unnecessarily before going into an overhead strike. Satoko quickly jumped back and stayed out of Nakita's reach. Sure, she could've blocked the blow but Nakita had four extra limbs, making melee combat something Satoko knew she had to avoid. Those extra limbs could do so much, from handling more weapons to weaving hand signs to grappling Satoko. Satoko didn't relish using ranged combat but it was something it would seem like she would need to do on his occasion.
I gotta buy myself some time. Try and keep my cards close to my chest. She thought to herself before pulling out three more Kunai and throwing them at Nakita: One at her opponent's extra eyes and two at some of Nakita's extra arms.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:40 pm
"Running from me will not help you" She commented knocking the various kunai out of the air not looking too enthused for the fact that she was going to have to chase around this arena unless she use her ace in the hole. She would prefer not to bring them out this early in the game but she might not have much choice in the matter. She needed to close the gap and end this before the girl had any time to really react to her and her tricks. She sighed stabbing the staff into the ground before forming a string of hand signs, cutting her thumb " Summoning Jutsu: Chibi."She spoke slamming her hand against the ground as a massive black spider formed from underneath Nakita, rising her up as it formed and stretched. "Say hello to my cousin"She added
Joshua Tamashii
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-01-29

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:54 pm
"I can't exactly get close to you when you got such an advantage over me when you got so many extra limbs on you." Satoko said in response to Nakita's remarks to her keeping her distance. When Nakita didn't pursue her, Satoko stopped in her tracks and readied herself to whatever the spider-girl might throw at her. However, that did not include the possibility of the girl bringing forth a two-story tall spider that she was now on top of like some oversized grotesque mount. As for the name of the summon well... "THAT IS NOT CHIBI! THAT IS THE OPPOSITE OF CHIBI!"

Now knowing she was at a greater disadvantage, Satoko began thinking fast. She had to figure out how to restrain the giant spider so that this went back to a one-on-one contest. Thankfully, she had just the jutsu to accomplish such a task, as she planted her guan-dou into the ground via the spike on it's one end and quickly wove some signs before slamming her hands onto the ground. Once the jutsu was cast, stones rose from the ground and began surrounding the spider, forming a massive cage around it to try and keep it in place.
Hopefully that will do for now.

Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Mon Feb 15, 2021 2:15 am
"cause I want to end this quickly so I can get back to my senpai. So stand still and let us end this" she said folding her arms while standing on top of the spider that took off moving out of the stone pillars that were trying to contain it."Also, I do not control what my summons are named. these are my siblings, related by my last name. I am Nakita Arachne. I am a descendant of a former spider sage"She announced making sure it was known as she jumped down from the spider as it went a different direction to cut sakoto off while Nakita came at sakoto trying to send a volley of chakra covered fists.
Joshua Tamashii
Posts : 5
Join date : 2021-01-29

Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

Tue Feb 16, 2021 9:13 pm
"Tch." Satoko had been hoping the barrier would last a bit longer but sadly the giant spider seemed stronger then she had been expecting, breaking free within mere seconds of the cage forming around it. The girl then proceeded to go on a very unneeded and slightly long winded explanation about her summons and who she was descended from. Frankly, Satoko didn't care but kept the knowledge in the back of her head. Regardless, now she had an angry spider girl coming to pound her face in and a giant spider that was definitely not chibi circling around her.

While Nakita was in the air Satoko moved close to Not-Chibi and ran under the spider, leaving her guan-dao behind for the time being, but keeping an eye on it as she moved. She quickly, getting under Not-Chibi and quickly throwing more kunai at the underbelly of the creature as she moved as quickly as possibly to avoid getting squashed. Even if the kunai didn't pierce though the chitinous outer-layer of the giant arachnid, these kunai had explosive tags that would go off shortly after making contact with their target. Satoko was no fool though and these tags were set for remote detonation incase her target dodged. If it did, then it would be in for a nasty surprise.

As for her guan-dao, if Nakita expected to grab it or elected to leave it alone and pursue Satoko, she would also be in for a nasty surprise. In the former case, the weapon would spring to life and begin taking swings at Nakita, using both it's large blade and the spike at the end. If Nakita elected to pursue Satoko, the weapon would still come to life seemingly of it's own and pursue her, spinning like a saw blade as it pursued the spider girl like a homing missile.
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Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???)) Empty Re: Plenty of Prelems to go around (Nakita Vs. ???))

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