My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2020-03-21

Mugetsu Hyuga  Empty Mugetsu Hyuga

Sat Feb 13, 2021 7:45 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Mugetsu Hyuga
Clan: Hyuga
Alias/Bingo book name: N/A
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Personality: Mugetsu is a very serious and cold, child and also more mature than most his age. As a part of the main household of the Hyuga clan, Mugetsu acts in an aristocratic manner. He always seems serene and apathetic towards other people, even while actually deeply conflicted. He is also notably calm, even in battle. He generally acts indifferent, bordering on arrogance, to most situations that he is faced with as shown from how he rarely views his opponent as being worth his time. Mugetsu is easily offended if his name is not used properly. As such, he views many people in disdain for always referring to him improperly. When Mugetsu talks to people, he calls them by their full name and title. However, he is very quick to anger and very hot-headed

Mugetsu strongly believes in law and order. As part of one of the great noble families, he works hard for a peaceful society even at his age. He feels that if someone in his position does not follow the rules as a good example, no one else will. He also believes that to maintain the order, all law-breakers must be punished, even if it goes against his own wishes. Mugetsu feels that "part of a leaders' responsibilities are to make sure the subordinate's responsibilities are taken care of". In spite of his icy and regal manner, he deeply cares for and protects those important to him. He's also constantly setting out to prove once and for all that the Hyuga Clan is truly the strongest in the Leaf.
Loyalty: Konoha
Rank: Chunin
Occupation: N/A
Village: Hidden Leaf

Physical Profile

Appereance:Mugetsu Hyuga  Imgbin-hinata-hyuga-naruto-uzumaki-neji-hyuga-hyuga-clan-orochimaru-black-hair-man-908ejCe6mYS9f7JBshEKxP5SA
Height: 5'0
Weight: 100lbs
Physical Traits: Mugetsu has fair skin and short black hair. When his Byakugan is not active he has featureless white eyes. He normally wears a black kimono shirt with black pants, and mesh armour beneath that. He wears a black forehead protector.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Unlike most in the Hyuga Clan Mugetsu has honed his long range fighting. Although he excels in Gentle Fist he realizes that most people can tell he's a Hyuga at a glance and will try to keep their distance. A vast majority of his fighting style is based off his lightning affinity combined with the high speed Gentle Fist techniques. For the most part he has dreams of becoming Anbu so he's also begun working on his kenjutsu skills.
Strengths: Taijutsu, Mid ranged combat, Kenjutsu, Speed
Weaknesses: Genjutsu, Long range combat, Durability
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Weapons/Ninja Tools: [Kunai x5] [Smoke Bomb x2] [Shuriken x20] [Ninja Wire 50ft] [Explosive Tag x3] Sword

Past Profile

History: Mugetsu was born into the main branch of the Hyuga family and as such grew up in the Hyuga mansion in Hidden Leaf. He would spend countless hours training, in preparation to take over a leadership role of the Hyuga family that was until he became more infatuated with joining the Anbu Black Ops. As a kid, he would often have friends visit the Hyuuga manor to play a game of tag with him. On one such occasion, about the time he was 9 years old, Mugetsu was sent to learn Gentle Fist and how to properly use his Byukagan by the Hyuga Elders. Upon seeing the arrival of the elder, he attacked and insulted him calling him an "old bag of bones".

The elder playfully began to tease him, complaining about his greeting after he came all the way there to personally train him. Mugetsu expressed his displeasure at seeing him and stated that he would be a Captain in the Anbu Black Ops soon enough, so he has no time to waste on "ancient relics' like him. After that the elder stole Mugetsus sword, he then exclaimed that if a Captain of the Black Ops could get his sword stolen by an "ancient relic", then he would worry about the future of the village. He then uses his superior speed to escape from Mugetsu, leaving an angry Mugetsu to claim his superiority and promise to make him see the error of his ways.

At the age of 12 he was named Genin. But it wasn't until he turned 13 that he was allowed to take the Chunin Exams. His Squad Leader wanted to make sure he was sending in above Chunin level ninja to ensure his entire squad passed. And pass they all did. Along with teammates(an Uchiha and a Sarutobi) he went through the Chunin exams and performed well enough to earn praise from other Kage. His greatest performance however was not only winning his matches in the battle rounds. But the fact that he was able to observe and come up with and execute a battle plan almost effortlessly. When Mugetsu and his squad were named Chunin he and his squadmates made a pact to never forget what it means to be a shinobi. As well as to raise the next generation of shinobi up to the standard that their sensei had set.

And now we really begin our young Hyugas journey.
Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:

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