My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Event Character - Seishin Nanashi Empty Event Character - Seishin Nanashi

Fri Nov 15, 2019 3:25 am


Name:Seishin Nanashi
Alias: Spirit , Sei
Real Age:3,365
Phys. Age:50ish
Gender: Female
Personality: Seishin has been known as a strange shinigami. She is likable and fits in about anywhere but exists nowhere. To her, emotions and attachments are nothing but distractions and a quick road to death. As long as she could remeber she never really found reasons to expression emotions like sadness over her ally's deaths or her own pain. She understood why others use it but found it unnecessary to show it.

She is cold when it comes to battle its a kill or be killed world and she shows that much with her fighting style though she may not show it but deep down.Fightning is what makes her feel alive.

When it came to being a mother. Her daughters would say good luck finding our supposed mother. Seishin was a leader and shinigami first for the glory of her family then actually tend to her family. However, attack her children or her clan and you will be met with a swift death.


Height: 5,3
Weight: 130 lbs
Physical Traits:
Event Character - Seishin Nanashi Efe2bd10


General Fighting Style:  Seishin is more for not even fighting if at all possible. She doesn't care for fighting or anything of the sorts. If she can she will no draw her weapon or blood if possible.

Strengths: reistu control, stamina
Weaknesses: hand to hand, strength
Ability Name: Oracle
Ability Description: Seishin is able to release a projection of herself anywhere within a 100 meters of her location seeing and hearing every thing around her appearing much like a ghost. This ability has a physical effect when she is touched allowing her to see the past of the one thst either is touching her or that she is touching
Ability Name: Gateway Keeper
Ability Description:  Seishin is able to open a gateway for herself and one other to more or less go where ever she wishes or knows of before hand.


Sealed Appearance: a simple blue hilt dagger
Zanpakutou Name: Gōsutobaindā
Call Out Command: Shatter reality, Gōsutobaindā


Appearance: Seishin will draw her dagger before attempting to slice into her arm. At the connection of her skin to it it fades into mist then nothing before 5 rainbow colored see through orbs with adorable animal like ears along with a tail. The orbs seem to have minds of their own and small giggles can be heard from them. Each one does its own ability.

Ability name: Spirit Weapons
Ability description: One orb will turn into whatever weapon she can think of at any moment. This weapon, whatever it might be whether it is a needle it a giant great sword will be see through with a rainbow outline. A ability of the weapon is instead of cutting into the literal body the weapon will make a limb or part of the body it touches go limb and becomes unusable for a post. She can only numb one limb at a time. The numbing aspect has a two post cooldown as changing her weapon as a post cooldown before she can change it again.

Ability name: Spirit Detachment
Ability Description By using another orb it will shot through her granting a doppelganger in her place as Seishin herself will disappear for the duration of the post. Depending on how it was attacked depends on its effect.

If it is attacked with a physical attack, not including a weapon, it will explode releasing a rainbow mist that will disorient all the opponent's senses for a post.

If it is striked by a weapon a surge of electricity will be sent up the weapon granting a 5 bala of damage.

If a energy attack was to hit it the doppelganger would become a bubble and send it back at her opponent with the same damage as well as a added cero damage on top of it. Has a 5 post cooldown

Ability name: Orb Cannon
Ability Description 1- 2 of her orbs will transform into cannons firing two. Shots each a post. Granting Cero damage and 2nd degree burns if hit. Her cannons stay for a duration of two posts unless destroyed has a 2 post cooldown

Ability name: Barriage
Ability Description One of her orbs will expand before breaking into five more orbs that will then explode sending out ten spikes in every direction if the spikes hit a target they will explode granting bala damage and 2nd degree burns to the opponent. Has a 2 post cooldown.

Boosts: 2x Speed and Reistu control


New Name: Gōsutogādian anba
Appearance: Seishin's appearance doesn't change too much other then she gains 9 see through tails and ears of a fox. Her eye will become slit. Her orbs will form together into a see through dagger.

Abilities name: Spirit embodiment
Abilities description this form she gets a 2x boost to her agility along with reflexes as well as her senses of sight and smell become heightened.

Ability Name: Spirit Leak
Ability Description: Two of her tails will touch the ground before a see through coating with a see through layer of plasma cover the field before moving up to a dome around them. From there large spikes will come from all directions towards the opponent in the dome. If the spikes were to hit they will explode on contact granting 1st degree burns. Has a two post cooldown

Ability Names: Ripple effect
Ability Description: one of her tails will turn split and turn to a portal as two will move into the portal. Two portals will open and move the battlefield before firing missles of plasma at the opponent. If the missles hit they will disorient their target for a post and grant 2nd degree burns.

Ability name: Spirit mirage
Ability Description Three of her orbs will come down abd and around her and her opponent. Three things will happen during this attack. First one orb will explode into mist that will expand 20 meters in ever direction granting her invisiblity inside it as well as giving her a 2x speed boost and disorient her opponent for the duration of the time they are inside the mist. as her second one will explode leaving droplets inside the mist that will leave 1st degree burns on contact. The third orb will wrap around Seishin like a coat of armor that will handle up to two ceros of damage. This will last up to three posts and take 3 post cool down.
Boosts: 3x speed, Reiastu control


New Name: [What's your zanpakuto's new name?]
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]
Abilities: [What abilities does your character gain]
Boosts: [In this release, you get a 4x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


History: [History goes here.]
1. Seishin was the one of the first two ever of the Nanashi clan.
2. She is currently the oldest living member of the Nanashi clan.
3. She use to be a captain and was around when the 13 squads were great and was the first to keep records of the gotei
5. In a rebirth Seishin meet snd befriended Satou creating a new kind of friendship with the troubled girl
6. Seishin seems to come and go mustly coming in the time of great need and war.
7. Seishin was the captain under Doku and often couldnt be found but always seemed around when she was needed by him or her clan
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us determine your character's tier. Roleplay in this character, please.]

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Event Character - Seishin Nanashi Empty Re: Event Character - Seishin Nanashi

Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:24 pm
Approved 1-2
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