My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro Empty Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro

Sun May 02, 2021 8:19 pm

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro Bd6aee3ef2ae4383382b2864a19a6a64


Name: Hagane Jaken'na kokoro
Alias: Granmarg, The Earth

Age: 23
True Age: Around 1200

Sex: Male

Personality: Put simply Hagane's interactions are entirely based upon his mood and the circumstances that put him into said mood. It is impossible to explain Hagane's personality as it is ever changing. However it is possible to say that he can be pretty easy to understand, as Hagane's nature sits upon the border of morally good and bad. Hagane is not prone to resentment even if he may hate someone, and Hagane is not without his human side even when he may appear to be like stone. Hagane is not some evil villain but he is also not the hero, he seems to sit on the border, he just does what he feels like doing. Hagane can show love and affection and genuinely wants to receive it back, even when he is despised. Hagane in the end is simply moulded by the company he keeps. The more malice they have, the more he reflects. The more love they show, the more he showers back. The opinion of Hagane should vastly differ between people and interactions, some may hate and some may care. Hagane is just Hagane at the end of the day.

There is a staple of Hagane’s personality however, his incredible rage and brutal structure that shapes the morally questionable side of Hagane. Even then Hagane still has his own values. Hagane holds family above all else, and strives to keep family close.


Height: 6' 6"

Weight: 210 lbs

Physical Traits:
Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro 193c8dc37338ec0cdb51c1d433eec718

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro Cd7841e6be8a5dc8533634ffa42f7425

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro D947b74f5af39adff6c6785529b110a8

Clothing: As shown in Picture.

Accessories: A necklace of chain links made from Ishii's Metal.    


General Fighting Style: Hagane is a pure brawler who uses his body as a weapon with high efficiency and power. His powers allow him to make strong attacks consistently.

Strengths: Strength, Reiryoku, Defense.

Weaknesses: Hakuda, kidou (Hagane is only able to use Kidou up to 30), hoho.

Personal Abilities:

Subdermal Armor: Hagane generates/subconsciously manipulates an innate hard shell casing of armour underneath his skin in the form of two layers. Blocking 20% of all damage taken. Also acts like an average Hierro. (When entering Bankai this percentage is raised to 30%)


Name of Zanpakuto: Tomerarenai-ryoku

Sealed Appearance:
Sealed Zanpakuto:


Call Out Command: Tomerarenai-ryoku

Shikai Appearance and Hagane's new Appearance:


Collision Inducement: With this ability Hagane causes damage equal to a full powered strike he can make, which occurs when anything makes contact with any part of his body. The damage is considered blunt force. This ability only activates if Hagane is IN MOTION and is always functional as long as the motion requirement is met. While moving this ability also Blocks 20% of all damage taken. (When entering Bankai this percentage is raised to 30%)(Note that a full powered strike from Hagane would equal that of a cero or higher)

Earth Manipulation: Hagane can create, shape and manipulate earth and "Earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc. Within a 100m Radius.

Earth Colosseum: Hagane can form 4 walls in a 30 foot area around him, with a ceiling over the top which allows enough light in for the opponent to see, but not to slip through. (Regardless of any shenanigans, teleportation doesn't work in here.) This essentially traps the opponent in a 20m arena with Hagane, making them far easier pickings for him. Hagane cannot use Earth Manipulation when this is active, and it lasts 2 posts with a 4 post Cooldown. The walls of the arena can withstand up to Gran Rey Cero damage. (When in Bankai the Coliseum is slightly smaller, being a 15m area around him instead. The walls while in Bankai can withstand up to Cero Oscuras damage, and the ability lasts 3 posts with a 5 post cooldown instead.)

Inertia Negation: Effectively Hagane is unaffected by Inertia. Essentially although his body has weight, this ability makes it so his body acts as if it had low weight or was weightless. Leaving his Body unaffected by the effects of Inertia while still retaining all his weight and momentum.

HAMMER OF THOR???: Pretty simple ability. Hagane can throw his Hammer just like Thor, with some pretty devastating effects. Also if Hagane's Zanpakuto is not in his possession for this reason or another, he can call his Zanpakuto back to his hand.    


New Name: Chikara o koeta tsuyo-sa

Bankai Appearance and Hagane's new Appearance:


Regeneration: Hagane has accelerated healing, he can heal all external damage such as fractured bones and deep cuts, burns, bruises, ETC. If a limb is cut off he can re-attach it, with a bit of time. Hagane is also capable of surviving severe blood loss.  

Enhanced Strength: Hagane is able to exert super physical strength. 2x bonus to Strength.

Absolute Fist: This ability allows the user to use his own fist as a means of dealing with abilities and attacks that normally transcend physical limits, but is not completely limited to such. While this ability is active the user is able to "punch" any single attack and cancel it. Effectively punching it out of existence. After doing this a single time however the power cannot be used again for a short time. That time is dependent on the power that was cancelled. So punching a cero would be a one post cooldown. Punching a level 60 kidou would be a 2 post CD. Etc. This ability does not function against powers and attacks whose power exceeds that of a Cero Oscuras. (This Ability can also be used as a means to mitigate damage, meaning if the user was to Punch a forbidden kidou with absolute fist the damage would be mitigated down by the highest amount of power it is able to cancel.)  

Juggernaut Death Charge: Once per post, Hagane can do a linear Shunpo speed charge with his body. If this shit doesn't knock you on your ass, congrats.  



Background: Son of Ishii  

Side Notes:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro Empty Re: Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro

Mon May 03, 2021 4:26 am
Approved 1-1
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro Empty Re: Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro

Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:14 am
Reapproved 1-1
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