My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Tue May 18, 2021 10:40 pm
The air surrounding the various Divisions of the Gotei was peaceful, Shinigami meeting in small groups and chatting, doing their patrols, or even napping under a tree in some of the scattered gardens. Only two things served to break the day's passage in this particular area. The first was a tall spire, one giving off an air of foreboding and authority as it stretched towards the heavens. This was the Facility, the headquarters of the Gotei's detention unit. Many rumors surrounded the place, and few outside of the unit even had an inkling if they were true. Frankly, if even a tenth of them had a grain of fact, then it was one of the most dangerous places to be in the Soul Society. This, however, brings us to the second disturbance in the area.

A seemingly-young man, dressed in a sleeveless Shihakusho and a matching haori, marked with the symbol of the Fifth Division and lined with black, was marching his way forward, reiatsu swirling viciously around him as he dragged a semi-conscious body behind him. Okami Shiba, the man known to many as the loyal attack dog of the Captain-Commander and the current leader of the most brutal bunch of misfits in the Gotei, was pissed. While it wasn't advisable to get on his bad side in the first place, it was even worse at this particular junction. The passing of Doku Mazi, the previous Captain-Commander, had left a rather large hole in his absence, and Okami was feeling it rather keenly.

The old man, along with Ishii Jaken'na Kokoro - the leader of the Containment Unit, typically referred to as Demise - were close friends with Okami's mother, the previous leader of the Shiba Clan and one of his predecessors in the Fifth. After her passing when he was young, the two had taken it upon themselves to treat him as family, dysfunctional as it was, and the loss of such a thing had left the Shinigami with more than a few sleepless nights. The bastard he was dragging along with him had certainly picked the wrong time to start shit.

As he entered the ground floor of the Facility, several of the Containment Unit's Operators began moving quickly to ascertain the situation. The Shinigami held in Okami's unyielding grip was missing his right arm - the sword arm - and his left leg. On top of that, he was suffering from more broken bones than not, the only remaining leg had been twisted one-hundred eighty degrees at the knee, a severe concussion, was missing his right eye, compound fractures in four ribs, and what appeared to be one of the worst wedgies any of them had ever heard of. It was a miracle that he was still alive, but considering his current location it might have also been a curse.

When an Operator asked what had happened, Okami's eyes, typically a bright silver, turned to brushed steel and his barely-restrained reiatsu flared as he answered. "The bastard has been hunting down female citizens of the Rukongai for fun, torturing and killing them. I can get you the reports, and show you what's left of his victims, but I doubt any of you will care to see it if you still want to eat. Where's the Lieutenant-Commander? I want this bastard as deep as we can put him, and I don't feel like bothering the old man about this."
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Wed May 19, 2021 1:10 am
The assigned Captain of Squad Five Okami Shiba had made his way into the facility, with an individual in tow who looked like he'd just had coitus with a bear. Missing an arm, missing a leg, missing an eye, and no abundance of injuries. Several Operatives had made inquires about the situation. It seemed that the man who was currently being dragged into the facility had committed no abundance of crimes, but like all completely fair trials he would be screened and processed before his stay. The Masked Operator's swiftly took the individual from Okami's clutches and then proceeded to communicate with the Hive. One of the Operator's proceeded to also inquire about the Lieutenant-Commander, who had yet to come in for his duties. With a matter as simple as this one, the Warden-Commander himself would give absolutely no care for processing. It was definitely a better idea to at least go through the lower ranks, then again was the punishment really that different?

Hagane found himself in the Gotei once again, having returned from the Kokoro Castle. His eyes failed to adjust to the sudden shift in lighting as moments ago he'd just made his way through his family's portal. Raising his left hand up in front of his eyes, he would momentarily block the rays of light from his eyes. Hagane would then proceed to start walking, making his way towards the Facility. Hagane wasn't seen very often wearing his Operator Uniform and the only time he ever wore it was when he had to do work below the Facility. As for now he was just wearing his casual clothing along with his formal Banners.

Taking a glance into the Facility entrance, Hagane could see Okami?... Hagane pulled out a cigarette from his jacket and rolled his eyes as he placed it with his mouth. Hagane really didn't want to deal with anything, his simple goal was to live out his life doing what he wanted. He father however had other plans for Hagane's future, forgetting about the fact that he's now over a thousand years old. Proceeding to open the doors Hagane caught wind of okami's words. "The bastard has been hunting down female citizens of the Rukongai for fun, torturing and killing them. I can get you the reports, and show you what's left of his victims, but I doubt any of you will care to see it if you still want to eat. Where's the Lieutenant-Commander? I want this bastard as deep as we can put him, and I don't feel like bothering the old man about this.", Okami would say towards the Operatives of the Facility.

The inside of the facility was a giant spiral with a massive elevator. Every stage until you got to the top was nothing but sealed area's for prisoners and other area's where Operatives would conduct Management and Administrative tasks. The place was practically crawling with personal, however because of their work it made the place appear somewhat empty. The place was white as white and clean as clean, except for the mess that Okami had just dragged in.

Leaning his head to the left, Hagane would light his Cigarette. Taking a large breath and exhaling heavily. Making his way over to Okami, Hagane would clear his throat. The Operator's in the vicinity would immediately salute. Looking over at the incredibly messed up individual Hagane would laugh to himself slightly. Taking a glance over at one of the Operator's, Hagane would begin to speak. "Contact the Hive to send up personal for this man's processing. Oh... and send up an Apothecary to heal him.", Hagane would say sternly towards the Operator's.

Hagane would then turn his attention to Okami before continuing to talk, "What's happening? Or perhaps I should say what happened?"
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Wed May 19, 2021 11:22 pm
Okami lifted an eyebrow as one of his two oldest friends showed up, immediately taking charge and ensuring the proper protocol was followed while simultaneously looking like he'd rather be anywhere else. At Hagane's question, the Captain would turn to him and sigh, running a hand through his hair and explaining as best he could. "We heard about some dead bodies showing up in our sector of the Rukongai, and I sent my Third Seat to investigate. Turns out that women were getting raped and butchered every so often, and it was bad enough that it warranted a bit more of a personal touch. He was skipping his patrols, and about the time he started bragging about his "conquests" I confronted him about it. He lashed out at me with a brand new Shikai, so I broke it, tore the arm off, and used what was left of his Zanpakuto to make an example of him. About that time he tried running away is when he lost the leg, and I switched to using my fists. The hilt of his sword is being used to hold up the new Fifth Division Code of Conduct, and I'm thinking about adding a shard to my collection. We swore an oath to protect those who can't protect themselves, and anyone who would prey on the innocent like that deserves no less."

The collection Okami mentioned? A series of broken Zanpakuto pieces from the various traitors and Arrancar he'd killed over the years. At first he thought it'd be cool to make a necklace out of them, but he tossed that idea aside, since he'd just end up cutting himself on the edges by accident. "So, how's life here in Containment, or even in the Kokoro Clan in general?"
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Tue May 25, 2021 12:54 pm
Okami seemed to sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, prepping himself for the telling of a story. "We heard about some dead bodies showing up in our sector of the Rukongai, and I sent my Third Seat to investigate. Turns out that women were getting raped and butchered every so often, and it was bad enough that it warranted a bit more of a personal touch. He was skipping his patrols, and about the time he started bragging about his "conquests" I confronted him about it. He lashed out at me with a brand new Shikai, so I broke it, tore the arm off, and used what was left of his Zanpakuto to make an example of him. About that time he tried running away is when he lost the leg, and I switched to using my fists. The hilt of his sword is being used to hold up the new Fifth Division Code of Conduct, and I'm thinking about adding a shard to my collection. We swore an oath to protect those who can't protect themselves, and anyone who would prey on the innocent like that deserves no less."

Hagane raised both his eyes once Okami had finished his story. Blinking a few times, his face face would eventually return back to a blank bored state. With his left hand he would rub his eyes, and with the right he would remove his cigarette from his mouth after taking a large puff. Hagane thought hard for a second, turning his attention back to Okami as he asked a question. "So, how's life here in Containment, or even in the Kokoro Clan in general?", Okami would ask.

"Yeah... Containment... Fun... Well in all seriousness, work is work. The family seems to be well. Mobius came back after disappearing years ago, so... that's new.", Hagane would say. His attention shifted slightly after his response until he saw the elevator coming back up.

The tapping of metal could be heard as the inmates of the surface bashed cups and chains against against their bars and walls. They all knew what was coming to the surface, and they knew that they were better off never going down. The inmates kept bashing in synchrony, producing a sound that would most definitely be heard from the outside. Spewing forth, several Operator's of the lower level would come out and detain the man that had been taken from Okami's 'care'. Two of them would place cuffs and chains around the mans neck and torso before dragging him to the elevator. One of the Operator's holding a pad would approach Hagane, confirming his fate.

"I trust Okami's words, so I'll maybe write up a report on the matter.", Hagane would then point at the man, "Send him to three"

Hearing a large thud at the main door, Hagane would turn his head around. Catching another glimpse of a new offender, Hagane was going to assume punishment of the individual. He seemed young, almost too young to have been detained in the way that he had been. Several Operator's already had the poor man in chains and seals, and that was when Hagane noticed something odd. The inmates had suddenly stopped all their noise. Hagane twisted his head around, looking at them all intently as they stared towards the Elevator's massive door. In the middle was Hagane' Father, the warden of this entire place. An eerie silence filled the Facility as Demise made his way slowly to the Facilities recent member. He paid no attention to Hagane nor Okami as he Grabbed the young mans chains and began dragging him towards the elevator. The young man began screaming vocally, obviously knowing of his fate. His sobbing was almost pitiful to listen to, however perhaps he deserved his fate.

On his way back to the Elevator, Demise would quickly grab Hagane's Cigarette from his hand and toss it into his face. Before standing patiently in the Elevator as all the Operator's made their way in for the lower levels. As the Elevator began to seal, Hagane had just enough time to pick up his cigarette and toss it in at his father. "You fucking prick!", Hagane would call as the doors sealed shut.

"Oh wait!", Hagane said to himself as he drew his attention to Okami. "Eh... the other dude will be alright, right? Nah... not my fucking problem anyway. So yeah... what about you, you been good?", Hagane would ask Okami.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Wed May 26, 2021 3:05 am
Whistling at the young male's treatment and trying to hide his snickering when Demise tossed Hagane's cigarette back in his face, Okami would straighten his expression when one of his two closest friends looked back at him, asking how'd he'd been. "Honestly? I've been better. Doku passing away has got me a bit messed up, to the point where the bunch of misfits I've got in the Fifth have a betting pool as to when I'll finally snap and kill someone. Idiots actually got excited when I caught that bastard, although I think someone lost a couple hundred Kan betting that today would be the day."

Shifting slightly and pulling a flask from inside his coat, Okami would take a swig of the whiskey inside and offer it to Hagane before continuing. "Other than that, though, things are good. Dipshit generic family members one through thirty aren't bothering me too much, politics are politics, and there's been a few whispers that the Arrancar are building up, so we might see some action. Apologies if I'm stepping too far into Kokoro business, but Mobius? Didn't he go missing when we were kids?"
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:48 am
Okami seemed amused by Hagane's Father's actions, not that Hagane gave too many fucks. Although when Hagane had asked him a question, Okami was quick to straighten his expression. "Honestly? I've been better. Doku passing away has got me a bit messed up, to the point where the bunch of misfits I've got in the Fifth have a betting pool as to when I'll finally snap and kill someone. Idiots actually got excited when I caught that bastard, although I think someone lost a couple hundred Kan betting that today would be the day.", Okami would say pulling a flask from the inside of his coat.

Hagane would laugh to himself, thinking of a few fond memories of Doku before Okami would offer him a swig. Hagane would take the flask and help himself to a mouthful of the contents. Immediately handing back the flask. Listening closely as Okami continued to speak, "Other than that, though, things are good. Dipshit generic family members one through thirty aren't bothering me too much, politics are politics, and there's been a few whispers that the Arrancar are building up, so we might see some action. Apologies if I'm stepping too far into Kokoro business, but Mobius? Didn't he go missing when we were kids?"

Hagane would pause for a moment, recalling on his memories about Mobius. He would gesture a hand at Okami for them to leave, as he turned and opened the Facility's doors. Hagane could deal with work later, and besides it wasn't like Demise had time to give him a stern talking.

Hagane seemed hesitant to talk at first, although perhaps it wasn't so much hesitance as it was lack of knowledge. "Mobius? Yeah, he's been missing for years. Funny how my old man decides to finally talk, after the death of Doku and all. He doesn't give to many details about shit, at least not to me. I mean, yeah I'd ask the bastard what the fuck happened to Mobius. He wouldn't tell me though. As for Mobius? Motherfucker doesn't speak fuck all regardless, so not much to get out of him. If it were Raiza or Thestalos, yeah they'd never shut up. Especially Thestalos, fuck me dead. Ever met a dude with a hero complex? Bet ya, you'd never find someone worse than him. Well, back to Mobius. I gotta be honest if you've got info then I'm all ears. Family doesn't tell me anything. Then they wonder why I've got rage issues."

Hagane would rub his temples, as he looked off in the distance. "Anywhere you'd prefer be than here?", Hagane would ask before a question popped in his head. "Actually, speaking of people and relations. What was your Mother like around Demise and Doku anyway? I'm more curious to know whether Dad's a prick because of what happened to mom or because of all the people he's lost. Sorry in advance if that's a delicate subject."
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Wed Jun 09, 2021 4:45 pm
Following Hagane out of the building, Okami shrugged at the question of where he'd rather be. He didn't really care, so long as it didn't involve paperwork. Tilting his head back to look at the sky in thoguht as they walked, the Captain would respond after a moment. "If you want more info on Mobius, I'd check the Academy. He might not speak much, but I've heard rumors about some armored giant causing havoc over there. Seems like it'd be his doing, if nothing else. As for Mom..."

Returning his gaze to the road in front of them, Okami sighed. "I don't actually remember all that much about her, since I was only a few years old when she died. That being said, from what Doku used to say, she was halfway between a manic pixie dream girl and a pure fight junkie when it was just them. She was the one that WASN'T depressed when it came to the three of them, and as far as either of them could guess she was a raging dyke. Apparently Doku ended up getting absolutely tanked after finding out she was pregnant, since his entire worldview got shaken. Demise didn't talk about her too often when we were growing up, but he was, surprisingly, not a dick about it. I got the impression that he's just tired of losing people, your mother and mine included. He's probably acting like a pain in the ass over Doku, now that I think about it..."

By that point they were passing the shopping districts of the Seiretei, and Okami turned to Hagane. "You feel like lunch? I'll pay."
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Join date : 2019-11-02

Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane) Empty Re: Sword And Shield (Okami/Hagane)

Sun Jun 20, 2021 8:19 pm
Following Hagane out the Building, Okami would answer his burning questions. "If you want more info on Mobius, I'd check the Academy. He might not speak much, but I've heard rumors about some armored giant causing havoc over there. Seems like it'd be his doing, if nothing else. As for Mom...", Okami would say looking up at the sky in thought.

Okami's gaze would shift to the ground, as he sighed. It was hard to tell whether the topic was truly a painful subject for Okami, yet Hagane still wanted to know anything he could. It wasn't exactly that common for Okami and Hagane to engage in conversation, usually busy going their own ways. "I don't actually remember all that much about her, since I was only a few years old when she died. That being said, from what Doku used to say, she was halfway between a manic pixie dream girl and a pure fight junkie when it was just them. She was the one that WASN'T depressed when it came to the three of them, and as far as either of them could guess she was a raging dyke. Apparently Doku ended up getting absolutely tanked after finding out she was pregnant, since his entire worldview got shaken. Demise didn't talk about her too often when we were growing up, but he was, surprisingly, not a dick about it. I got the impression that he's just tired of losing people, your mother and mine included. He's probably acting like a pain in the ass over Doku, now that I think about it...", Okami would say.

Hagane would be drawn into deep thought as he processed everything that Okami had said. Out of all of his family Hagane was notoriously known as the most emotional of the bunch. Seemed that he was the only one of his siblings to have gotten his mother's spark of love. Then again, saying this to his face would probably get your teeth smash out. Doku's death was rough but Hagane knew that his father wasn't shifted by the death of one person, his whole life was a war. A war with himself and dealing with the loss of everything he'd ever known. Now he was one of the only individuals left of the old age of the Soul Society.

"Yeah... I could go for something to chew, especially if someone else is paying"

Hagane would smile after his statement, placing a new cigarette in his mouth and lighting it. Placing one foot out, Hagane would make his slow journey along side Okami.

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