My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Tue May 04, 2021 2:24 am
The sands of Hueco Mundo gleamed white underneath the ever-present moon's unsettling light. Reiatsu coated the area, chasing away most of the weaker Hollows, the Adjuchas deciding that their hunts would be better suited away from an apex predator and the few Gillians outside the Menos Forest thinking that perhaps it would be best not to tempt fate.

The source was a white-haired male, humanoid and devoid of the usual mask worn by Hollows. The cold amber eyes of a wolf gleamed as they took in the sands from the man's position sitting on one of the ruins scattered around the area. He had decided that he needed a short break from the general chaos of Las Noches, and so he took a walk. Taking in a deep breath, the reishi-rich air of his kingdom filled him with an inner peace as he let it back out through sharp canines, more fit for the mouth of a predator than a human.

In the back of his head, Graven idly pondered the fact that things were TOO peaceful. It had been some time since the last foolish youngling challenged him, and knowing his luck something was coming.

He hoped it was more exciting than his current lackadaisical surroundings.
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Tue May 04, 2021 3:38 am
Millis had been in the middle of playing with some poor Menos what had been unfortunate enough to stumble across him when he sense something, whether hollow or Arancar he couldn't say for sure but never the less it seemed strong, and strong toys were always more fun.

"I am so sorry to cut our little game short, but let's be honest we both knew how this would end," with that he brought his heel down and crushed the Menos' mask, "adiós." Without another word he disappeared in a buzz of Sonido.

It wasn't long before Millis was within walking distance of the presence and much to his delight there was a solitary Arancar standing there cocksure and proud. His tongue flashed over his lips before he called out to the figure, "well well well, it looks as if someone got lost. Say do you need a helping hand?"
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Tue May 04, 2021 12:59 pm
Looking at the new arrival from his perch on a low wall and lifting an elegant eyebrow, Graven huffed in amusement at his words. "Not all who wander are lost, young one. I simply wished for a change of scenery. Boredom seems to be common these days."

Taking in the new arrival, Graven noted the green hair and his mannerisms. The other Arrancar was likely a couple inches taller than him, but seemed to be a bit slimmer. None of that truly mattered in a world of spiritual beings, but it was worth a moments' curiosity at the very least. Flaring his reiatsu slightly, just to see how the other male would react, the elder Arrancar would speak once more, his unnatural bass showing a fair amount of curiosity. "This area is ruled directly by the King of Hueco Mundo, as his Espada are based not too far from here in Las Noches. Why would you risk discovery hunting on someone else's territory?"
Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Tue May 04, 2021 1:30 pm
Taking note of the attempt at intimidation, a smile split across Millis face,"I take it by your attempts at posturing you've styled yourself as king" Millis' eyes never left Graven but they weren't the eyes of someone sizing up his opponent, nor the eyes of the predator sizing up prey, they were interested yet dispassionate.

"so then, King of the mindless beasts, however shall you deal with my transgression, or are you all bluster?" Millis' tongue flashed over his lips again as he tilted his head slightly as he studied Graven's reaction to his provocations.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Thu May 06, 2021 7:46 am
Graven's face spread into a predatory grin as his reiatsu began to weigh down more and more on the area, the wolf-like Arrancar allowing it to release itself fully, instead of suppressing it as much as he can and redirecting it into the air. His golden eyes flashed red as a sticky red substance seemed to ooze up from the sands, the coppery tang in the air identifying it as blood. The liquid lifted itself into the air, separating itself into fifteen spears made of a gallon of the substance each. One of them shot forward faster than most combatants could move, aimed straight for the other man's chest.

The elder of the two had seen the look in the green-haired man's eyes. He didn't seem to care who he pissed off, or what he ended up interfering in. Why he felt this way was anyone's guess, but ultimately it didn't matter. "Honestly...I couldn't care less if someone wishes to hunt. This, however, is shaping up to be at least somewhat amusing. Tell me, what is your name?"

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Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Sat May 08, 2021 3:24 pm
Feeling the Increase in the Reaitsu within air Millis' eyes lit up, maybe this one would last a little longer. Fully aware of the spear of a blood like energy barrelling towards him Millis started to walk toward the self proclaimed king allowing it stab into his chest.

The attack which would have normally driven straight through most combatants, was met with an immense resistance. It had broken the skin, but barely. A single drop of blood spilled from the wound that was left behind, which was caught by millis' finger that he then proceeded to lick the blood from.

"Oh my, what a fearsome attack, Mr king. You do know that you may have actually hurt some people with that?" The Smile on his face spread wider, almost ear to ear as he continued his approach toward Graven. Using a quick sonido to appear face to face with the older Arrancar he proceeded to lean even closer in, "as for who I am, well Maybe I should make myself your new etiquette instructor.

Now well within arm's reach Millis chose to unleash the full force of His Reiatsu forcing back the power being displayed by Graven. "or maybe, I should be your new master. Would you like that little puppy?"
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Mon May 10, 2021 12:14 am
Gritting his fanged teeth, Graven certainly felt the weight of the other Arrancar's presence, the ruins around them beginning to crumble and the sands kicking up as the two reiatsu signatures warred against each other. Given the fact that the King himself could actually feel the pressure, if not the actual signature and sensations themselves, he could guess the other male was stronger than he himself was - something that hadn't happened in ages. In fact, he couldn't remember if it had ever happened.

Was he just getting lazy, or too comfortable in his position? Perhaps, but that's not a concern for the moment.

Growling low in his throat, an animalistic noise that echoed slightly in a stereotypical Hollow tone, the wolf-like Arrancar built up and fired a Cero without warning, blurring into Sonido to gain some distance, the blood under his control swelling and immediately forming five additional spears even as he dragged the one he'd used back towards him.

Those weapons began tracking the other male. He'd punched through his Hierro, meaning that Graven was able to injure him, albeit slightly. He might lose, but he'd be damned if he didn't make the bastard regret it.

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Posts : 27
Join date : 2021-01-27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Tue May 11, 2021 7:47 pm
Seeing the other arrancar's violent reaction filled Millis' heart with joy, the rush of the fight or flight response being triggered always did give him a sense of satisfaction. "Come now, attacking people for no good reason isn't going to teach me my lesson," Millis began his charge toward his aggressor. Again he allowed the spears to hit him, and again the barely broke the immense heirro and shrugging off the cero that connected with his chest, Millis continued forward and blurred into sonido, again within arms reach of the self styled king.

This time rather than taunting Graven, Millis launched a punch directly into his face and with his other hand fired a cero into his body. "Come on, here I thought the King was supposed to be strong. If all you can do is launch pins and throw ceros you won't last too long, Millis licked his lips with a wide eyed wild look on his face.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 27

Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

Wed May 12, 2021 12:59 pm
Graven's eyes widened significantly in surprise as the other Arrancar blurred forward straight through his assault, launching a heavy-handed punch into his fast and letting loose a Cero to his torso. The aristocratic features of the King's face crunched under the force and flesh tore and burned away from the blast before his form faded, the real Graven appearing fifty meters away to the rear of his opponent, panting with exertion. He had no disillusions at this point. The younger male very clearly had a massive advantage in this fight, to the point that the damage that the wolf was able to dish out was negligible at best. Did this mean he was going to give up so easily?


A flash of reiatsu, untamed and powerful, tore across the battlefield as Graven's eyes began glowing red, a crimson aura surrounding him as a set of claws and a tail was formed from the energy. Dragging his blood back towards him and adding an additional five gallons, he would bring one towards his hand and form it into a glowing red katana, tossing it back into the air before forming more spears. Narrowing his eyes, he'd blur himself into a Sonido, the spears and single katana firing off and moving to surround and stab into his opponent. Building up a large amount of energy, the claws on his right hand would begin to appear unstable, the air warping around them as he appeared next to the other Arrancar, sending them directly into his side augmented with the force of a Gran Rey Cero even as the spears and katana made to impact him.

The spears were the same as usual, but he would find the katana to be quite a bit harder than the other constructs, seemingly as hard as a Shinigami's Zanpakuto. If that one managed to punch through the man's Hierro, it would explode into a Cero at point-blank range.

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Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical) Empty Re: Titans (Graven/Millis, Historical)

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