My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

Osamu Naganori Empty Osamu Naganori

Tue May 04, 2021 1:55 pm
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 155 lbs
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style: Osamu prefers to fight at mid to long range using Kidou and his various Zanpakuto release states. During battle, he understands that he will make it as tough as possible for opponents to get near him, so he taunts and chides them in order to make them lose their composure. He will also use an avoidance-type style of combat, using the environment to his advantage, and taking the battle to a more favorable location. In a group, he is more likely to take the supportive role in a fight due to his utility as a healer.
Strengths: Reiatsu, Kidou
Weaknesses: Strength
Ability Name: Advanced Medical Practitioner
Ability Description: Despite his unprofessional attitude, some aspects of Osamu's Bankai have led him to study medicine, allowing him to patch up other beings with a high degree of skill. Specifically, he is able to handle major injuries with a combination of knowledge and kaido, and heal minor wounds with little to no effort.


Sealed Appearance: Standard size katana with a black scabbard, green hilt wrapping, and a round silver tsuba with a vine pattern going around the edge.
Zanpakutou Name: Kine
Call Out Command: "Tear the moon down from the sky."


Appearance: Osamu's sword expands into a 7 foot bo, with ornate metal bands and inlays that reinforce the weapon. At each end, there is an ornate metal cap in the shape of vines coiling around the ends.
Abilities: His Shikai's strength lies in the expert control Osamu has over his weapon. Not only is he exceptionally skilled with it, the weapon can extend up to ten times its length, contract to become a short range club, and contort itself into various shapes. The staff can wrap itself around objects, and can obtain rope-like properties.

Shiboru, Kine: Osamu can wrap his staff around his opponents and say this command, allowing the staff to constrict the opponent, trapping them in place (Level 40 Bakudo) and doing Cero Damage (2 post cooldown).

Tsukisasu, Kine: Osamu can point the end of his staff towards his opponent, and say this command. The end will form into a sharp point and charge at his opponent at bala speed, dealing piercing Cero damage (2 post cooldown).

Mamoru, Kine: The staff rolls itself up lengthwise to create a round shield that can deflect a Gran Rey amount of damage for Osamu only. 3 post cooldown.


New Name: Tetchū Matsubayashi
Appearance: A large area (roughly a 5 mile radius) has a dense pine forest imposed on that layer of space. Every person caught up in this area is also transported here, unless the user chooses not to bring them into that plane. Within that area, the surroundings are dark, with a heavy feeling of being watched.


Plant Manipulation/Generation: In his bankai, Osamu can twist and bend the plants and trees. within his domain in many different ways, including forming several different types of plants that serve different purposes.

Each attack using normal plant vines/roots branches are bala strength, and a hold on his opponent can be broken with a strong zanpakuto attack. Normal barriers formed can absorb up to a Cero worth of damage with a 3 post cooldown.

Taiyō no uta: A set of four flower buds sprout up within Osamu's line of sight., and shoot beams of burning sunlight at Cero strength and speed each. (3 post cooldown)

Kōshu-dai no uta: Lashing vines wrap around the opponent's neck and other limbs with the durability of a level 60 bakudo, and dealing crushing damage for the first post. (3 post cooldown)

Pine Needles: Osamu can launch fifty (50) of the needles from the surrounding trees in order to cause great pain to his opponent. An alternative would be to keep them attached to the branch, and using them to tear his opponents apart with a myriad of puncture wounds (Cero+ strength 2 post cooldown).

Tate no uta: Osamu forms a barrier of densely layered wood, able to block up to a Gran Rey's worth of damage. 3 post cooldown

Shushi no uta: Osamu generates a fruit from a nearby tree that serves as a healing item. This must be consumed immediately and gives High Speed Regeneration for Two Posts. (3 post cooldown and cannot be used on self).


New Name: Kareki no Shūdōin TBD
Appearance: The bright plane of existence that is Osamu’s Bankai darkens to twilight, and the entire forest degrades and becomes sickly, the trees taking on a dark pallor. The temperature becomes noticeably colder, and the forest adopts an aura of heaviness and extreme age. The ground and trees become covered in thorny vines and bushes that make it difficult to move around quickly. An elaborate wood and metal shakujo forms in Osamu’s hands, allowing him a defensive weapon and a means to use more of his abilities. Six rings with varying elemental compositions are attached to the head of the Shakujo.

Abilities: His Toukai retains the abilities of his Bankai, with the exception of ‘Pine Needles’, ‘Shushi no uta’, and ‘Tate no uta’, and gains these abilities in their stead.

Tetsu no yubiwa: The Ring of Iron, a dull colored ring that can be launched at an opponent, splitting into five rings that bind the target’s limbs and neck to the nearest surface with level 81 Bakudo strength. Four post cooldown

Mugen no yubiwa: The Ring of Infinity, a black colored ring that glows dimly. It can be enlarged into a void that swallows up any attack launched into it, regardless of the nature of the attack. The cooldown is the cooldown of the attack used against it plus one. This ability also consumes Osamu's Reiatsu proportional to the energy absorbed.

Tsukinowa:The Ring of the Moon, a ring of moonstone that also enlarges to absorb an attack of Gran Rey level or lower, then immediately launches that attack back at the opponent. The attack absorbed and reflected must be a launched attack from the opponent, and this has a five post cooldown.

Taiyōnowa: The Ring of the Sun, a brightly glowing ring of fire swirling with small bursts of flame. This ring can be called upon to reject the last 3 posts of damage on Osamu only, with a once per thread cooldown.

Hananowa:The Ring of Flowers, an ornate woven ring of cherry blossoms that can expand into a ringed zone fitting three to four people inside. As long as this ring is active (3 posts), anyone inside the circle (other than Osamu if present) has high speed regeneration. The circle can be broken by a cero-level attack and cannot be re-used for four posts after being broken early or five posts if the circle was active for three posts.

Toge no yubiwa:The Ring of Thorns, an interlocking ring of the vines that permeate the spacial realm of the Toukai. Osamu can send the ring at a target, and should it hit, they are laced with a poison that lowers their speed by 1X for two posts on a five post cooldown.


Before his acceptance into the academy, he was a part of the minor noble house of Naganori, and was definitely considered the black sheep at a young age. The exceptionally inquisitive individual felt that the rules his family imposed on him limited his freedom and potential. As a result, he developed a habit of sneaking out of the family compound in order to explore Soul Society. Eventually, his family would give up on trying to stop him from sneaking around, and gave him the option of being exiled or straightening up by going to the Academy. He chose the latter, seeing as even he didn’t want the label of ‘exile’ on his shoulders. However, he is uncaring about any other labels he might acquire.

During his time at the Academy, Osamu was very much the class clown. He wasn’t studious, only for lack of trying. Being an exceptionally smart individual, he got most of the lessons, but didn’t put them into practice. He opted more often than not to mess around during courses and almost flunk out before being personally instructed by a single teacher who could put lessons in such a way that he wouldn’t be bored. As a result, he graduated the academy a year before the students who entered with him.

From his first day, he had been content with being an unseated Shinigami until the day he died, defying any sort of dreams his family had of him to achieve greatness. Even as he made an astounding connection with his Zanpakuto, achieving Shikai and Bankai within a short time span, he would not reveal any of these achievements to his superiors unless it was life or death. Obviously, for current events, this has changed, but that was his initial mindset.
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Osamu Naganori Empty Re: Osamu Naganori

Wed May 05, 2021 12:49 am
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