My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Shiori Ashina - WIP Empty Shiori Ashina - WIP

Thu May 20, 2021 9:20 am


Name: Shiori Ashina
Alias: Vampire, Badger in a uniform
Real Age: 400
Phys. Age: 24
Gender: Female
By default, Shiori tends to be both calm and rigidly focused o  whatever she's working in assuming she doesn't view it as a waste of tume. Prefers to smoke her kiseru when she gets the chance, regardless of any complaints of those nearby. Always seems to have a headache, or so she claims. It's unknown if she actually has one or if she's playing it to get out of actual work. When it comes down to it, she does what she's asked to a perfectionist level with varying levels of complaining. Has a preference for hard liquor over actual food, and finds it hard to turn down a proper tea ceremony or invite to drink tea or booze.

In battle, her personality goes from lazy and aloof to apathetic to her opponent's situation or presence. The opponent is an irritation and inconvenience and must be removed. If she was in the middle of a smoke when she is engaged, she will fight with her sword one-handed and cast kido from her Kisaru hand. Is inexplicably better at hand to hand than swordfighting, but prefers to avoid this.

Height: 5'11"
Weight: blue]Physical Traits: Slender build, clothing always appears to be a bit loose on her, though this is how she prefers it as tight clothing makes her uncomfortable.

History: [Optional]
Exposition: Dreams of captaining her own division.
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style:  prefers to stay at range when possible. Uses her surprising speed to get away from opponents and keep them at Kido range. Will fight in close range, but prefers to deflect attacks and destabilize and strike, then retreat. Close range traditional fighting is unsophisticated to her, with her preference for creating an opening and striking for vital spots before repositioning. If others are on her side, she takes a more supportive role, using Kido to either hinder the opponent or pelt them with offensive spells.
Strengths: Speed/Agility, Kido
Weaknesses: Strength, Zanjutsu
Ability Name: Mist Talker
Ability Description: Can manipulate the form of mist, fog, or smoke she exhales while smoking and form it into whatever she wants. This can be used to create minor illusions or help to recreate what she's witnessed to compensate for her poor ability to explain things.

Ability Name: Energy Vampire
Ability Description: naturally drains reitsu from those around her, though not to any notable amount. Extended exposure to her results in minor fatigue. Effect is enhanced with physical contact.

Sealed Appearance: Scabbard is black, with blue hemp cord wrapped around it. Blade itself has very little curve, and is somewhat shorter than normal katanas, though is still longer than a wakazashi. Wave patterns are engraved along the blunt side of the blade. Tsukamaki on handle is a deep purple. Guard is solid black with salamander engravings around the base of the blade.
Zanpakutou Name: Suijingiri
Call Out Command: In an ocean of lies, seek the truth! Shimmer, Suijingiri!

[spoiler="Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]"]
Appearance: Blade turns black with a blue iridescent shine, with what looks like silver mist composed of Reishi coming from the blade back of the blade now sports spines that resemble waves. Handle lengthens along with the blade, by 2" and 3" respectively. Handle appears to be composed of shiny black scales. A diamond shaped Aquamarine crystal adorns the base of the grip. Guard is rectangular with two rings on each end, a single gold chain link hangs from both.

Abilities: Mist Wall - emits a field of mist that obscures vision, covering up to 50 meters in diameter. Obscures view and helps user locate enemies within the field, though anyone who can sense Reishi will still be able to sense the users.

Abilities: Barrier- can block up to a cero with a one post CD. Blade shares traits with the mist it emits, absorbing the energy of incoming kido or Reishi based attacks. The energy is stored within the blade for use later.

Abilities: Mist Blade- energy stored within the blade can be redirected at the enemy in the form of a mist based slashing projectile. 1 post CD. Dissipates mist in its path, which regenerates in one post.

Abilities: Mist zap- slowly drains the opponents Reiryoku by 2 percent every post up to 20% if they are in range of her mist.

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Shiori Ashina - WIP Empty Re: Shiori Ashina - WIP

Thu May 20, 2021 2:10 pm
Approved 2-2
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Shiori Ashina - WIP Empty Re: Shiori Ashina - WIP

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:41 am
Approved 1-3
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Shiori Ashina - WIP Empty Re: Shiori Ashina - WIP

Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:14 am
Need to give dis bitch a bankai first
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Shiori Ashina - WIP Empty Re: Shiori Ashina - WIP

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