My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Tue Jun 15, 2021 8:37 pm
A new day had dawned and Kat didn't plan to make it another lost to mediocre labor. Instead, Kat had another idea and she was certainly excited about it, even if she wouldn't show it. However, it was quite obvious to know when the teen was enjoying something simply by her body language and the pace at which she moved. In this case, Kat would escape from her duties at Squad 1, which wasn't surprising in the slightest and shunpo her way over to Squad 6. She had someone in mind that she wanted to annoy for the day and it certainly wouldn't be a secret the moment she stepped in from of the Squad's building.

Kat would take a deep breath before holding up her hands and calling out, "Shiiiiiioriiii!" A grin would creep onto her lips before she would continue to yell, "Shiori! Where are you? Come see me! It's been a while, but your favorite person is here! Come on, Shioriiii!" Although she knew the girl had probably heard her the first time, Kat would continue to beckon her until she was in sight potentially annoying everyone in the compound. Who was going to stop her?
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:35 am
Signing off on the last of 20 separate incident reports took time, especially since some of them were only half filled out properly if they were even filled out completely. Gritting her teeth over a lack of attention to detail, Shiori pulled up the last form she needed to deal with before she took a bit of a break. Name of the officer who'd filled it out was empty. With a defeated sigh, she pulled out a few documents with similar handwriting to see if she could figure out which officer from the 4th division forgot to sign their own damn name.

Shouting from down the hall indicated that Kat was on her way to her office, meaning Shiori's break would come before she finished her paper work. She needed to work fast if she was going to get this shit out if the way. "In my office, kat. Where else would I be?" She scanned through the other documents in a hurry, hoping to god she could figure this out before her friend finally tracked her down.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:33 pm
There it was. It was the sound of Shiori's voice emanating from down the hallway of the 6th division to which Kat would react by grinning deviously. "I'll give you five seconds, you workaholic to finish whatever you're doing before I come to find you! Oooone!" At this point, Kat was standing around rocking back and forth from heel to toe knowing that Shiori was probably going to go into a sort of panic mode to get her task done. Of course, it was also a heavy source of motivation and Kat was going to take responsibility for bettering her friend. "Twoooo, Threeee, Foooouur," Kat would sound out her words as far as she could get them before pausing an extra few seconds after saying the number four. "Aaaaand five!" Kat would say before turning towards the doors to the division and speeding off using shunpo.

Almost immediately, Kat would end up directly behind Shiori looking over her shoulder at her desk. "Well, how about it? Are you done now? Huh? Huh? You done?" The teen would tease Shiori as if she were a child waiting to go to the theme park or the candy store. "It's me! Your favorite person! Here to light up your life.. probably with fire.. lots of it. That's not the point though!" Kat would find her way around the desk to the opposite side of Shiori before laying down on it to look up into the girl's face. "Sooo, wanna ditch this place? It'll be great. Just me and you!"
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:23 pm
Oh wonderful, she was counting. Far from helpful, especially for focus. Not only that bit anyone in the barracks could hear her. Long story short, Shiori was unable to work out this handwriting puzzle before the energetic alarm clock was right behind her. Shiori sighed as she braced her paperwork from the inevitable breeze formed from Kats liberal use of shunpo. At this point it was basically a reflex, since this happened often enough.

"If you're lighting something on fire, I'm begging you please wait until we're outside. Or at least outside my office." She picked up her kiseru and took one last puff from it. It seemed time for productivity was over, though it was time for a break anyway. She smiled as she set it back down. "I'm fine with an early break. Just uh... Let's keep things a little low key. I've got a bit of a headache."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Tue Jun 22, 2021 3:58 pm
"Lowkey? What are you, my grandma? Actually, no. She'd probably be about like any of us Mazis," Kat would speak tapping her finger to her chin. For a moment, she seemed to be deep in thought, but what was on her mind was essentially a mystery to everyone else. "Right," the teen would say before raising herself off the desk, "You're like my age. Why are you stressing so much? The headache is not worth it. Live a little. Take some time off. Let's go shopping."

Kat was ready to go, but she was still curious why Shiori had been looking at this piece of paper before she came in. Of course, Kat would sneak a glance noticing it was filled out with no signature. "Oh, uhm. Try Senko Zala. Don't ask me how I know, but I'm pretty good at forging writing. That guy also doesn't seem to give a fuck about anything, so it wouldn't surprise me if he messed up." She would shrug handing the paper to Shiori waiting to see what kind of results this suggestion would produce.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 8:36 pm
"I stress out because I have a job to do and I havent had a chance to really get into today's paperwork." Shiori rubbed her face with her hands. With a long sigh, she sat back in her chair, eyes glazed over as she stared across her office. "And no I'm not your grandma. Besides, your family is a bit much."

Kats suggestion wasn't that far off. All things considered, Senko Zala was prone to this kind of shit on a regular basis. If it wasn't his name, it was something else fairly crucial that had been left out. "Damnit all, I'm going to need to chew that man out yet again, aren't I?" She sighed once again before standing up from her chair. "Ok then, what kind of exciting adventure do you have in mind? I suppose I could use a break, after all."
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[Private] A New Day. [Shiori] Empty Re: [Private] A New Day. [Shiori]

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