My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 45
Join date : 2021-02-10
Age : 26

Cirdon Brembodt Empty Cirdon Brembodt

Sat May 22, 2021 11:24 pm


Name: Cirdon Brembodt
Apparent Age: 27
True Age: 997
Sex: Male
Personality: Cirdon can be described as passive, only taking action when he absolutely must, and only doing as much as he needed to to survive. While generally wanting to avoid battle, once he realizes that is no longer possible, he will progress in a level-headed manner and pursue the best course of action. Cirdon tries to remove emotion from most interactions, and most of the time will only take the course of action that has a direct benefit to him. As far as his scientific code, he will not obsess over something, and generally views the practice as a hobby more than an occupation. In summary, he is a near-apathetic, shrewd, intelligent, and logical individual. As for motivations, he strives to understand the abilities of various individuals at a fundamental level. Beyond this, he has no desire to climb the ranks unless it gives him more tools and privileges that help him facilitate his hobby.

Height: 6’0” (183 cm)
Weight: 181 lbs (82 kg)
Physical Traits: Cirdon has a lean build with lighter skin, as well as steel blue eyes. He has sharp features and a square chin, along with perpetual dark circles under his eyes that give him the appearance of always looking tired. He has short, scruffy black hair that he keeps unmanaged, seeing as it would probably be a waste of time to keep it in check. His white mask fragment is meant to function as a pair of goggles that he can flip down to protect his eyes either during research or combat. Generally, he keeps this visor raised above his eyes, but can flip it down at any time. His outfit consists of a grey, long sleeve shirt that has two sets of three stripes running down the sleeves. The collar comes up to the base of his neck, half covering a nasty scar that runs from his left hip up to his jawline. He wears a pair of loose grey pants with a white sash over his waist. His hollow void is located at his sternum.  

General Fighting Style: As stated before, Cirdon will try his best to avoid conflict, but when faced with combat, he will use the strategy that gives him the best outcome, even if that forgoes the traditional rules of combat.
Strengths: Endurance and Stamina
Weaknesses: Strength, Reiatsu Reserves
Ability Name: Lesser Ash Physiology
Ability Description: Cirdon’s body exists as an anomaly among Hollows, being fully functional anatomically, but being composed entirely of ‘living’ ash particles. This is a Passive-Defensive Ability that offers a flat reduction to physical and fire based damage, but gives him a weakness against water and lightning/energy based damage. In order to regenerate lost body structure, Cirdon must expend moderate amounts of Reiatsu to recreate the missing ash if it is not nearby or destroyed. If the ash is nearby, it will take at least 2-4 posts to regenerate, depending on the damage taken. If major damage is taken (missing limbs), Cirdon will not be able to continue combat until he regenerates, and will take the full 4 posts to regenerate. (Passive-Defensive, Combat Oriented).

Sealed Appearance: Círdon's Zanpakutō takes the form of a nodachi that he wears on his back. The tsuba is a bronze-colored parallelogram with rounded color, and the saya is made from ebony wood. The wrappings around the handle are a dark purple.
Zanpakuto Name: Zamuro
Zanpakuto Call Out: Scour
Cero: For now, Cero and Bala are the only abilities he can use for now. His Cero matches the color of his Reiatsu, that being a light purple in color.

Appearance: Grey and black wings grow out of Círdon's shoulders, and holes open up in the palms of his hands. Círdon's upper body is covered in a white armor-like material, and his lower legs become that of a large bird of prey, talons and all. Around his neck, a ring of black, downy feathers forms.
Ability: Greater Ash Physiology
Ability Description: The same as Lesser, Save for the damage reduction and weakness numbers, they both go up drastically. The regeneration when used in conjunction with Organic Decomposition is lowered to 1 post for minor wounds, 2 posts for major wounds. If he is completely blown apart, he can pull himself together (once per thread).
Ability: Organic Decomposition
Ability Description: This ability allows Cirdon to convert nearby dead bodies (Spiritual or Physical) as well as plant material into ash in order to heal himself. This ability cannot be used on living sentient beings.
Ability: Body Weapon Creation
Ability Description: Cirdon can strengthen his arms and change this physiology in order to change one or both of his forearms into a blade-like or hook-like extension of his body. He cannot use this to create a defensive reinforcement or projectile weapons. Blades or Hooks, nothing else.

Appearance: [What do you look like in segunda?]
Abilities: [What abilities do you gain?]

History: TBD
Side Notes: N/A
Roleplay Sample: Without raising his goggles, he sat down and began categorizing the hollow tissues he'd collected that day. His laboratory was just one of the chambers in the cave system, and only one of two that he used consistently. It was adorned with shelves of Hollow tissue samples in vials, testaments to his years-long search and study into the differing Hollow physiologies. Unfortunately, he had not come across any Hollow like himself, and he wondered if he was truly alone. He always knew he could go back and throw himself at the feet of whoever ruled Hueco Mundo at this point, but they probably had no room for those without the fire of battle.

'Interesting, this Adjuchas seems to possess not only the ability to camouflage itself using its Reiatsu, but it does so in a way that doesn't involve bending light. Or does it use Reiatsu at all?' Círdon put the sample in front of various objects, the sample of skin changing to match its background. ''s a wonder I was able to get ahold of never saw me coming, did you little Hollow?'
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Cirdon Brembodt Empty Re: Cirdon Brembodt

Sat May 22, 2021 11:27 pm
Approved 2-2
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