My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sat Jun 19, 2021 3:19 pm

A dawn of a new day would rise upon the Seireitei, the sounds of birds chirping nearby would wake the sleeping boy. Lifting up to a seated position upon his futon, the scarlet haired boy would rub his eyes before the lavender hue of his iris' peeked from his half-raised eyelids. Hearing the sound of muffled movement, the boy's eyes would shift towards the shoji doors of his otherwise empty dojo-sized room as two shadowed figured appeared to manifest just on the other side. The figures for a moment made no sound, and possessed a strange rectangular outline on their heads before a single voice from the left side of the door broke the silence.

"Are you awake sir? The day of your summons has arrived."

The voice of the figure possessed little to no emotion, remaining stoic and business like to the utmost degree. The boy would shuffle around in his room removing the large blanket from his figure as he stood to his bare feet. The boy would begin to dress himself in a ceremonial styled robe, possessing a simple cloud-like design that repeated itself in a diagonal position across the entire fabric.  

"I'll be out momentarily."

The boy's voice possessed a tinge of lethargy, in an otherwise youthful tone. Remaining barefoot, the boy would begin to slide the shoji door open to reveal two members of the Inner Court Troop (裏廷隊, Riteitai) both in squatted positions at each side of his door, their posture resembling that of Fu Lion statues that guarded old temples. As the boy stepped from the door's threshold, and slid it shut, the two members would simultaneously speak as if reporting to an officer.

"Sir, we will be escorting you to your newly elected barracks."

The boy's face would look stunned for a moment, reacting to the unorthodox formalities he was receiving. The two member's would begin to relay messages, breaking off from their unision speaking.

"Milord, Once you arrive at the barracks, you're to report immediately to the tailor, there you will have your uniform fitted and provided for you."

"Afterward, you're to report straight to Sou-Taichou himself for your debriefing."

The boy would nod, unsure of how to address the two before him, as he was then lead toward the site of topic. Such formalities came off as alien toward the boy, afterall, he had not been raised as a noble much like some of his class mates in the academy, in fact, one could gauge by the boy's clothing that he was far from nobility, a mere commonwealth. Following the wooden hatted troops on foot, the boy would look back to his previous lodging quarters having only stayed there over night for his belongings to be taken to his new place of dwelling, the boy would look down to his hip, seemingly half-hoping to see his Zanpakutou within his obi, only to find nothing, as it had already been taken over night. Such hospitality, as stated prior was very foreign to the boy, having come from a quaint, average village in District 64 of the Rukongai.

As the platoon made its way toward the looming tower of the Senzaikyū, it's sheer form would cast a shadow on the group before they reached the entrance to the 1st Division Barracks. The boy would continue walking passing the two troopers who had, unbeknownst to the boy stopped on either side of the boy and squatted at the entrance, looking outward. the boy would turn to look at them before his motion would be stopped at the sound of their unison speech.

"This is where we leave you sir, continue onward, I'm sure you'll be able to find your way around, if not simply ask the other members. Have a good day."

Without so much as a time allotment for the boy to thank them, they would flicker from existence, shunpo-ing off to return to their other duties.

Returning to face the looming barracks before him, and the large diamond insignia of the 1st looming down over him, he'd hesitantly, yet steadily make his way into the Division Compound. Hoping somebody would show him where to go to not only retrieve a change of clothes, but also retrieve his zanpakutou.

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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sat Jun 19, 2021 5:24 pm
A small device shaped like a ball with the insignia of the 2nd Division sat on Shungi's desk in his home office. Outside his office, the man in question tended to his cat Momo, a gray short hair. He removed a set of bandages covering its torso to reveal a slowly healing wound, then replaced the bandages. After wiping his brow and fixing his glasses, Shungi grabbed the device and made his way out of the house.

It wasn't every day that Shungi got to initiate new recruits. He was often too busy to do such things. When he made it to the Division grounds, a brisk walk from his manor, he noticed the newcomer quickly. It was always easy to tell who was fresh out of the academy, simply by the look in their eyes and the way they carried themselves. Shungi didn't have very powerful reiatsu, meaning that it was easy for him, even as a lieutenant, to hide his power as he used his techniques learned from the 2nd Division to sneak up on Shineki.

Shungi pressed the device onto the small of Shineki's back and the device unraveled, covering Shineki in red wrap bindings. More importantly, it sent him into his inner world to find his shinigami powers. "I expect you out in 24 hours. Good luck." Shungi stated.
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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:19 pm

As the red-haired teen continued his trek into the main foyer of the Barracks, his attention would be focused on the passing unseated members that spoke amongst themselves, afraid to interrupt their conversation, the teen would turn back as he suddenly felt the sensation of something pressing onto his back. Without having a moment to even react or comprehend what was happening to him, his vision grew dark as his entire body was "sealed" within cloth like bindings. Falling to the ground, the boy would suddenly find his vision re-immerging as the sights of red dust-like sand brushed against his body, coarse to the touch.

[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! D767E039-5E72-4BC3-825F-C20590F97B53

Looking around, the teen would find himself in a desolate wasteland,  the ground beneath him loose, with every step kicking up a metallic based sand that would ultimately be carried off by the wind. A sense of familiarity overcame the boy as his red-locks were cast backwards with the wind, rippling about wildly as he was seemingly drawn to a large skeletal structure in the distance.

Darkness. The sight of absolute nothingness would suddenly be filled with the sound of approaching footsteps. Static would soon fill the sensation of sight as the foot steps grew closer and closer. A blurred outline of lines of light and eclipses of shadow would show, as the desire to reach out came.

As the boy approached the gaping maw of the skeleton, a metallic hand would be seen reaching out from what could only be described as remaining sinews of flesh that had yet to fully decompose. The familiar scent of blood would fill the boy's nose, however upon inspection of the area around him, no blood was around, not even clinging to the sinews, as they appeared to be like jerky.

"Who goes there?"

The boy would call out as the hand reacted to the sound of the boys voice, clenching it's grip on the air before him and reopening to beckon the boy forward.

"Bozu, you've forgotten me so soon?"

The hand of the deep raspy voice would begin to rip away at the sinews, as a second hand came out of the fray, using all of it's weakened strength to bring whatever it was out of it's confinement.  

The boy would stand confused as he merely stood still, watching whatever this creature was, bring itself out.

"How do you know me? Where am I?"

A sliver of panic would crawl up the boys back, as the figure became fully in view.

[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! C9b2a0dbd40422bb36fe81466cb90918fd6cac69_00

A single torso would emerge from the sinews, it's headless body hanging from what could only be described as hoses from what would be the uvula of the skull's anatomy. The pipes would pulse and contract like blood vessels from the being to whatever was keeping this thing alive. Hanging suspended amongst the remaining strands of sinew, the creature could now see the boy clearly, it's field of vision seemingly registering from the entire area around it.

"Your words maim me, Bozu. How is it that you can forget who I am, who YOU are?"

The creature would speak loudly and intimidatingly toward the boy, emotions would fill the boys head, as he instinctively went to draw his zanpakutou, to find it at his hip, and drawing the beaten and rusted blade from it's saya. Gripping the tsuka of the katana in his hands, his knuckles would grow white as he went to lunge at the creature screaming.


Leaping through the air the blade of his Zanpakutou would pierce the creature through the torso, however, only laughter would fill the air.


The being would nonchalantly bring his hand down, clenching it's hand around the blade itself, forcing the blade to violently change as a deep black and red stain would begin to envelop the entire blade, as it began to become dust right before the boy's eyes. Suddenly the boy would drop to the ground, his hands stained red with the rust and tarnish that had become his blade before being rendered asunder.  Looking up at the being, the hands would now reach for the boy, as he too became caught in the being's adamant grip.

In the seireitei, it would become apparent that the object that had ensnared the boy, was now becoming discolored, the same blight that had overcome the boys blade in his inner world, was now taking affect in his outside world but on a much slower scale and rate. At which at this point would more than likely go unseen as it began on the side unseen toward the assailant.

Back in the boy's inner world, the boy would find himself unable to move or free himself from the beings grasp, as the blight began to overtake his body, creating a discoloration that spread upon the surface of his very flesh. The two would stand there in a deadlock as the blight had now encased the red haired boy in a shell of red and black sediment. The boy's vision became dark once more, as a single breath seemed to exhale from within the boys psyche. A single word was expressed.


The boys thoughts would race. What was this voice? Who was this Seimitsu? What was that thing that spoke to him? How did he end up here? Flashbacks of the boys past would appear like floating moving still-frames, retelling the life he lived in the Rukongai before he was taken to the Seireitei. His friends that he had grown up with, had all aged and died, but yet he remained as young as long as he could remember. Their cries for the boy to never give up on himself.

A second breath would sound through the boys mind.


Was this his voice? Who was this person?

Suddenly cracks would begin to appear in the flashbacks of his mind, as light began to break through the solid shell that had incased the boy. His eyes moving around inside of his petrified shell, his senses coming back to him. He felt numb, and yet warm. He would try to move his arms, trying to reach out of the beings grasp, trying to cling to freedom. An orange and red aura would begin to shine through the cracks that had now began to form within the shell, before they became large holes, the petrification was failing, breaking down with his very will to survive.

In the real world, the spread of this blight upon the bindings that ensnared the body of Shin'eki would now visably become rusted and fragile, his reiatsu flaring up, like a small candle, the red and orange particles of his reiatsu looking more like sand than the average reiatsu of a regular shinigami as it shown through the cracks in the bindings.

The boy would have control over his hands as the being continued to hold his grip upon the boy, no longer speaking or making any further advances upon him. Clenching his fists, the boy would shout as the blight that had previously coccooned his entire body, was now pulverized much like the boy's zanpakutou only moments earlier.  


As he spoke, the torso of the figure would begin to vibrate violently, the sound becoming thunderous as the pipes now went into overdrive, pumping, the fingers and arms of the being writhing vehemently as the boy's sight became filled with the red and orange energy the light reflecting off of the cobblestone of the foyer he was previously in as he was now standing, his gaze now filled with the sight of the "assailant" whom had ensnared the boy from behind. The boy was now dressed in the signature black shihakusho, his zanpakutou within his obi, on his left hip, as the reiatsu now began to slowly die down, becoming nothing more than a red aura around his lavender eyes, that soon too went away.  The remains of the device that had captured the boy had been rendered to a red and brown dust, that now littered the floor around the boy.

"I don't know who you are, or what just happened, but right now isn't the time, I have to go to my dorm and retrieve my-

The realization of his sword now being on his person would cause his words to trail off, silence now filled the air as he looked to himself, wondering how this happened.

"How long was I out? How did this happen?"

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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sun Jun 20, 2021 1:12 pm
As the new recruit finished what he was doing, the wrap unraveled and coiled itself back into a ball. Shungi produced another seal bearing the insignia of the 3rd Division and slapped it onto the ball. "I'd say about twenty minutes. That's a good time compared to most newbies. The average, I'd say, is about thirty really leaning closer to twenty-nine minutes." He explained, then presented the red ball. "This is the Fukuju no Tama. It was developed by the captain of the 3rd Division as therapy for shinigami who lost their shinigami powers. In fact, it's one of his more benevolent inventions." Shungi expanded, then placed the ball back into his uniform.

Shungi's zanpakuto looked like a walking stick and was only four inches shorter than the man himself. He propped himself up on it on his left side, even leaning on it. Though he didn't look too old at a glimpse, up close, his gray hairs could be seen among the blonde hair and his wrinkles from centuries of stress were ever-present. "I'm Lieutenant Otsuboshi, by the way." He introduced himself, drawing attention to his lieutenant armband.

"I'll be in processing and giving you your orientation for today. Follow me."
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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sun Jun 20, 2021 7:14 pm

The red-haired shinigami would look puzzled as the man began to explain what the tool was that had previously overcame him. Nodding to himself as he watched the male place the orb back into his shihakusho. As the man introduced himself, the boy's eyes would widen as he abruptly slapped his hands to his sides and bowed deeply to his superior.

"Forgive my rudeness Lieutenant! I am Shin'eki Uemura, but of course, I'm sure you're already aware of that, Sorry!

The teen's voice was filled with anxiety and surprise before he would erect himself back up to face the man.

"Yes sir!"

Shin'eki would sidestep and turn 90 degrees to his right as he extended his arm outward, gesturing for his superior to lead the way, sweat beading at the teens brow. Hopefully he hadn't absolutely made a fool of himself, he understood that most men of such a rank requested the utmost respect and had no tolerance for immaturity, or incompetency. Still he was shocked to hear he had been able to "pass" the man's test at such a speed. He was obviously in the percentile of being "above-average" though what this meant on the larger scale Shin'eki couldn't comprehend. He was also kind of disappointed that the Captain himself hadn't shown up to deliver his orientation, however on second thought, being the Head Captain, Shin'eki would reassure himself that the Sou-taichou would have much responsibility to attend, and such a lowly task as orientation, especially for a newer member, would only be appropriate for the next in command to handle. Shin'eki couldn't help but smile to himself as he followed Lt. Otsuboshi further into the Barracks.  

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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:13 pm
As soon as he confirmed that Shineki was following along, Shungi used shunpo to zip forward into the barracks. Shungi's shunpo was slow, relatively speaking and he took stops just to make sure the new recruit was still following. "Up here." He said, at the stairwell. He walked up the stairs toward the third floor. The first thing entering the third floor was a little common room. It looked basic, with a round table, a couch, and a television. Next to that was another room, marked by its distinct Japanese style sliding door, left slightly open to reveal that it was the floor's tatami room. Shungi walked into the hallway from there and opened the first door to the left. "Here's the laundry room." He said, then walked forward to the next room, opening that door. "This is the restroom. It'll fit twenty people at a time, so I suggest finding your showering schedule with the others." He suggested.

Shungi used shunpo again, this time racing toward the fourth room at the end of the hall. "And this will be your room." He said, opening the door. Behind the door was a very sparse room. It had a closet, a desk, and a futon. The only thing that could be considered decoration was the white curtains which were left open, revealing the window behind it.

"Feel free to drop your belongings off here. Once you're done, I'd like to show you the base of operations."
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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:34 pm

Shin'eki would follow close behind Lt. Otsuboshi, not because he didn't want to get left behind, but because he did not want to pass the officer up. It was easy keeping pace with the man, and with each stop, the red-haired shinigami would take notes of each room, and the path to get to said room, illustrating a mental map of the large barracks. Nodding to the Lieutenant with each of his introductory statements regarding each room.

As the two reached a fourth room at the end of a hall. As the door was opened, Shin'eki's eyes would perk to the sight of the basic, yet quaint room. This was the first time in all of his life that he would have his own room, outside of the temporary housing he was graced with the day before. He'd walk into the room giving it a quick tour, examining everything, not so much to judge the amenities, but to admire them, as they would become his only possessions besides the clothes he wore currently, and the katana he wore upon his hip.

Turning around, back to face his superior, Shin'eki would smile as he approached the blonde haired man.

"Thank you Sir, I absolutely love it. Let us continue our tour.

Shin'eki would await the man to initiate his shunpo, before he too would follow suit, being sure to continue mapping the area of his new home.  

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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:29 pm
After the next series of shunpo, the two of them arrived at the office area. The base of operations for the first division was nothing short of palatial, to say the least, and resembled a temple more than it did an office building. The uniformed shinigami zipped around busily, keeping task with whatever they were doing. "Just so you know, your placement at fifth seat has nothing to do with your power level," Shungi stated. "The first division is the brain of the Gotei, and so the fifth seat is an administrative position. As a member of the first division, you are of course expected to be an exemplar for other shinigami. I say this because the captain commander is new. He was appointed just a few weeks ago and therefore might not be as accustomed to our division's culture" He continued.

Entering the building, it did indeed resemble a temple with a hall lined with pillars leading up to the meeting room of the captains. "In anticipation for a stir-up in Hueco Mundo, we've been trying harder to recruit members from the Rukongai. I'm sure you've been aware." The tour led them to a small, covered shrine-like area nested in the middle of a garden. Shungi opened the sliding door to reveal swarms of soul butterflies, mostly dormant. "This is the first division's lepidopterarium. As you might have learned at the Academy, this is where you'll go to during missions to the human world." He explained, then went off again to the next stop on their tour. Returning to the office building, Shungi went up a flight of stairs to where the building really looked like an office. The area was a hallway lined from one side of the area to the other with cubicles. "Here's the office. This is where most of the administrative work for the whole of the Gotei is done. You'll be seeing this room very often." Shungi explained. The two continued, Shungi showing Shineki the various other places of importance around the building before finally stopping back at the outside.

"I'm assigning you your job as head of orientation. That is, you'll be doing exactly what I just did for all new recruits. Can you manage that?"
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Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:03 pm

Shin'eki would look around the Meeting Hall, a shrine area, the lepidopterarrium as well as the office area as the tour had come to the final stages. All of these areas he could catalog and organize within his memory, and thankfully to, as he hears Lt. Shungi begin to explain that his duty as fifth seat will be to head the orientation department.

[color]"I assume I'll be in charge of the paper work that comes with said orientation correct, sir?"[/color]

((Will finish more tomorrow))
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Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:28 pm

Shin'eki would look around the Meeting Hall, a shrine area, the lepidopterarrium as well as the office area as the tour had come to the final stages. All of these areas he could catalog and organize within his memory, and thankfully to, as he hears Lt. Shungi begin to explain that his duty as fifth seat will be to head the orientation department.

"I assume I'll be in charge of the paper work that comes with said orientation correct, sir?"

Shin'eki would look off before returning his gaze to the man before him. Taking the opportunity to actually take a detailed look at the man whom had been nice enough to give him the tour of the facilities and barracks. Despite his facial wrinkles, and white patches of hair, the man did not look to be that old, perhaps late 30's early 40's as he seemingly towered over the boy by approximately a foot or so. The boy would wonder to himself, who were the other seated members, and what were they like?  
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[Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki! Empty Re: [Open] [ 旧派 挨拶 新派 ] Enter! Newly Installed Member, Uemura Shin'eki!

Wed Jun 23, 2021 12:18 pm
"Catch." Shungi took the red device from earlier and tossed it to Shineki. "You'll be needing that. We're in short supply right now and First Division which is usually more selective with its recruitment went just fine with a single one, but in the coming years we might see an influx of new members. You should see Captain Nashi from the Third Division to get more of these." Shungi instructed.

The man stepped back. "With that, your orientation is complete. I'd suggest completing your task as soon as possible before new members arrive. If you need me, I'll be at my home office, at the Otsuboshi Estate." He said. His energy spiked in preparation to use shunpo and in the next minute he was gone.
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Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:43 pm

Lifting his right hand, Shin'eki would snag the orb from the air as he brought it up for closer inspection. His attention would shift back toward the Lieutenant as he began to speak. Nodding his head, the red-haired male would bow toward his superior as he dashed off, flickering out of existence. Bringing the orb back up to his face, the Shinigami would inspect the strange object, before the entire thing became encrusted in a brown and black layer before cracking down the center.

Staring at his hands in shock, the boy would begin to panic in place, before quietly coming to his senses and stuffed the object back into his shuhakusho. "I'm sure I'll be able to get a replacement. Who was it from? Captain Nashi? I'll figure it out later, for now I think i'll take the rest of the day to catch up with the events.

With that, Shin'eki Uemura would turn on his heels before walking back into the Division Barracks, his hands now in his pockets as he disappeared.

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Sun Jun 27, 2021 7:43 pm
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