My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty True Objectives (Training)

Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:37 pm
Keith was working hard meditating with his spiritual energy breaking it down by just fragments. He started concentrating upon each energy fragment and causing it to disappear then with focus trying to rebuild it. The point was to expand his spiritual pressure upon making it stronger but it was difficult doing so. By focusing on the spiritual fragments within his body and using his very power to break them down and remaking them slowly. It started hurting his heart which the Arrancar stopped just ending his meditating process. Coughing blood a little the process was hurting him, Keith was breathing hard. "What was wrong? I'm trying my best to rebuild my spiritual pressure" The Arrancar tried again working upon his spiritual pressure in small bursts working into a shadow aura. It took some time then trying again breaking down the shadow energy within and remaking his spiritual pressure.

"Damn, Not again" He felt a sharp pain within him. Stopping the meditating process once again feeling some pain within his body, Keith couldn't explain it.

The whole process most of the time it started hurting his stomach maybe his body was strong enough. He didn't understand what the hell was wrong the Espada told him his life was on the line. It was a no-brainer for the Arrancar, he had it win at any cost but take major risks to ensure his survival. Keith knew his spiritual power was based upon shadow energy the last option was somehow to force the power to grow.

He wonders how it could be possible to force a power to grow within his body. Keith figured two possible options either bond with the shadows which seemed stupid for some reasons. The second was a major gamble to discover some secrets of creating new ways of developing more shadow power. Remaking the new shadow power and bond it somehow within his spiritual pressure. "Where do I find secrets to increase my power? Waitaminute the Library...It could help me greatly." Keith thought Lady Aranche had told him her law and this was something that had to be followed. Taking risks will be one of the things he'll have to from now on something he'll hate doing because of his nature. But it must be done because this was serious and his life was on the line.

"I'll have to do it really it frightens me. I do want to become a stronger warrior for Las Noches" He thought. It had to be done around nighttime when anyone wouldn't expect it, He'll strike and find answers.

Keith started walking within the halls of Las Noches searching for secrets. In truth, He's having doubts about it but he chose this moving forward hearing snoring was perfect. Going inside the Espada library trying to find secrets to increase his very power looking through various documents. He found a few volumes and medical procedures that could work. Could he do all this? Keith needs to move forward now wasn't the time to doubt himself.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:09 pm
He didn't believe this would actually help thinking he'll need to do things on his own. The question remains will the Arrancar have the will to complete his goals of becoming stronger. Having an idea of training within a hot climate could prove results but which place could be good enough.

Keith thought about an active volcano that training inside one and getting out before it erupts was an idea. Using the teleportation technique to arrive at the desired spot feeling some parts of the ground shaking this was the place. It was a stupid idea, Keith needed to take dangerous risks because she told him his life may be on the line. Who knows what Lady Aranche was capable of? He didn't want to know but risks and challenges need to be taken to prove his worth as an fraccion.

Finding out the volcano's name was St. Reese and it was making small earthquakes like normal but nothing serious. Meaning it can become active no matter what but the Arrancar remembers what the Espada told him. Taking a deep breath and then heading down into the volcano near a rock formation that seemed like an arena. But was it hot but this was the first test...

He needed to overcome the fear and fight the pain, calming himself and landing on the hot ground. Screaming in pain and finally wiping his tears, he started walking around the hot ground to notice it was a little hard to breathe.

Keith thought it was a dangerous risk but started training with a few zanpakuto attacks from his blade. Practicing upon his slashes working upon his quick and fierce attacks, he worked upon the slashes' accuracy and speed. He started imagining an opponent it was quite easy. Focusing upon his enemy's movements and using his blade to the vital points of a person's stomach. He imagines the opponent attacking and then blocking the attack and quick using an elbow attack then a slash of his zanpakuto.

"No, I need to be better than that the lady is expecting a lot from me. My attack needs to be better"

Keith begins imagining the opponent again trying the attack differently this time. As the enemy attacks, he blocks it and quickly slashes the leg, and uppercuts the bastard in the chin. He fires one cero blasts hard eliminating the opponent but this wasn't enough.

He needed to continue his training as he started working upon his zanjutsu skills trying to make them better.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:24 am
Trying again reimaging the enemy looking a bit bulkier in his appearance holding a massive sword attacking fiercely. Keith was trying to dodge the monster's attacks but one of them managed to hit him badly in the leg. Actually, it was a steam pocket that realizing thinking the attack actually hit him but that was impossible. The monster was growling as something was really weird but the cave was dripping little drops and one of them managed to hit. Keith tried attacking the massive monster but the attacks weren't doing any damage at all wondering what the hell was wrong with him. This wasn't weakness leaving him to believe it is some kind of fear something more of human emotion of the past life. He couldn't remember anymore thinking that might be the reason it could be hindering him from obtaining what he wants.

Keith wanted to remember one last time calming down putting everything of the human's past. He wanted to finally bury it permanently entering his mind confronting his former self. Thomas knew what this means one of them has to die and it wasn't going to be him fighting with everything he's got. Attacking with a series of hard punches attacking the fraccion warrior viciously, Keith managed to block and punch Thomas.

"You're trying to kill me aren't you? I won't let that happen you'll have to finish me off to do that."

"I'm not trying to kill you. After all, you created me but you're a hindrance to me now because for me to evolve. You need to be forgotten for keeps this time"

"Do you really have the strength to finally get rid of me?"

"My life is on the line can't really afford anything else and I need to become better"

The two finally started fighting again this time the Arrancar gaining the better of the fight. He started punching the human hard and then finally locking him away within his mind. Thomas was beating on the chamber trying to get out, Keith was crying a little not wanting to do this. But the Arrancar pushed the chamber locking away the human part of him forever the warrior was finally on his own.

Back in reality...

Keith was breathing calmly gaining some mental clarity feeling better about the human past of the creature was gone. He was finally feeling a lot better about himself this time with a better sense of control than before.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Fri Jul 16, 2021 1:12 am
He was breathing hard the smoke was getting to him but the warrior was trying to handle it as a test. Keith wanted to become stronger practicing some breathing methods feeling better but the volcano cave won't last long. The goal wasn't completed yet thinking he wasn't strong enough not yet anyway thinking something was wrong with him. Feeling a developing pain within his heart as the warrior started coughing up a little blood this was new and different. Looking at his blood for the moment thinking of his powers was of the shadows then perhaps maybe it should be embraced. Working on the spiritual pressure thinking meditating was the only way of gaining more spiritual pressure but not considering other methods of power.

Keith tried for one last meditating and this would be different as the Arrancar sat down calmly and focusing his spiritual pressure. As a spiritual bubble started forming around him and trying concentrate on his power trying to make it grow. "Concentrate on my power and not think of anything else"

Particles started coming out from the spiritual bubble and slowly started generating around him. More importantly, Keith was trying some different methods focusing more on some reishi particles and bonding them to the spiritual bubble. But it wasn't working the reishi particles went bonding with the spiritual bubble wondering what else was wrong. Keith stopped concentrating and tried figuring out the hell was going on his powers are based on the darkness itself. Becoming one with the darkness should be the goal and working with his spiritual pressure that way.

Nothing seemed to be working so he was trying that way so he needed to head deeper this time without the torch. "Ok then...Be one with the vary darkness...Wonderful"
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Sun Jul 18, 2021 4:12 pm
Coughing from the smoke, Keith decided to head inside the darkest part of the cave hoping this plan could work. He thought by meditating into the very dark area and somehow communicate with it within his power. The Arrancar was hoping to achieve greater strength by doing this because it was all or nothing. He couldn't head back to Las Noches without achieving something that would help the Espadas. Sitting down, Keith was looking around not being able to see anything but pitch black darkness all around him this was perfect. He started meditating again forming the spiritual bubble around him concentrating on his spiritual pressure. Focusing upon the molecules of the energy breaking them down completely like a cloud of smoke and restructuring them. But every attempt was becoming difficult some of the particles wouldn't reform properly, Keith was coughing up blood. Stopping for a moment and falling to the ground wondering what was wrong yet again his key emotions were intact. This was something else...Keith wondered about it an little meaning to gain power like what he wants a sacrifice might need to be made.

Everything about him was gone his past and everything the man held dear to his heart wondering if that was it. Keith sat back up and ponder this for a moment his powers were based upon shadows could he embrace it. No, He couldn't but really his life was on the line if he didn't take risks who knows what the Espada will do to him. A gamble at best yet something to consider was nothing else was holding him back from this.

"If I don't take risks they'll kill me for sure. A risky gamble even one that might just kill me but I chose this might as well try."

He tries again by meditating deep down focusing upon his shadow power trying to manipulate it and rebuild it. Keith RaVarro was willing to pay any price of higher power willing to sacrifice his very body in the attempt. Focusing upon the very darkness as particles of shadow energy started bonding to his spiritual pressure. A slight pulse of energy was being emitted through his body coming out a black/purple aura focusing the energy particles and gathering them. Keith was actually but quickly he lost control and started coughing more blood. He had it but that was too damn was killing him a little bit.

Keith wasn't afraid at all knowing his very body will have to be put on the line.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Sun Jul 18, 2021 6:30 pm
Must be another way of controlling the shadow energy through meditation, he needs to find it and use it to his advantage. Knowing a very difficult process convincing something of pure darkness to help aid a warrior such as himself.

He can't be thinking like a human with the thing of his life being on the line keeping him going. Keith wants to achieve something better as he continued meditating breaking down the spiritual pressure into particles. Slowly turning into molecules and then concentrating upon the darkness around with. Forcing the molecules the absorb particles of energy with the shadows for a time it wasn't working, Keith was getting angry in complete focus. "What am I missing? I'm focusing my power to draw it out the shadow energy but it not working." He started thinking his human past was thrown away maybe something was needed as well. Convincing himself that nothing else mattered that his goal of becoming stronger was the most important among everything.

Keith tried it again focusing upon his spiritual pressure and then breaking it down weakening him for the moment. The spiritual particles started spiraling around him as suddenly molecules from the very shadows themselves started emerging from the darkness. He wanted to bond them both together and becoming one with him willing to make that sacrifice of his own body. Concentrating the shadow molecules and then bonding them with his spirit particles one piece at a time until the darkness bonded with him. Opening his eyes are his sclera and iris were pitch black as his spiritual pressure condense the shadow particles merging them both together.

Feeling a small boost in energy it wasn't much but he'll need to work on some training of his body.

"It isn't enough though I made it grow a little bit...this isn't my goal. I need to work at it"
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:06 pm
The only way possible to obtain more spiritual pressure his body must become stronger enough to control the power he wants. He started leaving the shadow cave and started picking up some rocks lifting them up like barbells but this was easy. He was just carrying small rocks working upon his curls and lifts but after some minutes of training, this didn't seem like a challenge. Keith drops the small rocks thinking this wasn't enough looking around but something catches his attention, a boulder. Looking at the size of the thing it was massive this would be perfect, Keith tried to move it and the warrior was having difficulty. Just trying to use force and strength alone putting everything he had but the damn thing wasn't moving.

Maybe he was going this way all wrong taking breaths and then regain his composure and trying again. Using some footwork trying to lift the boulder but the damn thing won't budge may be intense more training was needed. Keith started catching his breath feeling the strain on his muscles again but his body needs to be condition enough for his shadow training. "I need to continue this and maybe once my body can handle it. I can continue with my work"
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Wed Jul 21, 2021 12:18 am
Without any luck, He was having a difficult time moving the boulder as he tried punching it hurting his hand. Keith was in pain but still, the man wasn't going to give up like that his life was on the line. This was serious but no one knew where he was that was good the boss lady wasn't here to scold him. She said one day he would be filling her shoes something worth fighting for really was that what he wanted after all. It did sound interesting at the time yet now realizing it was beginning to seem lackluster of an idea. Lady Aranche was serving under someone and really, he didn't see the future as they did. Keith saw that the shinigami were in fact the enemy of their race yet why are they the enemy. What problems did that have with the Arrancars in general?

He continued with the boulder trying to lift it than coming up with the idea of starting at the bottle. Getting a firm grip under the huge rock and trying to lift it yet nothing was happening not budging at all. Keith was trying to convince himself that he's been placed into a dangerous situation. If he didn't achieve this then no doubt about it he'll be killed as trying another attempt of lifting the massive rock.

Keith started putting muscle and all his strength into lifting the massive rock regaining the grip. He started noticing it was moving a little slowly for a few seconds from the ground. Then dropping the thing on the ground it wasn't what he wanted but it was a slow start. "Alright, not what I wanted. Progress comes slow for some"
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

True Objectives (Training) Empty Re: True Objectives (Training)

Wed Jul 21, 2021 11:04 pm
Results started showing when taking short rest periods of slowly moving the massive boulder only moving it for a few seconds. It wasn't enough the Arrancar started putting both his spiritual pressure with his strength into lifting the rock. It started really moving the thing but the guy thought this was enough for the day because he'll need to rest it was doing a lot to his body. Keith was feeling tired maybe he'll need something to eat maybe some hollows to dine on to regain his strength. But one day he thought to himself this will all change and perhaps he'll be able to train an Arrancar of his own.

"Enough is enough, I need to rest for a while and regain my strength."
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