My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-06-24

Something turns out to be something [ Open - Arrancar/Hollow ]  Empty Something turns out to be something [ Open - Arrancar/Hollow ]

Wed Jul 07, 2021 10:51 pm
His hands moved aside the last of the bit of branches hiding the rest of the forest behind him away. It had been quite some time since Micah had seen anything other than Hollow and Trees yet here he was, at the edge of the forest. A new man. A new being? Something. Micah was no longer the Hollow he had once been, instead evolving into something much more. Truthfully, it wasn't even purposeful yet, here he was ready to devour the world. With all the power at his hands the man began to walk forward, each footprint cementing itself in the sand as the grains he walked past would begin to follow. Those observing the event would have noticed maybe a night before the decimation of the inhabitants of the Forest, and yet a man emerged.

"This isn't nearly enough."

He said as Micah licked his lips. Wiping his hands off on his bare thighs the Arrancar moved towards the empire of the current reigning Espada. He had heard of them. The ruling class of Hollow. Something he felt he could easily match. Something easily attainted, and perhaps even dominated? Ever since Micah had awoken from his nap, one that had admittedly lasted a few hundred years or so, a yearning for leadership had lasted in his brain. One he thought perhaps a dream had cemented into him. A yearning that was within his grasp. The castle and grounds were within his reach now. But a dream on Kingship is only as interesting as those he would choose to have follow. Micah would need to find those he found worthy. Those he found interesting.

As the man slinked forward he sent out a small burst of Spiritual pressure for each lick he made of his fingers. Each time downing the remaining presence of those who once inhabited the now desolate land behind him.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

Something turns out to be something [ Open - Arrancar/Hollow ]  Empty Re: Something turns out to be something [ Open - Arrancar/Hollow ]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:33 pm
It was never a good sign when naked men licking their fingers and brazenly flaring their reiatsu came walking out of the desert. Mind you, this didn't happen often, but it was still something worthy of paying attention to. Rhydderch watched the man approach his spot in a tree, wondering exactly what this fellow was up to. Maybe conversation was possible? Maybe not? Worth a shot since this guy seemed to be right about at his own level.

"Well, looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the uh... forest this morning. He leapt down from his perch, and resumed picking something out of his nails. Was this man a potential ally, or was he someone who could potentially topple the order established? That would be interesting, but they they'd have to put everything back together again. Regime changes in these situations were seldom clean and cut. "I assume you're a man on some kind of mission. Question is, what exactly is it?"
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