My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty [Open] Omega to Alpha

Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:17 am
Five years ago, Ernestine had lost a student. Ernestine had no surviving children from her first marriage after the war against the shinigami, so she watched her precious descendants from her second marriage as close as she could, hoping not to repeat history. A loving mother, then grandmother, then great grandmother going down several generations, Ernestine tried to be a teacher but was often heavy handed.

Still, times were changing and the once endangered Quincy race was beginning to manifest once again, and Ernestine had a chance to redeem herself when she could not during the war. To do that, however, she needed all the help she could get.

To her knowledge, her student and seven generations removed great (great great great great) grandson, had been hiding out in Hueco Mundo since his self-imposed exile. Ernestine knew it could have been her own fault for being as harsh as she was. After all, she might have done the same if under similar circumstances.

"Come on out Victor. I know you're here." She declared her presence, standing in the middle of the white desert.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:55 am
Viktor would emerge from a damaged pillar, and he was quite a sight. The sharply dressed young man that Ernestine would remember was gone it seemed, instead he wearing the tattered rags that had survived his battles so far. The coat he wore was draped across his shoulders, ripped and patched together again. In general, the younger quincy looked as though he had been through the wars, with scars fresh and faded across his bare torso while he approached. Pausing to stand before the woman. Saying nothing for a moment, simply looking her older.

Though through this effort he had clearly grown in power since they last met. "Ernestine... What are you doing here" He spoke in his usual tone, perhaps there was a hint of disdain for his old teacher showing up after all this time. Right to the point. Perhaps she had heard news of his efforts so far. Not only at thinning the hollow population here, but specifically targeting Shinigami on patrol. Fresh students or hardened warriors alike had fallen to his blade already, any wearing that uniform would find there was no mercy from a man like this.

Of course, this is what had set them apart in the first place. His methods had proven brutal, in fact he seemed to have taken a page directly from the Captain Commander who had attempted to destroy their race all that time ago. Nothing was off limits, and he intended to continue his work until either he, or their enemy, was destroyed.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 10, 2021 2:08 am
When Victor entered the view covered in wounds, there was an odd sense of satisfaction that Ernestine felt. That is, she was proud that her student could survive for so long, and as a teacher could only imagine how such an experience had hardened her student. It meant that even if Victor had run off on his own for disagreements in philosophy, it was ultimately Ernestine's teachings that were the reason he had survived for so long. Well, on top of natural talent.

"I'm taking you home, of course. There is much preparation to do." Ernestine answered. "At the moment, the shinigami appear to be at a weakened state. Our people have replenished their population enough that I can begin to reform the Sternritter. Isn't that what you always wanted?"
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 10, 2021 8:58 am
The young quincy warrior raises an eyebrow at how quickly the woman got to the point, he was sure there was going to be some sort of lecture on his foolish ways or that he should abandon his quest. However, it seemed that Ernestine had finally found her courage again. "So you plan to take the fight to the shinigami?" Clearly, his curiosity had piqued as he pondered on what this could mean for their races future. The Sternritter of the past had been held in some regard after all, and the return of such a force was sure to stir things up with the Gotei.. or whatever was left of it as this point.

"So, you've gathered others already I assume? Or were you looking for someone to do the menial tasks for you?" He suggested, clearly not quite trusting what the woman was saying completely. At least he seemed to be keen to the idea as presented, so perhaps even if there where any of these little caveats, they could smooth things out.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 10, 2021 10:36 am
"I've found you some classmates," Ernestine replied. "Not enough to fully rebuild the Sternritter, I don't know who has what it takes to join my ranks yet, but enough to oppose the shinigami. At least, the way that they fight." She elaborated.

"Your generation very much resembles Johan's generation, you know? You grow strong quite easily but you have no wisdom." Ernestine said. Indeed, that must have been the core reason teacher and student had separated. Ernestine's teachings did involve getting powerful and despite her frail body she was able to hold her own when sparring. It was the philosophical and cultural side of Ernestine's teachings that were difficult to get through, and this made things frustrating for her as a teacher.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 10, 2021 1:37 pm
"Classmates? You still consider me a student then I take it?" He chuckled, reaching to his belt to retrieve one of his seele shneider which he activated with a casual flourish. "I've grown past your teaching Ernestine, my living this long shows that." Quick and to the point it seemed, perhaps the old quincy didn't mean the sleight he had perceived, it was far too late to take the words back now though.

On she went to give him that little lecture he had been expecting. Perhaps shorter then he would have thought. "Perhaps we lack your wisdom, but I suppose that is something gained with age.." He stepped back, taking a second beam-like blade into his offhand. His stance resembling the shinigami he hated so very much, more so than the classic quincy. "I want to see if you're still fit to lead. I'll let you start us off"
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sun Jul 11, 2021 3:19 am
Ernestine gave a rare stress sigh. "See. This is exactly what I mean." Ernestine reluctantly put some distance between the two of them. She used a cane, which looked especially difficult on the sands of Hueco Mundo. However, once she took her place, she tossed the cane aside and stretched out, standing up straight. "Power doesn't make a great leader. Respect does. Today's lesson is, respect." She said.

The old Quincy removed her Quincy cross from around her neck and wrapped the necklace portion around her right arm, holding the pendant in her palm. She got into an archery stance, stretching her bow hand out before forming a bow. Even with her old age, thanks to the saturation of spirit energy in Hueco Mundo, it was easy enough for any Quincy to make a bow.

When a shinigami intended to block an attack, they took a stance similar to one Victor had. With this in mind, when Ernestine fired her first shot, it was not aimed at Victor, but rather flew just a few feet to the left of him, just far enough that he'd have to go out of his way if he wanted to catch it. "Wachposten" Ernestine declared. The arrow tip changed into a cylindrical shape as it flew toward its destination.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:56 am
Viktor watched the old woman ready herself to begin their sparring session, already going on about 'respect'. Of course power wasn't the only important thing when it comes to the making of a leader. Besides, he was different now, in fact his growth had been rapid to say the least. Constant combat would do that to someone of course, perhaps it was an extreme option but considering their situation he felt it was justified.

He was almost disappointed, there was an obvious gulf in their power now. Perhaps Ernestine was simply holding back on her old student. "You speak of respect and this is the power you show me? Am I not worth your full strength?" To prove a point, the man moved like a blur to intercept the arrow. Though he didn't bother blocking, instead crashing directly through it and accepting the damage to his left shoulder.

It had always been like this, relying on his natural durability and latent talent in reishi absorption to simply tank attacks that come his way. Letting him focus on his opponents. And right now he was moving to take away her greatest strength; the range between them. Before the smoke cleared from the last impact, he was upon her, striking through with his energy blade at the woman's mid-section.

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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sun Jul 18, 2021 12:57 pm
Ernestine wondered if her former student even stopped to think about what he just said before saying it. As expected, her student went out of his way to absorb the strike. As he tanked the arrow on his shoulder, the arrow tip exploded with a force comparable to a Hollow's cero. Having taught him his techniques, however, Ernestine knew that this was all part of Viktor's strategy. When the young Quincy emerged from the smoke cloud, Ernestine looked especially unimpressed, giving him a disapproving glare. After all. Everything he learned, he learned from her.

A strand of spirit energy pulled Ernestine by her right arm. This technique was known as ransotengai, and as an elderly shinigami, Ernestine knew it well. She blocked the blade with her arm, feeling the full impact rattle through her old bones. The clothes ripped off from her arm, revealing the beads that made up the necklace of Ernestine's Quincy cross, her elbow-length sanrei glove, and the metallic limiter device the shinigami had put on her. Underneath that, her skin was lined with blue streaks of energy. This was Blut Vene, a technique that Ernestine knew that Viktor didn't bother to learn, though she knew the reasons why.

From there, Ernestine extended her right arm, which formed both the bow and arrow. Then, she began to charge an attack, pouring the ambient spirit energy of Hueco Mundo into her arrow, as if giving her student a warning.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Tue Jul 20, 2021 11:28 am
His attack clashed with the ancient quincy's blut with considerable force, more powerful than she would remember from his day in training. The crucible realm that was Hueco Mundo was certainly something else. His growth was remarkable really, considering his unorthodox style of combat when compared to his peers. He retreated somewhat after the strike, pausing while the woman went on to utilize ransotengai. "It's impressive you're still standing..." He announced, dousing the energy blade in his main hand. "Though I suppose you wouldn't have made it to this age if something so simple could finish you off" He would then hold his now empty palm out to the side, openly defying her threat, clearly unphased with what she might be trying.

"But you aren't the only one who can use the ambient reishi of this world" And with that, Viktor calls upon the latent power in the endless dunes. Forcefully tearing the very material that made up everything around them into his own body. He had grown it seemed, calling upon the strength that could only be first stage of a quincy's evolution; his 'final form'.

Knowing his talent for reishi manipulation, it made sense that he would develop the ability he hadn't managed to learn while under her tutelage. But the spear he now held was unmistakably far finer than any of the constructs he could create. "Now show me your power Ernestine, or you'll be leaving this place alone... or not at all" He turned the point of the spear to her, allowing her time to charge her attack.

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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Tue Jul 20, 2021 12:53 pm
From the way things were going, Ernestine wasn't sure if she was going to be able to bring her student back to her. It was almost certain that she wasn't going to win the fight, especially with her limiter not only restricting her ability to gather reishi like other Quincy but also restricted her ability to use her vollstandig at all. Though it was not a ranged weapon per se, Ernestine could tell from feeling that this spear Victor had was his letzt still.

"Zerstorungsring" she declared as the tip of her arrow transformed into the shape of a ring. It fired point-blank aimed toward Victor's chest but whether it hit or not didn't matter to the older Quincy. To avoid the spear tip, Ernestine stepped to the side. Thanks to the higher amounts of spiritual energy in the air of Hueco Mundo, it wasn't hard for her to maintain her bow, which meant she had some opportunity to parry against her opponent.

"Cocky. As usual." Ernestine scoffed. Even if neither of them wanted to admit it, this was probably a trait he gained from her as well. "Kether." She declared as her power surged. The effects of the limiter were palpable from the sounds of mechanical grinding against Ernestine's skin. Her power appeared to fluctuate as if there was an external force similar to the sanrei glove that forced it down. She grimaced, obviously in pain from the limiter. This wasn't a new sight to Victor though. She was stronger before, but the limiter always hurt her when she attempted to use letzt stil. But it didn't stop her from using it, evident by the new halo hovering over her head.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Wed Jul 21, 2021 9:53 am
While he hadn't bothered to attack the woman just yet, Viktor would stand perfectly still to let her try again to do some real damage. After all, he knew most of her techniques unless she had been withholding information from him this whole time. Her next arrow would of course hit dead center, erupting in a momentus explosion of reishi and sand that concealed the younger quincy for a moment. It would be the perfect time for him to attack, though he didn't seem to take the opportunity this time. Instead, when the dust settled he would be standing still, unphased as he stared the woman down, even as she powered up.

The tell-tale signs of blut could be seen, the same technique she had used only moments before now protecting him. "I've learned a thing or two" He rolled his shoulders, bare from the waist up after the impact had shredded his own. For a moment his eyes would narrow, as he quickly hefted his spear to throw. "I should have known this would happen..." It wasn't entirely clear what he was talking about, but within moments he launched his weapon in Ernestine's direction.

Perhaps his aim was off, but what seemed to be little more than a streak of silver would fly past her. It had further power than his last strike, that was for sure. But his target seemed to be a group of approaching menos in the distance, at least until his lance slammed into the first, bursting violently to slay the creatures. "I supposed we should have been more careful, hollows are drawn to power like moth to a flame.. You can do what you want" He seemed to lose interest in their fight. "It wouldn't do to kill you Ernestine, so perhaps see if you can keep up" And with that, the gathering creatures would begin to crawl from over the dunes, all moving toward the source of this power as he strode past, recalling his spear in an instant as he dashed forth, his speed a blur to the power-restricted quincy. At least this way their dispute might be settled in a more... constructive fashion.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Wed Jul 21, 2021 1:14 pm
Ernestine sighed. It looked like her student had learned a few things from his experience in Hueco Mundo. She was caught by surprise from her student's attack until she realized what had happened. Even if her student was the first to use his letzt stil, it must have been the both of them together that had attracted the Hollow to their location. More importantly, she should not have used an attack so powerful so early. Especially given Ernestine's inability to conceal herself effectively again thanks to her limiter.

Despite still being on edge, Ernestine turned around. "I've gotten old." She mumbled to herself, then smiled. "Oh come on. You expect us to be overwhelmed by these smallfry?" She said in a playful tone as she prepared an arrow to fire at a group of Hollow. Then another, then another, soon taking out the whole cluster. Her student had gotten faster as well. Ernestine nodded in approval. "Okay fine..." Ernestine grit her teeth, desperately not wanting to admit her feelings.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Fri Jul 23, 2021 9:55 am
Even as Ernestine effortlessly managed to clear out the smaller hollows, it was clear that this fight was only just beginning. More of the creatures seemed to be congregating around them. Rushing over the dunes with the thought of a fresh meal as they were met with only death. Viktor had rushed into the fray, lashing out with sword and spear as he charged through the ranks. It seemed he trusted Erenestine enough that he left clear gaps in his defenses where he knew she would back him up. While they were cutting a bloody path through the hollow crowd, something would feel quite off to the two of them.

It was a twisted energy, dark and malicious that seemed to be approaching them. Far greater then even the two of them combined could deal with. For now, they couldn't see what could harness such power, but was was probably time to get going before it found them. That was if it wasn't too late already. Viktor violently kicked a corpse to the side as he rushed back, bearing a few extra wounds now it seemed. "Did you sense that?"

Whatever it was, even other hollows seemed to run from it. Perhaps a member of the Espada had taken note of their fight so far. "... It's coming closer"
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 24, 2021 2:02 pm
Ernestine smiled. In the back of her head she knew that strong presences like these meant something bigger was coming. Not immediately and not for them, but the fact that a hollow got this powerful in such a time was a sign that they were gathering their numbers for something. The Espada were drawing a plan. Still, Ernestine couldn't help but notice that this was... fun. Ernestine was enjoying herself.

"Come on, you've fought Hollow tougher than that." Ernestine looked in the direction of the presence. It was definitely coming closer. She allowed her student to press forward ahead of her. She aimed her bow forward toward the beast. Keeping her elated expression, Ernestine took aim and fired to make room for Viktor to apply his own attack. Then, using ransotengai, she dragged herself behind Viktor to cover his advance. This wasn't hollow hunting. This was teacher-student bonding.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Mon Jul 26, 2021 9:38 am
Something 'bigger' wasn't quite right. Hollows had an interesting evolution path, where the strongest consume the souls of their fellow creatures to gain power. From the Gillian that make up a majority of their foe, to even the more advanced Adjuchas. However there was a particularly rare form of hollow that betrayed the animalistic traits, the Vasto Lorde. Some might say they didn't exist at all. To someone like Viktor, who had spent so much time in this endless desert, could attest to the fact that they were real. Ernestine was sure to have at least witnessed one in her time.

If she hadn't, that was about to change. "No, I don't think I have" it wasn't common to see the young quincy doubt his abilities, seeing how headstrong her was. But the creature that seemed to make its way slowly over the dunes seemed to do the trick. It was human sized, wearing what looked to be a robe of pure white, with a golden mask that jutted out into seven points, reminiscent of a star.

Now they had drawn the things attention, it's oppressive aura was almost enough to pull them back. "Retreat, now" The younger of the two lashed out with one of his seele shneider, seemingly destroying the object to create a massive force of energy in a torrential wave towards it. Only for it to collide with what could only be described as living darkness. A shadow with a will of its own forming a shield to intercept and negate the attack. Leaving the other hollow decimated around it, but the creature itself untouched. In response, it turned back to launch obsidian spears of shadow, which Viktor narrowly deflected as he turned, ready to drag Ernestine with him if she refused.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Mon Jul 26, 2021 1:27 pm
Ernestine looked in the direction of the Vasto Lorde. The great conflict of her time was fighting against Shinigami. It was why she had become a Quincy and it was what she knew. Ernestine looked at Hollow the same way someone with bee allergies looked at bees. She didn't hate them. She only got rid of them for her own safety. There was no question that his hollow was vastly superior to what she had faced prior in terms of Hollow. Did it warrant a retreat.

Ernestine looked in the direction of her student. There was worry in his eyes. Ernestine may have been old, but she was also hardened by war and retained her skill through teaching. So when it came time to make a quick decision, she made it. While it would have been a good opportunity to test her student's skill, she was also risking her student in a fairly uncontrolled environment.

"Fine." She said begrudgingly.
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[Open] Omega to Alpha Empty Re: [Open] Omega to Alpha

Sat Jul 31, 2021 1:47 pm
Viktor was surprised at just how stubborn the old woman was being, managing the fend of the long ranged assault just barely as she made up her mind. The creature before them was unlike anything else they would have faced. So with the both of them in agreement, the younger quincy would cover their retreat, making sure they they were both keeping out of the small figures true range while leaving hollows injured to distract it. It seemed this hollows hunger for its own kind exceeded its wish to catch them. Perhaps Quincy just weren't as tempting as a group of low level hollows.

In their haste they finally managed to move off into more isolated portions of the desert. Safe at least to slow down and rest a little. Moving slowly and silently through the dunes.

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