My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

Holy [Hana Ishikawa] Empty Holy [Hana Ishikawa]

Sun Jun 27, 2021 8:43 pm

Name: Hana Ishikawa
Alias: Crystal
Real Age: 205
Phys. Age: 21
Gender: Female
Personality: Hana is a curious, outgoing woman that enjoys teasing others with her overwhelming positivity to counter their negativity. She turns everyone’s frowns into smiles, with a sunny disposition, and optimistically believes in others. Also, Hana never stops smiling nor having fun, at others' expense with how she is utterly a goofball at most times. She is a driven individual to the point of being called a loon by her peers or anyone who cannot understand her personality switches. She never bothered by any form of being called names by her peers since she’s the sunshine in anyone’s day. She has been called spirited and too naive for her own good sometimes. Hana wants to find her mother, and she usually does read.

Hana switches her personality when driven to causes that she utterly enjoys, fighting to a degree. It causes her sunny disposition to disappear, and she becomes an outright bitch, serious, gleefully fighting with all her joy involved in it. She gets competitive to the point of trash-talking others and putting them down if they start trash-talking her. Her devious streak is primarily because she plans slightly with well-placed traps on the battlefield that explode. It’s because she wants to defeat her foe as quickly as possible since long, drawn-out fights are not her forte. She knows her weaknesses well and what she’s good at, so, therefore, she wants to help herself to get it done sooner.

Height: 5’2”
Weight: 128 lbs
Physical Traits:

History: [Optional]
Exposition: [Optional. What is your character? This can be beliefs, life views, etc.]
Side Notes: [Anything relevant not listed below goes here.]

General Fighting Style: Hana’s stamina can’t handle a prolonged battle, so it is in her best interest to enjoy the battle and finish it quickly. She has focused on her sword techniques, the ability to use the sword as a Swordswoman. It is handy to detect others with her sensing abilities and has great control to form crystals that could protect her or move across the battlefield to explode. She primarily relies on speed and the use of her Zanpakuto.
Strengths: Zanjutsu, Agility, Reiatsu, Reiatsu Control, Sensing
Weaknesses: Hakuda, Hohou, Stamina, Reiryoku, Kidou
Ability Name: Crystal Expulsion - Diamond Explosion
Ability Description: These crystals form into the size of normal diamonds. Three Floating Diamond explosives form in a five-foot radius around Hana and travel to a maximum distance of twenty feet. These Diamond explosives do 2/3rds worth of a cero explosion. [2-turn cooldown / Offensive]

Ability Name: Crystal Dance - Diamond Circle
Ability Description: These crystals form into the size of larger diamonds. They form in a radius of five feet surrounding Hana, where they dance and protect Hana from attacks. They can block up to a Cero Oscuras before shattering. [4-Turn Cooldown / Defensive]

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Shimmering Atasi
Call Out Command: “Shimmering Atasi Shine Brightly!”

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Holy [Hana Ishikawa] Empty Re: Holy [Hana Ishikawa]

Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:52 pm
Approved 2-4
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Holy [Hana Ishikawa] Empty Re: Holy [Hana Ishikawa]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:36 am
Approved 2-2
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Holy [Hana Ishikawa] Empty Re: Holy [Hana Ishikawa]

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