My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Wed Oct 27, 2021 5:42 pm
It was a nice, quiet day in the sixth. The sounds of brushes being dipped in ink and then sliding across paper. Of quiet, efficient bureaucracy steadily turning it's gears. The kind of day that made work pleasant, but also held promise of relaxation once the day was done. A set of slow, plodding footsteps which - for the careful observer - held a careful, deadly rhythm. It was this sort of day that had the returning young Seiji make his appearance. With his bag slung over his shoulder, Seiji stared at the door to the Sixth Squad's office, raise his leg, then kick it down with a blast of wind.

He could've entered like a normal person, sure. However, there was no fun in that. Seiji did whatever he felt like. Not to mention, he wanted to see if they'd reinforced the door enough after the last time he obliterated it. With a bag slung over his shoulder, Seiji walked over to the vice-captain's desk, sat down, then promptly kicked his feet up and leaned back with a yawn while basking in the silence he'd created.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty Re: [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Thu Oct 28, 2021 9:31 am
The blast of wind that flowed through the first floor of the 6th division headquarters was only matched by the strength of the defeated sigh let forth by it's captain, Shiori Ashina. Sure, they'd reinforced the door, but it wouldn't handle repeated abuse like this. What's more, the "reinforce the building against its own vice captain" budget was drained for the month, so anything else would just have to hold out. Shiori snatched a piece of paper from the air, handing it to the desk jockey stationed next to where she was standing. It wasn't his, but seeing her mood, he relented and set the page off to the side.

"Ah, Seiji. Nice of you to join us. Still insisting on opening the door with... moxie, I see." Shiori waited for the air to settle before she bothers to pull her hair out of her face. Sure, she could wear her hair in a ponytail, but she hated those in professional settings. "After that entrance, I assume you're ready to get to work? I have a job for you specifically."
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty Re: [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Sat Oct 30, 2021 3:12 pm
Seiji stared at Shiori with an absent-looking expression smeared on his face. His blue eyes were unfocused, like he was staring right through you. However, Seiji just had that dumb look on his face most of the time by default. He was observing Shiori very carefully, trying to see if he could push the work onto someone else. No matter how hard he searched though, it didn't seem like the female captain was gonna let him wriggle out of this task. At the very least it was probably something tough for a paper-pusher to deal with.

"Is it a problem I can solve by force, at least...?" Seiji asked the question with a tinge of hopefulness in his voice. It was well-known by members of the Sixth that the only reason Seiji was here was because him and Okami were too much trouble to have around in the same squad. After the loss of the old leader of the Fifth the point was made somewhat moot, however; Seiji had grown comfortable in his new role and neglected to take back his old position.
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty Re: [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:52 am
Shiori raised one of her eyebrows to the slightest degree, something likely only Seiji would catch. "Oh don't give me that look. Too early in the morning for that nonsense." Lucky for him it would be a bit more of a physical task, just a bit beyond that usually means for the general group she got for her division. Even in the academy, he'd done better in everything that didn't involve paperwork or testing, so this was par for the course. Some new members were tense as they expected a Captain to come down hard on those that disrespected their authority, though there was a chance that their sensei's we're just embellishing details. With a long sigh, Shiori produced a sealed scroll container, gently waving it around. "And yes, a majority of the task can be solved by violence. South Rukongai, district 78."

Shiori turned and headed for the second floor, gesturing for Seiji to follow. If she went first, it would save on a lot of wear and tear for any door hinges. Her pace wasn't exactly slow though. She'd left her kiseru in her her office, as a previous violent entry had thrown errant wood in her direction, damaging one of her favorites. The sooner she could get up to her office, the sooner she could resume the only vice that got her through the day."Seiji, please come with me. The rest of you, get back to work. Cases 566 through 589 need to be on my desk by the end of the day."
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty Re: [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Thu Nov 04, 2021 5:42 pm
Seeing Shiori do her signature subtle eyebrow raise, Seiji couldn't help but quietly snicker to himself. He knew that look fairly well, and while the staff member on it's receiving end didn't seem to notice it, he got the unspoken message. As Shiori pulled out the scroll and waved it in front of his face, Seiji's gaze lazily tracked the cylindrical object before he got up and slowly followed the Captain into her office with surprisingly good posture. No slouching, no dragging of the feet. His was the steps of a practiced swordsman.

He did, however; pause for a moment as he suddenly noticed the multitudes of eyes on him, expressions of shock and disbelief that Shiori hadn't immediately started peeling his paint. In answer to the room he simply shrugged while addressing the members of the squad. "We've known each other a long time... We've got an... hmmm... understanding?"

With that little piece of business out of the way, Seiji entered the open door (Shiori had figured that one out pretty quick) of the Captain's office while scratching his back in a rather sloppy manner. Once inside, Seiji slowly sunk into a chair across from his old classmate and boss before leaning forward slightly. "What's the mission? I've been itching for a fight..."
4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 175
Join date : 2021-01-04

[Private] Return of the Prodigal Son Empty Re: [Private] Return of the Prodigal Son

Wed Nov 17, 2021 6:59 pm
It wasn't that Shiori didn't want to punish Seiji for his tardiness or property damage, bit more that there wasn't much she could do to actually punish him effectively. Many before had tried in both academy and in the division, and none had succeeded. The only person who could didn't care enough to do soz which was an unusual position for a father to take. Regardless, it wasn't exactly a pressing issue at this point. Besides the door slamming behind the two as they entered the Captain's office gave the implication to the rank and file that he'd get a good ass chewing.

With the swish of her wrist, Shiori cast a soundproofing spell on the door, preventing sound from escaping the office while emitting the illusion of a prerecorded discussion between her and her Vice Captain. She casually placed a mission scroll off to the side of the desk, sliding into her seat with a sly smile as she brought out a folder. "Oh, the mission? Easy, just Gozu's gang. Nothing like he was when I still rolled with his gang, but still enough brutes to make you consider drawing your blade. No, I called you here for something else." She opened the folder taking out two order forms. Each was for custom gigai, one specifically made for each of them. Despite the reserved expression on her face, there was burning excitement in the woman's eyes. "New models. They'll need to be takennforna test drive. Care for some recon?"
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