My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Wed Mar 30, 2022 3:39 am
Green glowing eyes would reflect a peaceful stream of water as it travelled down a small waterway, reeds and plants coating its sides. The road next to it was partially cracked and old due to heavy use, however in the current age it seemed to not see as many people as it used to. Along the road were stores that opened up into big markets and small store fronts that were generally owned by the locals. One of these stores was a small coffee shop. It wasn't particularly out of the ordinary but being the only one in such a rural area left it with a good heft of the local customers, all of which who would either go to get morning coffee or listen to the old as they talked about the times before now.

With the grace of a ghost Abathur found himself walking down the road, and simply stared down at the stream. The inhabitants of the area would wave kindly to his visit, as this hadn't been the first time he had travelled along this particular road. Abathur was delighted to be welcomed so kindly by the old and young alike. His plant appearance didn't frighten the locals, and as they slowly become more friendly with him, he in turn slowly became more comfortable around them. Big and beautiful pink alien like flowers would bloom across his arms, head and back as an expression of his happiness. Afterall, where Abathur came from he was very lonely and being able to surround himself among others who shared sentience was a very fulfilling experience.

As Abathur slowly and calmly trod down the road, a single withered flower on the windowsill of a store caught his peripherals. Abathur slowly came to a halt and was given a kind greeting by the old folk who were sitting outside. He looked up to spot the signs on the font of the shop, revealing it to be a coffee shop. Keeping his view on the flower Abathur would enter the store quietly and shift himself until he was above the flower. His own large flowers were catching the appraisal of some peoples eyes, but in the moment Abathur focused on rejuvenating the lone withering flower. He simply had to but touch the fragile thing to bring it's head back up and apply colour yet again into its dull petals. Abathur after doing so would move away and get a clear view of the store, spying a fair few familiar faces. Although when he saw one he didn't recognise he hunched immediately and the beautiful flowers covering his arms, head and back would bud back up. Abathur's expression in this moment was obviously shyness. Even though his appearance could look imposing and evil Abathur exhibited a soft nature, one that seemed frightened almost.
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Wed Mar 30, 2022 9:04 am
As she awoke, the sun fluttered in through the waving curtains upon her window. The rays were warm and bright leaving a smile on her features. She danced around her home getting ready for the same, usual day as always. Once she was ready all of her attention was turned toward a rather small sunroom attached to her small apartment within the city. To any other person it would be an odd array of random flora that didn’t make any sense being in the same room together. However, they were simply accumulated over the span of time that she had found work at the coffee shop. Some had been there when she first returned to this home, some she had found in gardening stores requiring attention, and a couple had even been gifted to her by regular customers at the shop. She enjoyed every one of them in their entirety and found their uniqueness beautiful. With every new flower, she would have something to look forward to and research in her spare time. She would create a care routine for them and would keep track on the large wall covered by a blackboard. It was the only thing that made her feel normal and calm in this world full of uncertainty. With a deep breath and a smile, Hana would make her way out of the apartment closing the door behind her. She would walk a few feet from the door before turning around and running back to lock it. This was part of her normal, daily routine.

Hana had made it to the outside of the shop giving herself enough time to make it there from her home with accounting for stops in between. To many, she was seen as ditsy and empty headed. She would wander off at the sight, smell, taste, or touch of anything interesting to her. Flowers, animals, people, food, and anything she hadn’t seen before in this life. She was simply in a state of relearning and hoping to be more intelligent than the public saw her currently. With a deep breath and a smile, Hana would open the door to the shop seeing the faces of many friendly regulars looking back at her. They would smile, wave, and many would exclaim, “Good morning, Miss Hana.” She would return their greetings in the fashion they were given before her eyes would catch sight of the piece of flora in the window. It was a sight that always concerned her. Recently, the poor plant had begun to wilt away, although she attempted many times to care for it and give it the attention she could tell it required. She wasn’t sure what could make it change so drastically or so quickly. However, change was constant and not uncommon. Change was something Hana knew too well. Even through her conecten, Hana got to work taking care of the individuals in the shop.

It was a normal day of work with some rather usually friendly customers. They were kind and didn’t put up a fuss, even when Hana blatantly made a mistake or two. Of course, she would always apologize before going right back to doing whatever it was she had her mind set to. Although, it seemed her normal day would turn into a not so normal day as a new face would enter the cafe. A new face of something she had never seen before. Every hair on her body would stand on edge wondering what she was looking at. Was it one of those monsters? No, certainly it wouldn’t show itself here. Besides, the customers didn’t seem bothered by it at all. The tense feeling in her body would slowly fade as she watched the being interact with the poor, wilted flower on the window. What was it doing? Getting a closer look, Hana would notice that the being itself was covered in plant life that she hadn’t yet seen before. Her yellow eyes would find themselves entranced by the beauty. What were they? What did they smell like? Where did they come from? She had so many questions, but had many more after seeing that her precious specimen was rejuvenated by a single touch. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with happiness at the sight of the small flora alive and well again. Then, her gaze would shift to the one in question. He seemed caught off guard by her in a way. Was there something wrong? Did she do something strange? Was it because of her staring? She was told that it was rude on a few occasions, but she always noticed herself doing it anyway.

Hana wasn’t normally much for speaking as many of the shop’s customers were aware. She spoke enough to get her through the day, but never about anything important or interesting. However, this was a rather rare occurrence for her and she was interested in the one before her. “Uhm. Hello,” she would speak in a soft voice, “Thank you for taking care of my flower. I tried everything I could, but I’m not sure what I did wrong.” Her eyes would shift to the plant on the window as they radiated with happiness. She couldn’t believe that it had been fixed so easily. “Oh! Uhm. Sorry, if I made you nervous or was staring too much. I always forget it’s not so nice, but your flowers were so beautiful and I just happen to really like flowers. I had never seen anything like those before. Oh! I’m sorry! I guess I should have introduced myself. My name is Hana Tadashi. I work here,” Hana would speak quickly, yet softly. She was a strange girl never settling on a single thought, but perhaps that’s what made her quite charming. Her frame was rather small and fragile looking. Her hair was as bright as a red rose and her eyes as yellow as the sun. She was quite interesting to look at herself, but she never noticed the gaze of others.
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Sat Apr 02, 2022 7:02 pm
Abathur's eyes glimpsed like glowing emeralds as he stared down the stranger, though it wasn't long before she began to speak up to the Abathur. His figure would slowly lower and lower in an attempt to make himself both look less threatening and to try and avoid her gaze, however this was before he a heard a quaint soft hello. Immediately Abathur began to stand up tall again, and listened to what the girl had to say. “Thank you for taking care of my flower. I tried everything I could, but I’m not sure what I did wrong.", she would say.

Abathur noticed her shifting eyes as she planted her view onto the flower that yet again looked young and rejuvenated. Abathur wasn't quite sure why she was so amazed by his abilities, then again it wasn't a common occurrence for humans to possess such powers. Yet is simply question would soon be answered. “Oh! Uhm. Sorry, if I made you nervous or was staring too much. I always forget it’s not so nice, but your flowers were so beautiful and I just happen to really like flowers. I had never seen anything like those before. Oh! I’m sorry! I guess I should have introduced myself. My name is Hana Tadashi. I work here,” Hana would say. The quickness of speech and soft tones of her voice would have Abathur question who was really the nervous one in this interaction.

Having heard Hana reference her like for flowers Abathur would blossom the large flowers on his body that had recently budded up.

"Hana... Well formal greetings to you Hana, I am called Abathur."

Proceeding to making his way over to Hana, the delightful aroma of his flowers filled the shop. Abathur looking at Hana more closely would observe her unique features, at least unique to him. Humans tended to vary much like plants do, but didn't reflect quite the unpredictable nature. Perhaps it could be said that her hair reminded him of certain roses, or perhaps it could be said that her eyes reminded him of the sun. Though having had a good look at the girl he reframed from commenting about her appearance and instead gestured towards the lone flower.

"I merely gave the flower more life, but much like most things it will still die in the end. You have a lot in common with that flower. Treat it well, it enjoys your company and your care. without you I dare say it would be as lonely as I was before I found your world."
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:45 pm
Hana had noticed that this new fellow had seemed to become more receptive and confident as she spoke to him. Was it something she was saying? Maybe, he didn't expect to be treated so well by her? Why would he not? He seemed to get along well with the other patrons of the establishment, so she wasn't sure why he seemed nervous around her. Of course, she was sure he understood that she meant him no harm considering she couldn't form a coherent thought without skipping straight into the next one. As she had stated that he enjoyed his flowers, they would bloom once more along his being and Hana's eyes would light up. They were beautiful and unlike anything she had ever seen before. Their aroma was fragrant as any beautiful flower would be, but it was also unfamiliar to her senses.

"Abathur.." she would repeat in a whispered tone as if recording it to memory. It was a unique name and almost seemed unearthly, almost like it came from a fantasy novel. Hana would smile wide after he would introduce himself to her, as she enjoyed making new friends. This was a most rare occasion. She had never spoken to anyone not human that she could remember, but this was quite exciting to her. He would make his way toward her making conversation about the flower in the window. Hana would glance at it keeping that same excited smile across her features. "I'm very happy it enjoys my company so well. I might also be very lonely without it. I can't say I have very many friends that would listen to me that I can remember, but it listens well. Sometimes, I think it waves at me, but it might just be the wind. What do I know?" Hana would chuckle to herself with a lighter smile than before. Perhaps, it held more of an adoring sentiment towards her plant.

"Oh! But what about you? You said you weren't from here. Then, where do you come from? Why is it lonely there? Are there no others like you there? Is that where your flowers come from? They're so beautiful," Hana's eyes were full of wonder as she clenched her fists excitedly in front of her body. Just as quickly as she became excited, she would realize it was inappropriate to look so excited and speak about something was was supposed to be sad. "Oh shoot! I'm so sorry! I'm just excited to meet you and learn new things! I guess it's probably a touchy subject. How could I be so rude?" Hana's body would slump forward as she would place her hands on the sides of her head in a rather dejected appearance. Please forgive me?" a wining tone would escape her lips as she filled with embarrassment at the thought of being so insincere. A red blush in comparison to the color of her hair would extend across her cheeks.
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:35 am
Abathur would observe Hana's smiling face as she glanced at the flower, "I'm very happy it enjoys my company so well. I might also be very lonely without it. I can't say I have very many friends that would listen to me that I can remember, but it listens well. Sometimes, I think it waves at me, but it might just be the wind. What do I know?", the girl would say with a chuckle to herself.

Abathur wasn't really able to smile but there were other ways to tell about the state of his emotions, usually the way his physically looked and acted was a good example of this. when he noticed the girls smile become just a touch more brighter, it brought also a happy feeling to his plant heart. His flowers beginning to form fluoro purple lines.

"Oh! But what about you? You said you weren't from here. Then, where do you come from? Why is it lonely there? Are there no others like you there? Is that where your flowers come from? They're so beautiful". Hana would ask Abathur a torrent of questions, flustering to say the least, and all within such a short span. Although it was more than natural for these questions to be asked.

The girls happy demeanour would then dim down a bit having thought that she was being insensitive. Though truth be told Abathur probably wasn't able to understand the meaning of sensitivity. Not yet at least.

"Oh shoot! I'm so sorry! I'm just excited to meet you and learn new things! I guess it's probably a touchy subject. How could I be so rude?" Hana would say slumping forward and assuming what Abathur could only possibly describe as apologetic. Hana would then finish off with, "Please forgive me?", as her cheeks turned red.

"There is no need to apologise. If I had not expected a curious response then I would have simply never told you what I did."

Abathur was intrigued by the way the girls face changed depending on her emotions. Although they could both in theory experience the same emotion, Hana and himself would never respond the same way. It was nice to think that Abathur was being somewhat influenced by the world around him.

Abathur's eyes would bare upon Hana as he attempted to make eye contact, "I cannot truly explain where I come from, it is a place that exists separate of yours. Though I have learn of a way to travel between these places and many others like it. I believe your people call it dimensions."

Abathur would laugh if he could though as a response to laugh I suppose the simultaneous glowing and dulling of his flowers was telltale enough. He found Hana's comment on the flowers to be funny, as after seeing them grow upon his very body she had still asked the question that she did.

"It is very very lonely where I come from, or perhaps I should say I have never left. What you are seeing before you is just a Vassal of my true self. Though I would very much like others to visit. I'm not sure that explaining to them that my world, including what they touch, smell, and see is all me. You are but a spec of dust in comparison to my size. Yet Hana, I find that even through my age, I am no more wiser than you."

Abathur would slowly turn his view to the window, his attention draw yet again to the flower sitting upon it's sill. "I'm sorry Hana".
Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Fri Apr 22, 2022 4:47 pm
Hana's eyes would meet Abathur's as he would begin to explain that he wasn't from this world, which sounded rather familiar. It reminded her of the monsters that attacked people in this world. They also didn't belong here and came from their own world. Was it perhaps the same idea? In theory, she supposed it was the same concept, but less of a nuisance. He was so kind and gentle. There was no way his world could be filled with such vile, disgusting creatures. Those monsters came from somewhere, but certainly not the same world as him. Dimensions. She had read a book to her room of green friends about the idea of dimensions and space travel. Hana knew that the book itself was simply made by human scientists on a subject that they didn't know to be truly possible. It was all based on assumptions and guesses, however it had not been proven. It was certainly interesting to see the human side of things after knowing what truly existed in the world.

As she listened to him, she would notice his flowers pulsating with light, which she found rather amusing. A wide smile would cross her features upon seeing the lights dance across the flower petals. They were truly marvelous and beautiful specimens. Hana wondered what else he could do to express himself and she began to take notes to write down in her book later. However, the most interesting thing that had come to light yet was the fact that this wasn't his true being. It was a simple form that he occupied in order to see the humans. "So, you're saying that you are your own world? Or you are a world? Like you have other living things that thrive and depend on you to survive? So wait, like you're a soul that gives life to a whole world? So, just like I'm a human with a soul, you're a plane of existence with a soul? I think I'm just asking the same question," Hana would review the different questions while simultaneously counting them over on her fingers. She would then pause before placing her index finger on her chin and tilting her head slightly, "So, if you're here like this, does that make this body like a clone? Like it's not really you, but you can still experience stuff through it? Does that mean you live forever?!" Hana would ask covering her mouth with her fingertips, "That's so cool."

Hana would stare at Abathur for just a moment before lowering her hand from her mouth, "But," Hana would begin not sure of how to phrase what she wanted to say. "Hmmm. I think I'd rather know the really, real you though. I like meeting your.. clone.. but it's not fair to you if you only come to this world. I wouldn't like my friend to be lonely. I bet the real you is so beautiful, if those flowers right there are anything to show for it." Hana would smile without a second thought.
Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

Fri Apr 29, 2022 6:13 am
"So, you're saying that you are your own world? Or you are a world? Like you have other living things that thrive and depend on you to survive? So wait, like you're a soul that gives life to a whole world? So, just like I'm a human with a soul, you're a plane of existence with a soul? I think I'm just asking the same question", Hana would say. Having to count the amount of times she had basically said the same sentence. In reality however each question she asked was more accurate than the last.  

"So, if you're here like this, does that make this body like a clone? Like it's not really you, but you can still experience stuff through it? Does that mean you live forever?!", Hana's excitement at this stage had peaked or so Abathur had thought. Abathur was about to interject about the theory that she'd just come up with however was shortly cut off as Hana Continued.

"But", the girl would say with a slight pause, "Hmmm. I think I'd rather know the really, real you though. I like meeting your.. clone.. but it's not fair to you if you only come to this world. I wouldn't like my friend to be lonely. I bet the real you is so beautiful, if those flowers right there are anything to show for it."

The girl would smile after what she had said. Which would cause Abathur's flowers to glow as a smiling response. Although he at this point couldn't help but clarify something. "The form that you would call a body, a clone, it isn't a copy. This is merely an extension of me."

Having clarified his point, Abathur could only really imagine what it would be like to have someone come to his world. He was mostly against the idea, wanting not to frighten people away from him. Yet there was apart of him that wanted to touch someone with all his form, and not merely through an extension in another dimension.

"I don't think that it would be wise for you to see me. I don't wish to frighten you away, although if you are so inclined then follow me..."

Abathur made his way out of the shop, but not before giving a strange wave towards Hana's flower resulting in the flower wiggling in a happy motion. The flowers on Abathur's body would disappear and located in the alley just beside the coffee shop, he would stop at the most shadowy spot he could find. Presumably with Hana in tow. Gesturing at a wall the quiet sound of a flowing stream would be heard and Abathur would walk through.

If Hana decided to follow suit then she would find herself in the confines of a dark cave with only a light illuminating her exit, and just beyond that would she find a true splendour. A landscape of exotic tree's and plants, rivers and streams carved through the greenery and earth, the water glistened like crystal. The blue sky tinged along the horizon with green. Green, blue, and purple leaves covered the assortment of tree's and what bloomed from another were flowers of all sizes and with many strange additions.

Hana would most likely find Abathur standing and looking over in a direction just to the right of her.
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[Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree. Empty Re: [Private] The Girl, the Flower, and the Tree.

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