My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Sat May 21, 2022 5:52 am
As yet another body fell to the floor of the bar, the girl grinned and took another swig of her drink before putting her hands up again. With a motion, another bystander charged at her, but she knocked him out with just one blow, making him the ninth in a row.

"As fun as this has been, I should stop for the night. You can try again next week gentlemen~' The young looking red-haired girl winked as she put a large amount of Yen on the counter and began to head out. A few people in the crowd muttered as she left, but she paid them no mind- what people said behind her back was of no concern to her. They couldn't fight her with their fists so they opted to use their words. In her nearly seventy years of life, Chihiro had grown very used to that.

Nine straight barfights for nine beers, and she barely even felt a buzz.... both in regards to the alcohol and the fighting experiences of the night.

Finding herself in an alleyway a block away from the bar, she decided this was as good a place as any and sat down in an attempt to sleep for a few hours. She slept with a metaphorical eye open, as if anyone came too close to her, her body would react even while asleep.

While snoring loudly, Chihiro dreamt of winning tournaments and getting stronger. Too bad only one of those things seemed to happen in real life anymore.
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Sun May 22, 2022 12:55 pm
Miru had been watching the barfight the entire time, minding her own business during it's duration, but when the winner of the brawl left and started sleeping outside Miru paid for her drink and stepped out to follow the girl. Though she was kinda surprised the girl was just ..asleep. nudging her with a foot Miru would call out to wake her up, "hey hey I saw whatcha did in there.. you're pretty good. Come on whatdoyasay wanna be my friend?"

Miru wasn't the best sensor in the world, but she was still able to tell this woman was much more powerful than Miru was, but that wasn't relevant in Miru's eyes because the strong can be made stronger. Especially in this case because she didn't detect any hollow, shinigami, or fullbring energy from the girl before her. She could have been a quincy sure, but Miru was smart enough to brush that possibility aside because most quincy didn't barfight and they also didn't do well in hand to hand combat. Exceptions could be had sure.. but again Miru was more than willing to bet she was right.

If the girl rose from her slumbering state and responded with a yes to Miru wanting a friend she'd clap her hands excitedly. Today was going to end either supremely well or in a disaster. Gambling on the latter though Miru prepared for giving this girl more strength. Gaining another friend in the process. Spreading her influence further as well.
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Sun May 22, 2022 9:30 pm
Chihiro's dream was interrupted the moment Miru had gotten within 3ft of her, and her snoring ended abruptly. The other girl continued closer, but Chihiro sensed no ill intent emanating from her and decided to let the actions continue since it didn't seem like she'd actually get hurt.

"A new friend is always a treasure, especially one as strong as yourself," she responded to Miru's question as she rose from her seat. She was only slightly taller than the woman in front of her, but they both had similar red hair. Chihiro smirked as she could tell that this person was a decent fighter; whether or not they knew how to do so, they had the potential to push Chihiro Shizuma further... and that meant they were a person of great interest to the jade monk. "Call me Chihiro."

After studying her new friend for a moment longer, Chihiro noticed something her eyes couldn't have told her. Something about her new friend was... off. They weren't... quite Human, but they were damn close. 95%? 99%? 51%? It was hard to tell since she wasn't a sensory specialist, but there was something non-human in the girl in front of her, which only piqued Chihiro's interest even more.
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Tue May 24, 2022 9:00 pm
"well well Chihiro it is! I am Miru Tensol! and I want to offer you strength~" she said cheerfully before pulling out a vial of red liquid, "This little baby of mine will grant you new power! It'll hurt a little obviously since nothing is absolutely free in this universe, but since I survived and I'm weaker than you you should be absolutely fine!" She could easily make more so even if Chihiro rejected the offer and/or destroyed the vial of liquid...oh well. She'd find a way to make her new friend useful one way or another at some time or place of her needing or choosing either way. Chihiro would probably at the least question what was being dropped on her lap, because after all who would willingly just take a free super power serum without knowing anything at all? That'd be suspiciously stupid of them and by the look of her Miru didn't see Chihiro as stupid..though she could be wrong who knows! LETS FIND OUT, "Any questions? Concerns? Shuddap and give me the super power serum Miru-chan?"

Assuming Chihiro did have questions Miru would go into an extremely detailed tangent about the drug and how it works and utterly losing most common people with her wording and science jargon. If she didn't and just accepted the gift from her newest friend though, or even if she did and took the vial anyways.. She was in for a whole new world of hurt and agony for about a minute before she would find new power and ability she would have never known otherwise.

Because Miru Tensol was in the business of making Fullbringer's.. and business was BOOMING. "Oh uhhhh it might sting a bit by the by." she added as a quick snippit.
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Wed May 25, 2022 10:05 pm
Odd, she had just ben dreaming o getting stronger, and here was a brand new person she'd ever met before offering her newfound strength at a cost of pain. Well, pain was an old friend to her and her nearly seven decades of life as a monk, so Chihiro figured she could take it.

Miru offered an explanation, to which Chihiro listened carefully. Though some of the technical details were lost in translation, Chihiro did understand that the drug was a combination of Hollow blood and many other ingredients which would give Chihiro more power.

Chihiro of course, had been analyzing every motion Miru had made since the moment she got close enough to awaken the Monk. The fellow redhead didn't seem to hold any ill will, nor any intent to harm whatsoever towards Chihiro; she just wanted to offer her drug, for better or for worse. While Chihiro wasn't always a trusting person, and while she did usually put more stock in physical strength, there was something about the whole back alley circumstance that made her want to give in and try the 'easy way out' just once.

Making a syringe of Jade through her reiatsu, she pulled the drug out of the vial and jabbed it into her arm, pumping the whole dose into herself quickly. At the same time, she closed her eyes, crossed her legs and slammed her fists together, entering a trance like state as her muscles began to violently bulge out of her body, being restrained by sheer mental control alone. her face was red was sweat and effort, her muscles continuing to spasm out in random spots at random intervals, but eventually it was almost too much and she began to growl in a low tone, trying not to attract too much attention from the street nearby, and trying to grit her teeth through the pain.

After what felt like an eternity, she opened her eyes and was soaking wet from sweat. Her muscles twitched one final time and then settled down completely, and she wasn't entirely sure how she felt from all of that. There was the feeling that there should be pain, but no actual pain was felt. Based on her experience as a fighter, that meant tomorrow was going to suck, since all of the pain would come then rather than now when her body thinks she needs to keep fighting.

"Okay so I took the drug. Now what can I do? Can I like fly 'n shit, or shoot lasers out of my eyeballs?" Chihiro asked eagerly, leaning up towards Miru awaiting an answer.
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Thu May 26, 2022 2:38 pm
Turned out Miru was very correct in all of her assumptions, shocker, as this woman turned out to be an experienced fighter and after listening pretty intently to miru's explainations of the drug and it's effects quickly grabbed and injected it into herself then prepared for agony and misery with some kind of martial stance thing. Probably some form of meditation. Miru's eyes gleamed with scientific wonderment as the girls body bulged and spasmed visually in many different places, and the girl merely grunted through the pain for the most part.

Five minutes later Chihiro stood up and started questioning Miru about what she could do now that the drug had run it's course. While nothing immediately happened, Miru could sense the change had indeed occurred, thus spoke calmly with a finger in the air wiggling around, "That's for you to figure out for the most part. You are a fullbringer now which means you need to find an object that is very special to you and figure out how it will connect with your new soul powers. There's a couple of basic things you can probably do right away which I'll get to in a second, but as an example.." Miru pulled on her necklace which looked like some kind of grotesque mismatched face. Activated it, which caused it to turn into a regular blood crying face, and suddenly Miru was covered head to toe in some black metal power suit with wings made of light.

"My power manifests through that necklace into this power suit." She said before turning back to normal and giggling a second before continuing, "However humans, mostly you advent human lot with natural super powers, have an ability called Blur.. I'm sure you know what that is. It is redundant and in me and you's cases much weaker than the Fullbringer Light ability you now have access to."

she basically blurred, maybe a step or two faster than a regular blur though, to get behind Chihiro but still about five feet back away from her, leaving a small green wisp of energy where her feet had been, before jumping in the air and standing on it, the air that is, with little green lights pulsing out from her feet as she basically air walked like a shinigami, "The second use of fullbringer light is as you see. Shinigami shouldn't be the only ones able to walk the skies after all. At least thats what I think." Miru landed with a soft and graceful thud before giggling a second time.

"Beyond the basics you'll have to try and figure out the rest of your powers on your own. Took me about a day before I realized what my object was. Took me another day just to figure out how to call on the power, But I get the feeling you'll pick it up quicker than me since you are more a warrior than I."
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Sat May 28, 2022 3:49 am
Just as she had done prior, Chihiro listened intently to Miru's explanation of her new powers. She watched with bewilderment as Miru encased herself in metallic armor and wings of light. There was only one object that came to mind; the only material object Chihro actually gave even the slightest shit about: her handwraps from every tournament she'd been in to date.

Miru went on to explain Fullbring, her new racial name, and the ability Fullbringer Light, which was faster than blur and allowed her to airwalk. She was given no guidance past this rudimentary introduction to her new skillset, but she thought was enough for someone of her caliber. Reaching behind her, Chihiro pulled out the worn white handwraps and began putting them on, taking the time to be extremely careful with the alignment of each strap, almost like it was a ritual.

"I appreciate what you've done for me and what you've shown me," she spoke softly as she continued staring at her hands, putting on the wraps. "I'm not familiar with the term Fullbring, but I've never backed down from a challenge before."

All throughout her nearly seventy years of life, Chihiro had one goal in her mind. One singular dream that she's been running towards at full speed for her entire life: be the strongest human to ever live. Not just be the strongest of her era, but to undeniably, objectively, be the strongest Human who ever lived.

"I'll stop at nothing for more power, this is a helpful stepping stone." As she finished putting on the handwraps, she concentrated very heavily on them and focused all of her energies. As she'd already had some experience manipulating her reiatsu and reiryoku due to her Jade Constructs ability, she found the soul of the handwraps eagerly responding to her call, and almost immediately felt a difference... though externally there was nothing different at all, Chihiro knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that her strength had grown exponentially.

"I believe you were correct in your assumption, Miru. From what I can tell, you may just be one of the smartest individuals I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. What's your AOL Username so I can Electronically Mail you?"
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Wed Jun 01, 2022 7:54 pm
AOL? This girl was kidding right? NOPE. OKAY THEN. Screamed Miru's internal monologue as she started laughing before whipping out a cell phone that had Miru's number already set to 1 on speed dial. After explaining what speed dial WAS Miru stopped laughing as hard and merely shook her head, "Smartest? Nah. Most inventive mind? Possibly. I'm sure there's more intelligent people out there than me I just am really good at turning ideas into reality. Maybe gonna work on a teleporter next.." Sensing the spike and caling of Chihiro's reiatsu she could only surmise that the process of bonding her energy with the hollow energy through biological proxy had concluded and that meant she was now staring at a new fullbringer. Neat.

Looking around she didn't feel anything suspicious going on, at least nothing that involved spirit pressure, which was a shame because she wanted to witness a field test of the girl's new abilities as she figured them out, but there was nothing for that nearby.. however.. something was bothering Miru at the moment. She had brushed it off at first thinking it was the establishment and situation Chihiro had been in but now realized the girl was filthy and was about to sleep outside rather than outdoors.

"So look I don't mean to be pushy and/or rude.. but you are coming home with me and taking a nice long soak in my luxurious bathing room and having a hot meal and maybe even spending the night at my place. You need all three." Miru said almost flatly and demandingly, "I can't just let my newest friendo just sit in the cold outside world with nothing to eat. That'd be silly of me. Besides going home will give me time to veg out on the couch or something." and with that said, assuming Chihiro didn't attempt to physically prevent Miru from doing so, Chihiro would find herself kidnapped by a Limousine ten minute later which took her to a... manor? Mansion? It wasn't quite as big as either of those but it was certainly larger than your standard house. It had at least three stories to it and it had a garage big enough for the Limo, not to mention her Lab was underground underneath the thing.

Either way to the humble Chihiro it may as well look like a castle. The swimming pool "mental cough" bath room would surprise her as well considering she would mistake it for the former thought before being told it was indeed a bathtub. The room she would be put in for the night was nothing to laugh about either. She probably would have been okay in some dinky motel room and what she got was a four star hotel vip room looking space. ..Was the bed made out of gold? The hell was the mirror imported from? Italy?
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Join date : 2019-11-15

[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

Wed Jun 08, 2022 2:02 am
Chihiro stared at the small device that was handed to her, utterly confused on its purpose for a moment before she realized she'd seen younger people with these for the past few years and just hadn't seen a purpose in getting one of her own. Well, being handed one for free is a pretty good reason in her eyes; she accepted the gift gratefully, bowing to her new friend as she began fiddling with the device for a few moments.

The next thing she knew she was being dragged into a long vehicle, and she vaguely remembered Miru saying something about spending the night at her place; well, it was better than sleeping in an alley on the streets at least. She'd accept this gift as well, and find a way to pay back her new friend later. Now was the time for relaxation and veg out, whatever that meant!

The massive house that they arrived at was not exactly what Chihiro expected to see, but she wasn't all too surprised to see it all things considered. Miru clearly had connections, given the fancy long car she'd only seen prestigious people in previously. Did that mean she was prestigious now? Wait, what did prestigious mean again?... She was being pushed into the bathroom before her thoughts had collected themselves and was stripped by the maid and thrown into the tub.

Thirty minutes later, Chihiro walked out looking much cleaner, with her hair wrapped in a towel. She'd been shown to her room, but was far too excited to sleep; she both needed to know what she was capable of now and needed to spend more time getting to know Miru. For one, Miru was definitely on some kind of drug, and Chihiro wanted more information; she was always looking for new experiences.

"Whatcha doin?" stated Chihiro cutely as she plopped herself next to Miru, all squeaky clean after her bath.
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[Private] A Girl's Best Friend Empty Re: [Private] A Girl's Best Friend

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