My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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4th Division
4th Division
Posts : 135
Join date : 2021-06-27
Age : 37

Holy [Katsuki Morita - Hanako's Vassal|Best Friend] Empty Holy [Katsuki Morita - Hanako's Vassal|Best Friend]

Sat Oct 23, 2021 7:08 pm

Name: Katsuki Morita
Alias: Shadow and Suki (Hanako’s nickname)
Real Age: 70
Phys. Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: Katsuki is kind, proud, and outgoing enough to appreciate the small values of life. She holds her family in high regard, besides what has happened to ruin her views on the Morita Clan. Only it is because if it wasn’t for their decision to allow her to become a vassal underneath Hanako, which is the most important thing in her life since she gained a best friend. It took her time to stop calling Hanako princess in public, but Katsuki still does in private. Old habits die hard since Katsuki is still a vassal underneath Hanako to protect her and value its time to be seen as an equal. Katsuki does spend most of her days goofing around with Hanako, but it’s primarily done in training.

Katsuki can remember when Hanako asked her to become a Shinigami, which she agreed to without a second thought, and it’s better to stay with Hanako and protect her, stick with her oath. However, when her family learned of her decision to join the Shinigami, besides keeping up with her promise, they disowned her since they were disappointed and annoyed at her daughter’s decision. As if they regretted allowing Katsuki to become Hanako’s vassal, which they held to a higher regard than most. When Katsuki is alone and not near Hanako, she is haunted by every little thing that her family caused her to go through. Katsuki tries to keep all that hurt bottled up and avoids the subject even though Hanako knows what had happened between Katsuki and her parents and five sisters. It is better to keep the mood uplifting instead of ruining it. Katsuki is haunted by her family disowning her, but that awakened something deep inside her, the darkness she never thought possible.

When it comes to combat, Katsuki tends to find herself using her assassin training to sneak up on a target easily and eliminate them with ease. As a prodigy assassin from the Morita Clan, she’s deadly and taught even more skills from the Kasumiōji clan and the Shinigami Academy. Katsuki holds no grudges against anyone or anything, and unless they harm Hanako, then you’ll have an enemy for life. She believes in her role in the 3rd Division, which she joined because Hanako Kasumiōji needed some help to test weapons in the R&D Division and protect her. She obliges her friend no matter what since they get along well. Katsuki can’t use Kido at all.

Height: 5’3”
Weight: 119
Physical Traits:

Katsuki Morita is built for the rough seas of being an assassin, making her look remarkable but deadly. She is only 5’3” with an hourglass body shape, but she also wears a beautiful smile near her best friend. Her sky blue eyes and her shorter than average silverish white hair makes sure Katsuki keeps to have a set wholesomeness. There is a hint of something more than meets the eye with how she acts otherwise as if there’s deeper darkness, which she hides. She wears the standard Shinigami Outfit with a distinct sense of accomplishment. In addition, she wears a specific blue hairband signifying her vassalage to the Kasumiōji clan’s heiress Hanako.

When Katsuki is off duty, she wears a beautiful kimono that symbolizes her dedication to Hanako and her family. Her kimono is mixed with her favorite color, which signifies the Kasumiōji clan as a whole since they are master crafters in the Blacksmithing field. Her body language enjoys everything about being a Shinigami and being part of her friend’s life.

General Fighting Style: Katsuki primarily uses her fighting style to be an assassin, stealthily sneaking up on a target to kill it. All because she was taught principally to do that, speed and agility usually help with the assassination of others unaware of her presence. Her assassination techniques are specifically with her Zanpakuto rather than hand-to-hand combat or Kido, which makes her a bit of a one-trick pony compared to others who can use a broader range of techniques or are skilled in others more. She’s pretty capable with her Zanpakuto, but if she’s in danger, she uses her Flash steps to retreat and try again until the target is dispatched.
Strengths: Zanjutsu, Agility, Reiryoku, Reiatsu Control, Hoho
Weaknesses: Kido, Strength, Hakuda, Durability

Ability Name: Shadouzōn [Shadow Zone]
Ability Description: Katsuki puts her Zanpakuto’s handle on the ground. When Katsuki removes her hands from her Zanpakuto, it’ll start to hover off the ground. It’ll cause a barrier to form made up of everyone’s shadows near her in a 15 foot by a 15-foot dark barrier that forms a box around her. The barrier can block up to a Double Cero before shattering. When people touch the barrier while it is up, they will be afflicted with a strength weakening poison that looks like shadow afflictions on the part when they touch it. The shadow affliction poison will travel up the afflicted limb to cover it, which will weaken their strength. -1X Strength for the duration. [2 Turn Duration|3 Turn Cooldown|Defensive]

Ability Name: Shadōbāsuto [Shadow Burst]
Ability Description: Katsuki points her sword at her target and fires in a conal arc burst of darkness. There is a shadow affliction poison, which, when it touches anything, will cause it to lose its color if it is a plant or inanimate object. Though it can afflict a different type of affliction on any mortal or soul being, it saps the strength of the being. The toxin can only spread to a single limb or body part, weakening the person’s strength since it loses its toxicity quickly, but there will be scars on where the Shadow Burst afflicted the poison. -1X Strength for the duration. [Cero level|1 Turn Cooldown|1 Turn Duration|Offensive]

Sealed Appearance:
”Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Jisshi keitai ga koi (lit. Embodiment Darkeru)
Call Out Command:” Unleash the Darkness of our being, Jisshi keitai ga koi!”

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1:

Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5:

History: Katsuki was born into the Morita clan, which is tied to the Kasumiōji clan since many of their daughters become vassals to the clan’s heiresses. However, there is a steep requirement for them to become vassals, which is they must be a prodigy in combat or being an assassin. Katsuki was the only one of her five sisters/siblings who could be a prodigy for being an assassin. As a prodigy, Katsuki as an assassin allowed her to be tied to Hanako. It is to protect her in Katsuki’s oath to the Princess. The Morita Clan holds Hanako’s clan higher than hers since the Kasumiōji clan is kinder to everyone.

Her family pressured Katsuki frequently to excel at her training to be an assassin to protect Hanako from threats. When Hanako wanted to become a Shinigami and enrolled in the academy, Katsuki followed her to stick with the oath without question. It caused her to lose complete and utter contact with her entire family as if they were disappointed and annoyed at her decision. Still, only one of her five sisters was grateful she was sticking with her oath to protect Hanako. Her family is old-fashioned and doesn’t want to mourn a daughter’s life being taken by a Hollow, which is why none of their members join the Shinigami until Katsuki decides to do so because of her oath to Hanako. Katsuki, in private with Hanako, still calls her Princess sometimes since it is hard to get over the finer details of her commitment, even though their relationship turned into friends instead of master and servant. She gave Hanako a nickname to use in public, Nako, short of her actual name since it allows her to keep her word to Hanako not to say Princess in public.

Katsuki joined the same Division that Hanako joined, which is the third Division. Only because of her oath, she needs to stay close to her best friend since losing the only heiress of the Kasumiōji clan wouldn’t be good. She wouldn’t want to lose Hanako, since if it weren’t for their friendship, she would feel overwhelmed by all the negative thoughts of her decision to go with Hanako.
Side Notes: Katsuki was pressured heavily by the Morita Clan to do the best she could. Though she has no literal contact with her family after joining as a Shinigami only because her family disowned her, she usually travels with Hanako to her clan since Hanako’s family is much friendlier and more likable.

Katsuki gave her friend a nickname, which is Nako.

Katsuki’s Color Code: D87093
Her Zanpakuto’s Color Code: DC143C

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Holy [Katsuki Morita - Hanako's Vassal|Best Friend] Empty Re: Holy [Katsuki Morita - Hanako's Vassal|Best Friend]

Tue Oct 26, 2021 6:41 pm
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