My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:38 am
You see, Graven wasn't sure exactly how he'd gotten into this situation. He was taking a stroll through the human world, using an old Gigai that he'd stolen some time ago. It helped to mask his signature a bit, although it had worn enough that bits of his Hollow nature were leaking out. Not enough to out him as an Arrancar entirely, mind you, but enough that even the most uneducated could tell he was at the very least a Fullbringer. His normal kimono was replaced with a sleek white suit with a black button up underneath, and he was sipping from what looked like a strawberry banana smoothie, but was actually loaded with liquor that he'd found at a local bar that offered things to-go. Truly a wonderful place, even if his regenerative abilities prevented him from staying drunk unless he actively repressed them.

There was an explosion nearby, and out of curiosity he'd wandered over to investigate, chuckling at the foolish humans running around like chickens without heads. Once he'd arrived at the location, he took a long, slow sip of his drink as a low-ranked mook of a Shinigami flew past him, splattering against the wall of a building as the donkey-shaped Adjuchas that he'd just been fighting huffed and bleated, looking at the white-haired man with hunger in his eyes.

At that point, all Graven could do was stall. While he was more than capable of dealing with this thing with a flick of his wrist, that would look suspicious and probably bring more Shinigami down on the area. Thus, he'd just wait for someone else to come by, and keep the thing in the same place so as to maintain the status quo. No need to make enemies just yet. Thus, in his wisdom gained through countless years of life, he responded with the most relevant question possible in his unnatural bass. "Uhh, are you gonna eat that...?"

Truly, a brilliant plan.
Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:56 am
"Yahoo!" came a yell as some lanky random chick with short red hair came crashing on top of the donkey thing that was fighting a shinigami. Between her velocity and the distance she had fallen to get to this point the poor adchujas was crumpled into the ground for a moment as it wondered what the hell just happened to it. "Yer mine donkey bastard! GIMME" and she stabbed it's head with a syringe that quickly drained blood from her now victimized opponent. It wasn't prepared for the sudden blood loss to it's cranium and passed out almost immediately before going into shock and dying.

She looked at the syringe as she stood up and shook it a bit, "No.. this ain't good nuff either.." she sighed and looked around for a dumpster before she squirted the dead body with it's own missing blood and proceeded to break the syringe and toss it into the trash, looking around a second time because she noticed someone just kind of standing nearby, she looked directly at Graven, though she knew not his identity, "Hey you know where I can find more stupid monster things? I need em for..things."

Assuming he pointed out where one was she'd get all giddy and excitable, however she didn't think that would be that simple since he seemed like a regular joe and most of those people were pretty useless these days..

"OH! RIGHT!" She hit one hand with the other and moved to the Shinigami who hadn't been checked to see if he was alive or dead, either way she swiped some of his blood since he was bleeding and that made it easy to do before swirling it around in the new vial she had produced to do such a thing and smiling to herself, "Nah this isn't the stuff but this'll do for that other thing.." she lightly kicked him to check if he was alive, he barely was, in fact it seemed like he'd be dead within a minute or less. Shame. She didn't have any curative abilities nor a phone, though she "could" have fixed the latter what was she going to say? Help help there's a dying ghost in need of medical assistance? That'd be silly. Don't be silly Miru.

She stiffened slightly as she realized the regular joe she brushed off a second ago was still standing there watching her, which meant, at least to her mind, that he wasn't just a regular person. Or he'd be freaked out or something by now. Maybe he was used to things like this and didn't care,.. sure that was possible. But it was far more likely he wasn't a normal person. She spun on a heel to face his direction again and smiled wide, "Wanna help me with my experiment? I need one of those ol monsters like I mentioned and you look positively bored."
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Sun Apr 10, 2022 11:50 am
Taking another sip from his smoothie, the inebriated Arrancar lifted a single elegant eyebrow as a human woman easily dispatched the Hollow while taking a blood sample, before tossing it aside for not being good enough. She asked him where he could find another one, to which he shrugged - not an incorrect answer, as he couldn't sense anything himself - and watched her take a sample from the Shinigami who, from the blood loss and scent, was approaching death rapidly. Listening to her words with a chuckle, Graven wandered over to the Shinigami, peeling him off of the wall with one hand and dropping him on the ground before crushing his throat and neck under a black Size 11 Testoni dress shoe, careful to avoid staining the leather with blood. Turning back to the young woman after his mercy killing, the man smirked slightly, revealing a too-long set of canine teeth.

A Gigai can only cover so much, you know.

Taking a rather large, fortifying gulp of his beverage, he shook it slightly to check how much was left before responding. "I'd certainly be willing to help, although it would all depend on why exactly you need a Hollow's blood. It's a rather dangerous commodity to be searching for, isn't it, miss...?"

Introductions and explanations were important, especially in the business of whatever the hell was happening at this point. Graven wasn't really sure. This was not his first smoothie, you see, and he had finally hit the golden point of being sober enough to know what was going on, but drunk enough to really enjoy doing it.
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Sun Apr 10, 2022 6:54 pm
"Miss? Oh me. I'm Miru!" She said doing a little spin in place and saluting the man, "I'm an inventor "slash" druggy!" she said with a smile and totally deadpan delivery. As if she was perfectly normal for being a known drug user. Also inventor? What? Well she did make her own drug.. but no secrets yet! "Hollows can regenerate most of the time eh? I need that regeneration ability to amplify one of my drug experiments. Only way to do that is get some blood that has enough of that patented regen power in it! So...whatdoyasay wanna help me?"

The shinigami was dead curtesy of this guy finishing him off, A pity really,  but she got the blood from it that she wanted and it "was" going to die anyways.. perhaps it was a mercy. At least he didn't get eaten? Ah well thoughts for later. Miru thought for a moment and then realized what time it was, but then also realized that she'd not be able to veg out and do what she set out to do at the same time without suffering some consequences. Hrm.. resisting the urge for the first time in a while she decided against drugging herself right then and there.

Good job Miru.

She did fidget a bit as she tussled with that idea, but otherwise she just listened to her new acquaintance and replying to whatever was necessary. The faster she got her task done the sooner she could get high.. This excited her so she perked up and paid more attention to the task at hand. Gathering regenerative blood power.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:47 am
Graven took another mazzive drink of his smoothie, finishing it before tossing it in the nearby dumpster as he listened to Miru's explanation. Admittedly it wasn't too much of one, considering he didn't quite know what the goal of this new drug was, but he honestly didn't care all that much. Sighing, he finally let his regenerative abilities cure his drunken state before looking his new acquaintance in the eye. "In that case, you're looking in the wrong place, or at least not doing things as efficiently as you can. While high-speed regeneration is possessed by many Hollows that manage to make it past the stage of a Gillian, it's still a relatively rare ability among the lower ranks, and the majority of Adjuchas like the unfortunate ass you killed don't have much skill with it, even if they do have it. The majority of Arrancar give it up for more power, as well. That said..."

Looking around and sniffing briefly, taking in the scents around them, Graven nodded in satisfaction before stepping out of his Gigai, setting it gently nearby and making sure that the surge of Hollow reiatsu in the area was spread out enough not to damage the surroundings, or those around him, hovering like an ominous cloud over downtown Tokyo. Hooking a single clawed finger into his left wrist, the Arrancar tore it open, blood flowing quickly before sealing itself rapidly. Around a pint of his own blood hovered in an orb as he held it there with his will, proffered to Miru without care for the destruction that could be caused with it. "You happened across the one Hollow that could help you all you wish. Between my control over blood, and my regenerative abilities, I'm more than capable of healing from even near-lethal blows within moments. There is, however, enough reiatsu within that sample to kill even many seated Shinigami, and if you aren't careful it could even set off a Cero. I'm unsure as to what exactly this drug of yours will do, but it could create an epidemic of Fullbringers, humans with abilities that reflect those of Hollows. It may even eat away at the Chain of Fate while a human still lives, an interesting concept I must admit. I truly don't care if such things happen, but it could come back to bite you in the ass."

The blood hovered near her, waiting to be collected, swirls of glowing reiatsu dancing in a tantalizing manner. "Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Graven. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miru."
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[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Mon Apr 11, 2022 6:05 pm
"Yes I'm aware." she said almost, very slightly, impatiently because of course she knew most of that, why wouldn't she. It was the main part of her current research after all. However she perked up and stopped seeming "almost slightly annoyed" the second he started in about himself and how he was basically everything she wanted on a golden platter. Something she didn't miss was that he didn't seem to care why she wanted it either producing a orb of the stuff in question without a second guess about her intents and offering it to her for nothing.

Well she wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth and pulled out another syringe from seemingly nothing and took the orb into said syringe because of course it was big enough to contain the entire orb why wouldn't it be silly people. She then shook it, as the syringe was actually laced with the other parts of her experiment, because again why wouldn't it be, and it did a thing namely changing color to a deep dark purple. Something that made her very excited and happy and all sorts of other things she didn't know how to express.

Then while he said his name was Graven she did three things. Two of which he probably expected and a third that would most likely shock him. First she said "Thanks a ton! You saved me like.. idk.. months? of searching!" then she laughed all happily and stuff as she eyeballed said syringe. Lastly she did the unexpected because this is Miru Tensol Druggy Inventor Scientist Lady and who the hell wouldn't want to test their newest thing immediately!?

So she stuck it in her arm and pumped the solution into her body. Which immediately caused her to have a seizure, her entire body pulsing and convulsing as the solution mixed with the drug ALREADY in her system and amplified itself because of Graven's higher level of reiatsu. Normally you'd think this girl is gonna die, except she was looking specifically for regenerative powers so that it DIDN'T kill her. Which proved to be an accurate assumption as that part of the formula began to kick in now the convulsions and pulsing of her body slowed and then stopped as she smiled triumphantly and put her hands on her hips acting all proud of herself despite feeling like she just got hit by a truck. everywhere. including places she had forgotten she had.

"A resounding success! I can, in theory, replicate this and create fullbringers ON DEMAND now! WHOO" She said doing a dance and a spin after pulling the syringe out of her arm so it didn't just stay there, "Course that assumes you care enough to share more of your..blood.." she stalled a second and looked like she was going to fall over as her body pulsed in seven different directions all at once all of a sudden. Her reiatsu, while not the most impressive, suddenly flared to be as high as Graven's for a moment and only a moment before calming back down as it mixed and merged with her own natural supply of the stuff.

She foamed at the mouth a little but wiped it off as the last remnants of regenerative power healed her before wearing off, "I'm unsure..of what powers I have actually obtained.. naturally I'll need further testing for that later.. but it most certainly worked. You my friend are a rare commodity now. I'm not sure how you feel about that though. Thoughts?"
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Thu Apr 14, 2022 9:07 pm
Graven's face was completely nonplussed as Miru seemed to have one of the worst drug reactions he'd ever heard of after excitedly injecting herself with some mixture made from his blood. From the looks of it, her convulsions were actually breaking her bones, aided by his own reiatsu. As soon as he thought it was over, it became almost worse, with a reiatsu pulse that pressed and sparked against his own for a moment before dying down. Watching as she wiped her mouth and spoke, pondering testing and questioning him on his further assistance.

Frowning for a moment, he sighed before smirking in a distinctly predatory manner, his yellow-amber eyes glowing in a manner that was more wolf than human before pulsing red, his reiatsu coagulating and forming around fifteen gallons of blood floating around his body. It also began to weigh on the surrounding area a bit more, but he restrained it enough that it just made the air heavier for the normal humans wandering, instead of killing them outright. Floating it over to his erstwhile companion, the Arrancar's smirk grew. "I must admit, this is an interesting prospect. If a pint of my blood was enough to do what we just witnessed, then I wonder what you could do with more research. Perhaps for an ordinary human, less is sufficient. We don't wish to kill our test subjects, do we?"

Oh, he didn't care about whether or not they died. He wasn't sure that he was ever human in the first place, and if he ever was it was before the splitting of the realms. That said, killing too many of them would bring the Shinigami down on his head, and he wasn't yet back up to the strength he'd had in whatever youth he'd had. "Is fifteen gallons sufficient for the moment? We can always set up a way to contact one another when or if you need more."
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[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:46 am
"Fifteen..gallons? You realize I could probably make a small army of fullbringers with that much assuming they survived the process like I intend." She asked questioning this things sanity all of a sudden, "which means that someday they'd possibly come after you, you being a hollow and all. I don't see many fullbringers who get along with their new..cousins." she said ending the last word flatly as she couldn't find the right word for a moment, "Either way as long as you are sure this is definitely more than sufficient for quite some time."

with that said she pulled out what looked to be a modified vacuum of sorts with a tank that's been sterilized and outfitted to keep the blood perserved. With which she proceeded to suck in the blood he was offering willy nilly to her into itself. He mentioned getting in touch with her at a later date and she chuckled slightly, "I mean do you HAVE a cell phone? That'd be an interesting trick given what you are.. If not that's fine I can provide one." she said handing a cell from her pocket towards him, but only if he did indeed not have one already, "This outta be a super wonderful team we got going on. You have the blood and I have the science knowhow to make it into a weapon. Isn't this a grand day?"
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Tue Apr 19, 2022 8:15 pm
Climbing back into his Gigai, Graven barked out a laugh at Miru's words, pulling a phone out of his pocket and handing it over without a word. It appeared to be a modified denreishinki that was stolen from the same Shinigami that he'd gotten the Gigai from, turned from the usual flip phone into a Goldvish Eclipse smartphone, sleek black leather and silver accents. It was unlocked before handing it over, and opened to the Contacts section. "Nicked it off the same Shinigami I stole the Gigai from, then had a spiritually-aware designer in Sweden modify it for my purposes. Go ahead and put in your info. As for your concerns...Well, I have yet to find a Fullbringer that could be much of a threat to the Kings and Queens of Hueco Mundo, and boredom truly is a concern when you have lived as long as I have. I certainly may have to take you up on that army, depending on what happens."

Once he'd gotten his phone back, he'd check the area for any other Shinigami and Hollows on it briefly before putting it back in his pocket. "It certainly is a grand day, my newest friend. Tell me, do you happen to know how to make a Garganta? It may be dangerous for me to repeatedly come to the World of the Living to meet, so it may be in your best interests to learn such a thing."

He'd already noticed how she seemed to create various objects from either nothing or other, less impressive objects. Perhaps she could make something that mimics Descorrer, if given the knowledge of how it works.
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[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:28 pm
She programmed her number into his cell phone, stolen or not whatever, and programmed his number into her own phone, which wasn't stolen fancy that, before handing back his phone to him, "A hollow that doesn't eat me eh. Still wrapping my head around that but I'll get over it and join the party for now. SPEAKING OF PARTY!" She rummaged through her pockets for a bit before pulling out a vial that looked like it was her own blood, or at least blood in general, and injected that into her neck causing her to get high damn near instantly. The good shit. Yes. It wouldn't make her unable to fight or anything, but it did hit her mentals, luckily she was so smart that she'd still be able to hold a proper conversation with Graven anyways.

Wobbling a little with a silly little smile on her face she shook herself once and sobered just enough to continue an important conversation, "As far as meeting places go.. there are worse than meeting in Hueco Mundo. We could be forced to meet in Hell and I don't know enough about the place to say that'd be or if it's even real!" she flared her arms a bit outwards and shook her head slightly before continuing to speak, "Either way.. I can understand a Garganta to an extent. but that's raw energy ripping a dimensional fissure in reality. If it's got some science behind it I am sure I can replicate it given enough of a lecture and time to study the subject. but right this second the best I could do is makeshift a teleporter for this world. The one I'm standing in. I could probably make some kind of static portal later if I was given enough technical data and room to work in though.. like those stupid old shows stargate SG-1 or Star trek wars something.. Science fiction stuff. Except real."

She looked up at Graven and realized she had slightly rambled off topic a bit, "Oh so to clarify I don't care where we meet or how we meet. As long as I don't get eaten in the process. Would kind of be a shame to go to Hueco Mundo to do something for my newest friend only to end up someone else's dinner."
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Sun Apr 24, 2022 7:16 am
Graven barked off a laugh at his new friend's tangent and clear druggy behavior. Shaking his head in amusement, he'd respond as best he could. "Hell is certainly real, although I can't claim to have ever been there. It's for those who have sinned during life, as sins after death are forgiven through either konso or purification. That said, you would have nothing to fear in Hueco Mundo. From my understanding of Fullbringers, your reiatsu is, for lack of a better term, infected by my own, like a scar or tattoo of sorts. Hollows would be able to smell my blood in you, and the effects. It would be seen as a trespass against me to kill you, and those who dwell in the White Sands tend to have better survival instincts than the mindless beasts you see here in the World of the Living, along with more intelligence. The only Hollows that would dare to attack you would likely be the other royalty, and even among the other Kings and Queens I have a certain reputation."

That was, of course, an understatement. Among the six rulers of Hueco Mundo, Graven was the strongest, and had reigned for the longest. At the few meetings between the various rulers that occurred, it was common practice to just let him nap. One of the two Queens of the Forest of Menos had once woke him up, only to claim later that it was the closest she had ever come to being eaten. He, ah, doesn't fully remember the incident, having still been half-asleep, but it was apparently terrifying enough that the spider hadn't spoken to him with anything but respect since.

Looking around once more, sniffing briefly to take in the scents of the world around him, he'd pipe in once more. "You are close, by the way. There are two methods to opening a Garganta. The first is Kumon, which is used by lower Hollows such as Gillian, although I believe that most Adjuchas use it as well. That is much as you've described, tearing a pathway through reality with brute force. We Arrancar use the second method, Descorrer. It is far more stable, and both opens and closes cleanly. The Garganta itself is the name for the space between worlds, and is filled with turbulent reishi. You must create a path underneath your feet and maintain it, while moving towards the densest portions. Many Hollows understand this instinctually, which is why there isn't much explanation as to how exactly it works. Opening one could likely be done by stationary pillars giving off the correct frequency of reiatsu, or perhaps even a device that mimics the action. For example..."

With that, Graven reached out and tapped at the air, which opened like a tooth-filled jaw, or perhaps a puzzle being unmade piece by piece.
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Tue Apr 26, 2022 6:56 pm
First she listened to him then she watched as he apparently decided to demonstrate a garganta's making. "A king huh? Guess I work for royalty now. Sweet." She said almost as if it uninterested her as much as the garganta was. She circled around it, inspecting every conceivable inch of the thing, which told her three things. It was flat. almost 2 dimensional except it wasn't..quite..there.. and it was putting off energy readings she'd never felt before because she'd never been near one herself before. That was the first bit. The second bit was that she theorized that she could easily put out the same amount of energy he had to rip open the tear, if she used herself as some kind of conduit at least or something mechanically able to put out the same kind of power. A nuclear reactor? Possibly the easiest solution in theory however that was a bit above her pay grade.. she'd have to come up with something more feasible later, but the most important thing that she learned from this new little prospect.. Pathways. If you have to form your own.. does this mean she could use this to go to other dimensions besides Hueco Mundo? She would test that later, barring any results she supposed she could just ask Graven later too.. but now her brain was kicked into super think mode, despite being drugged, and that sobered her a bit.

"It doesn't have a bridge under your feet on it's own?" She repeated more than asked, "I see.. so I have to find a way to make a stable pathway using mechanical means.. That should actually be easier than ripping the opening up in the first place though. If I could just.." She started to ramble in quiet to herself at this point and was in a deep thinking looking pose now instead of circling the garganta. Unless Graven Fel said something further, gave her a push into the thing, or simply left, she wouldn't remember she was having a conversation with another breathing person.

Whenever something did happen to snap her out of it she'd apologize profusely and tap her noggin once. "I get carried away at times.. Sucks but it happens." assuming Graven was indeed still there she'd cross her arms and cock her head a little to the left though, "So.. I get all this stupidly awesome stuff and knowledge and you get..... an army? That's it? Seems I need to think of more things to get for you than a simple fodder army.."
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
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Age : 26

[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

Wed May 04, 2022 6:16 pm
Graven nodded slightly at Miru's musings about the Garganta, looking around into the sky briefly. His glances meant that he almost missed the question that the young drug addict slash maker had posed to him. Glancing back down at her, he chuckled. "Don't worry about getting carried away, Miru. I'm a bit too old not to enjoy listening to someone who is passionate about their work. As for the knowledge, think of it as owing me one. Deal with the Devil, and all that."

Shifting slightly in place, the Arrancar motioned towards the Garganta that he'd made. "I should probably get going. I would rather not have Shinigami questioning our actions, since this little arrangement could be considered detrimental to their pecking order, for a variety of reasons, and they've probably already logged a large amount of Hollow reiatsu in the area. I'll be in touch. You have my number if you need anything for your research."

With that, he stepped into the Garganta, the wild reishi flowing through the area solidifying into a road underneath his feet as he lifted a hand, waving it lazily behind his back as the portal closed behind him.

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[Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru) Empty Re: [Private] Drinks, Drugs, and Donkeys 101 (Graven/Miru)

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