My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Mei Tsaki  Empty Mei Tsaki

Sun Dec 08, 2019 4:41 pm


Name: Mei Tsaki
Age: 23
True Age: Unknown
Personality: Mei is a very nice and caring girl, who iis always putting others before herself. She will almost always help anyone who needs it with anything they could possibly throw at her. Mei is always ready to fight for anyone, whether they want her too or not. She will always stand up for others and is always kind to even the people that she dislikes the most. This is one of her more likable characteristics and it always pulls through for her when she needs help. Mei also always wants to find the best in people and show that she doesn't give labels like others do.

However, it is very difficult for Mei to appear kind when she speaks her mind. Sometimes, things that come from Mei's mouth are not the things people wish to hear. They can come out sounding rather rude or vulgar. Most of the time, Mei feels regret for what she says and the rest of the time she doesn't even notice she had said such a thing. However, there is also a good side to this. It also helps her express feelings or say things that she would be too nervous to say. It also helps her speak to new people and look like she feels comfortable around anyone, which gives her a more trustworthy appearance.

Mei is also a very determined woman. Her determination keeps her hard at work and willing to do anything she is told. Of course, it has to be by the orders of someone of a higher rank. With her determination, Mei hopes that she can set an example and get others to work that hard. Her determination keeps her wanting to get stronger and do things she would have never done before. Though, she does have the intelligence to stay out of trouble. Her intelligence also keeps her alive as well as others.  

These are basically the four things that make up Mei. However, these are only the ways she acts around the seireitei and when everything is normal. Mei is a very different person when she is the middle of a battle or outside the seireitei. During these times, Mei is rather serious and keeps all of her thoughts inside her head. Mei doesn't want to give anything away because she can't keep her mouth shut. Her face will look blank and her eyes will look cold. This is where the determination comes in. Mei will have her mind set on victory or completing her task. Mei will do anything and everything it takes. Mei will also mix her intelligence in with the determination, so she can keep herself alive and not do anything stupid. The only time she needs to be caring is when she is with others. Mei always wants everyone she leaves the seireitei with to come back alive even if that means she must lose her own life


Height: 5'3"
Weight: 120lbs
Physical Traits:

Mei's hair is an orangish brown color. She almost always wears half of it up in braids that wrap around both sides of her head and ties into a ponytail at the back. The other half she leaves down. Her hair length is halfway down her back and always has a smooth and shiny look. Mei's eyes seem to match her hair perfectly. They are a wonderful dark brown that most would describe as a chocolate looking color. Looking into them, it is almost as if you can see pure love and joy but that's if you can get past their beautiful shine. Mei's nose is small and short. Mei's lips are small but they are a cute light pink color. Mei's skin color is a lovely peach that looks as if it ties everything together. She is also quite petite. Her height only being 5'3" and her weight being 120 lbs. Even though she may seem rather small and fragile, her strength is quite astonishing. Also, her reiatsu color is white.

Outside appearance and attire is not the only thing that you can see by looking at Mei. Her emotions can always be read just by looking at her face. The one feeling that can be seen most often is happiness. It can be seen in the sparkle of her eyes, the brightness of her smile, her straight posture, and the small bounce in her step. However, there is always a chance you can see anger. It is shown by the darkness in her eyes, the straight, course line where her smile should be, her tenseness, and the way she walks as if she owned the place. When there is happiness and anger there can also be sadness. The way her eyes look to be glazed over, the way her mouth stays straight and soft, the way she slouches, and the way she walks as if the sky turned gray and the world could fall apart at any moment are all clues about what she feels at that specific moment. With every emotion comes a different look, and they are all evident by these small little factors.

Her attire consists of the standard shinigami uniform or Shihakusho. Her zanpakuto is tied to the left side of her sash. This is mostly worn when Mei is busy and has business to take care of. She does not wish to get into any sort of trouble for not wearing it. However, she does not wear it all the time. There are times where Mei will wear whatever it is she feels like, which is normally dresses, kimonos, or other feminine clothing such as skirts and blouses. She adores wearing sandals and flats on her feet.

General Fighting Style: During combat, Mei tries to stay out of the mix only being involved in the healing process to continue sending troops out into the field since she doesn't particularly wish to harm or even kill anyone. However if she needs to be involved, she does have a few tricks up her sleeve for protection purposes and she won't go down without a fight. Although she may be headstrong, her muscles are nothing to ignore either.
Strengths: Zanjutsu, Speed, Agility, Kidou
Weaknesses: Strength, Durability, Stamina


Name: Itami
Sealed Appearance:
Mei Tsaki  Images_zpssjo48m5t
The zanpakuto while in its sealed stated is a katana of a standard length (Two and a half feet) with a white wrapping around the handle and a thick plus guard (+), similar to what's on a doctor's or nurse's cap, although inside the handle, there is a secret dagger about six inches in length that makes the handle longer then normal, all that needs to be done to release it is to simply pull it out, it should make a clicking sound when released.


Call Out Command: Komuru... (Suffer)
Mei Tsaki  Download_zpsxxpknuqi
In this form, Mei's clothes change to form a nurses outfit.
Ability: Ketsueki Saiken ha (Blood Reconstruction Blade) (unnamed IC)
Effect: This is a two stage ability:

Stage One:

Stage Two:

Ability: Ketsueki Kesshō Ha (Blood Plasma blade) (unnamed IC)
Effect: This technique is very similar to the main ability of Itami; only that upon stabbing a ally; it restores the reiatsu and spiritual energy of the patient; depending on how much was restored via this technique; the blade becomes coated in Mei's reiatsu; forming a reiatsu blade from the amount healed, the chart for this is down below:

Two percent of reiatsu/spiritual energy restored: one inch of reiatsu energy blade is created
Five percent of reiatsu/spiritual energy restored: eight inches of energy blade is created
Ten percent of reiatsu/spiritual energy restored: one foot of reiatsu energy blade is created

this does use the post count from the primary ability to apply how long it will take to restore small amounts to large amounts:
Percent Times to Restore Reitsu/Spirit Energy:

also to add one post to that if the patient has unusual reiatsu or reiatsu stronger then Mei's current amount of reiatsu, the blade of reiatsu forms from the top of the ten inch blade, the same as how the normal blade would grow, the energy blade's length limit is the same as the normal blade which is four-and-a-half feet in length, during combat, if this blade attacks her opponent, Mei can choose to drain her opponent's reiatsu by the amount of damage she causes, if she caused a small cut, she can choose to drain away two percent of her opponent's reiatsu at the cost of a inch off her energy blade, like the primary ability, she must have a matching amount of reiatsu absorbed into her blade that matches the injury she caused in order to transfer.

also, the primary ability cannot be used at the same time this technique is being used, Mei must use up all the reiatsu damage she absorbed until it runs out and it returns to the normal blade of ten inches before being able to switch to her primary ability and visa versa if the primary ability is in use, the technique cannot be used until there are no more injuries inside her blade and it returns to its starting release state of ten inches.

Once the technique has used up the reiatsu stored within the blade, the technique requires a cooldown equal to the time that the opponent takes plus any additional time to heal the specific type of injury this technique requires to function, making the cooldown longer depending on how long it takes to heal and restore a target's reiatsu.


New Name: Seishi
In Bankai, Mei's single Zanpakuto splits into a dual wield Zanpakuto. It then changes colors from the adorable pink and white scheme to a more dark black and red one. The sharp edge of the blade holds a black color while the opposing side holds a red color. Along the handle, the once white parts turn red and the once pink parts turn black, whereas the (+) guard doesn't change. Her outfit changes from an adorable nurses outfit to black shorts, with a red blouse, and red converse shoes to match. Her hair also changes to a rather dark brown/black color as well. Until stated in her abilities, Mei's eyes stay pink.
Vampiric Blades: Mei's Zanpaktou splits into a dual weild, which begin to drip and ooze blood (Of random origin and type) that cannot be controlled by another person. Her eyes turn red and she gives off a red tinted energy aura. As  long as the blades are coated, which they will always be, any attacks made with her healing blade will heal wounds on Mei's body equal to the damage inflicted [direct transferrence no length change], and attacks made with her Reiryoku blade will automatically restore Mei's Reiryoku and stamina. Once activated Mei's Zanpaktou extend to their full length and remain there without changing during the duration. They remain at this length when the ability ends as well, but are then subject to the normal rules of her Zanpaktou.  Duration 4 posts, cooldown 6 posts

Shikai Retainership: Mei's Bankai has full access to her shikai powers. She heals 10% when the ability ends.

Worthy of Name: When in Bankai, Mei can stab her swords into the ground creating an invisible circle with a diameter of 20 yards. (Anyone able to sense the woman's reitsu will be able to detect the power throughout the ground.) Once her Zanpakuto is in the ground, Mei will call the names of those she wishes to heal, however if a person within the circle has not had their name called they will take a Cero's worth of burn damage.
Duration: 4 posts Cooldown: 6 posts

Background: Stuff happened
Side Notes: N/A
RP Sample: Mei.. I am Mei

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