My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:57 pm

[Open] 「消去された安息日」Welcome to Ragnarok 9961
[Open] 「消去された安息日」Welcome to Ragnarok G3Utw7n
The final day of the "Worlds End Tour" had come. The last six weeks, had been nothing short of exhilerating and exhausting but now the "day of reckoning" had finally come.

News had spead of this "world-wide party" that had taken place in every major country/region on the planet, something like this had been done before, with bands and concerts, however, this was ramped up to the next level, on all cylinders so-to-speak. Every party night was broadcasted live, and each party was a bigger continuation of the previous. Many bands, composures, and individual artists were welcomed to play as well. The event in of itself was like that of a unification of humankind through music, to "bring about an end to the division" atleast on the outside.

To Bastien, this was a test to the fragility of the human spirit. He'd made some "allies" along the way, through the duration, and now tonite would play to the final tune of his trumpet as the harbinger of a new world. Today, all of mankind would bear witness to that of which would normally go unseen in the shadows.

Bastien had hoped the turnout for the last show in Tokyo, would be one of most intrigue, as most of his Quincy bretheren hailed from Japan, atleast currently, and such a "publicity" stunt would surely rile some feathers of a select few though that didn't matter to him, it was time that action needed to be done, all of this "blending" into a society who never knew their existance was, a frankly, outdated philosophy. One Bastien often took much, too much, advantage of. How can you be found guilty of a murder without a known man-made weapon? Bastien's answer: You simply cannot.

"Alright Sir, we've unloaded all the luggage from the truck, where would you like these large crates?"

An middle-aged man would lift his head from his clipboard as he made a final check list, whilst a group of similarly aged men and one notably younger man, perhaps fresh out of highschool, began moving around variously shaped boxes.

"You can put them back behind center stage, up the stairs, but don't worry despite their size, they're practically weightless, aside from the material they're made from."

The men would snap to attention as the boss gave them their new instructions. The younger "recruit" would attempt to pick up a crate before finding himself struggling to lift the box. A growl from within the box would spook the boy, as he shreeked in surprise.

"Kazuma, I know it's your first day on the job son, but come on, you're embarrasing us."

A bigger built man would come and lift the crate without so much as a sign of struggle as he carried it off.

"Wait, I think there's an animal in there!"

The man would place the box down before chuckling to himself as he gestured toward the object

"Oh please Kazuma, what would a concert need animals for, this isnt some kind of circus we're delivering for. Not to mention, if there were anything in these things, there would be movement inside the box."


The raven-haired man would interject on the conversation. "He's absolutely right, these crates are nothing more than show props."

The boy's face would shift in doubt, he knew he'd heard something, then again seeing ghosts was almost second nature to him, and this place, and especially that man gave him bad vibes. That man, no that demon that stood before them, he was up to something. Bastien's eyes would shine from behind his silver-rimmed spectacles as he gestured his hand in the air dismissively.

"I'll be sure to pay you all very well for your work here today, for now I must prepare the entertainment, Ciao.


[Open] 「消去された安息日」Welcome to Ragnarok KRCD0p

The venue was decorated and ready, the line at the door was already 2 blocks deep with people ready to enter and begin tonite's festivities. The screens that covered the buildings in the nearest plaza and across the world began to flicker to life, as a well-known local announcer began his introductions.

"HEEEELLO PAAAAARTY PEEEEEEOPLE! -pause for effect- AAAAAAND WELCOME TO THE END OF THE WORLD! AHAHAHAHA-AHA I jest. Tonite we have an unbelievable turnout, and an ever more unbelievable event for you all here and now~

An unscripted array of fireworks would ignite the sky behind the man, startling him a bit before he quickly regained his composure.

"W-well then, let us not delay the inevitable any longer!"

Suddenly the building's windows would begin to emit flashes of lights as the bass from the large stereo system hummed through the walls seemingly causing the ground to hum with the rythym. The party had begun.

Bastien, while in the basement of the building, donning a large mask, like most up and coming dj-solo-artists did nowadays to hide his identity, he'd await for his arrival to the stage as he made sure the props were in their places over the voice of a walkie-talkie.

"Everything set up and ready to go for tonite? I will not accept mistake for the last day of the tour. Everything must go according to plan, otherwise this whole plan would be for naught."

"You got it boss, sector V is clear and ready to go." A feminine voice would respond over the static-laced transmission.

Bastien would shuffle a silver coin-like object between the knuckles of his right hand, as it danced in anticipation.

[Open] 「消去された安息日」Welcome to Ragnarok G3Utw7n
*For Context, Bastien has taken up a false identity as an up-and-coming artist, who's music has resently gotten a rise in popularity, and is using his vast amount of family inherited wealth and political immunity to bring about an end to senseless wars and international divide.
**Imagine Seto Kaiba as Skrillex with the individual power of a President for sake of this threads plot.
***This status will unravel as the thread continues when his identity and plan is revealed, he knew a guy.
****People would've known about this concert/event for over the past year, and all of the supposed music played here (Think Orchestra/Synthwave/Dubstep/Metal type theme)
*****Yes, Bastien is a bad guy, but you don't have to know that immediately, even Lucifer was an Angel once.
****** Ika, I had already thought of this plot before you said no alliances, Fite me!
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Join date : 2019-10-30

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Sun Apr 24, 2022 12:51 pm
Miru was mostly minding her own business for once, but she liked music festivities and events like in-door concerts as it allowed her to be social in public and be high at the same time with no one asking any stupid questions. She was even going to wait in line like a regular person to get into the joint..hah she thought joint.. weed jokes. However.. The line was painfully slow.. and she was getting pretty giddy as she hadn't gotten high that day just yet in anticipation for this event. With some shenanigans she created a portal gun and walked her way into the venue. Of course she had left line to do this because doing so in sight of someone else would have gotten her caught. It wasn't that she didn't have a ticket, of course, so once inside she could easily prove she paid to be here, she just didn't feel like waiting for the damn line. She found a nice corner to occupy and got herself juiced up while finishing the wait inside the venue rather than waiting outside and not being high.

The announcer seemed to be one of the local higher ups, which gave credit to the places hype, but he seemed a tad..jumpy? Whatever. She was too high to care at that point and barely heard what he said over the mic compared to the roar of the crowd that began cheering once the actual event began to unfurl before it. Some time later Miru realized she had almost forgotten the real reason she was here and began lurking about and socializing with a bunch of people rather rapidly. Despite the huge turn out she found that only a very small fraction of the people she talked to had any inclinations towards "Making a deal" with Miru Tensol in regards to gaining super powers. Now.. that sounds weird until she explained that they might not survive the process. Which was a huge turn off for most people obviously, but she found at least ten people who agreed to take her super serum drug thing later when they got home, as she explained doing so here, even if successful, would only freak out the concert and ruin the festivities.

After her tenth successful negotiation she called it a night on that front and returned to vibing to the music like a normal person, albeit she was higher and richer than when she first arrived..
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
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Sun Apr 24, 2022 7:55 pm
Sighing, a man of medium height - tall for a Japanese man, but just above average world-wide - made his way into the venue after flashing his VIP ticket at the guard. He wore a Vanquish blend black three-piece suit, with an equally-black shirt and tie, and his dress shoes were clean and perfectly-fitted. All in all, the young man screamed of old money. Making his way over to the bar, he sat down and ordered a rather colorful cocktail, taking a sip of the sweet beverage as eyes the color of brushed steel glanced across the audience with a critical eye, stopping briefly on a nicely-dressed blind kid sat nearby, a cane tapping along with the beat before continuing, stopping again on a redhead in a corner vibing with the music while occasionally meeting with others, passing money back and forth.

Honestly, Okami would rather have passed this job off to someone else, but the implications were...disturbing. After his conversation with the Captain-Commander, he had begun sending patrols not just into the Rukongai, but also into the World of the Living to keep tabs on those with spiritual awareness, or even a bit of power. This music festival had popped up on the radar, with a few individuals that definitely qualified being members of the crew at the very least, including the frontrunner. There were also disturbing reports of what appeared to be caged Hollows kept backstage. The Captain had then decided that it would likely be best for him to take a personal interest in what was happening. It would be difficult to have his men sneak in, so he'd just gotten himself a Gigai from the Third Division to mask his presence and used some of his assets to buy his way in the front. It's not like something like this would even dent what he got paid by the Gotei, let alone his personal wealth or family accounts. A millennium and a half of service as a Captain, plus being an officer for some time before that tended to get one a raise or ten.

Crossing one leg over another and smiling flirtatiously at the female bartender with a wink, the Shiba waited for the fun to start with another measured sip of his drink.
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Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:21 pm
Fumiko was escorted past the crowds, seemingly shrinking back in embarrasment while she skipped the queue. She had been afforded this trip on the behest of her employer, it wasn't the kind of thing she had ever considered going to before now. Particularly alone as she was, despite assurances from Viktor that the new treatment had been working well on her... episodes... and it was true enough, she hadn't had an attack for a while now, so maybe he was right? Gaining confidence as she crossed the perimeter and into the main venue, at least until she felt light headed as if on queue.

"Oh... no, not now" she briskly walked as quickly as her fancy new shoes could carry her to find something to brace on. Luckily, the bar was clear enough that she could safely catch the side with one had to hold herself steady, holding her head for a second while slipping into one of the stools. Perhaps a slightly startling entrance, but a girl of her size was likely not the best at holding her drink, so when she nearly fainted onto the bar counter it was hardly a surprise.

Only she caught herself at the last second, her fearful expression from moments before twisting into a sly smirk as she shook her head, running her hands back through her hair as if to sober up. An act, of course, giving her a moment to survey the situation she was in now. It took the assassin a moment to realize she was in some sort of party, or perhaps just a concert, it was hard to keep up with the trends anymore. With a swift self pat-down, she was relieved to feel the various bangles and accessories that held her weaponry were all in place, seemed that the boss man had thought that far ahead at least. It wasn't like she would have been able to sneak anything in with her current getup, a short cut dress, a nice loose fit below the waist to allow for proper mobility, not particularly tactical otherwise though. Letting a calm wash over her, she motioned for a drink after a little persuading. Nothing was happening just yet, so there was time to catch her bearings.
4th Division
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Thu Apr 28, 2022 11:45 pm
"One could argue the world's been ending for a little while now." Doman muttered to himself as he raised his glass of whiskey to his lips. World's End Tour? Even the name was a bit much. He straightened his black tie, which was paired with black slacks and unbuttoned sport jacket and lavender silk dress shirt. After a moment, he eyed the crowd from the end of the bar, scanning for anything out of the ordinary, from shifty people, to anyone with a notable spiritual aura, to even a hollow or shinigami just standing in plain sight for anyone to see. So far nothing, but then again he wasn't able to really get a good lock on anyone. This whole thing felt off to him.

Though he figured the bar wasn't the best place to scout the place up, he didn't feel too motivated to leave at this time. For one, it was a source of booze, and he was gonna need a lot of that to get through the night. Second, there seemed to be enough interesting people gathered here. From the rich weirdo out of a period drama chatting up the bartender to the woman that almost passed out nearby, there was plenty going on right here. He eyed both of them for a moment before turning his gaze back towards the stage.
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Sun May 01, 2022 1:26 pm
The party would quickly begin bustling as the line of people entered from the alley outside. As the building reached full occupancy the rest of the unfortunate souls would be told to go home where they could watch the event on their TV’s. Everyone who entered the building would be greeted by a selection of females, or a male who were all dressed rather provocatively as each guest was handed an enameled pin and a plastic card. Little souvenirs to say “hey I was there when the world ended” type shtick. Some would use this to get the big bucks from those die-hard fans where were turned away at the gate on some online resale marketplace.  

A female, dressed in what someone could describe as a renascence re-enactment costume, “manned” the bar, pouring and delivering drinks to the customers who approached, many who approached would not stay long as they made their way either to the dance floor, or to the booths that lined the walls of the establishment. Cage dancers began to make their way to their posts as the upbeat EDM music began in full swing. The barmaid’s collar extended upward toward her chin, and out to mid-breast, which left extraordinarily little to the imagination of the beholder. She would recall being approached and offering whiskey to a man who wore a lavender shirt beneath an otherwise black get-up, who looked like the type of guy who would be more of a househusband than a partygoer. The female would not make much of the man, as he did not stick around long for conversation to generate, though few people did, at least not in this atmosphere.  

[Open] 「消去された安息日」Welcome to Ragnarok Imgbin-hentai-ecchi-anime-girl-eroge-anime-animated-girl-holding-beer-glasses-FpZBUB6uTE68HV6FjkbPK9wF3_t

The blond-haired female host would, not long after, be preparing a rather fruity cocktail for a rather dashing young man, who made it clear she tickled his fancy. ” So, what is a refined young man, such as yourself finding yourself alone in a place like this for?” The female would place a cherry onto the man’s coned glass, to insinuate the young man was “lonely.” The female would lean against the counter suggestively, puffing out her endowment onto the counter’s edge. ” So, what is your name shug?” Ironically the young man before her closely resembled that of the very man who had hired her services, perhaps they were related or so she thought. No harm in being extra friendly especially to someone who showed interest in the first place.

Down toward the opposite end of the bar, a female would been seen nearly collapsing at the edge of the bar. Bystanders looked her way to offer their help should she require it. A few of the men in the crowd eyed her thinking to themselves before walking away seeing as she had caught herself. Perhaps she had a little too much to drink already. Easy prey for the wolves that prowled these types of events. The barmaid would look down of the direction of which the female had tripped, however a crowd of men would surround the attractive female, offering their drinks and company toward the woman. A dark-complected woman would approach the group from behind as the broke through the crowd, shoving the hungry wolves away. ” Oye, fuck off ya limp-dick perverts!” Without so much of a passing second the crowd would quickly find themselves being beaten up on as the sailor-toned seemed to protect the otherwise “unsuspecting” girl. Before both she and the men would be quickly thrown out from the party by a titan of a bouncer. ” There will be no brawling in this establishment so long as I am around.”

The situation would quickly become diffused as only those at the bar would even note of the short-lived scuffle occurring, or those who were happening to watch from afar at the right moment.  

Security cameras would be placed along each corner of the multi-storied venue, all giving a complete overview of the inside workings of the building, as well as the nearby alleys and radius of the outside. A group of security officers would look to the tapes, tracking any suspicious activity that may occur with the aid of ultramodern AI, so far everything had been normal. ” Everything is clear in all sectors of the building sir. We had a slight altercation take place near the bar, but that’s been quickly dealt with sir. We’ll let you know if anything suspicious happens.” A monotoned voice would sound over the radio, in reply. “Make sure that you do, I don’t need any further disruptions.”  

”ALLLLRIGHT PARRRRTY PEEEEOPLE!!! LETS KEEP THIS PARTY GOING!” The crowd that surrounded the elevated stage would shout and scream as the beat became louder. The laser light shows and visuals behind the DJ was quite the entertainment spectacle. The fog machine would layer the bottom of the dance floor diffusing the led lights that lit the panels beneath their feet. Anyone who took to the dance floor was no-doubt having the time of the life, sober or not.  

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Mon May 02, 2022 12:13 pm
Because of where she was in the concert she would never have noticed the barfight that was quickly escalated and settled in a matter of moments, but she did make her way to the dance floor and start dancing to the music for lack of anything else to do, she had already made her deals, she noticed a few high reiatsu levels among the party goer's but didn't pay it any mind since she figured they wouldn't be causing problems just for the sake of being a jerk. Besides who didn't like music? Partying? Booze? Maybe not the last one since Miru wasn't much of a drinker, but the sentiment remained the same.

She continued to party it up on the dance floor and was having a blast. Nothing seemed out of place just yet and she had no reason to suspect anything was going to happen anytime soon. So Miru was just being Miru for the moment.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
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Wed May 04, 2022 4:16 pm
Okami's smile grew slightly as the young woman responded to his flirting. Leaning further into the bar, his silver eyes sparkled slightly as they met her own, his smooth baritone leaking through the music easily. "A change of scene, mostly. The sights, the smells, anything to shake things up a little. I should be asking you the same thing. What's an exotic thing like you doing in a place like this?"

The entire time, he'd been mentally keeping track of the few other individuals that he could identify as spiritual. The young woman that nearly passed out at the bar, the one dancing in the crowd, the teen that was just enjoying the music, and even the people up front were all locked in place in his mind. Picking the cherry off his drink, he'd pop it in his mouth briefly, rolling it with his tongue before biting and swallowing, making sure to remove the stem that he'd knotted with a playful smirk.


Argus was staring off into space, his walking cane tapping on the floor as he smiled. The vibrations through the ground from the music were enough that he could get a decent map of the area even without the rhythmic pumping bouncing off of the various bodies, but he was better safe than sorry. The music itself was messing with him a bit, but it wasn't terrible. He wore his usual charcoal grey slacks, a slightly unbuttoned lavender shirt that matched his hair, and nice shoes. Deciding that he'd had enough sitting around, the young man stood and was making his way towards where he could pick up the smell of a snack vendor.

Unfortunately, this was across the dance floor, and while he'd done his best to avoid the center, the music was messing with him a bit more than he thought it was, leading him to accidentally bump into a young woman a bit taller than him, who from the scent and sense was both rather high and spiritually aware. Looking in her direction with eyes that looked as if the color had bled out, the human spoke up in a polite tenor. "Oh, I'm so sorry, miss! I didn't see you there!"
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Thu May 05, 2022 11:15 am
Rei hardly paid attention to these 'wolves' surrounding her, it was unlikely there would be a single person here who could even catch her, let alone take advantage in any way. If anything, this mysterious woman who had decided to step in was doing quite a good job at saving the other party goers. Luckily, the bouncer didn't try and kick her out too, so a lot of troublemakers had just been removed from the area without her having to lift a finger. After finishing her drink, the assassin went to work. There was an unusually high concentration of spiritual beings around the party, more than just human in fact. Which made this immediately more interesting.

She made a note of all who happened to catch her notice, her ability to sense such beings making short work of actually finding them. It made the job a little more dangerous at least. There was clearly more to it than a simple party, not that she had proof other than the spiritual precense. Her first task was to find out where she wasn't allowed to go, aiming to search for the employee only areas. At first, she decided to simply wander, perhaps to see if there were any plainly marked staff in the area.

For now, the girl made it a goal to keep a low profile. Simply probing for further information without alerting anyone, mingling as needed to give her the covered she would need.
4th Division
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Sat May 07, 2022 1:45 am
Trying to track down an aura I'm this place was like trying to find a polar bear in a snowstorm. There were just too much going onfor him to properly focus. Doman knew there were spirit touched people here, he just couldn't pick them out with all the damn noise and lights. He took out a cigarette and lit it before digging around in his pocket for a set of noise canceling earbuds. His focused shifted to the stage and dancefloor below him as he popped the buds into his ears, taking a long drag from the cigarette and holding it in to get every last bit of nicotine out of it. If he was gonna sort anything out, he was gonna need the focus.
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