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Join date : 2019-11-02

Ryker W. Uroboros  Empty Ryker W. Uroboros

Sat May 21, 2022 1:07 am
Ryker W. Uroboros  Wesker


Name: Ryker K. Wesker
Alias: Sc.D. Wesker

Apparent Age: 26
True Age: 36

Sex: Male

Personality:  In short, Ryker is a very calm and tactical person. He is not always the first one headstrong into battles, and is usually always level headed. He is very intelligent, albeit his intelligence is one sided, He's an incredibly fast learner and is quite proficient in combat knowledge. Ryker is Anti-social, not necessarily by choice, because of his Job it can be very hard to get close to others.

Calm - Ryker constantly exerts a calm aura, even when faced with frustrating challenges and against odds that do not favour him. His ability to stay calm no matter the circumstance gives him a very strong outward feeling to others, and in the eyes of some can make him appear very manly. Ryker is a very logical person, meaning that he does not have irrational fears of things that do not exist. Ryker is a stoic and composed person, he is not easily phased and does not reveal much about his emotions, regardless of the fact that he does have them.    

Tactical - Ryker usually always tries to think of the best way to do things, the most efficient way to proceed with options. Ryker even does this in his day-to-day life, planning meals, deciding whether and if small luxuries are necessary. Ryker is not hot-headed and although is very confident in his abilities, knows that survival is always the best option in a fight. Ryker believes that efficiency is the key to fighting, exerting more energy than is necessary can be very costly and as such he is usually against it, unless other matters warrant it.  

Intelligent - Ryker has well above the average intelligence of a person, and a lot of common sense, but this isn't what defines him as intelligent. Ryker is a very adaptable and fast learning individual, and as stated, he is very proficient in close-quarter-combat. He knows all too well about the world around him. Something that should also be known is that Ryker has a true photographic memory, he can recall upon all visual and vocal things that he's ever seen and heard.    

Serious - Ryker has a very no-nonsense attitude, he is straight to the point and usually speaks no more than necessary. Ryker is not really the joking type and rarely ever laughs. that's not to say that he's never smiled in his life, its rather that his smile is only received by those he has a sweet spot for. This Trait of his personality is not always the rule, seeing as Ryker is very capable of joking around, Just not in a traditional way.      

Trustworthy - Ryker is not quick to trust people, and pretty much always has his guard up. However Ryker is a reliable and trustworthy person when you get to know him. His respect to those close to him is genuine.  

In end Ryker is only truly interested in his own ambitions, often disregarding life when necessary to obtain knowledge.  


Height: 6'3”
Weight: 90kg

Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style: Ryker incorporates a very heavy handed combat approach. Strong powerful blows mixed with a methodical understanding of positioning. Utilizing an arsenal of weapons to provide utility.  

Strengths: Durability, Strength, Agility, Reflexes.
Weaknesses: Reiatsu Control, Zanjutsu.

Personal Abilities:

Ability Name: [Passive]Mutation: Regeneration
Description: The immense spiritual energy stored in Ryker’s body combined with the dormant mutagen(s) of the U-Series Enhancement Agent have caused quite an unexpected mutation. Giving Ryker regenerative abilities.

Ability Name: [Passive]Dormant Enhancements
Description: Ryker’s entire genetic makeup is a ticking time bomb, only being held from mutation thanks to the nature of the U-Series Enhancement Agent’s effects. As a side effect of the dormant Agent, Ryker is granted a x1 to Durability, Strength, Agility, and Reflexes. Notably these enhancements only become active when his body began's to activate its defences.  


Ryker W. Uroboros  J612

lightblue]Ability Name: [Passive]Active Experiment: 04-001
Description: Under the specifications of the U-Series-Delta 04 Enhancement Agent, Ryker under extremely stressful circumstances, bodily defences, or through the use of catalyst agents will undergo massive mutation. Ryker will retain a mostly humanoid form, but will lose most of his vocal ability. He will grow in size and mass, 11 foot & 1600lbs, and gain a multitude of extra organs and possibly new ones. Vastly increased musculoskeletal structure, two brains separated by a bone plate, an extra heart, an extra pair of lungs, a vastly upgraded immune system (capable of expelling all foreign matter), an interlaced rib bone structure able to withstand extreme force, and an all round reinforced and densified bone structure. This process is somewhat slow and progresses based upon psychological damage, physical damage, and damage sustained to the body naturally. It must be noted that that Ryker's very DNA has produced an alternate conscious with the sole purpose of keeping Ryker alive.     

During full Transformation Ryker will gain a further x1 Strength.

(To gain access to any abilities outside of Personal abilities, Ryker must be in the process of Transforming)


Ability Name: [Passive]04-001 Reishi Reinforcement
Description: Due to Ryker's body's vastly modified form and ability to forcefully take in and use Reishi, The Reishi reinforces the entire body's durability allowing for a 30% (50% in STAGE TWO and above) reduction in damage

Ability Name: [Passive]04-001 Skin Carapace
Description: Ryker's skin has evolved in way to be more durable. having about an average Hierro (strong Hierro, in STAGE TWO and above) in durability.

Ability Name: Active Experiment 05-001


Ability Name: 04-002 Reactive Defence
Description: The user can instantly coat themselves in Reishi which is absorbed into the skin and creates a type of Armour, protecting themselves from damage for 1 post, Cero Oscuras Durability, once per thread. The armour cannot be shattered in that timeframe but damage can go through if an attack is more powerful than the armour.

Ability Name: 04-001 Applications of Extreme Force
Description: Ryker can deliver punches/Kicks of varying strength, which can be utterly devastating to both people and the environment. Each punch/Kick is classed from its power, and each have separate cool-downs based on their power.

A double cero punch/Kick that has a 2 post cool-down.

A Gran Rey Cero punch/Kick that has a 3 post cool-down.

A Cero Oscuras punch/Kick that has a 4 post cool-down.

A Forbidden Kido punch/Kick that has a 5 post cool-down.

Ability Name: 04-002 Application of Extended Force
Description: Any major action performed by Ryker cause(s) massive bursts of energy to be released. These waves are highly destructive and can cause massive pressure and wind changes (Ryker can change the weather with one punch, or cause tornadoes, ETC). These waves will always be released into the direction at which Ryker performed these actions. Additionally these energy waves will be as Destructive/cause damage equal to the applied force of said action. They travel at cero speeds.


Ability Name: ...
Description: ...


History: Ryker was or perhaps may still be known as a scientist working on secret super soldier experiments. Attempting to create a serum that could provide any military who bought it with Biological weapons capable of turning the tide of any war. Eventually he was found out however, and as a last ditch effort utilized his final product upon himself.

Ryker was categorised as a genius, even if referred to as a mad man.

Side Notes:

Under his coat, Ryker wears a body fit skin suit interlaced with small plates. Provides him with some protection when normal.

Ryker has at his disposal a few weapons that are used for his self-defense. All of which are modified to deal with both living and non-living matters.

Silver Ghost x2
A custom built 9mm pistol. It is incredibly sturdy, and can be utilised without any of its Add-ons and most of its frame. The most common variant found is that utilising a Tac-Light and Delta-point reflex sight. Chambered with C13 ammunition, the weapon is designed to kill both Living and Non-living targets with little issues past the weapons limitations.

- Damage Equivalent: Bala
- Projectile Speed: Bala
- Shots per Post: 10
- Magazine Size: 12
- Extra Magazine(s): x8
-Reload Phase: 1 post

Liquid Grace x2
A Heavily futuristic looking and modified Desert Eagle, .50 Cal. Updated with designs and features. Utilised very rarely but is used to provide more firepower without the inconvenience of a large barrel nor high profile. Chambered with C13 ammunition, the weapon is designed to kill both Living and Non-living targets with little issues past the weapons limitations.

- Damage Equivalent: 1/4 Cero
- Projectile Speed: Bala
- Shots per Post: 2
- Magazine Size: 7
-Extra Magazine(s): x4
-Reload Phase: 1 Post

A Heavily futuristic looking and modified AW-50, .75 cal. Updated with designs and features. Utilised to support and take out high-valued targets. Chambered with C13 ammunition, the weapon is designed to kill both Living and Non-living targets with little issues past the weapons limitations.

- Damage Equivalent: Cero
- Projectile Speed: Bala
- Shots per other Post: 1
- Magazine Size: 3
-Extra Magazine(s): x1
-Reload Phase: 1 Post

Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Ryker W. Uroboros  Empty Re: Ryker W. Uroboros

Fri May 27, 2022 10:09 pm
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