My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Princess Mei
Princess Mei
Posts : 61
Join date : 2019-10-28

Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) Empty Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:48 pm


Name: Natasha Lockhart
Alias: Visionary
Race: Vodka
Age: 24
Gender: Female



Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) 66953a15856f5c136755ff3c6157a7ef

Serious: Natasha is definitely one of the most serious women you will have ever met. She can be quite strong in her ways for she always fights for what she believes in. She always fights for the people she is close to or sworn to protect. She won't back down from something that she believes in. She strives for the best when everyone around her is against her. Natasha is the very embodiment of strength not showing anyone her weaknesses, although she definitely knows what they are. Even when things get tough, she will always find a way to keep moving forward. Natasha doesn't necessarily reach out for hellp, unless it is absolutely dire or necessary. She would rather sacrifice her pride than the lives of the people. She also strives for the strength of those around her because she has always been taught that she is as strong as her weakest link. She is easy to shove people in the direction she believes they should go, even if they don't want her to. She is easy to challenge those around her, even if it means they resent her.

Kind: On the opposite hand, Natasha can also be very soft in her own ways, however she rarely shows this side of herself in the face of the public. Although, you are more likely to see this side, if you are considered her friend. She can be a saving grace to those who just need someone to listen or give advice. Natasha cares for people in her own way and she is constantly wanting to be better for those she must protect. However, she does understand she cannot save everyone leaving her more determined to save as many as she can rather than every single person ever. This side especially comes out around children, as Natasha finds her strength fade into a more caring piece of herself. She sees the future in them and will nurture them to the fullest.

Bold: Natasha is also quite bold in her ways not caring what the people around her may think of her, as long as she believes what she is doing/saying is right. She will always speak her mind if she sees it necessary and she will always act on her own if she believes it's the right thing to do. She doesn't care about the people around her judging her. She doesn't care about what her actions or words make her out to be. However, she doesn't make it a habit to fight with or insult other people. She doesn’t make it a habit to ignore the concerns and opinions of others before making her decision.

Combat: Natasha isn’t one to search for combat, if she can help it. However when she does get thrown into the mix, she finds herself fighting relentlessly and strong. She finds herself determined to fight for her people and her home. She doesn’t find the idea of killing fun and will always aim to incapacitate or capture. Death is always the last thing on her mind. Isn’t she supposed to be saving lives anyway?

Alignment: Good
Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles:
Rival: Tempest & Ika
Enemies: Villains



Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) 7c2ca4f919be37d6bdd28ecaf2773f6d

Height and Weight: 5’3” 130lbs
Costume: ^ Picture Above


Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) 10f3d8023cb1d72b5ac8f31499dd2f74

Quirk Name: Creation
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: This Quirk gives her the ability to create any non-living material from her exposed skin through the molecular manipulation of her fat cells. As long as she has an understanding of how something is made, she can make it. The more she eats, the more material she has to work with, so she needs considerable food ingestion for her Quirk to be effective. However, it takes her a longer period of time and more skin exposed to create large objects, to the point where she forces large objects through her costume leaving it shredded (IE her covered arms and legs), though she claims she can just repair it.
Quirk Drawbacks:
Must eat a substantial amount for materials to be effective
Can grow lightheaded and potentially faint with prolonged use
Amount of time it takes to create larger objects


Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) Bc2bc4276de801992c170a76ba63a5c4

-Born (Russia)
-Raised as child soldier
-Escaped to Japan
-Accepted into UA
-Start Hero Agency
RP Sample: Nah. Is basic Nat.
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero) Empty Re: Natasha Lockhart (Adult Hero)

Tue Feb 07, 2023 2:29 pm
Approved A+ with S potential
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