My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

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Fri May 28, 2021 5:54 pm
Quietly and with the wind blowing a lot of sand in his face thinking more of his future. Those two Espada warriors wanted to join their squad and refused because it didn't seem right at the time. Sometimes, he wonders about the offer and what kind of benefits did they have to offer to join them. Keith really wasn't really thinking about this long-term because the warrior had a lot of goals to fulfill.

"To be an Espada? Why did I refuse them anyway? Could have been my emotions getting in the way." Completely in doubt of the decision still the Arrancar didn't have anywhere to go now. He lost directions of where the underground cave with sands blowing in his face. He didn't want to be alone anymore thoughts started circling around his mind. Keith didn't want to be one of those people not with an important goal that needed to be fulfilled. Wanting to become the best warrior that can be and this wasn't the way. It was foolish to refuse them now maybe they'll come back or he'll have to find them. Using Sonido did some damage to his ankle a little bit only using it in extreme circumstances. Something was here because the bastard been trailing him for a while.

"Didn't really expect this. Sand in my face almost like they were moving silently because of the noise." Keith was undecided here if he should attack or find out who this was.

Should he use one of his explosive arrows as a warning shot? No, He didn't want to that big of a distraction should a big hollow emerge from the sands. It sounded crazy but stranger things have happened before in a place like this. Taking a deep breath, the Arrancar wanted to find out who or what been trailing all this time. "Alright, I didn't notice you but you've been following me for a while. Who are you and what do you want? Why are you following me?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 1:30 am
"Why anyone other than someone who can easily find you as their next meal would follow you lost little one."Spoke a figure as it closed in slowly reforming from the sand. "How do you do. I am the Number 6 Espada. My name isn't needed to speak of yet since we are strangers to each other."Spoke the Woman. Her ruby red eyes glowing against the black shadow masking her features for the time being. Slowly, she allowed the light to form around her features as her black hair was slick back into a low messy bun. two red strands hanging in front of her face to her chin. "I overheard the conversation and wished to know why you decided not to join us? What benefits does it give you to not join us."She said as her slim figure was lined with a white form fitted robe as she lifted a sleeve shaking some sand out of it before looking towards the fellow Arrancar.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

Discoveries and Objectives Empty Re: Discoveries and Objectives

Wed Jun 02, 2021 2:45 am
This was really unexpected as the woman asking him to join up with the Espadas but the problem was. Where the hell did she come from anyway? That was impossible or perhaps the guy was too careless his pesquisa skills would have detected her. He was a little sluggish in his abilities the plan was to start training alone but now she's here. She asked why did he refuse two other warriors would who ask him before. It has something to do with his human mind growing at the time, Keith didn't believe in the Espadas. Something deep down stopped him from making such a horrible decision back then but why?

He tried remembering that day, Keith thought it came to a decision something of a choice. Perhaps, Now it may have been the wrong one the Arrancar was beginning to see that. But this was an Espada someone more powerful than him maybe this wasn't the time to act cocky. "It was years ago...I didn't like it at all. Those two were very mean and disrespectful at the time. Plus, It took me so long to achieve my goals. What could the Espada clan offer me?"

Keith was thinking about other things but the more he thought of it, he'd started remembering what happened that day. "They seemed too ruthless in their actions. So I told them no. Which I starting to believe it was a mistake considering my situation."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:30 am
"The Espada Clan? We are no clan believe me. I hate the members just as much as the next Arrancar, However, Most hollows travel in packs for a reason. There is strength in numbers. There is that and plus We do have the old god-like hollow Graven Fel leading us at this time. Whether he stays leading that is to be seen. I am Nakita Aranche, I am the 6th of the Espada. I want to extend the invite of making you a Fraccion, One who will follow under my command and one who will serve me and me alone along with becoming my successor when time decides to finally catch up with me and sends me into the forgotten sands of time."She Spoke "You have every right to refuse me but this is the one invitation I will allow to be extended to you. If you accept another Arrancar's invitation instead I will not acknowledge any existence from you no matter how you grow and will see you as an obstacle in my own personal growth, I am not one you want to make an enemy out of"She spoke allowing her eyes to Narrow "So Choose your options wisely, I don't take kindly to a possible ally having to become someone else's meal because they refused."She said looking down at him folding her arms in front of her chest while waiting. She was nice enough to not force the option but even she had decided to give into this whole organization. She knew how their kind worked and they all were still predators waiting for the weakest link to let their guard down before going for the kill. however, she had decided if she was going to die, it will be one of her fraction that will consume her power and take that spot, not someone else.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

Discoveries and Objectives Empty Re: Discoveries and Objectives

Wed Jun 02, 2021 3:48 am
A Fraccion? He didn't like the sound of that but really it was something of an offer. Keith didn't know about it still his powers weren't strong enough maybe it time they'll develop into something a lot better. He would be a fool to not join her to have the chance to become her successor which really sounded interesting. But the thought of killing didn't sit well with him though that feeling again. But being this place the White Desert forever wasn't an option at all the man wanted out and this was his chance. Graven-Fel sounded like someone powerful and shouldn't be messed with no reason messing with him at all. So her name was Nakita Aranche it seemed like a nice name indeed but from now on she was the boss it was his best interest not to cross her.

Keith started bowing down on one knee accepting her offer hoping this was the right way to greet her. "Keith RaVarro, Awaiting your command Lady Aranche. I won't let you down"

It felt a little weird doing that right away but if it gets him out of here so be it. He was never a risktaker like that it must be emotions again but he'll have to follow ger commands from now on. "This might be a blessing or something pretty bad and my life will be one the line." He thought.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

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Wed Jun 02, 2021 10:38 pm
Nakita watched him as she smirked. "Glad you understand the true gravity of this relationship. Follow under me and you will grow, that I promise you, and maybe someday my spot as the 6th will become yours and you will be the better for it. Maybe someday you too will take someone under your wing and train them just as I will you. Now come, war is at foot and who we choose to follow will determine our own survival within this world."She said turning on her heels heading for the entrance to the cave. Her painted ruby red lips parted into a devilish smile thinking of all the things she had in store for her new fraccion.
Keith Ravarro
Keith Ravarro
Posts : 39
Join date : 2021-05-25

Discoveries and Objectives Empty Re: Discoveries and Objectives

Wed Jun 02, 2021 11:10 pm
He started standing up feeling a lot better about his situation hoping for this new start. What else was waiting for him? A lot of questions were spiraling around his mind but it wouldn't be best to question her. "It wouldn't be best to question Nakita. Follow her demands and see to her safety at all times." He thought.

This was his boss now really it was in his best interest not to disappoint her. Following her commands and doing whatever she said will earn her respect in time, Keith wonders how well it will grow. It really seemed rush but it been years his mind wasn't able to catch up on her and not quickly. Enough of that it was time to follow her and do his job well but really the question remains. What does she have planned for him? He nodded following her orders and started followed her "Understood". It was a dangerous feeling but one he'll need to put to rest this was a start or the chance at a new life, Keith wasn't blowing it. He had a lot of questions about the Espadas and what they do within Hueco Mundo and elsewhere. Yet now wouldn't be the best time to be seeking answers to many questions there will be a time and place.

"I wonder what she's got planned if she's the boss who does she serve? Graven...yet it would be best not to mess around." He thought.

Improve his strengths and surviving his weaknesses to better himself will help him in the long run. If he finds the time to improve his zanpakuto, he'll need to do that with any free time he gets. But where was she going...
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Discoveries and Objectives Empty Re: Discoveries and Objectives

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:10 am
"If you have any questions, Do not hesitate to ask. I might be your boss and one you are to fear, but I am also your teacher and it is my job to help you grow stronger so you can further assist the Arrancar and the growth of power."She spoke leading the way across the sands, she took her time to ensure he would keep up fairly easily. Sure she hated being outside her territory but this was necessary to nick an itch of sensing a possible ally or a meal for later. The future wasn't hers to tell but she was going to be able to enjoy it, One way or another.

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