My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Join date : 2021-11-10
Age : 39

Nishimura, Nobuyuki 西村 信幸 (2nd Division Vice-Captain) Empty Nishimura, Nobuyuki 西村 信幸 (2nd Division Vice-Captain)

Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:49 am


  Name: Nishimura, Nobuyuki (西村 信幸 - Characters: West Village, Trust Happiness)
  Alias: Those of equal or greater status and on friendly terms might know him as Nobu.
  Real Age: 219
  Phys. Age: 36
  Gender: Male
  Personality: Nobu has a somewhat divided personality depending on circumstances. Day to day interactions are generally easy with Nobu, as he is typically quite welcoming, though somewhat cold at first glance. Quiet when nothing needs to be said, Nobu will usually only chit-chat if the mood or company drag it out of him. Serene and graceful, Nobu puts a lot of effort into formalities when necessary, but keeps them brief around equals and friends. His general outlook is that of peace over violence, though understandably he will resort to violence when peace is rejected. Nobu tends to respect the laws of the Gotei over all else, but he will always be willing to justify why he follows them if asked.

When in charge, Nobu is often strict but fair. He wouldn't give an order he either hasn't done in the past or isn't willing to do in the present, as he doesn't see himself as generally better than others. Nobu respects those who obey his orders and shows no favoritism beyond earned respect. It would be a mistake to kiss up or brown nose Nobu, as he sees this as a worthless path for lesser beings, this is how to lose a lot of respect quickly with Nobu. When speaking to those beneath his station, Nobu still shows some level of respect, making sure that accomplishments are always remembered. Those who work especially hard to uphold the laws of the Gotei will find great favor with Nobu.

Those above Nobu will find that they have at least a default respect of station. Those who lead within the laws of the Gotei will find they earn extra respect from Nobu, and he will work harder to make sure those leaders are not disappointed. Nobu tends not to speak out of turn, though he seems comfortable talking with superiors all the same. This means, he generally will not butt into a conversation among superiors, but if addressed or included, Nobu will speak his mind freely without discomfort. Notably, when dealing with 6th division superiors, Nobu will tend to follow their command without question if it falls within the Gotei's laws, even if the outcome is unclear.

Mortals generally never have the opportunity to see Nobu given his nature as a Shinigami, though those fortunate enough to see through the veil of death will find he is usually more curious about humanity than anything. Having been separated from humanity for over two hundred years, Nobu finds himself more curious about human behavior and items than anything. When shown technology from humanity, Nobu will inspect and try out the item, but ultimately he tends not to understand due to his extreme separation. Instead, he sees humans more in the light of helpless but ultimately respectable beings.

When encountering a Hollow, Nobu will always offer to take away their pain and anguish. An offer that to this day none have accepted, though all will receive. He speaks calmly, giving the option to surrender and peacefully atone either in Soul Society or Hell. Unlike most Shinigami, Nobu doesn't see Hollows as vicious enemies, but rather lost souls who need to be recovered. There is more of a pity toward Hollows than a hatred. Even the lesser Hollows with no mental capacity, Nobu pities them as lost wanderers seeking what only a Shinigami may offer, peace.

On the topic of Quincy, Nobu tends to see them as having differing methods for similar goals. Where the Quincy seek to destroy Hollows and Shinigami to reclaim them as Plusses, Nobu can respect that both do it for the safety of the human race. To those ends he will seek common ground, and tend to speak of peace with Quincy, trying to find a way that they can work together. Nobu sees Quincy as mortal Shinigami, those who would have been great warriors for the Gotei if only they'd died or been born in Soul Society before unleashing their inner strength.

  Height: 6'
  Weight: 180 lb
  Physical Traits:
Rather tall for his Japanese descent, Nobu stands about six feet tall and weighs in an average one hundred eighty pounds. His skin is slightly slightly pale. Nobu's voice is that of a tenor although on the slightly higher pitched scale. He has deep brown eyes and hair that he keeps pulled back into a long ponytail which falls to his mid-back. At the end of his ponytail hangs a silver loop which his hair is tied around.

While toned, Nobu's arms do not show extensive muscles to indicate his true strength. He is lean and fit but not quite muscular to say the least. His fingers are lengthy and bear no jewelry. No notable scars are present on his arms or torso, though the back of his left hand has a tattoo of a diamond outline with a vertically half filled circle on the inside and a horizontal line through the circle.

The shihakusho Nobu wears is generally unmodified. He dons the standard white shitagi and black black kosode and hakama with the white obi, a pair of white tabi, and a pair of brown waraji. His zanpakuto, unlike most shinigami, is not typically visible with his uniform due to it's unusual size and sheath. A careful look up his left sleeve would reveal it clinging to his left wrist however, though with the long loose sleeves it's rare to catch a glimpse of the handle without his sleeve being rolled back a bit. Nobu also wears a silver earring on his left ear which covers the entire length of his ear with an ornately carved dragon that appears to be clinging to his ear and biting the top.

  History: [I'd like to keep this open for flashback RP so I can write pieces of his story over time. I can write up something though if it'll help make my application more enticing.]
  Exposition: Nobu is an idealist follower of the Gotei law. He seeks to uphold the laws by any means necessary, though not at the expense of humanity. Those who break the law must be punished, though death is not a fair punishment for most in his view. Nobu seeks to form a coalition of hunters who utilize his unarmed combat, a group of bounty hunters so to speak that are tasked with hunting down shinigami that have broken the law. This task force, Ryoshi - 猟師 (Hunters) has yet to be approved, but will bear the symbol tattooed on his hand.
  Side Notes: None that I can think of.

  General Fighting Style: Nobu is surprisingly strong with unarmed combat. Drawing his blade only when necessary, he will fight unarmed against most opponents, utilizing speed and surprisingly effective hand-to-hand techniques. Working on developing his own unique fighting style, Nobu calls his stance Surudoi Te - 鋭い手 (Sharpened Hand). This style works on blocking zanpakuto or similar weapons by shifting the body and relocating the force of the swing, followed up by strong take-downs and powerful palm strikes. Utilizing a backwards held blade in the off-hand, Surudoi Te allows for additional maneuvers, though few actually utilize a zanpakuto offensively. This style is meant to be a specialized form of combat for fighting fellow shinigami, those who break the law and must be returned alive.
  Strengths: While fighting unarmed, Nobu is explicitly trained in fighting against fellow shinigami. This means he has an edge on those of equal standing who have not also received such explicit training. He stands as a force of prowess and speed in unarmed combat, able to fight an equal holding their zanpakuto while unarmed himself. He trained to move faster and and more tactically, and even specialized in shunpo to be superior to his peers. For these reasons, Nobu is specifically strong with Hohou, Hakuda, Shunpo, and Agility.
  Weaknesses: Nobu's fighting style specializes in unarmed combat over a sword. While he is quite capable with a sword, this does leave him with certain disadvantages. The fighting style focuses on speed, but this comes at the cost of strength. Being able to move so quickly requires Nobu to not pack on muscles and bulk which only serve to slow him down. The strikes are so precise that timing them or mixing them with kidou is also not efficient. Finally, because of the lack of skill with kidou, Nobu also finds himself weaker at reiatsu control.
  Ability Name:
Surudoi Te - 鋭い手 [Chimamire Kogeki & Tetsu Ude]

  Ability Description:
Surudoi Te - 鋭い手 (Sharpened Hand): Training in the art of take-downs and grappling against fellow shinigami is rare outside of the sixth division. This unique style is being developed by Nobu to prevent accidentally killing a shinigami that is wanted, but combative. Surudoi Te revolves around moving with intense speed and striking with palm strikes to various nerves to reduce movement in the opponent, sweeping take-downs to disable to opponent, and grapples to incapacitate the opponent. Surudoi Te is so difficult to learn and master, those who choose to specialize in it are incapable of also specializing in zanpakuto styles, and must choose which to specialize in.
Chimamire Kogeki - 血まみれ 攻撃 (Bloody Strike): While normal strikes in this stance are capable of dealing damage in an attempt to knock the opponent unconscious or to disable them, Chimamire Kogeki strikes are as lethal as a zanpakuto. Light blows and glancing blows will cause superficial damage, lightly bleeding wounds at best, successful blows to limbs will cause severe injury (akin to being cut by a zanpakuto), and blows to vital organs, the neck, or head can be lethal (also just like a zanpakuto).
Tetsu Ude - 鉄腕 (Iron Arm): Surudoi Te is often regarded as an alternative fighting style for Shinigami who choose not to utilize their zanpakuto in direct combat. As such, this defensive maneuver was designed to aid the Shinigami in defending against a zanpakuto, in order to prevent being struck. Tetsu Ude utilizes reiatsu to the arms in such high quantity, that they are capable of blocking a zanpakuto. This however does not make the arms immune to the strike, instead it allows the user to move at greater speeds than usual in order to deflect the strikes of a Zanpakuto. The move gets it's name from a distinct sound of the bones bouncing off the flat of the opponent's blade making a resonating sound of iron hitting iron.

  Sealed Appearance: A bright silver blade though only about a foot long in length, Kamisori Hane is a double edged dagger with no palm guard. The blade itself is much brighter in color than standard zanpakuto, and is highly reflective to light. The handle is wrapped in black leather with a silver inline that depicts a single feather on each side. The base of the handle has a silver loop, much like a kunai, though it's shape and size make it too unwieldy to throw as such.
  Zanpakutou Name: Kamisori Hane - 剃刀羽 (Razor Feather)
  Call Out Command: Show them your pain
Karera ni anata no itami o misetekudasai - 彼らにあなたの痛みを見せてください

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Join date : 2019-10-28

Nishimura, Nobuyuki 西村 信幸 (2nd Division Vice-Captain) Empty Re: Nishimura, Nobuyuki 西村 信幸 (2nd Division Vice-Captain)

Fri Nov 12, 2021 1:03 am
Approved 2-2
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