My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs) Empty Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs)

Tue May 04, 2021 4:00 pm

Name: Kokoro Nashi
Alias: No
Real Age: 1,500
Phys. Age: 28
Gender: Male
Personality: [spoler=”Personality”]Kokoro is a man of science, and despite the frequency in which that phrase is thrown around it could never be any truer than what it represents with him. He is calculative in combat and in life and analytical to a degree that is unmatched throughout the universe. As one might guess from his abilities, he is a masochist by nature and despite the fact that he fights to win, he relishes any and all pain an opponent might be able to cause. Unfortunately for the bulk of his opponents, he is also a sadist, and takes an equal amount of pleasure in destroying his opponents in mind body and soul, as well as causing immeasurable pain to them (which could probably be inferred from the whole sadist deal, but I digress..)

Kokoro views the Research and Development Department as his home, as the one true place he is readily suited for when the other squads are taken into account. He enjoys his work, and spends much of his leisure time developing new toxins and armaments for his squad, as well as the Gotei 13 in general to enjoy or use when they want to. He’s even taken after Ika Mazi, (or Mayuri in the Canon universe) in editing his Zanpokuto beyond recognition. Many aren’t even sure what his original Shikai’s and Bankai’s truly were, due to the extent in which he has warped the contents of his releases.. On top of this, he enjoys studying the powers of other races, so much so that he has had for a while a secret lab behind the Maggot’s Nest, where he studied the corpses or live specimens brought to him with almost reckless abandon..

He is apathetic to the pain of others, he almost seems to relish in it and his empathy is a net zero. One could sooner move him with song than they could with their claims of pain and suffering. He views human suffering at times as a meaning to an end, and at times he can persuade himself as seeing it to be the end in and of itself. He is known for his skills within the realm of manipulation, and despite being honest could very easily become a liar at the drop of a hat if he found it necessary to be so inclined. Thankfully for many, he does not feel so inclined very often, but his eccentric personality and his way with words leaves many with a sour taste in their mouths, and many more feeling a tad suspicious of both he himself, and the motives within him.

Personifying the mad scientist to a scary extent, Kokoro is viewed with an odd mix of both fear and admiration by his peers both within his squad and outside of it. He has a weird view, where he sees all living creatures not as living creatures, but rather as objects to be studied and otherwise fucked with to learn, and practice new methods of dispatching them. He even views himself in this light, though he unlike many scientists does not have a true stake in things, and has no true absolute objective outside of his own narcissistic pleasures and joys from matters he partakes in. Rather his only true objective is to maintain his post within the Gotei 13 as squad 12 Captain, and to maintain the funding and resources he holds on account of this prestigious position.

Unlike many Captains, Kokoro has little to no feelings of camaraderie or companionship with his squad mates or his fellow Captains, rather he has a unique way of going about things that seems almost unbefitting of a Gotei 13 Captain. As part of his overly analytical mindset, he will literally factor in the loss of lives in each action he takes, and if he feels that his ends are more important? He will engage anyway, completely disregarding those too weak to avoid his power, or whom are simply too unfortunate to get the hell out of his way when they should have. Regardless of this very simple fact, he will still warn others of danger if it suits him, or he feels for whatever reason that it is owed to them based off of whatever loose idea’s of respect and dignity he still has instilled somewhere within him..

Slightly Nihilistic in both his approach and mindset, Kokoro does not value the same things as most people in terms of attaining perfection or anything close to that, and views such pursuits as pointless. He views his continued research as a way to avoid despair, all the while keeping him busy towards a positive ends, despite the grim implications of the meanings in which he meets those dastardly ends. Much as one might expect from a man with an IQ well beyond 200, Kokoro is a highly intelligent man, so much so that it almost, if not definitely impedes upon his ability to properly communicate with his fellow Captains and Shinigami. In spite of this, he is seen as being incredibly well spoken, and well written, even doing a few articles detailing his findings within magazines within the Seireitei.

In combat, as elaborated on above Kokoro likes to toy with his opponents, wearing them down little by little and prolonging the fight if possible. This is not to say he won’t go for a killing blow when it is presented, but he relishes in testing himself and his opponents while in combat, and finds their screams to be almost intoxicating, one may even call them arousing to some extent for him, though not in a sexual sense. Though Kokoro has an obvious affinity for the female vessel, and views their screams and mannerisms as a tad more interesting and enjoyable as opposed to Males, he has no sexual inclinations towards them, nor males. Sexuality is not something he contaminates himself with, and he views it as a net negative in terms of productivity on most people, much as he views most forms of gratification.

He views his one and only objective as protecting the Seireitei, which is the only place crazy enough and otherwise stupid enough to allow him to be what and who he is. He has no qualms about killing any and all who oppose the Gotei 13, and expects all of his comrades former and present to fight to their last breathe in order to protect it. He holds himself to this same standard as well, but the expectation that others must do the same is generally where many people get upset with him. If you die on the battlefield, do not fear! He will use your corpse for multiple tests, and presumably do so in the name of bettering the Gotei 13![/spoiler]

Height: 6’0”
Weight: 160lbs
Physical Traits: [spoler=”Appearance”]Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs) .eJwVw0sOhCAMANC7sOdjFaTehmCDJgiG1pWZu89MXt6rnlHVpg6Rmzdr95NzH7th6SMVMqX3UindJ5vcL5tEUj4uasIWfJwcugBxAQczzsECIsC6RFz9ChgDTpaFzqZZX2lvxKy5P1VTEhp69hDxR3vn_s3divp8Ab0tLVI[/spoiler]

Exposition: No
Side Notes: No

General Fighting Style: A master tactician, Kokoro specializes in combat which meets his elaborate pace. The more he can learn about one’s abilities, the better off he becomes in the long haul, and thusly the better he can become at adapting to it. Prefers speed to strength in general, and Zanjutsu to Hakudo. Kidou is something Kokoro practices due to it’s vast versatility. Obviously, his greatest attribute is his mind, and ability to decipher things while in combat.
Strengths: Hoho, Kidou, Reiryoku, Reiryoku Control, Agility
Weaknesses:  Hakuda, Zanjutsu, Sensing, Stamina
Personal Abilities:
Ability name: Sewing Needle/Tendrils Manipulation
Description: Tendrils-Smaller, more threadlike strings within Kokoro's body with a maximum range of 50 feet. They are covered in hyper-active stem cells that are controlled by Kokoro's Reiatsu, which allows for Kokoro to designate what they do exactly. Usages include, but are NOT limited too-
-Stitching limbs back on and grabbing them if they go flying.
-Replacing nerves, muscles, and even bones if given a post or so to mold.
-Can outright replace limbs when given the chance.
-Can be used to create a small outer layer to the already existent endo-skeleton of Kokoro. (Light Heirro more or less)
-Can make Kokoro move without nerves, or even muscles, by simply controlling them to move his various parts though much of his normal impact will be lost.
-Tickle Tickle!

Ability Name: 5 Hearts and a Head..
Description:  By removing/destroying all 5 of Kokoro's hearts OR Destroying/Impaling Kokoro's brain, you can kill him! Otherwise? Not happening

Sealed Appearance: [What does your Zanpakuto look like sealed]
Zanpakutou Name: Kurushimu
Call Out Command: Come up with this one on your own, along with Zanpakuto appearances.

Shikai [Unlocked at 3-2]:

Bankai [Unlocked at 2-1]:

[spoiler="Toukai [Unlocked at 0-5]"]
New Name: Shi no Ito
Appearance: Doesn’t change.
Abilities: Ability Name: Scythe Tentacles
Description: Kokoro can stitch up to twenty scythes, one being his Zanpakuto onto his tentacles and launch them at the opponent, or simply pin in a circle hoping to cut them to bits.

Ability Name: Lift Physical Restraints
Description: Kokoro's Speed and Strength will ascend to 5 x for 7 posts. This can only occur once during Toukai.

Ability Name: Final Conversion
Description: Kokoro Harnesses the utmost potential of his Toukai for 5 posts. His Regen is unlimited and he will not be stopped for the next 3 posts. He will just keep fucking coming. That being said, at the end of the 3 posts, Kokoro is down. He will be Fatigued. So that's a thing.

Posts : 68
Join date : 2019-11-02

Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs) Empty Re: Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs)

Fri May 07, 2021 2:41 am
Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs) Empty Re: Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs)

Sat Oct 23, 2021 11:38 am
Re-approved 0-3
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Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs) Empty Re: Kokoro Nashi (Captain Hentai of the Tentacle Tombs)

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