My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Fri Jan 29, 2021 3:24 pm
Miyuki took her time walking into the Leaf colosseum, having no reason to rush or be there on time. She moved silently amongst the competitors that mostly tower over the 4,8" Genin. Most didn't even seem to notice her existence and seemed shocked or confused about why they didn't seem to remember or know of her existence. Miyuki has always had no presence and seemed content with that fact. There was a reason she was known as a Ghost of Kiri, and it wasn't just the fact she had white hair and porcelain skin with lifeless dull eyes of a left diluted pastel blue and a right diluted pastel Green. Her expression, body language, and eyes were blank and almost lifeless always making it hard to read the girl. Just what she can do, Well that was for her opponent to test, providing they don't run scared or be a concern at first glance. She stopped a few feet from the middle just standing in the open allowing her lifeless stare to watch the entrances as she waited to see who her opponent was.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Fri Jan 29, 2021 4:31 pm

Ryuu entered the arena with a hopeful trepidation that had him shaking. The arena was broad and circular, roughly fifty meters across with high walls surrounding it. Outside, along the perimeter, a roaring crowd greeted them. Ryuu waved to the crowd as he approached the center, eager for them to get a good hard look at him and remember his name. He wasn't worried about his matchup at all: not that he knew who she was. Rather, he was excited to get a move on with this fight and flex his abilities. This would be one of the few occasions that he'd be allowed to really go all out and so he intended to savor it.

He stood before his opponent: a young girl about his height. A Mist genin, apparently, though Ryuu didn't recall ever meeting her. This would be the first time he even spoke to her, much less fought her. Still, as a first-hand witness to this impending fight, she could bring tales of his awesomeness back home to hopefully impress the higher ups.

"I don't think we've met before." Ryuu remarked, stretching his arms up above him to limber up. He didn't bother taking off his leather jacket for this bout. "The name's Ryuu. Don't worry about taking it easy on me, yeah? I wanna see what you've got."

He scrutinized her reaction, sizing his opponent up. Oddly, there was something about his opponent that seemed relatable, despite the fact that he was sure he never knew her. Maybe that would become clear as they fought.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Sat Jan 30, 2021 4:20 am
Miyuki looked around at the roaring crowd before returning her stare to the entrance seeing her opponent come out with such charisma and excitement, eating on the fans with his wave. He looked very excited and that was interesting. "It is nice to meet you again Ryuu, don't feel bad if you don't remember us. Most do not but that is just fine with us for the nickname we were granted. I have been known as a ghost of the blood mist but our name is Miyuki Misako. I am from the same village as you and I know of your squad and the aspects you all hold within it. You are the Jinjurichiki, We know this because lips are real loose when they forget we exist."She spoke reaching her hands to her hair pulling it up into a ponytail before she readjusted her kimono before digging into her left sleeve pulling out a small pipe of sorts as the blade on her back shifted with the change of position. "The only advantage we hold is you know nothing of us and what we do and that is fine with us...So let's enjoy yourselves for our Village, ya?" asked Miyuki in her soft monotone voice. She scanned the excited crowd as if expecting a certain someone or something to be seen within the crowd before looking back to Ryu. "After all, a ghost does not like being the center of attention."She added in an even softer tone moving the pipe to her lips as she took a few steps back to get a decent distance between them. She wasn't for sure what he was going to use first.

Miyuki may not be as strong as Ryuu as is but it seemed he wanted to go all out, and just letting her know, she would and planned to try her best to maybe thank her sensei for all the training. She was going to try her best and try to listen to the wise words of her sensei, to try and actually have fun and live to be whoever, her sensei could see that she didn't seem to.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Sat Jan 30, 2021 8:18 pm

As the match began, Miyuki's first action was to jump backward and create some distance. Clearly she knew who she was facing, which was fine enough. given that she hadn't opted to cover her retreat with jutsu, he ran after her forming hand seals. "Water Release: Gunshot!" He called. He gathered a large glob of water in his mouth and spat it with the force of a bullet, sending it careening toward her. From here, he would take this chance to probe her defenses, seeing whether she would dodge or block. Dodging would, perhaps, be the better choice, as Ryu was confident he could overcome whatever defense she was able to muster out of that little pipe she had.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:37 am
Miyuki held the thin pipe between her teeth before putting her hands together about ready to start the battle off before she ducked down letting the jutsu fly over her head as she made her own hand signs. "I hope you know what you are getting into Ryuu... Bubble Release: Explosion Bubble Jutsu" She spoke between her teeth taking in a breath before blowing through the pipe releasing what at first seemed nothing as she placed her left hand on one of the many holes as nearly invisible bubbles began to form and release from the pipe on to the battlefield. She stood up as the bubbles, numbering ten, floated around her.

" Listen here Ryuu, If you are going to fight us, your long-range attacks will hold no effect on me and the next few moves will provide tricky for you."She said in her usual unenthusiastic tone. Even though she showed no liking or care, it did seem she was all the serious about this battle. Miyuki reached behind her before sending out 3 sudden ninja stars as a small test while three of her bubbles came after the stars in rapid procession.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Mon Feb 01, 2021 1:16 am

Ryuu wasn't worried that the water gun flying over her head. She responded with a jutsu of her own, blowing bubbles out of her pipe. Incanting "Explosion Bubble Jutsu," Ryuu was let into a key fact he wouldn't have known otherwise--that the bubbles were explosive. Fair enough, he figured. He still had plenty of tricks up his sleeve, and as she said he would do much better in melee anyway.

Taking a big leap straight toward her, he manifested his Coral Armor, letting the hard substance quickly coat his entire body. The shuriken bounced right off, and the three bubbles burst right next to him. While it was loud and annoying, the coral only cracked a little bit, the armor surrounding him still fairly intact. He sharpened the coral on his arms into claws as he arrived right in front of her, opening with a horizontal slash followed by a strong kick. It could possibly go one of two ways: If both attacks hit, then she'd be sent flying backward, and he would follow up with some Coral Spike Bullets. If the kick were blocked, then he would try to grab her arms and suplex her over him, in order to render her prone. If she managed to slink away, he would simply follow and try to maintain a close distance.

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Mon Feb 01, 2021 4:04 am
Miyuki took the defensive again deciding to backpedal as he came at her "I lied...even up close, we are not to be taken lightly."She spoke before sliding to a stop doing a few more hand seals before taking a breath blowing through the pipe as ten more bubbles formed from the pipe. moving a  hand thrusting it forward's one of the new bubbles remained in front confronting his strike. Rubbery was a sense of feel as it allowed the attack to indent before tossing his hand back with equal force along with the bullets, sending them back at him before popping  "Shame really..."She spoke with a sigh as she watched him closely as she sent the last 3 of her 4 explosive bubbles towards him again keeping her 9 rubber ones close by herself, just in case. "You wanted to put on a show, though you only snow what we already knew you would"She spoke taking the pipe from her mouth rolling it around the fingers of her left hand as she watched him before looking towards her pipe.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Mon Feb 01, 2021 12:39 pm

As Ryuu's claw sunk into the rubber bubble, the bubble started to be covered by coral, greatly reducing its ability to stretch and deform. He tossed it to the side. He followed that up with the seals for Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field, manipulating the sticky syrup to grab the remaining rubber bubbles around him and pull them to the ground. "You're really running your mouth, aren't you? That's not a good look for someone who hasn't even touched me yet."

The Coral Spike Bullets reflected back at him bounced right off his Coral Armor, landing on the ground uselessly. Continuing to manipulate the Starch Syrup Capturing Field, Ryuu expanded it to cover her section of the stadium, putting in a larger-than-normal amount of chakra in the technique to expand the technique's range greatly. In order to cut off her escape, he had the field split into two and emerge to either side of her, going all the way to the walls of the stadium before moving in to fill the gap.

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:02 am
"I don't need to touch you," She said moving from the attack dispelling her bubbles as she moved to a safe spot not touched by the sticky jutsu seeing him come at her before she took to the sky looking down at him before she began to form hand signs " Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave," She said spits out a large volume of foam-like bubbles the began to flood the stadium, washing away the sticky Jutsu towards Ryu, giving herself back half the field uncovered from his attack. On his side of the field sat all his Jutsu and the slippery ground from the bubbles before she formed more hand signs allowing the moisture around them to become dense and form a mist vile from the hidden mist Jutsu. She smirked moving into the cover of the mist, putting forth the effort of her traps and preparations of attacking him. She needed a better attack plan as her common explosive bubbles and rubber bubbles were not cutting it. she could use her other ones but she was still learning them and tending to think about how to incorporate them.

Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Wed Feb 03, 2021 3:04 pm

Ryuu raised an eyebrow as the mist began to roll in from her jutsu. While she could use the mist to hide, did she forget that he too comes from the Hidden Mist Village? He's taken more than just the basic courses in Silent Killing, and he knew very well not only how to perform it, but what to look out for if someone else was going for it.

He became still, allowing himself to hear what was going on around him while simultaneously being as quiet as possible. At least his opponent was quiet enough to not get caught right away. He'd have to do something entirely different then. Using a Hidden Mist Jutsu of his own, he filled the battlefield with even more mist--his mist, and quite a thick mist at that. Surely she would notice the mist getting this thick, but he needed an ample amount of water vapor in the air so he could perform this next attack.

Making a handseal, he formed four water clones utilizing some of the mist, making it so that they appeared out of nowhere near where he had seen her enter. If any of the water clones spotted her, he would know, and they absolute would spot her as they all made their way into the center of the mist.

Maybe she could deal with one of him, but four? Not likely--and with all this mist around, he still had one last trick up his sleeve too.

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Thu Feb 04, 2021 2:40 am
Miyuki moved silently amongst her mist setting her various traps and misleading directions just in case he was indeed foolishly trying to track her. The mist was very familiar and a safe place for her. Then again the mist is within every Kiri ninja's heart whether time has removed the blood stains or not. "how much will we risk."She spoke to herself rubbing her hands together moving them into her sleeves pulling out some simple explosive tags setting them in some hidden and some very obvious places, now whether she meant these places or not, well that was for her to know and for Ryuu to guess, providing he was taking the bait.

Once she was set she took note of the mist becoming even thicker "So he will entrap us huh?"She spoke to herself listening to 4 different pairs of footsteps. Either he was good at misdirecting her senses or he made 4 clones maybe three. The mixture of the two different veils of mist was really messing with her senses as even though they were different, they were still familiar, which was the confusing part for the young girl, distracting her train of thought till the footsteps snapped her back to reality. she reached into the took pouch behind her taking a few explosive tag kunai, 4 in total, firing them in 4 different directions and heights along with different speeds and strength to test where they were figuring, even if the tags didn't hit the explosions would light up their figures, giving them away and possibly better intel on a plan on the attack. She crouched down on to the balls of her feet resting one hand on her knee and the other on the ground before she closed her eyes, ready at a moment's notice to strike, whatever information she will gain on first.
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Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:26 pm

The four clones approached with fervor. They tore through the mist in search of Miyuki, with one goal in mind. They didn't have any armor, but that wasn't a concern--Ryuu didn't particularly care if she could distinguish them as clones. Their attacks were still worthy of fear, and the water that composed them could too be reused for other jutsu.

Explosions rocked the arena. It seemed that Miyuki was less interested in hiding now and more interested in finding his clones. One of them actually got hit straight on with an explosive tag and blew up, returning into the vapor whence it came. Based on the direction that kunai had come from, Ryuu and his clones were able to make a judgment on where she was, and the remaining three clones homed in on her.

The next moves would be made with the intent to land a Water Prison Jutsu, hopefully ending the match. While there was no standing water to form a Water Prison, there was plenty of Mist that could be used hovering around the battlefield. Ryuu's first clone approached, throwing a kunai ahead of him and coming in low. Miyuki was low to the ground as well, in an unstable position that would let her react, but not stand sturdy, so the clone opted to slide across the ground and sweep her legs. A second appeared, and the second opted to attempt to interfere with her in the air, attempting to grapple a limb or even her body to hold her in place. The third clone would do the same, diving at her to interfere with her movement and stop her from using her pipe or any other jutsu.

In the meantime, Ryuu circled around, intending to come at her from the rear. If Miyuki was distracted with the three clones, he should have ample time to sneak in. So, utilizing the distraction, he came from behind, intending to touch her with his palm long enough to activate the Water Prison Jutsu. If successful, the three clones and much of the mist Ryuu created would be sucked into a sphere of water, except Miyuki would be pressed into the center of it, unable to move for as long as Ryuu's hand was in the water.

Abilities Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Sat Feb 06, 2021 5:44 am
"Not yet..."She said moving one seal before more explosions around her were set off in various directions. She figured they would come and by god they did but they would need to get through her minefield of explosive tags and sticky bubbles she popped around. She allowed her senses to take to her surroundings trying to figure which way the first attack would come. However; This fight was not in her favor, nor was she much for the first fight into this exam or the first fight where the opponent wasn't holding their punches back.

Seeing the first clone coming in low, she had to quickly lift herself off the ground, to avoid the clone, just in time to feel a pair of hands grab ahold of an arm. She was too distracted with the one to even notice the second and soon the third that had taken ahold of her. She was glad for the fact of setting an old kekki Genkai trick of hers in motion as her sleeves around the skin the clones touched as their own skin began to burn from the poison coating her arms, just where that came from was for only her to know. Miyuki calculated the clones to have let go but by the time her surprise acid worked and they released her arms. she felt a single hand touch her back before the mist and the clones dissolved and swirled into a water-like sphere around her as the sphere formed and closed in. Miyuki felt the pressure close in on her, forcing her to curl up some in the small room inside the prison. She sighed feeling embarrassment for getting caught in a sphere of water, or more to her a freaking bubble of all things. At least she didn't forfeit or run, she did what she could and found this a learning point, even if she was a bit ticked off and embarrassed by how it ended. She would think of a way out if she could even get any room to move as the pressure inside kept her contained. Miyuki kept silent looking over her shoulder at Ryuu while thinking of what she could have missed as well as how embarrassing this sphere was amongest other tiny things.
Posts : 38
Join date : 2019-11-13

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Sun Feb 07, 2021 7:41 pm

Once it became clear that Miyuki was not able to escape the sphere, Ryuu breathed a sigh of relief. The mist dispersed, and as the outcome was revealed to everyone watching, the match was called in his favor. He released the jutsu, letting the water fall to the ground. As the crowd roared among them, Ryuu offered his hand to Miyuki.

"Good match." He said. While it didn't press him to go all out, it was still interesting dealing with an opponent as slippery as Miyuki, and he could walk away knowing he learned something. The same wasn't necessarily true for all fights, so in this case, he was more than happy to be genuine when saying that he enjoyed this fight.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

Mon Feb 08, 2021 1:16 pm
Miyuki looked around from the sphere waiting to be released as the mist was dispelled allowing everyone to see the results of this battle. she closed her eyes feeling the water finally release before she stretched out her feet, landing softly on the ground , rigging out her hair beofre turning to Ryu watching his hand for a few seconds before accepting the handshake "Good Match"She spoke watching their two jounin standing in the entrance way, watching them both

"You both did really great for your battles,"Spoke Amaya as Anna nodded "We are both very proud reguardless of the outcome."Said Anna sweetly "Lets go out to eat, our treat for this match yeah?"asked Amaya as Anna nodded in agreement

"Alright"Spoke Miyuki softly as she walked over to anna's side watching Ryu and Amaya walk on.

(thread end/ Amaya, Anna, Miyuki exit)
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The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki) Empty Re: The Tortoise and the Ghost (Ryuu Vs, Miyuki)

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