My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:33 pm
Cee hadn't really been challenged by this point in the Chunin Exam. His last opponent was clever and was now considered a friend, but they never really were worth consideration as a true challenge to Cee's dominance. He did have some.. reservations about his potential next opponent, an Earth Genin whom had already butchered two of his comrades in relatively short fashion yet, Cee knew he couldn't afford to overlook his current foe. Suzaku was immensely more talented than his last few opponents, and infinitely tougher. To say this man could take a shot was a gross understatement, but Cee was here to do little more than test the boys endurance.

A small smirk appeared across Cee's face as lightning began to dance around his visage. He raised a fist into the air as the crowd began to murmur with anticipation before speaking. "Let's see if you can take it.." Cee's arm began to radiate with chakra, and his legs prepared for a violent march towards his opponents destruction.

Lariato indeed.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
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Join date : 2019-11-02

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:26 am
Suzaku stepped into the ring, rolling his shoulders. His last opponent had been... Sort of a let down. Strong fundamentals, but he seemed to mostly act on instinct. His next opponent he'd heard whispers of from other defeated participants on the way here. This kid was seemingly unstoppable, possessing momentum and strength that was off-the-charts. He'd felled opponent after opponent, easily securing victories in an almost unprecedented streak. Suzaku had been fairly careful, but Yasuhiro had forced his hand near the end there, and he'd had to use the Go'ungan which he wanted to keep under wraps. That was the thing about this whole tournament. The stronger you proved yourself to be, the more fame you earned, the better people understood how to fight you. Perhaps it was some sort of metaphor for the wider ninja world and how the Bingo Book system worked? A musing for another time, perhaps.

Cee rushed at him, just as expected, and Suzaku made no attempt to move. He stood there, body immobile and gaze disinterested as his opponent's lariat slammed into him, knocking him to the ground. Damn, that was a heavy impact strike, but nothing he couldn't handle. Taking hits to give hits, that was the Shugami way after all.
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Join date : 2019-10-28

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sun Feb 14, 2021 12:58 pm
Cee felt his arm ready to make contact and yelled "LARIATOOO" as his arm made it's mark across the boys throat. Cee was reasonably certain that would be the end of the affair and yet, it was not. The endurance of the Shugami clan was worthy of note, it's reputation transcended the sandy confines of it's origin but even Cee was a little surprised that this boy still stood in front of him. Anger and disdain were etched across Cee's face as he began his violent trek forward yet again, his arm was held high at his side and he was ready to yet again decapitate the young boy in front of him, this time with a much longer run-up. The fans in the arena gasped, their multi-colored hues fixated on Cee's descent towards the boy.

"You will fall boy, Lariatooo!" As he said this, he prepared to make impact with the boys throat in an attempt to cave it in. Time would tell the result.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
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Join date : 2019-11-02

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:57 pm
Suzaku let out no indications of pain as he was smacked hard in the neck, however; one hit was far from enough to beat him. Suzaku seemingly shrugged the blow off, even dusting off his shoulders and replying in a flat tone that almost seemed to contain a hint of... dryness? "Damn, you really pack a punch..." Suzaku watched as Cee started his highly telegraphed wind-up once more. What made him think that was going to work? Was he just that confident? Well, to be fair, his strength was absolutely monstrous. Suzaku was hard-pressed to think of someone their age as strong as he. And they were from the same damn village, to boot. Then again, they'd never really interacted before this so it wasn't much of a surprise.

Cee was almost upon him at this point, so Suzaku quickly wove a Sly Mind Affecting Technique directed at Cee and dashed to the side, getting out of the way of his inevitable spiral. His chances of winning were still fairly slim, but he couldn't resist muttering to himself. "...Ole."

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Join date : 2019-10-28

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sun Feb 14, 2021 4:09 pm
Cee was shocked that his first attack hadn't put the man down, and was now even more shocked to find that he was for some god foresaken reason running in a complete circle. He was sure he had been running in a straight line, yet for now he was caught with confusion and anger at the fact he'd been made a full of. "You son of a bitch.."

As Cee said this, he slowly but surely walked forward, gritting his teeth with clear disgust towards the Shinobi in front of him. He was clever, too clever for his own good and always had been. His clan was notorious for their toughness, but Cee was tougher still and was more than willing to break him in half to get the job done if he needed too. He stepped forward, seemingly ten feet in front of the boy before dashing forward yet again, the full force of his power bearing down across the mans throat hoping his arm would ricochet off of it once more. "LARIATOOOO"
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Tue Feb 16, 2021 4:53 pm
Suzaku watched as his technique played out flawlessly, though it didn't last very long. Damn monster was already back at it again (with the white vans) and rushing forward with another of those lariats of his. At least genjutsu sort of worked on him. Suzaku swiftly wove a Flower Petal Escape then dove to the side. Not being able to see was unlikely to stop Cee's charge, so the young man quickly got on his feet and wove another jutsu: a well-timed Gale Palm mixed with some shuriken a few feet from Cee's left. This guy was tough, if he wanted to hit him at all, it had to be hard and fast. Even then, Suzaku doubted something as simple as this would keep his opponent down. Not to mention, his chakra reserves were far from bottomless, he'd need to end this quickly if he wanted to win. And he WANTED to win.

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Join date : 2019-10-28

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Wed Feb 17, 2021 7:01 pm
The boy disappeared in a fury of blossom petals, and this was clearly getting on Cee's nerves as he was no longer able to hit the kill-shot he had intended. The boys idea was simple enough, he was going to cast some silly wind-palm thing but Cee wasn't going to stop. His Lightning Armor flared and reduced the damage of the shuriken, seemingly reducing their impact to mild scratches on his arm as the palm forced him back barely an inch, just lightly forcing his feet back as he swung his body around like a discus before crying out. "LARIATOOOOOO!"

As Cee spun he positioned his arm to catch his opponent right across the throat and hopefully leave them down for the count. It wasn't likely that he could keep him down permanently, but he absolutely knew how to keep him down long enough for the proctor to call game over. Or at least, he was hoping this would be enough.
Phoenix King
Phoenix King
Posts : 32
Join date : 2019-11-02

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Fri Feb 19, 2021 3:52 pm
Nope, Suzaku didn't dodge properly. But, you know what? He was a tough guy, he could take another lariat to the neck. Suzaku flexed the muscles of his neck as the lariat slammed into it, his spine audibly crunching as he realized "Wow, I'm dumb." Suzaku's head leaned at an unnatural angle, his eyes wide as the lariat skimmed over his hear after snapping his neck. His vision began to fade as he realized he was dying, he couldn't even move his limbs. And then he died because I legit can't be fucking bothered with this thread. I'm not dragging out a death scene because I deadass don't care. Time to go make better charries.

Meanwhile, in the stands, a young mist ninja narrows his eyes eyes and mutters. "...A worthy adversary. Cee... I'll remember that name."
Posts : 282
Join date : 2019-10-28

The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object Empty Re: The Unstoppable Force meets the Immovable Object

Sat Feb 20, 2021 2:26 am
Well he's dead. Fucking sucks I guess!

-thread end-
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