My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Medusa Empty [Private] Medusa

Sat Jun 12, 2021 4:09 am
While commotion had been stirred since the shinigami invaded and a power struggle began against the Cero King, Sziercesaal was one of the few who kept his calm. He had predicted for months that such a thing would happen and had already begun hatching plans for the climax of what was to come. So when he sensed a stranger approaching the castle of the second Espada, it piqued his curiosity. As an Espada, it was impossible for Sziercesaal to truly conceal his spiritual energy, let alone to the other Espada, so he knew that his presence there had already brought with it some suspicion.

At the same time, he had a feeling of what was about to happen. After biding his time, Sziercesaal's suspicions were confirmed as he felt the spiritual energy of one disappear. The only question was, which one it was. While the victor was still settling down from the fight, Sziercesaal made his presence known. With his ability, he wasn't too concerned if the winner hadn't been sufficiently weakened. In fact, to him, getting eaten was a boon.

As the dust settled, the sound of clapping sounded from the hall. A whoosh of spiritual energy dispersed the smoke clouds as another arrancar appeared. Making his presence known to Estella was the ever flamboyant Sziercesaal, sticking his tongue out briefly just to show off the 5 on it to signify his identification as the fifth Espada. "Bravissimo." He congratulated. "You're not a familiar face. It's not every day an arrancar strong enough to defeat one of the Espada." Sziercesaal daintily put his forearm to his stomach and scraped his left foot back in a congratulatory bow while closing his eyes. "I am Sziercesaal Dialamot. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He introduced himself, peeking with one eye to see the remains of the previous Segunda Espada. "I believe now, that would make you a fellow member of the Espada."
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