My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jun 24, 2021 2:12 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

An orchestra of screams came from the Sexta's Espada's palace. Inside was a blood bath of hollow bodies strung about, whole and in pieces. A lone figure stood amongst the blood bath at an Arrancar hanging upside down strung up by webs " P-Please Lady Arachne! W-w-we didn't betray!" begged the Arrancar between coughs of blood. The woman watched in silence before letting out a light sigh "it's a fact you all could not behave and try starting a war amongst yourselves and my chosen children. We are a group united by power. Weak links of distrust will never be accepted her."She spoke, letting out a light chuckle . "Maybe in another life, you will learn loyalty and teamwork for when you try overthrowing someone you could never step to."She said as dozens of red eyes form around from the shadows "Now, Kids, All these bodies are treats for your well-behaving and playing nice. Now make sure to clean up and share, alright."She said, allowing a soft sweet tone to ring from her crimson lips as thousands of spiders of all kids made quick work of cleaning up the blood bath.

The female turned on her heels, walking away, holding out a hand like a spider passing by her let her take a web weaves cloth to clean herself off of any extra blood. She stopped at the black silk-covered throne before sitting down elegantly . "Now, let's see if Thor's willing to share today."She teased to herself as she waited to see if the rumors of another spider were within the halls of the Espada. She was inquisitive and would be lying if she wasn't excited to see what this one was like. She has met several fakes and weaklings that don't deserve to string webs against hers. Would this one keep her excitement and live to see another day or become part of her fond memories as another fake.

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jun 24, 2021 6:04 pm
It had been about a few weeks since Tenkai had become the Thor's Fraccion and in that time he had learned much about the general hierarchy of the Espada. Fraccion like him served directly under an Espada and answered only to them and the Cero king. That said Thor made it clear that he should be careful where Tenkai ended up because despite being on the same side or serving directly under another Espada, it didn't mean the other inhabitants of Las Noches would be safe to bump into or anger. But, Tenkai being the young child he is was extremely bored and growing increasingly restless, especially after his last encounter that left him with a large scar going from his left cheek all the way up across to his top right eye. So, he decided to explore and meet some other people in the dome.

Using his Pesqias Tenkai searched out feeling for the presence that peeked his interest the most. What he landed on was an area deep within Las Nochas, deeper than he had ever gone anyway: It was swarming with multiple presences, some of which were vanishing or fading and of course one particularly strong presence that clearly dwarfed the rest, most likely another Espada. Now, to most people this would suggest that things were being killed and would equate to a dire warning that it's dangerous and one shouldn't approach.

To Tenkai, it just reminded him of what happened with his hollow playmates in the deserts, so to his mind he thought it might be a playroom of sorts, a place where he could have fun and let loose. With that he began his exploration of Las Noches, allowing his senses to slowly guide him. The walk felt like it took hours but eventually he came to a place most interesting. Tenkai found himself within a forest, covered in webs and spiders.

"Ooh.." Tenkai cooed in amazement at his surroundings, taking time to jump up into the trees, inspect the quality of the webs and even some of the little spiders that might be around. It feels oddly homey. Tenkai never really gave it much thought until now but he IS a spider, so perhaps that is the attraction. Either way, this might be his new favorite room. He would begin playing, his childish side shining threw as he jumped from tree to tree, enthralled with all the different web structures.

He was even getting oddly inspired by some of the larger patterns. There was no telling how long Tenkai spent doing this before, eventually he would end up in front of a surprisingly well maintained castle. At this point Tenkai had completely forgotten why he originally came here and was just having fun in his new surroundings. With the excitement of a kid in Christmas he ran towards the castle entrance without an ounce of hesitation or sense of danger.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jun 24, 2021 7:18 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"Hm? Such an interesting little spider. Feeling right at home are we?"Cooed Nakita to herself following the presence of the new spider fraccion with a smirk. She was interested and filled with glee sensing his delight in her children's artwork in making their threads and webs. She often enjoyed her children's displays. She listened and followed his progress into her territory and promptly into her castle. The various entities of spider-like moving around. Some unphased by his appearance, others stop immediately to stare as he came into view. Others drop what they were doing and ran for the various hiding places in fear, while some just followed from a distance.

"Don't mind him my children, he is a guest in our lovely home and should be welcomed with open arms, allow him to come into our family home."Said Nakita from her seat with a smirk before she stood up watching the web screen develope where it was once before

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:59 pm
Tenkai continued to move through the castle and being in awhe over it. Perhaps it was just his inner child but something about actually being within a real castle was fascinating to his young mind - the aesthetics weren't bad either. Tenkai's sense of time vanished as he explored and enjoyed but eventually he would come to his original destination, finding himself having wandered into perhaps the most impressive chamber so far and towards the center he spotted the source of the large power he had been following, a beautiful woman with black hair and black hair. Thor didn't tell him much about the other Espada other than simply be careful around them, so he was unaware of her name only that her power made her rank among the Espada undebatable. This excited Tenkai..perhaps she would play with him? Thor hasn't yet, but he's promised.

Tenkai would wave at her before skipping over to greet the Espada. "Hello Ms! I'm Tenkai, Fraccion serving under Primera Thor. What's your name? You seem really strong so i was wondering if you'd like to play with me?" Tenkai's voice was elated sounding as it ever was and his forwardness was as foolhardy as it could be. Despite the scars on his chest and running across his face, he still hasn't developed a proper sense of danger. It wasn't of arrogance however, simple child like ignorance.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Fri Jun 25, 2021 4:43 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

Nakita kept relaxed on her throne knowing that the Arrancar would find its way to her. She was always correct on her assumptions of what others tend to do as one didn't need too much of a brain to know where power tends to be. She watched the small figure enter the throne room of her castle with some whimsical excitement, seemingly unaware of the danger that sat inside waiting.  A small smile painted on her lips as she slowly stood up allowing her Black kimono, lined with red spider lilies along the ends of the skirt and sleeve to move like water as her crimson red eyes watched the exciting youth as he stepped forward. She crossed her hands, resting her painted nails over her knees as she leaned forwards, listening to him speaks "Oh? Thor has finally decided to take on a fraccion, and such a young one at that?"She asked assumed by the fact. She allowed her crimson eyes to soften before she closed them nodding in his assumption. "You are correct. I am indeed strong and one of the Espada. I am the Sexta Espada, You can call me Lady Nakita Arachne. Welcome to my home." she spoke in a soothing soft tone before allowing her eyes to open while tilting her head to the left, a bit surprised and confused at his request "Really now? You sure you wish to play? I certainly wouldn't want to break one of Thor's new toys but  I have  grown a bit bored and a tad bit curious of why you seem so at home when most scream in terror at the sight of my children?" she asked

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Fri Jun 25, 2021 8:53 am
Tenkai's head tilted a little in minor confusion as she referred to all the spiders as her children - of course what else could she mean? The cute things were the only other creatures around. But then he smiled and shrugged. "You must be a good mom if you have this many kids..and why would people scream?"  Tenkai bent down to get close to one of the more curious breeds of spiders. "They're just spiders. If they hurt you, then you probably deserved it or are weak enough to be it's prey...but that's the same thing. I find them rather friendly." Tenkai spoke softly before standing back up and returning his attention fully over to Nakita.

"It's true you could break me if you're not careful. But, i still wanna play. I used to do it because I was just bored..but now." Tenkai pulled down his shirt at the front a little revealing a cross section of three sword scars carved deep into his chest like an asterisk. "..there is someone I want to hunt. So it's worth the risk to me." Tenkai's voice took an uncharacteristically cold bite to it when he spoke of the human who gave him these scars. The one on his face was a mistake, but this one bit deep and made Tenkai felt something he previously never did - pure hatred.

"Besides, you seem really nice Ms. Nakita. I'm sure you'll just bend me to a snapping point. So, can we have some fun?" His voice returning to it's normal child like enthusiasm as he replaced his shirt to it's proper place, careful not to tangle or break the custom stitching he had done himself on the outfit, which Nakita might notice was woven web.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Sun Jul 04, 2021 2:37 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

Nakita sat quietly watching him, taking in his words.  if she had a heart, it would be skipping tons of beats to see someone who actually understands her and the childern running around  "Interesting philosy."She spoke with a smile before listening to his reasoning on why he wanted to play "You poor child. You know I will possibly cause more scars upon you but hearing your story and seeing how you view my childern, I will play with you for a bit. "she spoke liftting a finger up before bending in to her palm as behind him a stack of knieves flew towards his back "careful where you step, my liar is dangerously fun"she said .

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Sun Jul 04, 2021 11:06 am
Mrs Nakita truly was a nice person if she was starting the playtime off with a parlor trick rather than attacking him directly herself, although that didn't change the fact he wasn't expecting it. Because of that delay in noticing dodging it fully was out but luckily in this case it was well within Tenkai's ability to handle. String imbued with his reaitsu would rapidly spew forth from the tips of the gloves he wore seamlessly weaving together into a pattern similar to that of an orb weaver's although layered thicker and with overlapping patterns. The result would be a webbed net Tenkai would use to intercept the knives. If it had been some kind of energy attack similar to a Cero they would have been reflected, though in the case of simple knives they would instead be hopelessly intertwined and stuck within the web.

Smiling and proud of his work he'd turn back around to Nakita before speaking "Thank you! I'll do my best not to bore you Ma'am!" that said he probably would only be as entertaining as she allowed but he could at the very least try to put on a good show for her. Tenkai would adjust his gloved hand some before speaking his release phrase "Crawl, Arachnophobia." inducing a now all too familiar transformation in his body. His hollow mask would largely reform over the lower half of his face, looking like the mandibles and fangs of a spider while his eyes remained uncovered, while his arms and legs elongated and narrowed to more resemble spider limbs, although since he still walked upright for it tended to make him look more like a spider monster to most.

Upon entering into his ressurection webs would spew from his body as always, crawling along the ground until covered either a full 100 meter radius or the entire room - whatever came first and whatever was touching those webs Tenkai could sense perfectly. Although normally these webs would also have an effect of slowing those who touched them other than Tenkai, he was curious to note if it would have any effect on his fellow spider friends.

"Time for my little friends to play too." Tenkai's voice still held it's childish tone although it had a notable clicking when he spoke now. More webs would spew from both of Tenkai's fingers, one weaving into a rather large spider around the size of a Lab and species wise looked like a funnel web spider. The other weaved into three smaller spiders (Around the size of American short hair house cats) and despite being constructs made of web and controlled by Tenkai himself, they all moved and fidgeted about just as one would expect from any living spider. With Tenkai comfortably in the center of his own web, he would twitch his finger to position the largest spider at his side like a guard dog and with another small finger movement the three jumping spiders would spread out: One to the left in a tree or on a wall, whichever was available, the right spider doing the same on the opposite side and the middle spider staying where it was.

Once in position the three little spiders would what they do best, each one firing off a single bala towards Nakita's general direction. Although he didn't expect to do any damage even if she let them impact her, it wouldn't be much of a play session if he didn't at the very least do some back and forth. Honestly, he was just hoping she'd be interested in his little woven friends as he was with her children.

Abilities used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Mon Jul 05, 2021 10:16 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

Nakita remain seated on her throne watching him easily catch her knieves in his webs "Nice reaction time."She spoke before allowing him to go immediately into ressurecion. Now she could go into her own ressureccion and tear him from limb to limb, but she wanted to see what  the little spider held. He was still small in power compared to her own, so squashing him wouldn't be fun. She watched him carefully as he transformed and formed 4 good size spiders. "Oh nice, I prefer my smaller ones, they make great ears and eyes for me."She commented watching the spiders move to their perspective places as he wished.

She looked around at them lifting up her hand before webbing of her own cut through his around her in a circle. The webbing spun in a circle cutting through the bala assault with ease. She allowed her hand to rest on the arm rest again before using her other to lean her left cheeck against with a smirk "That was an good attack kid. though I feel if you had waited and let my mind be taken off your friends by dealing with you, it would be more effective."She said, "think much like your prey, if you were in a web of a much larger predator, what ways would you flee? Would you use their domain against them? Maybe mess with their webbing around yourself to get free"She spoke much like a instructor would to a student.

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jul 08, 2021 1:58 pm
Tenkai smiled at the compliment although as she noted her preference in smaller spiders as eyes and ears he simply nodded. "Understandable. My eyes and ears are the web however. I can see and feel everything in this room that touches them. You have many beautiful children, more than I thought. Probably even more than I still know." Tenkai commented as he cut his eyes up to the ceiling and trees where he web didn't reach. As for the web Nakita cut away, she would notice it was rapidly weaving itself back together almost as soon as she sliced it as well. It was an automatic process and was continually generated from Tenkai, so destroying it completely wasn't that easy, avoiding it tended to be the best option although he doubted Nakita cared either way.

As Nakita went on to give him advice Tenkai gave out a small chuckle before responding. "See, you're a nicer lady than you let on. You're even humoring me that any of my attacks have a chance at landing. I knew you were powerful Nakita but with the webs I can see how powerful. Though not near Thor, far beyond me." Tenkai was unaware of Nakita's temperament and he was curious if that little jab would effect her at all. He figured the only way to  even have a chance at a solid hit was if she was distracted and rage tended to be a good one, granted if it even worked there was the matter of not dying..but such matters are best left to smarter people.

For now Tenkai would have all the spiders hold their positions, the small ones chilling in the trees still and the large one by his side. Attacking aimlessly wouldn't get him any place, so for now waiting was perhaps the best option. While he was aware winning wasn't going to be an available option he was at the very least, trying to lose in the best way possible.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Sun Jul 11, 2021 4:57 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"There is our difference, and In time, I believe you will be a force to be reckoned with as your fighting style is much different than mine."She complimented, listening to his explanation. In a way, she could be jealous of how cool it would be feeling and hearing through her webs, but then again, her children were her eyes and ears. They sensed what she did, and they thought what she thought. They can hold her conscious if she ever needed to escape a possible death. So many similarities but so many differences between the two Spider attuned Espada. "Well, I am a Mother for a reason. I hate people and things, but when they are small and defenseless or wanting to grow to stronger prey for me to fight, then I will nurture and help them grow to the fullest of my abilities, and if one manages to take my life, then I did my job as a mother."She spoke before looking up with him allowing her smile to soften. "There are so many more roaming around my halls, even the ones still growing."She spoke, adjusting herself in a chair. She looked back towards him. "I can see that and certainly acknowledge he is strong. I think the strength is wasted on the feeling of him being all human worldly lovey-dovey whatever of the things we call food in the human world, "She spoke, dismissively twirling her hand. " However, there is the hollow side that has allowed him to keep that third spot that even I know I can't possibly fight...Yet," she spoke, pausing on the last part to ensure she remembered their last fight right. "Now enough talk, are you going to actually come at me, or will I be coming for you little one?"she asked with a twisted grin as she allowed herself to lean forward in the chair

Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:54 pm
"Well, not surprised that didn't work. People seem oddly level headed around here." Tenkai thought to himself as he remembered how easily some of the Shinigami he has gone against were to throw off with anger. Perhaps it was just because anger was the crutch of the weak? Either way it seemed she was leaving him with no choice but to make a head on attack: So be it, it is what it is.

"Of course, my apologies." Tenkai smiled beneath his mask before raising his transformed hand before firing off two ceros at the same time towards Nakita: One of his own and the other from the large spider. As the two Cero raced towards Nakita's torso, Tenkai waited for right before they were about to impact, in hopes of Nakita being distracted by them, to have his little spiderlings fire off there bala rounds from their current positions.

It was his hope the three balas would be obscured by the larger ceros and the timing of the attack was designed for them to hit after whatever defense technique she employed took care of the Cero blast. Granted if she dodged then it would miss all the same but based off his earlier attack, he wasn't expecting her to dodge. Why would she after all? Tenkai at this point was viewing this more and more like a game. Damage be damned, he just was trying to score hit points at this stage.

Ability Used:
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Wed Jul 14, 2021 8:02 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"It is alright to wonder about our level-headed manners. We are a bit more ourselves than our brother hollows that end each other's lives each and every time for power," she spoke watched him with a smile before watching the spiders attack with ceros once again, though this time she just dismissively flick a hand before   seve3ral smaller spiders moved in front of each cero. She didn't fully expect the balas but raised a hand taking them head-on with her palm "nice trick."She spoke flicking her wrist wiping off her partially existing hand as webs formed around where her fingers once were, working on regenerating them  "I kinda expected that to be a trick later on. color me impressed."She spoke slowly standing up "Now would you like me to show you how to really fight like an Arrancar?" she asked lacing her fingers together before  raising them above her head stretching


Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:01 am
The second Nakita stood up Tenkai would reflexively redraw all his spiders back to him in a defensive line in front of him, headed by the big spider and flanked on both of his sides by the smaller ones. Honestly, Tenkai couldn't tell if he was more excited or terrified of whatever she was about to throw at him, but he'd think more on that if he managed to survive it. But he would be lying if he claimed not to be interested in what exactly an Espada could do, especially one so much like himself.

"Of course, Ms Nakita! I am excited to see what a fellow spider can do." Tenkai said with an implied smile under the mask, although he still was nervous. But who wouldn't be in this position? For now the best he could do was have his spiders in front of him for defense and have his fingers together prepared to use his web weave in case of an energy based attack. Otherwise he just waited patiently for whatever display of power she settled on with morbid curiosity.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Tue Jul 20, 2021 2:29 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"Aw Did I scare the little spider?"She teased seeing him instinctively pull his spiders back to his side in a defensive manner to prepare what the woman will do. She smirks feeling her own excitement forming from the sight. So scared over the fact she just literally stood up. Oh, the things she could do and the enjoyment she was feeling through her veins, awakening in excitement. A smile broke on her face as she flicked her wrist holding it out to the side as a single web retracted back into her skin pulling forth a black sheathed blade with red threads running down the sheath. "Alright time for the baby gloves to come off...Let's have some real fun."She said with a smirk pulling the blade from the sheath as she spoke "Weave the Web of their destruction, Supaidākuīn" She spoke removing the blade from the sheath.

Now she never needed to go into her resurrection, but she couldn't resist the urges for actually letting loose and seeing the limit to his power and how far she can break Thor's new toy. Oh, it was too hard to resist. Reiastu flowed out from around her increasing by the second as the pressure alone was threatening to flatten all around her as her own spiders perished into dust spirling back around her before the reaistu closed in focusing into Nakita.

A laugh came from within the new storm that died down revealing Nakita's slim figure cloaked into a black form-fitting bodysuit. 4 large legs arched from Nakita's back as a mask covering her entire face in a form of a spider rested around Nakita's face. sharp talon-like nails formed around her hands. She took a deep breath in before letting out a laugh cracking her neck and knuckles "Oh It feels so good to finally let myself out."She said before looking back at him "Now are you ready to see how far you can bend before you break."


Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Tue Jul 20, 2021 1:49 pm
When she asked if he was scared he honestly let out a genuinelittle chortle of a laugh - Tenkai was a bit to stupid for fear "No, no, scared isn't the right word, though considering you're on my web and I can see exactly how powerful you are, perhaps I should be? I just consider this taking you seriously Ms. Nakita." If it wasn't for his childly pitched voice - even through the clicking - and general inquisitive tone, one might think he was mocking Nakita. He wasn't however, Tenkai was simply being the child he is and not fully grasping the situation or at the very least only holding onto what he finds most interesting.

Even once she had released, Tenkai wasn't scared exactly more so excited to see what a fellow spider could do. Sure he was going to be the target dummy for it but so what? He just had to not die, simple enough. "Yes, I'm ready. I want to see what a fellow spider can do." Tenkai spoke with a soft grin under his mask. He simply stayed with his spiders, awaiting her first move, with his senses focused and sharp.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Fri Jul 23, 2021 1:13 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"A sensor huh? That won't work on one who has a kido that hides their presence...I think it's Bakudo 26...Maybe 25." she spoke vaguely remembering the proper kido that would surely counteract his webbing. under her feet, her own webbing formed and quickly expanded connecting with her webbing under his layer while on top "So Tell me. If I was to place my own webbing on top or around your own, Could you still sense me? Or would it be an annoying sense of something but not fully being able to tell?" she asked pulling a hand back as some dead spider limbs twitched and wiggled before coming to life, seemingly on their own flying at him from behind him.

While at the same time she fired two Bala at him. She allowed a single laugh to escape her lips before she suddenly disappeared, only to reappear standing upside down above him pulling her hand down only for her own webbing to cut against his own, underneath him, aiming to send him towards her.


Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Sat Jul 24, 2021 3:05 am
"It would be less effective, but I'd still be able to see them. While I might not be able to read their exact energies as clearly, I'd still be fully aware of their position. Think of it like your hair. If something was crawling on your hair, even something extremely light and hidden, you'd know of it. It's kinda like that but intensely more sensitive." Thinking for a moment on her next question he'd nod a little before responding.

"I'd imagine covering the web with something would work, at least until the area was recovered. It would be a bit of a battle of attrition at that point I'd imagine." Almost as soon as he finished his sentence Nakita had vanished though not before firing two bala towards him. Tenkai responded in kind by flairing his power as far as he could stretch it, returning bala for bala to cancel them out.

As soon as that was done however he felt a sharp pain in his shoulders as two of something struck him from behind, whatever it was it wasn't making contact with his web so he didn't even see it coming, too distracted by the Espada he was playing with to have sensed otherwise. When Nakita appeared above him, Tenkai instantly activated his Hierro in anticipation for another attack before he was being tugged into the air towards her by Nakita's webs.

Twitching his left hand Tenkai's large spider spun around and fired a Cero towards Nakita and himself. He was hoping it would force her back to drop him, if not he might be in trouble being bound up like he was.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Tue Jul 27, 2021 12:54 am
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"That is interesting but here is the thing my little spider, never let your prey distract you."She teased. She enjoyed his logic and could see what he was saying, but then again she was once again testing him. seeing if he would grow a little dull from a distraction, which worked when she saw him flying towards her. A smirk was on her face while she lifted a claw taking the cero head-on before knocking it to the side. She took a deep breath before breathing out a purple mist towards him while she pushed off the ceiling coming down at him wrapping her fist in steel tough webbing aiming to slam him back down to the ground with all her might.


Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:06 am
It was rather rare he took a straight hit like this and it was moments like this Tenkai was glad Hierro was one of his talents. Nakita would find as her punch connected that his skin, like a proper exoskeleton was surprisingly tough despite their general power difference and although he would indeed slam into the ground, the physical damage was rather minimal, though he was simply lucky it wasn't anything worse than a punch. As for the poison he inhaled from Nakita it didn't seem to be doing anything to him yet, though he doubted it would be that way for very long and the fact she slapped away one of his Ceros basically concluded the fight for him, although he wasn't going to get off that easy.

"Don't get distracted..good advice." Tenkai spoke through the pants. Although he was incredibly sturdy for his stature, stamina was something else entirely. If he was all out of tricks in terms of attack power, he'd just have to try and fight smarter for the moment. Jumping to his feet Tenkai Sonido'd away to have his back against a wall, elemenating at least one area Nakita could ambush him from and shortly his spiders surrounded him. For now his only real chance was to focus on counter attack, especially with the unknown effects of whatever it was he inhaled.

"So, what do you do when caught in the web of a predator you can't beat? I'll take all the advice I can get." He said with a slight chortle to his tone. The situation was scary but it was still pretty fun and if he managed not to die it probably would stay that way.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Thu Jul 29, 2021 9:03 pm
Nakita Arachne
Meeting one of her Kin

"You watch their every movement, you listen to their every breath and wait for the single second they allow their guard down before you take them out. for you, focus on attatching your webs to your finger tips and move them without your enemy seeing them."She said folding her arms before tapping a finger on her arm causing a single lone web that rested, unknowingly to his shirt to sudden send him flying to her "doing so will catch your target off. this is also a good thing to getting closer to your enemy if you cant get in directly"she added


Tier: 1-2
Title: Espada Sexta
Alias: Nakita, Naki- Chan
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Posts : 161
Join date : 2021-06-19

[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

Tue Aug 03, 2021 1:33 am
A pain wracked through his body as Nakita's poison started to take effect. Although he couldn't tell what was happening it was clear his Hierro wasn't going to do him much good against it. Not only that, he couldn't even make out what Nakita was saying anymore, not clearly anyway. It was like he was hearing hundreds of people talking at once, it was making his head spin.

Although he was doing his best to fight through it to try and get his senses about him, it was rather useless: The toxin was simply something he couldn't handle so as he got yoinked through the air, he was completely helpless to whatever follow up strike she would use to follow up. Out of desperation he weaved together a familiar webbed shield to cover the front of his body hoping that it would if nothing else reduce the damage of whatever was coming towards him. But, in all honesty this was probably what it looked like: Game over.
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[Private] Meeting of Kin Empty Re: [Private] Meeting of Kin

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