My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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[Private] Broken Mask Empty [Private] Broken Mask

Wed May 05, 2021 2:05 pm
Sziercesaal wore a face, but he wasn't sure if it was his own. He touched his cheek. It was smooth and pale. Something he didn't expect to feel. Or at least, not a way he expected himself to feel. Still, as his fingers ran down his chin, to his neck, then to bony growths on his collar bone, he was reminded of himself. He was an arrancar- among the strongest of them. It had been eight hundred years since Sziercesaal had died. His name was different, and he had all but forgotten his past life. It was difficult to think that far back, especially with the screams of all the different souls that had become his body ringing in the back of his mind whenever he closed his eyes for too long.

The arrancar sat on his bed, looking idly at a human-sized brass cage. For about fifty years, he had existed in that cage. If there was anything he could remember, it was the agony of being eaten only to be reborn so that he could experience the same trauma again. Then, the satisfaction of his plan coming to fruition, paying off in a shiny new arrancar body. Yet, when he looked at his fingers, they still did not feel like his own, even if the sensation in them was.

"You must be Ana." He said, turning his head up as he felt a presence approaching his door. "Please, come in. I don't think we've met before. I've been a bit... busy."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Wed May 05, 2021 11:11 pm
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Around the age of 15, a petite teen watched the simple door to the room she had been called to. She just stared, memorizing every little line of the wood that made up the door, lost in her little world of thought. She was still trying to register what events have happened and the new change in her life. She was Alondra Owalce, the Former 5th Espada's Fraccion. However, now she was the new 5th's fraccion. She enjoyed her former life and the knowledge she had gained, but maybe she just got too used to the same old and forgot, death is permeated even in this world.

A light gasp escaped from her naked lips as an unfamiliar voice brought her back to reality. She stood at the height of 4,9" as her weight could be estimated around 100 or so.  Dark chocolate brown hair fell over her shoulders, braided into two low braids on either side of her head, reaching down to her armpits. Part of an Owl shape skull rested loosely on top of her head, allowing some sight of her eye lash-length bangs to be seen beyond the fractured cracks of a former beak. Her eyes were big and bright, holding to glowing orbs of Amber, full of life and wonder. Her skin was pale and smooth to the touch, like freshly placed sand evened out on the beach in the moonlight. So soft and untouched with a glow of youth to it. six whitewings wrapped around her figure, forming a cloak of sorts, hiding her stature underneath other than from her mid-calf down to her feet that were partially covered with a black cloth.

"Uh, y-yes."She managed to get out before she reached forward, taking ahold of the doorknob before giving it a light turn while pushing forward, opening the door. She moved slowly inside, closing the door lightly behind her. "My real name is Alondra Owacle, but my previous Espada preferred to call me Ana. "She said, looking down to the side, avoiding looking towards him. She was never really good with talking to anyone outside those she knows and this being. He was familiar but very unfamiliar, so it was awkward, to say the least, for her as she wasn't sure how she should act or feel towards this situation.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Thu May 06, 2021 12:00 am
Sziercesaal stood up, and as if purposefully trying to build anticipation, walked slowly toward Alondra. Though he was on the average to shorter end relative to the other Espada, Sziercesaal stood at more than one imposing foot higher than his subordinate. He knew that she looked away to avoid eye contact with him, so it delighted the Espada to loom over the frightened girl. Sziercesaal crept his hand sneakily over Alondra's cheek and turned her gaze in the direction of the cage. His other arm entered later into her perspective to further reinforce the direction that she should be looking at, the long nail on his index finger clearly highlighting the numerous marks on the inside of the cage.

"One thousand two hundred and forty three." He said. "There are one thousand, two hundred and forty three marks. I made one each time I regenerated, and it takes me three days to regenerate." The Espada continued. Though Alondra may not have noticed it, the Espada turned his head down toward her, and began to uncomfortably breathe his warm, humid breath into her hair and down her neck.

"You've seen it, haven't you?" He asked, beginning to laugh to himself. When he broke physical contact, he twirled around and broke into full, cackling laughter. "AHAHAHA! Huh..." He sighed, then leaned back into the girl. He placed his hand gently on the nape of her neck. "He liked to start from here." He started, then traced his finger over Alondra's neck. "Then, he'd sever my head and take out my spine... He always ate my mask last. He wanted me to watch every excruciating minute when he ate me alive."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Thu May 06, 2021 1:24 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra kept her eyes downcast to the side to avoid looking towards the Sziercesaal to best she could, as that was easier said than down as the Espada towered over the girl. She tried her best to keep herself from running out of fear seeing the shadow of his hand moving over to her cheek, slowly moving her gaze towards the cage. She watched the cage while keeping a keen eye on his free hand, listening to his next words. Enclosed spaces were something Alondra tend to avoid, like the plague. She hated them and feared them for some self-explanatory reasons and some not so obvious. She winced, shutting her eyes out of the unexpected feeling of a small flow of his warm breath stroking itself against her head moving down to her neck, touching the exposed skin, sending goosebumps with each wave through her neck to her shoulders. Her feathers ruffled a bit as she maintained a calm demeanor, standing her ground where she stood. She closed her eyes, listening to his question before deciding to answer, "Yes...I have seen it and managed to avoid it at all costs."She replied, unsure if that was the best answer, but that was the truth in her eyes. She did whatever she needed to keep in the good graces of her old Espada, cause, well, his feeding habits were not exactly a quiet affair. Some of those cries and screams still haunt her sleep now and then.

  Alondra felt him being too laugh, which was weird and got weirder as he broke into full cackling laughter for a few moments before returning his tension to the girl.  She tensed up, feeling his bare hand touch the nape of her neck, feeling a finger track along with it."W-Why are you telling me this...I know my previous Espada was a monster and one with a bottomless stomach...As much as  I wanted to stop those feedings, there was nothing I could do or end up as one of them.."She said, lowering her tone down to a whisper towards the end.                      

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Thu May 06, 2021 9:18 am
"One day, I overcame your master, and I myself had become the master," Sziercesaal stated, walking forward toward the cage. He grabbed the bars and looked down, pressing his head against the metal bars. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "One day, you will do the same to me. In fact, I'd be disappointed if you didn't at least try." Sziercesaal explained, pushing away from the cage.

The espada held one hand out. "Good. Heaven. The fool. The lamb." He started, then held his other hand out. "Evil. Hell. The master. The lion." He put his hands together, then turned finally to face his fraccion. His stature practically forced him to look down on her.

"Without contraries, there is no progression. Attraction, repulsion. Reason, energy. Love, hate. These are necessary to our existence." Sziercesaal explained and smiled.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 2:28 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

"If I was to fight you , you would be disappointed in my current state. Fighting and growing was not something I have been really allowed to achieve or become great at."She spoke looking up towards him watching his display " I am willing to learn and follow as it is what I contracted to do when following you as my Espada."said Alondra listening to his ,somewhat, inspirational words.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 2:53 am
"Typical." Sziercesaal bit his lip, then placed his index finger on Alondra's forehead, his nail scratching at her mask fragment. The espada wore a disappointed grimace as he stared down his subordinate, visibly disapproving of her response. "The first thing I should teach you is how to listen." He said with a grim tone.

"The lamb is weaker than the lion." He continued, lowering himself until his mouth was close enough to Alondra's head that his lip nearly touched her ear and he looked as if he were about to bite it. "The lamb is prey." He further elaborated. "And yet, the lamb is equal to the lion."

The taller arrancar began to stroke the young girl's hair as if he were talking down to a pet. He lifted his head back up, reinforcing his position as being superior to the girl. "Hueco Mundo- no- this whole existence is ruled by lions. But they do not know. They cannot hear. They cannot see." He backed away.

"Your former master should have been a warning and a lesson. This body wasn't my reward for being mightier than anyone. The next time you have a meal, you should let that lesson digest as well. Or would you rather be kept in there until you figure it out?" Sziercesaal pointed at the cage.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 3:29 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra expected a slight disappointment from him but not a near total disappointment from her new master. She allowed her eyes to follow his movements as he brought up a nail towards her forehead,feeling his nail scratching against what was left of her former mask before he lowered himself to her height before coming in close to her ear. She moved her eyes to the side listening to his words of the lamb being prey but yet equal to the Lion or something. She winced out of some surprised feeling one of his hands begin to stroke her hair as she felt his head lift up.

Her eyes continued to follow his movements as he backed up speaking of how the lamb was equal to the lion, which at first went over her head for a few seconds as she tried thinking of his comparison and lesson before his next words shocked her to her core, allowing the last part to linger longer then the rest of the lesson.

"I-I'll ensure I will learn this lesson."She studdered keeping her eyes locked on the cage, her wings shifting around her uneasily from her nervousness and fear.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 2:39 pm
Suddenly, the espada's hand clenched Alondra by her chin. He lowered his head, pressing his forehead against her mask. "Oh, little lamb." He cooed, then held her hand. He put something in it. It was fleshy and pulsated. He lifted it up and when he moved his hand away, it revealed a worm-like object.

"This is a part of me. You should recognize it. It's a secret. The secret to my immortality. Plant it somewhere the air is rich with spirit energy. Or don't." He instructed, nuzzling his fraccion's forehead against his own. "Just know that I give this to you because I trust you." He said.

"Oh little lamb. You will be nurtured. And soon, you too can overcome any lion."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 10:26 pm
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra gasped feeling his hand suddenly clench her by the chin holding her head still as his forehead came to rest against her mask as her eyes watched him the best they could while feeling him grab her hand. She was not sure what was going to happen as anything could happen at any moment especially the feeling of something small and fleshy with a pulse now resting in it. She looked down towards her hand listening to him "So this...That is the reason you survived...All those times, but...why give it to me. How do you know I won't destroy it and take you out?" she asked confused looking between him and the worm in her hand trying to wrap her head around the new situation

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Fri May 07, 2021 11:06 pm
"Trust." He answered. "Like I said. You don't have to take care of it. You can destroy it, if you'd like. Eat it, if you can stomach it. Maybe it will gain you my power. Maybe it will gain me a new body." Sziercesaal elaborated, ending with a stifled but sinister laugh. The espada stepped back and opened the door into the halls of Las Noches. Then, he gestured for his fraccion to follow him, wagging his finger and nudging his head. In a strange gesture of chivalry, the espada held the door open. Or perhaps, he was trying to lower their gap in power, at least figuratively.

"Let's talk about your training, little lamb. It wouldn't be entertaining to have you as my fraccion if you weren't powerful enough to keep me on my toes. Without contraries, there is no progression."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 18, 2021 12:37 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

"Uh...Thanks for the.. trust?" she said trying to think of the proper wording. As much as she was holding a helpless worm and her instincts were scream to just end him take that power. She couldn't stomach the thought of him regrowing and reforming over and over or even possibly taking over her body. Even that destroyed any appetite that she was even thinking of having of the worm in her cupped hands. She adjusted her hands back into her wrapped wings holding the worm in a very safe and secretive place for safekeeping. She allowed her gaze to follow him as her body soon caught up with his beckoning. She headed out the door first, seeing as he opened it for her to go first "I have a name and I am not a Lamb I am an Owl if your speaking literal animals."She spoke gently looking up towards him "I hope I can be of some use during training"She Spoke

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 18, 2021 3:03 pm
"It's a figure of speech. I suppose we as hollow aren't known for our intelligence, so I will forgive you just this once." Sziercesaal explained. The hallways of Sziercesaal's castle were eerily empty. Their footsteps echoed loudly through the halls. As Sziercesaal had taken over just recently, most of the decorations around the castle were still recognizable to the young fraccion, probably having been there since she had arrived.

Sziercesaal stopped at a portrait that had been drawn of the previous Sixth Espada. It was the one whose body he had taken. His face was different. His hair was different. Their builds, however, were the same and it was clear from a silhouette that they could have been the same person. Sziercesaal placed his nails on the cheek of the portrait and raked his claws gently across its face.

"Who is the strongest among the Espada?" Sziercesaal asked. "And don't say me. I'm not looking for flattery."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Thu May 20, 2021 2:09 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

"I do not remember ever knowing of the figure of speech, I don't remember much of life before our former Espada ripped my mask off," She said lifting a hand to the mask sitting on top of her head following  Sziercesaal down the eerily empty halls. She hated the silents, the echoes of footsteps haunting those who don't know the beings they belong to. Maybe that was part of the atmosphere that kept her and many others under the former scared of trying anything, the unknown was something she was scared of the most.

She stopped soon after him, allowing her train of thought to return to reality station as she looked up at the massive portrait of the former. She could still remember the haunting words shaking her thoughts free as she responded to his question "Uh, well if you had wanted flattery I would have indeed said you but if I remember anything of the others I have met or heard of. Graven Fel, Our Cero Espada, The...Lazy wolf is said to be the strongest of all the Espada from what I have heard of other Arrancar and hollows that I was allowed to meet. I have only seen  him a few times and all I remember is he has some long hair that is well kept."She said trying to search her memory of graven as she never actually spoke to him before.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Thu May 20, 2021 10:24 pm
As an act of intimidation, the Espada placed his hand over Alondra's hand and began to tighten his grip as if to rip it off. He didn't pull, showing that his intent was more of a scare tactic than anything else. He did look down at her imposingly to frighten her, but really he looked down so that he could gauge her reaction. After all, he needed to know what he was working with if he was going to have any success training his fraccion. "That's a good answer." He said. Then, he took his hand off. Sziercesaal continued walking down the steps. He remained quiet but didn't answer when his fraccion spoke. He let her bathe in the silence until finally, the whoosh of air from the outside greeted him as Sziercesaal opened the gate of his tower.

"The cero king is quite strong. The strongest even, perhaps." Sziercesaal said, then crouched down to grab a handful of sand. "But he is old. The oldest even, perhaps. Age can make one complacent. It will definitely make you blind." He continued, letting the sand fall between his fingertips in front of Alondra. "No. He's making himself blind. His time is nearing an end. Eventually, someone stronger will come, and the cero king will be defeated. Maybe it will be one of the shinigami, who seem to think we're evil but aren't doing anything about it. Maybe it will be one of us, and he'll be eaten. Maybe even alive, and there will be a new Espada. No. Perhaps there could be no Espada. Or perhaps, that could be you."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Mon May 24, 2021 5:28 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra froze feeling him grab ahold of her hand wincing slightly more and more to fully shutting her eyes upon feeling his grip tighten more and more around her small hand threatening to crush it. She wasn't exactly sure what this was to prove or test but she was relieved feeling his grip loosen as her hand retracted back into her feather cloak being comforted by her other one as she heard her compliment her choice of words before going on with a continuation of a philosophy talk again, which this one she kinda understood with the whole age making you blind and weak as time tends to be the end of everyone, even gods. However the last part she was sort of lost. She understood anyone could end graven or time could on its own. maybe that was the understanding. "I don't think it will be me, I am not that strong, I wasn't built to handle a predator like him. I know this off pure instinct. I know my current set of abilities and my strengths and weaknesses. I could never hold a candle to his wind" She said gently looking up towards him, unsure if those words she spoke were a good thing or not to admit. She knew monsters but that one is very much a wolf in sheep clothing and it was a very starved one craving the prey they call time to satisfy its undying hunger from the cage that was its body.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Mon May 24, 2021 12:31 pm
Sziercesaal looked down, pitifully at his fraccion. He reached back into the sand and released his spirit energy as he tightened his grip, causing a palpable whoosh of wind to emanate from his hand. When the energy died down, Sziercesaal opened his palm to reveal the sand compressed into a rock. "Pay attention." He instructed, then tossed the rock between his hands. While he did so, he made sweeping motions with his left foot in the sand in time with each time he swapped the position of the rock. He did so five times, then closed his palms.

"Don't look down now. In which hand am I holding the rock in?" He asked. His left hand clearly looked as if there were something in it, his fingers slightly wider apart to accommodate an object.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 25, 2021 5:04 pm
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra a kept her eyes on his hands watching him take aho ld of sand before feeling his energy release enough times to watch it get a turn to rock before she looked up when he said to pay attention before seeing him switch the rock between his hands "From your Movements...I want to say the left one with the way your hand is but part of me says to say your right really has it as an attempt to deceive me...Uh If I had to choose. I'm going with the obvious Left hand. Was I right?" she asked looking up at him again, giving a hopeful look that she was right in her decision to go with the obvious.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 25, 2021 5:19 pm
Sziercesaal opened his palm to reveal that the rock was indeed in his left hand. The Espada nodded, seemingly in approval as he opened his other hand to show that there was no sleight of hand going on. "Good. That's good." He said, continuing to leave his fraccion on. "Keep your head up," he directed, "what was the number I drew on the ground? I'll give you a hint, it has three digits." This, of course, returned to his original instruction: Pay attention. It was a simple task, but it was the beginning of Alondra's training.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
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Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 25, 2021 5:25 pm
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

"huh? I actually got that right? that is amazing."She said before thinking back to what he was doing with his foot. it was a sweeping motion and five times but a 3 digit number. Af ter a few seconds she decided to answer to say
Well How about 331? That would be the most logical of the sweeping and the amount of times and the number of digits? Was I right of that as well?"she asked tilting her head to the side in curiosity of whether she got it right or not.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue May 25, 2021 7:05 pm
"That's a good guess. Maybe there's some potential in you after all. But no." Sziercesaal pointed down, revealing the number four hundred and eleven written in the sand between his feet. "You completed the task at hand, and that's good. A good warrior will complete the mission. But any drone can do that. I don't want my fraccion to be mindless drones. If you're to think for yourself, then you should develop a keen situational awareness first. Remember my instructions: Pay attention." He explained.

"Still. Making a guess like that meant you had a strong intuition and weren't afraid to make a mistake. That shows you have the potential to grow, and that's all I could ask for. I can train you." He smiled, having found a quality he had been looking for in an apprentice.
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Mon May 31, 2021 3:59 pm
Alondra “Ana” Owacle
Meeting her new Espada

Alondra was a bit disappointed in her guess being wrong but his praise made up for the wrong answer being right in the sense that she was right to make an educated guess without any hints or clues other than how many times his foot moved along with his hands. "So there is hope for someone like me? That I can truly grow stronger and be someone who can come out on top with my own power?"she asked believing there was such a thing she could do for herself from his words.

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Mon May 31, 2021 7:55 pm
"Willingness to make a mistake is the key step of thinking on your feet, and thinking on your feet is key in winning any battle." Sziercesaal stated, then gestured for his fraccion to follow him. He paced around his castle, taking a route that seemed to be designed to be exasperating as possible, as if he were purposefully tire his fraccion out. Despite being new to his body himself, having inhabited the body longer than he had control over it gave him some level of familiarity. Having a stronger body than what he was used to also helped. All the while, he kept up conversation, as if to set the pace of their stroll. Of course, all of this was on purpose. The training had already begun.

"It isn't every day that a master is able to transfer his knowledge, and even rarer that one does so openly. You should be thankful that you were my fraccion, and not that of another Espada. That is, if it's already been so long since the last." He reminded her. "There is no reason to rush into decision making, but a slow response is rarely the mark of a clever thinker. Keep this in mind the next time you are forced into battle."
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue Jun 22, 2021 2:23 am
Alondra “Ana” Owacle

Alondra nodded as she shifted her weight some before she continued to follow as he beckoned. She knew the hallways of this castle , but for the life of her, she could not guess where they were going or even why? He knew the layout of this castle right? was he just testing out the body he took control of?That might be the reason right? unlikely but still possible. She looked around timidly at their surroundings as she followed. "I am grateful for this teaching and for you allowing me to become your fraccion instead of another."she replied before tilting her head looking towards him as she listened. "But you can't slowly think in some battles, even if your opponent is quick in response. I can't like stop time long enough for me to think what I am to do."she said

Title: Fraccion of the 5th
Alias: Ana, Owl
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Posts : 184
Join date : 2021-02-12

[Private] Broken Mask Empty Re: [Private] Broken Mask

Tue Jun 22, 2021 1:18 pm
"Do you know what Espada means?" Sziercesaal asked. When he did so, he made it back into the tower and led Ana up a spiral staircase. "It means sword. Though our own zanpakuto aren't truly made out of metal and indeed, mine isn't even a sword, our zanpakuto are not our swords. We are. And a sword, more than any other weapon, is versatile and takes a long time to truly master. There is a saying, lamb, that metal sharpens metal." He continued as they walked.

"Likewise, we should keep each other sharp. But that will be difficult if you have no one of equal strength to challenge you. So that will be your first task as my fraccion." He opened a door and wind immediately came rushing in. The two of them were at the top of one of Sziercesaal's castle spires overlooking Hueco Mundo. "Find yourself, training partners. They should be roughly your equal, so I recommend you challenge them to battle to make sure that they're capable enough.Then, bring them back to me and I'll train all of you."
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