My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising
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Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Noble Matters (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Noble Matters (Private)

Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:33 pm
Seishin closed her visible eye listening to him go on about the situation as she once again relaxed back "This is just a reconsidering not backstabbing. The gotei allowing some of its forces to 'volunteer' at these places instead of doing their actual job especially for one such as the fifth. Kinda makes your squad look soft, even for being a battle-harden squad. But you are also right, the traditionalists are very much not for funding something that will not be showing any possible results even if the results are that of possibly gaining more to the ranks of the seritei."She said "Have you gone to the other traditional noble houses to see why they do not wish for the construction?"she asked folding her hands over her stoumach.
Graven Fel
Graven Fel
Cero Espada
Cero Espada
Posts : 142
Join date : 2021-02-17
Age : 26

Noble Matters (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Noble Matters (Private)

Sun Aug 01, 2021 9:27 pm
While Seishin continued to explain her position and opinions, Okami's face remained unmoved, and if this weren't so important he'd have already started laughing at the woman's response. As it was, he waited politely for her to finish before speaking. "All of the nobles that signed kept their word, other than you, and your support practically guaranteed the Traditionalists would agree. You know this as well as I do. As to your implications about my Division..."

Leaning back in his chair, looking about as comfortable as a wolf watching his prey, the Captain would speak, his voice low and filled with sympathy for the men he commanded. "Many of the Shinigami who volunteered, including three of the Seated Officers who signed their agreement, grew up in the areas of the Rukongai that we are speaking of. They fought tooth and nail to survive, and jumped on the chance to improve things for those who can't protect themselves. You and I both know that a battle between spiritual beings is a battle of reiatsu. Even an unseated Shinigami is far stronger than a random thug, due to the fact that they have power. One or two guards is all that is needed at any given point, and the likelihood of injury is near-zero. On top of that, their actual duties are to protect the Soul Society with all that they are, and I expect nothing less of my men. If that means being stationed at an orphanage, helping the less fortunate and making sure that they aren't taken advantage of, then they will do it gladly. Your mistake is thinking that the Fifth Division is a gaggle of unrefined thugs and barbarians, when in reality my subordinates are so much more."

The words Okami had used carefully deconstructed everything Seishin had said, showing her where she had erred in her judgement, and subtly digging at the fact that she hadn't kept her word. There was one more jab he could get in, though. "Given that you have gone back on your word, that is a slight to the honor of the Shiba Clan. It is a stain on my honor as their Lord, and a stain on the Clan that my mother loved so much. You have NEVER gone back on your word when you have given it to me, until now. I've even gotten you to agree to far more ridiculous things than this, and you still held true to your words. Why is it that you would insult me and mine now?"
Aurora Yashia
Aurora Yashia
Posts : 97
Join date : 2019-10-30

Noble Matters (Private) - Page 2 Empty Re: Noble Matters (Private)

Fri Aug 06, 2021 3:36 am
"This isn't insulting you or your word Lord Shiba. Alot of the traditonalists feel that this is a waste reguardless of the help and assistance the fifth will give cause this serves nothing but a place for some of your officers to sit around and grow stail in their traditions while guarding a bunch of kids. is some of the fifth going to make their clothes and cook them nutrious meals? build beds, toys etc? Such things to traditionalists as you know dont like giving handouts to those who will not show their gratitude or contribution to life out there." she said shrugging as she reached into the desk drawers pulling out a few scrolls "these are of some of the traditional houses who have expressed their concerns over your orphanage out there. Most just see money pits."She said

"It is more they are scared that if they is a success there will be more and more, shortening the gap in worth and power when giving the weaker masses any sort of hope they dont fully work for into our academy when childern of their own can't be bothered to be better."Spoke Anna deciding this was getting stupid "It may not be my place to speak on the subject but I seen how the childern of noble act as shinigami compared to childern of the rukongai act as shinigami in both the academy and the squads...Most of my squad comes from the rukongai as most nobles can't be bothered to get better as anything hard."She said

"That is what I thought from these varying letter they feel like sending me. shortening the gap of control and power, fear of change, the thought of their childern actually getting beat out of the academy by simple souls in the rukongai. I don't like that thought either but I can adjust my own views as I am no spring chicken and someday hopefully in the future, I will no longer be dealing with these old dogs."She said in some agreement to Anna as she didn't like the fact Anna already seemed to know the reason for this discussion.
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